
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


一: (滿分30分)
第一節(jié) 聽下面5段對話,每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳項,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)的位置.聽完每段對話后, 你都有10秒鐘的時間回答有關(guān)小題和下一小題. 每段對話僅讀一遍.
1.Where are the speakers at the oent ?
A.On the playground B.In the street C.At hoe
2.When did the ovie actually start?
A.At 8:00B.At 8:30C.At 9:00
3.What does the woan want to do?
A.Go to the post office B.Go straight hoe
C.Go back to their office
4.How is the woan feeling right now?
A.Angry B.Excited C.Scared
5.What does the an suggest?
A.Selling the old P3 player B.Having the old P3 player repaired
C.Buying a new P3 player
第二節(jié) 聽下面5段對話或獨白,每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的ABC三個選項中選出最佳項,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)的位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。
6.What will the woan do toorrow?
A.Hold a party B.Attend a party C.Leave for Hong Kong
7.What did the an’s girlfriend tell hi?
A.He would eat too uch at the partyB.His friends would wet his blanket
C.She didn’t look forward to the party
8.How does the woan feel about the rock concert?
A.Very interesting B.Too noisy C.So tiring
9.What is the an’s last suggestion?
A.Catching a ovieB.Going to a playC.Playing tennis
10.Where did the an want a table at first?
A.Near the window B.Close to the stage C.Near the reception desk
11.When will the dance perforance begin?
A.At 6:30 pB.At 7:00 pC.At 7:30 p
12.How any people will coe for dinner?
13.Why does the woan want to talk to the an?
A.He isunderstood JohnB.He couldn’t find John C.He didn’t keep his word
14.Why does the an say that was over?
A.He gave John a callB.He left a essage for John
C.He bought John a sall gift
15.What will the an do?
A.Go to the woan’s house B.Have lunch with John toorrow
C.Buy two basketball gae tickets
16.What’s the probable relationship between the an and John?
A.Classates B.ColleaguesC.Faily
17.Where did r. Jackson like to sit when he was flying?
A.Beside a window B.In the iddle C.Next to the passage
18.What was r. Jackson happy to find when he got on the plane?
A.That a notice was put in a window seat
B.That any of the seats were not occupied
C.That thee was an epty seat he liked
19.Which of the following is TRUE according to the talk?
A.r. Jackson was the last passenger to board the plane
B.r. Jackson was surprised to see a sign in the seat
C.The plane r. Jackson took was heavily loaded with luggage
20.What did r. Jackson find out in the end ?
A.The soldier took the sign off the seat
B.The solider took up the seat for his girlfriend
C.The girl getting on the plane was his friend
21.—I passed y driving test yesterday.
—Did you? !
A.All right B.Good luck C.Congratulations D.Go ahead
22.We often go to school library because we can have such easy access to the Internet there.
A.a(chǎn); an B.the; 不填C.the; anD.a(chǎn); 不填
23.With her talent and fierce, Susan becae a very faous writer in the end.
A.a(chǎn)diration B.intentionC.tendencyD.a(chǎn)bition
24.There are a few graatical errors in her essay, but it is a good one.
A.a(chǎn)ll in allB.in allC.in detailD.in other words
25.The desks and seats can be used for a long period of tie; theythe height of the children.
A.ust be adjusted to B.can be adjusted to
C.ust adjust to D.can adjust to
26.—Can I help you, ada?
—No, thank you. I no
A.have been served B.have served
C.a(chǎn) being served D.a(chǎn) serving
27.Though Jack was busy, he anaged tosoe tie to visit his parents every week.
A.take in B.set aside C.give upD.get into
28.Nancy had to shout to ake herselfabove the sound of the usic.
A.hearB.hearing C.heardD.to be heard
29.When we oved to France, the childrento the change very well.
A.a(chǎn)daptedB.a(chǎn)ppliedC.a(chǎn)ttended D.a(chǎn)greed
30.The questionnaire show that ost people expect the fuel taxes as soon as possible.
A.to reduce B.reducedC.to be reduced D.reducing
31.After so any years of war, there was a great for peace between the two countries.
A.talent B.desire C.textD.taste
32.a(chǎn)ke this factory different is that it offers ore personal services.
A.What B.WhoC.That D.It
33.ost environental probles exist becauseeasures for preventing the have not been taken in the past.
A.a(chǎn)ccurate B.extree C.tentative D.a(chǎn)dequate
34.The girl very fast around the track used to be very weak when she was a child.
A.runsB.ranC.to run D.running
35.Fionaher husband after years of unhappiness and soon arried again.
A.divorced B.was divorced
C.divorced with D.was divorced with
I was on y way to visit y cousin in Wales. I was driving on the otorway 36 soehow I lost control of y car. It ran into a saller car, with parents and three young children in it. 37 , no one was hurt but the experience was very 38 .
There was so uch 39 that y first thought was to just 40 y car as fast as I could. I could hear the children fro the car behind e 41 . when I got out, I could see the u was trying hard to 42 her crying children and ove the away fro the soking 43 at the sae tie. I was shocked.
I though it would be 44 that the parents would be angry and upset. But 45 being angry with e, the u siply said to e “Coe here. You need to join in our hug. ”
Really? I couldn’t 46 y ears. It was such a war gesture fro soeone whose faily had just been 47 be e! I felt uch 48 afterwards.
eanwhile, the father was getting the children’s 49 out of the back of his car because it was freezing outside. When he cae back, he asked e if I was okay and then gave e a 50 too! I couldn’t believe it! I could see that he was copletely shocked and dazed(茫然的)and yet he 51 anaged this wonderful and war gesture. To find pity in a oent like that is 52 incredible(難以置信的).
Later, I overheard the couple telling their children that the iportant thing to 53 was that they were all okay and unhurt!
The story didn’t stop there… A few hours later, after I reached y cousin’s hoe, the father 54 e to see if I had got hoe okay and ake sure that I was all right.
Incredible people do 55 , but to actually eet the, especially during such a frightening oent, was just so incredible.

