
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Two in five North Koreans are undernourished and more than 70% of the population relies on food aid, the United Nations says.聯(lián)合國稱,五分之二的朝鮮人營養(yǎng)不良,超過七成的人口依賴糧食援助。

In a new report, it said most North Koreans also lacked access to basic healthcare or sanitation.一份新報告稱,大部分朝鮮人缺乏基本的醫(yī)療保險和衛(wèi)生設(shè)施。Diarrhoea and pneumonia are the two main causes of death for children under five, the report said.報告稱,腹瀉和肺炎是五歲以下兒童死亡的兩大主要原因。Humanitarian needs had been exacerbated by "recurrent natural hazards", such as frequent floods and drought.人道主義需求由于經(jīng)常發(fā)生的水災(zāi)和干旱等“復(fù)發(fā)性自然災(zāi)害”而加劇。"Amidst political tensions, an estimated 18 million people across DPRK [North Korea] continue to suffer from food insecurity and undernutrition, as well as a lack of access to basic services," the UN report said.聯(lián)合國報告稱:“在政治緊張局勢中,朝鮮約有1800萬人口繼續(xù)飽受糧食不安全,營養(yǎng)不良以及缺乏基本服務(wù)的折磨!"Furthermore, 10.5 million people, or 41% of the total population, are undernourished."“此外,占總?cè)丝跀?shù)41%的1050萬人口營養(yǎng)不良!盜solated North Korea, which has a population of about 25 million, has faced significant food shortages for years.多年來,與世隔絕的朝鮮約有2500萬人口,面臨嚴重的食物短缺。Hundreds of thousands are believed to have died during a widespread famine in the 1990s.20世紀90年代的時候,成千上萬的人在遍地饑荒中死去。The UN report said the situation had improved since then, "in part as a result of humanitarian assistance".聯(lián)合國報告稱,部分出于人道主義援助,自那以后情況改善了。However, two-thirds of North Koreans still depend on food being distributed by the state. The UN report said rations of items such as cereals and potatoes had been reduced from 380g per person per day to just 300g for several months last year.然而,三分之二的朝鮮人仍然依靠國家分發(fā)的食物。 聯(lián)合國報告說,谷物和馬鈴薯等物品的配給量,由去年的每個人每天380克減少到僅僅300克。"Fluctuations over the year are normal," it said, but added that state "rations are consistently lower than the government target of an average of 573g per person per day".報告稱:“今年的波動是很正常的!钡菆蟾嫜a充說,國家配給連續(xù)低于政府每人每天平均573克的目標。North Korea is heavily sanctioned under UN resolutions for its nuclear and missile tests.根據(jù)聯(lián)合國決議,朝鮮受到嚴格的核準和導(dǎo)彈試驗制裁。The report said international sanctions had affected humanitarian efforts, making it more difficult for agencies to transfer funds and equipment.報告說,國際制裁影響到人道主義工作,使得機構(gòu)更難轉(zhuǎn)移資金和設(shè)備。It also noted a "radical decline in donor funding since 2019".報告還強調(diào),自2019年以來捐助者資金急劇下降。"As a result agencies have been forced to significantly reduce the assistance they provide. Consequently, critical needs of some of the most vulnerable have not been met.“因此,機構(gòu)被迫大大減少了他們提供的援助,一些最脆弱群體的關(guān)鍵需求還沒有得到滿足!"More predictable funding is urgently required to ensure the immediate needs of the most vulnerable are addressed."“迫切需要更多可預(yù)測的資金,來確保最脆弱群體的迫切需要能夠得到解決!
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1244598.html
