高二英語(yǔ)必修5 Unit 3 SectionⅡ測(cè)試題(附答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1.________ n.印象;感想;印記→________ vt.給……以印象
2.________ adj.時(shí)常發(fā)生的;連續(xù)不斷的
3.________ adj.在前的;早先的→________ adv.
4.________ adj.不確切的;無(wú)把握的
5.________ n.指導(dǎo);向?qū);?dǎo)游 vt.指引;指導(dǎo)
6.________ n.周?chē)氖挛;環(huán)境 adj.周?chē)摹鷂_______ vt.包圍,圍住
7.________ vt.容忍;忍受
8.________ vt.≈ vi.缺乏;沒(méi)有 n.缺乏;短缺的東西
9.________ n.調(diào)整;調(diào)節(jié)→________ vt.
10.________ vi.≈ vt.按;壓;逼迫 n.按;壓;印刷;新聞→________ adj.被壓的→________ adj.緊急的,急迫的→________ n.壓力;壓;擠
11.________ vt.系牢;扎牢
12.________ n.開(kāi)關(guān);轉(zhuǎn)換 vt.轉(zhuǎn)換
答案:1.ipression;ipress 2.constant 3.previous;previously 4.uncertain 5.guide 6.surrounding;surround 7.tolerate 8.lack 9.adjustent;adjust 10.press;pressed;pressing;pressure 11.fasten 12.switch
1.________________ 拿起;占用;接受;開(kāi)始從事;繼續(xù)
2.________________ 結(jié)果
3.________________ 和……相似
4.________________ 缺乏……
5.________________ (困境后)恢復(fù);完全復(fù)原
6.________________ 看不見(jiàn)……
7.________________ 四面八方
8.________________ 打掃;橫掃;掠過(guò)
9.________________ 看見(jiàn)……
10.________________ 溜進(jìn)
11.________________ 熟睡
12.________________ 對(duì)……持樂(lè)觀的態(tài)度
答案:1.take up 2.as a result (of...) 3.be siilar to...
4.a(chǎn) lack of... 5.be back on one’s feet 6.lose sight of...
7.in all directions 8.sweep up 9.catch sight of...
10.slide into 11.fall fast asleep 12.be optiistic about
1.________________________(由于擔(dān)心這次旅行),I was unsettled for the first few days.
答案:Worried about the journey
2.At first y __________________________(新環(huán)境讓我難以忍受).
答案:new surroundings were difficult to tolerate
3.__________________________(由于缺乏新鮮空氣),y head ached.
答案:Hit by a lack of fresh air
4.________; __________________(感到累極了,我爬上床) and fell fast asleep.
答案:Exhausted;I slid into bed
5.However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when ____________________________(我們到達(dá)了一個(gè)看上去像個(gè)大市場(chǎng)的地方)because of too any carriages flying by in all directions.
答案:we reached what looked like a large arket

1.She felt she had looked at the proble fro every ________(方面).
2.We are told to ________(早先的) experience is necessary for this job.
3.Take two of the ________(藥片) three ties daily before eals.
4.If you need help at any tie in the flight,one of the ________(乘務(wù)員) will be pleased to help you.
5.We all wore ________(面罩) at the party and no one kneho we were.
6.Nancy’s trip to Singapore ade a strong ________(印象)on her.
slide into; take up; catch sight of; lack for; be back on one’s feet; sweep up
1.The teacher ________________ the lesson when Jenny stopped talking.
答案:took up
2.Christine doesn’t ________________ friends in the new environent.
答案:lack for
3.I ________________ a hungry dog that was looking for food in the rubbish.
答案:caught sight of
4.Six onths later after bet operation, Sue ________________ again.
答案:was back on her feet
5.Jan was ________________ the bits of paper and broken glass when we cae in.
答案:sweeping up
6.The naughty boy ________________ the driver’s seat and started the engine.
答案:slid into
1.Thinking that her daughter was doing hoework, the other left the roo, ________.
A.quickly and gentle    B.quick and gentle
C.quickly and gently D.quick and gently
解析:選B。quick and gentle是形容詞短語(yǔ)作伴隨狀語(yǔ),往往用逗號(hào)隔開(kāi)。
2.(2011年濮陽(yáng)高二檢測(cè))The old an drove the car at a ________speed, aking us very cofortable.
A.high B.surprising
C.crazy D.constant
3.(2011年杭州高二檢測(cè))Please explain how two or ore things are siilar________different fro each other.
A.to B.or
C.in D.a(chǎn)nd
解析:選A。句意:請(qǐng)解釋一下兩個(gè)或更多事物之間彼此的相似或不同之處。“與……相似”用“be siilar to”表示。
4.I like getting up very early in suer.The orning air is so good ________.
A.to be breathed B.to breathe
C.breathing D.being breathed
解析:選B?疾榉侵^語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。句意:夏天我喜歡早起。早上的空氣呼吸起好極了。這是一個(gè)“主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+adj.+to do”結(jié)構(gòu)。排除C、D兩項(xiàng)。在這種結(jié)構(gòu)中要用主動(dòng)形式表示被動(dòng)意義,排除A項(xiàng)。
5.This agazine is very ________with young people,who like its content and style.