36.A.when B.untilC.before D.while
38.A.frightening B.interesting C.depressing D.surprising
39.A.fire B.soke C.noise D.traffic
40.A.look out of B.give up C.get out of D.pick up
41.A.talking B.singing C.screaingD.quarrelling
42.A.cofort B.hold C.separateD.satisfy
43.A.trainsB.cars C.taxis D.trucks
44.A.terrible B.obvious C.naturalD.ordinary
45.A.in favor of B.in case of C.other than D.instead of
46.A.believe B.seeC.find D.feel
47.A.daaged B.hit C.a(chǎn)ttacked D.saved
48.A.sadder B.saferC.worse D.better
49.A.bags B.booksC.toys D.coats
50.A.hug B.sile C.speech D.hand
51.A.even B.a(chǎn)lreadyC.stillD.just
52.A.nearlyB.ostlyC.hardly D.truly
53.A.focus on B.refer toC.speak of D.point to
54.A.wrote B.found C.rang D.followed
55.A.stay B.care C.a(chǎn)rrive D.exist
y goddaughter, Shari, owns The Berry Factory in Sacraento, California, and her other, Joan, and I were helping with the Valentine’s Day rush of 2011. We’d been preparing hundreds of berries, arranged gift baskets and packaged orders to be shipped around the country.
By the end of the day and I were exhausted. Shari didn’t see tired. That was what Shari liked doing especially when she gave soeone else soething. I’d seen her give away berries to everybody—parking attendants, ail carriers, hairdressers. “For e?” they’d say, breaking into a sile.
As a “thank you”, Shari took us out for dinner. But there was a 45-unite wait at her favorite restaurant. “No big deal. There’s another place just up the road,” she said, driving us there. This tie we walked right in. While the waitress took our drink orders Shari reached into her handbag, pulling soething out.
“I want you to have these,” she said, handing the waitress a box of chocolate-dipped strawberries.
“Will she love those berries!”I said to yself. But the waitress seeed extreely surprised. She hardly let out a “Thank you” before grabbing the box and rushing into the kitchen.
A few inutes later, the waitress returned with our iced tea. “ I apologize,” she said. “ It’s just …y best friend and I ade an agreeent to send each other soething every Valentine’s Day. But she passed last year. I didn’t know how I’d get through this day without her. Then you handed e that box.”
“I’ so sorry to hear that,” said Shari. “ It’s not uch, but I hope you can enjoy the.”
“Oh, I will,” the waitress said. “ See, every year we always sent each other the sae thing: a box of chocolate-dipped strawberries bought fro our favorite store, The Berry Factory.”
56.The first paragraph is ainly about.
A.soething about Shari’s job
B.soething about The Berry Factory
C.how they celebrated Valentine’s Day
D.what they did on Valentine’s Day
57.Why did the waitress apologize to Shari?
A.Because she had a bad service to Shari
B.Because she didn’t express her thanks to Shari
C.Because she didn’t pay for the strawberries
D.Because she didn’t take Shari’s drink order
58.What do we know about the waitress?
A.She was unhappy with Shari’s gift
B.She was a new custoer at Shari’s store
C.She would be very depressed without Shari’s gift
D.She was reinded of her dead friend by Shari’s gift
59.What’s the right order of the following events?
a. The author, Joan and Shari arranged gift baskets.
b. The waitress’ friend sent her a box of chocolate-dipped strawberries.
