
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

一. 定義
交際中我們常常需要引述別人說的話,一種是一字不差地直接引用別人的話,放在引號內(nèi),稱為直接引語(The Direct Speech), 另一種是間接地引述別人的話,稱為間接引語( The Indirect Speech)。例如:
He said, “I will choose a book from my students.” 他說:“我將為學生選一本書!
= He said that he would choose a book from his student. 他說他將為學生選一本書。

二. 直接引語與間接引語的轉(zhuǎn)化
1. 標點符號的變化:
He said to me, “Don’t live in London!”
= He told me not to live in London.

2. 語序的變化: 疑問語序變?yōu)殛愂稣Z序。
He said to me, “Do you live in London?”
= He asked me if/whether I lived in London.

3. 動詞的變化: say (to) 在陳述句中多變?yōu)閠ell等詞,在疑問句中多變?yōu)閍sk等詞,在祈使句中表示命令多變?yōu)閠ell, order等詞,表請求時多變?yōu)閍sk等詞。
He said to me, “Could you please live in London?”
= He asked me if/whether I could live in London.
= He asked me to live in London.

4. 連接詞的變化:
連接詞1. 陳述句用that連接He said to me, “I live in London.”
= He told me that he lived in London.
2. 一般(選擇,反意)疑問句用if或whether連接 He said to me, “Do you live in London?”
= He asked me if/whether I lived in London.
He asked me, “Do you live in London or Paris?”
= He asked me if/whether I lived in London or Paris.
He asked me, “You live in London, don’t you?”
= He asked me if/whether I lived in London.
3. 特殊疑問句仍用原的特殊疑問詞連接 He said to me, “When do you live in London?”
= He asked me when I lived in London.

5. 時態(tài)的變化:
時態(tài)變化1. 如果主句中的謂語動詞是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),間接引語中的動詞時態(tài)保持不變。 He says, “I live in London.”
= He says that he lives in London.
He says, “I have lived in London for years.”
= He says that he has lived in London for years.
2. 如果主句中的謂語動詞是過去時態(tài),間接引語中的動詞時態(tài)作如下變化:
一般過去時---過去完成時He said, “I live in London.”
= He said that he lived in London.
He said, “I am living in London no”
= He said that he was living in London then.
He said, “I will live in London next year.”
= He said that he would live in London the next year.
He said, “I lived in London for years.”
= He said that he had lived in London for years.
3. 但是過去進行時,過去完成時,過去將時保持不變。
He said, “When I saw her, she was living in London.”
= He said that when he saw her she was living in London.
He said, “When I got to London, she had lived there for years.”
= He said that when he got to London, she had lived there for years.
4. 表示過去具體年份的狀語不變。He said, “I was born in 1956.”
= He said that he was born in 1956.
5. 表示真理,格言,諺語等不受時間限制的句子不變。He said, “The earth turns around the sun.”
= He said that the earth turns around the sun.
6. 強調(diào)所談情況仍然存在時不變。She said that the bus leaves at 5:40. (公交車尚未開走)
He told me that he works as a teacher. (現(xiàn)在仍是教師)
7. could, would, should, needn’t, had better, ought to, used to等情態(tài)動詞不變。He said, “I would like to live in London.”
= He said that he would like to live in London.
He said, “I used to live in London.”
= He said that he used to live in London.

6. 人稱代詞的變化:
人稱代詞變化1. 一主(根據(jù)引號外的主語變換引號內(nèi)的人稱代詞)Tom said to ate, “I have finished my homework.”
= Tom and ate that he had already finished his homework.
2. 二賓(根據(jù)引號外的賓語變換引號內(nèi)的人稱代詞)Tom said to ate, “You speak English better than me.”
= Tom told ate that she spoke English better than him.
3. 三不變(第三人稱不變)Tom asked ike, “Does she often come to school late?”
= Tom asked ike if/whether she often went to school late.