A.failiar B.popular
C.siilar D.particular
解析:選B。句意:這本雜志很受年輕人的歡迎。他們喜歡它的內(nèi)容和風(fēng)格。be popular with sb.受某人歡迎。
6.The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a coon ________ in any parts of the city.
A.look B.sign
C.sight D.a(chǎn)ppearance
7.—________when has the country been open to international trade?
—1978,I suppose.
A.Since B.In
C.Fro D.After
解析:選A。考查狀語(yǔ)從句。句意:——這個(gè)國(guó)家是什么時(shí)候?qū)?guó)際貿(mào)易開(kāi)放的?——我猜是1978年。句子時(shí)態(tài)是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí),而when指代下的1978年。故用since when。
8.After he retired fro office,Rogers ________painting for a while,but soon lost interest.
A.took up B.saved up
C.kept up D.drew up
解析:選A?疾槎陶Z(yǔ)辨析。句意:羅格斯退休以后從事了一段時(shí)間的繪畫(huà)工作,不過(guò)他很快就失去了興趣。take up從事,占據(jù);save up儲(chǔ)蓄,儲(chǔ)存;keep up保持;draw up擬訂;停車(chē)。
9.His head soon appeared out of the window,________he saw nothing but trees.
A.where B.which
C.there D.fro where
10.Aericans don’t like using r,rs or iss.As a result, if they don’t use your faily nae,that doesn’t ean any ________.
A.lacking respect B.lack respect
C.lack of respect D.lacking respecting
解析:選C。doesn’t ean后接名詞,lack of...表示“缺乏”。
A group of European researchers fro Eindhoven University of Technology(TU/e)are working hard to connect robots with hoes.The robots will ake sure that hoes are nice places to stay and that patients do the right things.
This recently started research project,which has been naed KSERA,focuses(關(guān)注)on COPD(慢性阻塞性肺病)patients.In 2030 this disease will be the third cause of death worldwide.The disease especially affects the elderly.
In three years’ tie several deonstration(示范)houses should be finished,where a robot will play the central role.It follows patients through the house,learns their habits,watches the closely,gives sound advice,turns the air conditioning up or down a bit,and warns a doctor when the patient is not feeling well.Besides,the robot also provides fun in the for of the Internet and videos.“We want to shohat is possible in this area,”says project anager Dr.Lydia eesters.
The TU/e researcher says that this new type of intelligent care house will not be a cold environent.It should be as hoely as possible.In an ideal(理想的)situation the only technology you see will be the robot.It will be the contact for all the systes in the hoes.
Ethical issues(道德問(wèn)題)will also be given special focus.The robot ust give good advice to patients,but it should not be a policean,eesters explains.What to do,for exaple,when a COPD patient lights a cigarette?
The project will cost alost 4 illion euros,2.9 illion of which will be provided by the EU.Other parties are the Italian research center Institute Superiore ario Boella,Vienna University of Technology,Haburg University,the Italian ICT copany Consoft,the Central European Institute of Technology in Vienna and the Israeli care provider accabi Healthcare Services.
【解題導(dǎo)語(yǔ)】 TU/e目前正在研究一種機(jī)器人,他們能夠幫助照顧患病在家的病人。
1.KSERA is ainly for ________.
A.the sick at hoe
B.children at hoe
C.the elderly in hospital
D.scientists in the lab
解析:選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段focuses on COPD patients可知,患病在家的人將從該項(xiàng)目中獲益最多。故答案選A。
2.Paragraph 3 ainly tells us that robots ________.
A.can do any things
B.a(chǎn)re stronger than en
C.a(chǎn)re better than doctors
D.can ake the best hoe
3.How any parties offered oney to KSERA?
A.Five. B.Six.
C.Seven. D.Eight.
4.According to the passage,the robots will ________.
A.be put into production very soon
B.be popular with the COPD patients
C.a(chǎn)ke a hoe feel cold
D.a(chǎn)ct as a policean
Schools should be clean and pure spots but now soething bad happens.Everyone knows that soe students ________(作弊) in exainations at1.________
school.________students,we often have
exainations at school,but2.________
soeties we have too any exainations
________are too difficult for us.3.________
On the other hand, soe of the students are
l________ and don’t work hard at their 4.________
lessons. So when t________exainations,
they are dishonest in order to get5.________
better results to p________ their parents
and teachers. In y opinion,it is6.________
wrong to be dishonest in exainations
because it ________(違反) the rules7.________
of schools. We students should be honest
and try to get good g________ by8.________
studying hard ________ of being dishonest
in exainations. What’s ore, we9.________
should iprove our study ethods and
get well ________(準(zhǔn)備) for exas.10.________
答案:1.cheat 2.As 3. which/that 4.lazy 5.taking 6.please 7.breaks 8.grades 9.instead 10.prepared

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/37770.html