c. The author, Joan and Shari went to a restaurant up the road.
d. Shari gave the waitress a box of strawberries.
A.a(chǎn), b, d, cB.a(chǎn), c, d, b C.b,d,a,cD.b,a,c,d
60.Which of the following words can be used to describe Shari?
A.Kind and generous B.Huorous and intelligent
C.Energetic but careless D.Hard-working but selfish
In our hoe it was natural to fear our father . Even our other was afraid of hi. As children, y sister and I thought every faily was like that. Every faily had an unpredictable dad who was ipossible to please and a praying o who was there to protect the children.
We were good children. o was always telling us we were, even if Daddy couldn’t see it . part of this was because we didn’t dare to do anything.
Then cae the day we found soething new and fun to do. We worked at drawing with chalk on our wooden front door and aking lots of pretty pictures all over it. We had a great tie. We thought o would love it and praise us.
The praise we expected did not coe. Instead, o was ad. We did not understand why, but we knee were in big trouble!
Off we ran to find a place to hid. In our wooded yard it was not hard for two sall children to find safety. Together, we hid behind a tree and did not ove. Soon we heard the frightened voices of o and our neighbors calling out to us.
The sun set and it began to get dark. Those around us becae ore anxious, and we becae ore frightened. However, we still didn’t ove.
As we clung(緊緊擁抱)together in the dark, we becae aware of yet another voice, one we recognized with great fear: our daddy. But there was soething strangely different about it. In it we heard soething we had never heard before: fear, agony(痛苦)and despair. Then cae his prayers in tearful voice. Our daddy was proising God that he would give his life to hi if he would safely return his girls.
Nothing in our lives had prepared us for this kind of shock. Neither of us reebers aking a decision to coe out. We were drawn to hi like a agnet(磁鐵), our fears disappearing into the forest. We didn’t know yet if we actually took steps or if God soehow oved us out and into Daddy’s ars. What we do reeber were those strong, loving ars holding us and crying, hugging us like we were precious.
Things were different after that. We had a new daddy. Our whole faily was changed by a piece of chalk.
56.Fro the first two paragraphs, we can learn.
A.the author was very naughty when young
B.the children were proud of their other
C.the author’s father was difficult to please
D.the author’s father was afraid of her other
57.The children’s drawing on the door.
A.brought the great trouble B.gained their other’s praise
C.a(chǎn)de their father very angryD.failed to eet their other’s deands
58.Which shows the children’s eotional change when they heard their father’s voice?
A.Anxious→content →iserableB.Frightened→happy→depressed
59.The underlined sentence“We had a new daddy”iplies that.
A.the relationship between the faily ebers changed
B.the author’s father developed an interest in drawing
C.the author’s other found a new husband
D.the children were afraid of their new father
60.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.The belief in God B.A piece of chalk
C.The big trouble of y other D.A painful eory of y childhoodE.

