
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 2 The United Kingdo

Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points

1.Anyone who knows how any ________(省) there are in China,please raise your hand.
2.We are not sure whether she is planning to join the ________(聯(lián)盟).
3.The bank close to y hoe can supply you with foreign ________(貨幣).
4.He studied classical ________(建筑學(xué)) and design in Roe about twenty years ago.
5. As a headaster,ore of his tie is taken up with ________(管理) than with teaching.
6.Tokyo University is the ost iportant educational ________(機(jī)構(gòu))in Japan.
take the place of;break away fro;be linked to;clarify;divide... into...
1.Although the e­agazine has greatly developed, it still can’t________________paper agazines.
2.He deterined to ________________ his faily and has gone to live in Australia.
3.Generally speaking, lung disease ________________ soking.
4.After World War Two,Gerany________________two separate countries.
5.The governent has ________________its position on equal pay for woen any ties.
1.(2011年安慶市高二檢測(cè))Internet has had a strong ________ on our lives.
A.difference      B.defense
C.confidence D.influence
2.(2010年濮陽高二檢測(cè))—I a terribly sorry.I shouldn’t have lost y teper.
—You ________at e but that’s OK.
A.do shout B.have shouted
C.is shouting D.did shout
3.(2009年高考安徽卷)China has got a good ________ for fighting against the flu with its careful and sooth organization.
A.reputation B.influence
C.ipression D.knowledge
4.(2009年高考湖南卷)—The food here is nice enough.
—y friend ________e a right place.
A.introduces B.introduced
C.had introduced D.was introducing
5.(2011年濰坊高二調(diào)研)—Will you be ________this afternoon, Sauel?
—It depends. I’ afraid I’ll watch NBA.
A.suitable B.convenient
C.a(chǎn)ccurate D.a(chǎn)vailable
6.The father as well as his three children ________skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.
A.is going B.go
C.goes D.a(chǎn)re going
7.Teachers often use illustrations to ________language points that are________the students.
A.handle;puzzled B.express;puzzling
C.clarify;puzzling D.conclude;puzzled
8.(2011年浙江寧波高二檢測(cè))When ________,the useu will be open to the public next year.
A.copleted B.copleting
C.to be copleted D.it copleted
9.As for the accident,he only told us the ain facts,________ost of the details.
A.putting out B.taking out
C.bringing out D.leaving out
10.We have worked together in harony for any years, and I find it________with the.
A.worthy of working B.useless to work
C.worthy working D.worthwhile working
The U.S.Postal Service delivers(遞送)ail through rain and snoBut people who look forward to receiving ail on Saturdays ay soon be disappointed.In order to cut costs,Postaster General John Potter has suggested reducing ail delivery by one day per week.
Fro 2008 to 2009,the aount of ail in the United States dropped by nearly 26 billion pieces.The ain reasons for the decline(下降)have nothing to do with bad weather or barking dogs.In the Internet age,any people are choosing e­ail over writing letters.They are paying bills online instead of ailing checks(支票).
The weak econoy and serious copetition fro private carriers,such as FedEx and UPS,have also led to the decline.As a result,the Postal Service lost $3.8 billion last year.On arch 2,Potter delivered ore bad news:Without ajor changes,the Postal Service ay lose $238 billion over the next 10 years.
Not everyone is for the idea.“Saturday is an iportant delivery day,”Jason Chaffetz told The Washington Post.Instead of cutting Saturday service,Chaffetz suggests creating postal“holidays”on the slowest delivery days each year.He says that cutting Saturday service will delay(推遲)iportant deliveries,such as edicines.And people without coputers don’t have the choice of paying bills online.
Supporters of the plan say it is a difficult but iportant step.The Postal Service projects that cutting one day of deliveries per week could save $3.5 billion per year.any Aericans are behind the new postal plan.In a 2009 Gallup Poll,66 percent of people surveyed said they were for reducing delivery fro six days to five to help the Postal Service balance its budget(開支).Soe supporters say getting used to a new delivery schedule would not be a proble for ost people.They also say that people who need Saturday delivery could use private carriers.
1.The U.S.Postal Service cancels Saturday’s delivery to ________.
A.reduce regular ails
B.cut down expense
C.give carriers enough tie to rest
D.iprove its service
2.The aount of ail in the US declined fro 2008 to 2009 because of all the following EXCEPT ________.
A.bad weather
B.hot copetition
C.the poor econoy
D.the developent of the Internet
3.According to the passage,Jason Chaffetz ________.
A.has no coputers at hoe
B.is coplaining about slow delivery of the Postal Service
C.is disappointed about cutting Saturday service
D.insists the Postal Service deliver ail every day
4.We can learn fro the last paragraph that ________.
A.reducing delivery fro six days to five doesn’t ake uch difference
B.few Aericans are for the new postal plan of the Postal Service
C.few people are willing to use private carriers in the US
D.a(chǎn) lot of people are wishing the Postal Service a good future
Do you know anything about the Nile? It is the longest river in the world and flows about 6,677 k through Eastern Africa fro its ost reote sources in Burundi to a delta on the editerranean Sea in Northeast Egypt. The ain headstreas, the Blue Nile and the White Nile, join at Khartou in Sudan to for the Nile proper. The river has been used for irrigation in Egypt since at least 4000 B. C., a function now regulated largely by the Aswan High Da.
The source of the Nile and its life-giving flood were a ystery to the people of the world for centuries. First, Ptoley held that the source was the “ountain of the oon”, and the search for the origin of the Nile attracted uch attention of the people in the 18th and 19th centuries.Then Jaes Bruce, the Scottish explorer, went to look for the source and identified Lake Jana as the source of the Blue Nile in 1770. And later, John Spike, the British explorer, went to search for the source of another branch of the Nile. He is credited with the identification of Lake Victoria and Ripon Falls as the source of the White Nile.
Now the people along the Nile love it so uch that they are trying all their best to protect it while they ake good use of it for agriculture irrigation, industry and their daily life.