7. 指示代詞,地點副詞,動詞, 時間狀語的變化
this—that these—thoseHe said to me, “I’ve known you since you came to this place.”
= He told me that he had known me since I went to that place.
He said to me, “Will you come here today or tomorrow?”
= He asked me if I would go there that day or the next day.
He said to me, “Did you come yesterday, a few days ago or last Sunday?”
=He asked me if I had gone the day before, a few days before or the Sunday before.
She said, “I’ll bring you this book next month.”
=She said that he would go there again that night.
She said, “He will come here again tonight.”
= She said that he would go there again that night.
He asked me, “Did you leave London yesterday morning or the day before yesterday?”
= He asked me if I had left London the morning before or two days before.

here—there now—then
come—go bring—take
today—that day tonight—that night
yesterday—the day before
yesterday morning—the morning before
last week—the week before
next week—the next week
tomorrow—the next day
tomorrow morning—the next morning
3 days ago—3 days before
the day after tomorrow—in 2 day’s time

1. He asked ____ for the violin.
A.Did I pay how muchB. I paid how much
C. how much did I payD. how much I paid
2. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _____.
A.who is heB. who he isC. who is itD. who it is
3. Can you tell me ____?
A.how good is his spoken EnglishB. hoell his spoken English is
C. hoell he speaks EnglishD. how good he can speak English
4. He said that he had bought the jacket____.
A.before three days B. three days beforeC. three days ago D. last week
5. Did you say_____?
A. that what he said was true B. that it was true that he said
C. what did he say was trueD. what he said it was true
6. Please tell me ____ from.
A.where do you comeB. where you come
C. where you will comeD. there you come
7. Ask her ____ come with us.
A.if she willB. if or not she will
C. that if she willD. whether will she
8. The driver said that he ____ pick ____ a passenger at West Street.
A.will, upB. would, up C. will, out D. would, out
9. He said he ___ in 1993.
A.has bornB. had been bornC. had born D. was born
10. John ___ me he was going to help me with my English.
A. explainedB. spokeC. toldD. said
11. He asked me _______ I would go to Beijing by air the next day.
A. that ofB. ifC. that whetherD. how
12. other asked the youngest kid ________ with his toy car.
A. what the matter wasB. what was the matter
C. what the matter isD. what is the matter
1-5. DDCBA6-10 BABDC11-12 BB

二. 將下列直接引語改寫成間接引語
1. He said, “I have been here about ten times.”
2. ary said, “I have sold my house in London.”
3. The man said, “Smoking is strictly forbidden here.”
4. Ann said, “She moved to Paris in 1956.”
5. r. Black said, “We started learning Chinese last month.”
6. ary said, “Why didn’t you stop here yesterday?”
7. Shaw said to Ann, “Your brother will give you a nice gift.”
8. y wife said to me, “Don’t sleep with the window open.”
9. I asked Tom, “Do you live on the fourteenth floor or the fifteenth floor?”
10. He asked, “Should I go with you, Linda?”
11. The teacher said to the students, “Water boils at 100℃.”
12. The nurse said to Grey, “Leave the ward quietly.”
13. He said, “How lovely the house is!”
14. “Would you buy me some stamps?” he said to me.
15. “Who left the banana skin on my desk?” said Cathy.
16. “Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?” said his secretary.
17. She said, “How long will it take me to fly to that city?”
18. “Where were you last night?” she said.
19. “It is foggy today,” I said.
20. He said, “I must go at once.”

1. He said that he had been there about ten times.
2. ary said that she had sold her house in London.
3. The man said that smoking was strictly forbidden there.
4. Ann said that she moved to Paris in 1956.
5. r. Black said that they had started learning Chinese the month before.
6. ary asked why I hadn’t stopped her the day before.
7. Shaw told Ann that her brother would give her a nice gift.
8. y wife told me not to sleep with the windows open.
9. I asked Tom whether he lived on the fourteenth floor or the fifteenth floor.
10. He asked Linda whether he should go with her.
11. The teacher told the students that water boils at 100℃.
12. The nurse told Grey to leave the ward quietly.
13. He said how lovely the house was.
14. He asked me to buy some stamps for him.
15. Cathy asked who had left the banana skin on her desk.
16. His secretary asked whether he was leaving that day or the next morning.
17. She asked how long it would take her to fly to that city.
18. She asked where I had been the night before.
19. I said that it was foggy that day.
20. He said that he would have to go at once.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/40640.html