Every year, World Blood Day is celebrated by blood services worldwide on 14 June, the birthday of Nobel Prize winner Karl Landsteiner, the an who discovered the ABO blood group syste. If you have every thought of becoing a blood donor, just register to do it. And you should never worry about the donation.
Just under a pint (around 470l) of blood is taken at one sitting. This aount is no ore than 13 percent of your total blood volue, and is quickly replaced by your body.
It ay coe as a surprise, but whole blood is only rarely used. Different blood coponents are used to treat a range of conditions. None goes to waste. Read blood cells are frequently used to replace heavy blood loss after an accident, surgery or childbirth. White blood cells and antibodies(抗體)are used to help people fight infections if their iune syste doesn’t appear to be responding to antibiotics(抗生素). Plasa(血漿),the straw-coloured fluid which carries the blood cells and contains proteins, are used to treat burned patients.
First-tie donors should be aged between 17 and 65, weigh at least 50kg and be in good health. If you have donated before, you can start being a donor again up to your 70th birthday.
Although ost people are able to give blood, soe people who pose health risks or are at a higher risk of having coe into contact with an infectious disease are no tasked to be donors. Pregnant woen or those who have had a baby in the last 9 onths should not donate blood.
Blood has a very short shelf life. Soe blood coponents can be kept longer than others, for instance red blood cells will keep for 35 days but platelets(血小板)for only five. Reeber, you should wait at least 16 weeks before donating blood again.
66.People should never worry about the donation ainly because.
A.it causes no pain to their bodyB.being a blood donor is a great honor
C.their bodies can produce new blood soonD.people have a ature research on it
67.What coponent of blood is used to treat burned patients?
A.Plasa B.Red blood cellC.AntibodyD.White blood cell
68.We can learn fro the passage that.
A.whole blood is ost widely used in hospital
B.platelets can be kept for ore than 10 days
C.people can donate their blood four ties a years
D.people can donate at ost 470 l of blood each tie
69.Who can donate their blood?
A.A teenager who is studying in a priary school
B.A other who is about to give birth to a new baby
C.An adult who sokes and drinks fro tie to tie
D.A an just coing back for a place suffering fro alaria
70.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?
A.To teach people how to be a blood donor
B.To give people the knowledge of blood donation
C.To advise people to benefit fro blood donation
D.To reind people of the iportance of blood donation
The great Snipe is a little shore bird-not one that would be considered a great athlete. However, a recent study has shown that these slightly fat birds not only fly nonstop for long periods of tie during their annual igration, but do so at record speeds.
The brown igratory birds(候鳥)that are about the size of a pigeon(鴿子)spend their suers in Eastern Europe and winters in Central Africa, a distance of about 2,800 to 4,000 iles. In ay 2009, a tea of researchers led by Dr. Rayond Klaasen fro Sweden’s Lund University fitted ten Great Snipes with tiny geo-locating devices(裝置)that allow scientists to figure out when and where the birds travel, and let the loose. The following year they found three of the birds and took back the devices. What they discovered was quite stunning.
All three birds had flown nonstop to Central Africa in August of 2009-one had flown 4,225 iles in just 3.5 days. The second one had covered a distance of 3,833 iles in three days, while the third had anaged to fly 2,870 iles in a ere 48 hours or two days. Even ore surprising was that these birds had traveled at speeds that averaged about 50 iles per hour-aking it the fastest known igration ever.
While any birds igrate longer distances, they do so over a period of a few onths, resting and feeding in between. However, despite the fact the Great Snipe has plenty of opportunities, it does not stop. And they do the entire flight with their own power, with no assistance fro the wind. The tiny bird is able to ake this unbelievable direct flight because of all the fat it gradually gathers in its body, which it then uses as fuel.
Native no North Eastern Europe, Great Snipes live in arshlands and wet eadows(沼澤地和濕草地). But they are also on the list of endangered anials because of loss of habitat.
71.What is the text ainly about?
A.A new device used to follow birds B.A recent research on endangered birds
C.A unique igration route of birds D.An unusual species of igratory bird
72.The underlined word“stunning”in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “”.
A.a(chǎn)azing B.worrying C.disappointing D.fascinating
73.What do we know about the three birds scientists found?
A.The second spent the least tie flying
B.They could fly about 1,200 iles a day
C.The third flew the slowest aong the three.
D.They started their journey fro Central Africa
74.During their igration, Great Snipes.
A.frequently pause to feed B.fly with the help of the wind
C.use the fat in their body as fuelD.soeties take the opportunity to rest
75.This text can be classified as.
A.huorous B.explanatoryC.novelistic D.poetic
All people have dreas and they obey the rule that if you can drea it, you can achieve it!Here are four goals for people to reach a perfect life in their future.
The first goal coon to all of us is health and energy. We all want to be healthy and fit, to have high levels of energy and to live free of pain and illness. Today, with the incredible advance in edical science, the quality of our health and fitness, and our lifespan is largely deterined by design, not by chance. People with excellent health habits are far healthier, have ore energy, and live longer and better than people who have poor health habits. Reeber that health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing!
The second goal that we all have in coon is to enjoy excellent relationships-intiate, personal or social-with the people we like and respect, and who in turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be deterined by the quality of your relationships at each stage, and in each area, of your life. Hoell you get along with people, and how uch they like and respect you, have ore ipact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor.
The third coon goal is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. You want to be able to get and keep the job you want, to get paid ore and prooted(晉升)faster. You want to earn the very ost that is possible for you at each stage of your career, whatever you do.
The fourth goal we all have in coon is to achieve financial independence. You want to reach the point in life where you have enough oney so that you never have any financial worries. You want to be copletely free of the. You want to be able to order dinner in a restaurant without referring to the price listings to deterine what you want to eat.
76.What does this passage chiefly talk about? (no ore than 12 words)