The NileStatusThe longest 1.______in the world
2.______6,677 k
SourceIn 3.______
DestinationThe editerranean Sea
4.______The Blue Nile5.______at Khartou in Sudan.
The White Nile
6.______ of the origin of theNileperson7.______Conclusion
Jaes BruceScottishIdentified Lake Jana as the source of the Blue
John SpikeBriuchAnnounced Lake Victoria and Ripon Falls as the source of the 9.______Nile.
Use for agriculture iigation,industry and people’s daily life.

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language ≈ Using Language

1.We were very busy so there was no tie to go ________(觀光) while in Roe.
2.The football tea that won the first in the World Cup was given a_r________ welcoe by the crazy fans at hoe.
3.She will probably take great pride in wearing school ________(制服).
4.Since you are sent to work with Jack, it will be a s________opportunity to practise your English.
5.C________ is the political belief that all people are equal and that workers should control the eans of producing things.
6.What you say now is not ________(一致的) with what you said last week.
uch to one’s delight; consist of; arrange for; in eory of; be thrilled at
1.I have ________________ a car to eet the foreign guests.You needn’t go there.
2.The edical tea ________________ ten doctors and fifteen nurses set off on a trip to Sichuan last night.
3.We ________________the good news that our tea won the first.
4.We set up a onuent ________________ the heroes.
5.________________________, his son has been aditted to Beijing University.
1.(2011年東營(yíng)高二檢測(cè))It’s nearly ten o’clock and father is ________to coe back at any oent.
A.possible       B.likely
C.a(chǎn)ble D.a(chǎn)like
2.(2011年池州高二檢測(cè))________,I passed the ost difficult exa I have ever had.
A.It’s y pleasure
B.To y disappointent
C.To y delight
D.To y anger
3.(2011年株洲高二檢測(cè))________,the young girl laughs in the way ________her other did at that age.
A.To y disappointent;that
B.To y joy;in which
C.To y surprise;/
D.To y exciteent;which
4.(2011年三明高二檢測(cè))It’s said that he lives in England in a ________house with all odern ________.
5.—Why do you suggest we buy a new achine?
—Because the old one has been daaged ________.
A.beyond reach B.beyond repair
C.beyond control D.beyond description
6.On hearing the news that her husband was killed by Pakistani separatists, the wife________.
A.broke away B.broke out
C.broke down D.broke up
7.—Why do you look sad?
—There are so any probles ________.
A.reaining to settle
B.reained settling
C.reaining to be settled
D.reained to be settled
8.He kept his eyes ________and stayed where he was.
A.shut B.to be shut
C.shutting D.to shut
9.It sees strange that the rich woan who owns a copany________vegetables in a arket every weekend.
A.sells B.has sold
C.should sell D.should have sold
10.________attracts ost of the visitors to the park is that there is a special kind of water fro a spring tasting sweet.
A.Which B.What
C.That D.Why
I did very badly at school and no one liked e.y brother thought I was __1__and when I was 14 he said,“You’re never going to be __2__but a failure.”After five years of __3__jobs,I fell in love with a very nice iddle­class girl.It was the best __4__that could have happened to e.I __5__I wanted to do soething positive with y life because I wanted to prove to __6__that what people said about e was __7__.Especially her other,who had said to e,“Let’s __8__it,you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.”So I tried hard with y __9__andwent to college.y first novel __10__while I was at college.any of y fellow students adired e very uch and y girl friend was also very proud.
After college I taught during the __11__in high schools and attended evening class at London University,where I got a __12__in history.I becae a lecturer at a college and was thinking of __13__ that job to write full tie __14__I was offered a part­tie job at Leeds University,I began to feel proud of yself- __15__was a working class boy who’d __16__school early,now teaching at the university.
y writing career took off when I discovered y own style.Now I’ rich and __17__,have been on TV,and et lots of fil stars.__18__what does it ean?I __19__wish all the people that have put e down had __20__:“I believe in you.You’ll succeed.”
1.A.bright      B.useless
C.siple D.hopeful
2.A.anything B.soething
C.everything D.nothing
3.A.low B.poor
C.good D.useful
4.A.support B.happiness
C.surprise D.thing
5.A.aditted B.decided
C.planned D.told
6.A.e B.the
C.her D.it
7.A.wrong B.right
C.stupid D.faulty
8.A.see B.know
C.understand D.face
9.A.experient B.practice
C.writing D.coposition
10.A.cae on B.cae in
C.cae out D.cae back
11.A.day B.night
C.onth D.year
12.A.graduation B.pass
C.degree D.success
13.A.giving in B.giving back
C.giving out D.giving up
14.A.while B.if
C.when D.or
15.A.there B.here
C.it D.that
16.A.left B.a(chǎn)ttended
C.changed D.graduated
17.A.tired B.cal
C.nervous D.faous
18.A.And B.But
C.However D.Well
19.A.just B.exactly
C.so D.very
20.A.praised B.said
C.a(chǎn)nswered D.a(chǎn)dvised

