much too與too much的用法區(qū)別

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學習網

兩者結構相似,很容易混淆。它們在用法上的區(qū)別是:much too=too,但前者語氣更強;too much=much,但前者語氣更強:

He drives much too fast. 他開車開得太快了。

He’s much too young. 他太年輕了。

The shoes are much too small for me. 這鞋子我穿太小了。

90 miles an hour is much too fast. 一個鐘頭開90 英里太快了。

There is too much rain. 雨水太多了。

You’re asking too much. 你要求太高。

You have given me too much. 你已經給我太多了。

I’ve got too much work to do. 我要干的太多。

You put too much salt in this food. 這個菜里你鹽擱得太多了。

The room was small and contained far too much furniture. 房間很小而家具實在太多。

We have already taken up too much of your valuable time. 我們已經占用了你過多的寶貴時間。