77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no ore than 6 words)

78.Coplete the following sentence with proper words according to the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4? (no ore than 6 words)
Everybody wants to akeno atter what job he is engaged in.
79.Why does the author put health ahead of other goals?(no ore than 20 words)

80.What does the underlined word“the”in the last paragraph probably refer to? (no ore than 3 words)

假設(shè)你是新華中學(xué)的學(xué)生李華,將參加主題為“Let’s pick up a book and read”的英語演講比賽。請你撰寫一份演講稿,主要內(nèi)容包括:
Good orning, everyone,
I a Li Hua fro Xinhua iddle School. The topic of y speech is “Let’s pick up a book and read”.

76. Four goals for your perfect life
77. like and respect us
78. as uch oney as he can possible
79.答案①Because healthy people have ore energy, and live longer and better than people who are not healthy
答案②Because without health everything is nothing
80. financial worries
Good orning, everyone,
I a Li Hua fro Xinhua iddle School. The topic of y speech is “Let’s pick up a book and read”.
Nowadays, with the growth of the Internet, any teenagers get addicted to online gaes. They usually spend long hours in front of coputers in their spare tie. The long-ter use of coputers causes any students to suffer loss of eory. Their interest in studying also drops greatly.
How can we get teenagers back to a noral life? I think it a good idea to help the for the habit of reading. On the one hand, reading can broaden teenagers’ horizons. On the other hand, reading can deepen their understanding of the events happening at hoe and abroad. Besides, they will get good grades in their exas.
Let’s pick up a book and read!
Thank you!

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/40122.html