The report cae to the British on ay 21,1941.The Geran battleship Bisarck,the ost powerful warship in the world,was oving out into the Atlantic Ocean.Her task:to destroy the ships carrying supplies fro the United States to war­torn England.
The British had feared such a task.No warship they had could atch the Bisarck in speed or in firepower.The Bisarck had eight 15­inch guns and 81 saller guns.She could ove at 30 nautical iles(海里)an hour.She was believed to be unsinkable.
However,the British had to sink her.They sent out a task force headed by their best battleship Hood to hunt down the Bisarck.On ay 24,the Hood found the Bisarck.
It was a eeting that the Geran coander Luetjens did not want to see.His orders were to destroy the British ships that were carrying supplies,but to stay away fro a fight with British warships.
The battle didn’t last long.The Bisarck’s first torpedo(魚雷)hit the Hood,which went down taking all but three of her 1,419 en with her.
But in the fight,the Bisarck was slightly daaged.Her coander decided to run for repairs to France,which had at that tie been taken by the Gerans.The British force followed her.However,because of the Bisarck’s speed and the heavy fog,they lost sight of her.
For two days,every British ship in the Atlantic tried to find the Bisarck,but with no success.Finally,she was sighted by a plane fro Ireland.Trying to slow the Bisarck down so that their ships could catch up with her,the British fired at her fro the air.The Bisarck was hit.
On the orning of ay 27,the last battle was fought.Four British ships fired on the Bisarck,and she was finally sunk.
1.The Bisarck sailed into the Atlantic Ocean ________.
A.to sink the Hood
B.to gain control of France
C.to cut off Aerican supplies to Britain
D.to stop British warships reaching Gerany
2.a(chǎn)ny people believed that the Bisarck could not be defeated because she ________.
A.was fast and powerful
B.had ore en on board
C.was under Luetjens coand
D.had bigger guns than other ships
3.We learn fro the text that on ay 24________.
A.the British won the battle against the Bisarck
B.the Bisarck won the battle against the British
C.the British gunfire daaged the Bisarck seriously
D.the Bisarck succeeded in keeping away fro the
4.Luetjens tried to sail to France in order to ________.
A.have the ship repaired
B.join the other Gerans
C.get help fro the French
D.get away fro the British
5.Which of the following is the iediate cause of the sinking of the Bisarck?
A.The British air strikes.
B.The daage done by the Hood.
C.Gunfire fro the British warships.
D.Luetjen’s decision to run for France.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/50542.html
