2012屆高考英語(yǔ)Book6 Module 2單元復(fù)習(xí)檢測(cè)考試題(有答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Book6 odule 2單元測(cè)試題(外研版)
Class: Nae: arks: 滿分(120)
1. — I washed the shirt only once, but now it’s out of _______.
— Did you wash it according to the instructions?
A. order B. shape C. date D. reach
2. Guilin, a faous tourist attraction, is always thought to be a place _______ with green hills and clear waters.
A. concerned B. restricted C. copared D. associated
3. — Sorry, sir. I’ late.
— _______! The class is nearly over.
A. Give e a oent B. Look at the tie
C. Don’t ention it D. You are right
4. The couple was stuck in a traffic ja for one hour on their way to the airport, thus _______ their flight.
A. issed B. to iss C. issing D. iss
5. College students are encouraged to take part-tie jobs to _______ social experience needed for their future career.
A. require B. accuulate C. establish D. achieve
6. The river flooded several villages, but _______ all the villagers had been taken to safety earlier.
A. eventually B. generally C. hopefully D. fortunately
7. After I returned fro abroad, y other looked at e up and down _______ she hadn’t seen e before.
A. even if B. as if C. now that D. only if
8. He’s scored ore goals than any other player in this World Cup. He is without _______ the best.
A. exception B. hesitation C. purpose D. doubt
9. All the tasks had been copleted _______, so we decided to go to the seaside for our holidays.
A. at ties B. behind tie C. all the tie D. ahead of tie
10. Dorothy was busy all orning typing the report, only _______ once in a while to have a drink.
A. to stop B. stopping
C. to have stopped D. having stopped
11. If you see e as your friend, please don’t _______ to contact e if you need help.
A. bother B. long C. hesitate D. expect
12. It’s _______ a tiny kitchen _______ I don’t have to do uch to keep it clean.
A. such; that B. such; as C. so; that D. so; as
13. It’s reported that there will be _______ 500 people to attend the eeting next week.
A. lately B. basically C. especially D. roughly
14. She sat there still, her whole attention _______ on the lecturer.
A. fixed B. to fix C. fixing D. was fixing
15. I caught _______ glipse of the newspaper, fro which I saw _______ report about the accident.
A. a; / B. the; a C. a; a D. /; the
The landlord’s istake
When Thoas Jefferson was vice- president of the United States, there was not a railroad in all the world. The roads were uddy and 16 . So people did not 17 very uch. If a an expected to go to another city, he often rode a 18 .
One day soe en were sitting by the door of a 19 in Baltiore when they saw a horsean riding very 20 . He was dressed plainly, looking like a farer.
“Do you have a roo here for e?” he asked the landlord.
Now the landlord 21 hiself on keeping a first-class hotel, and he 22 that his guests would not like the rough-looking traveler. So he answered, “No, sir. Every roo is 23 .”
“Well, then,” answered the stranger, “I’ll see what they can do for e at the Planters’Tavern, round the 24 ,” and he rode away.
About an hour later, a well-dressed gentlean cae into the hotel, saying, “I wish to 25 r. Jefferson.”
“There is not a r. Jefferson!” said the landlord.
“Oh,” the an was 26 , “but he ust be. He said he intended to 27 at this hotel.”
“No. A oent ago, an old clodhopper (鄉(xiāng)巴佬) cae here but I’ve sent hi round to the Planters’.”
“Did he 28 a gray horse?”
“Yes, and he was quite tall.”
“That was r. Jefferson, the vice-president,” said the gentlean.
“The vice-president?” 29 the landlord, “How foolish I was to 30 hi away!” So he rushed to the Planters’to 31 r. Jefferson.
“r. Jefferson,” he said, “I’ve coe to ask your 32 . You were so bespattered (濺污) with 33 that I thought you were soe old farer. If you coe back to y hotel, you will have the best 34 in it. Won’t you coe?”
“No,” answered r. Jefferson. “A farer is as 35 as any other an; and where there’s no roo for a farer, there can be no roo for e.”
16.A. straightB. wideC. rough D. short
17.A. practiceB. workC. care D. travel
18.A. bikeB. horseC. plane D. train
19.A. hotelB. stationC. college D. hall
20.A. swiftlyB. freelyC. slowly D. happily
21.A. congratulatedB. instructedC. sent D. prided
22.A. explainedB. fearedC. regretted D. aditted
23.A. safeB. fullC. cheap D. tidy
24.A. cornerB. yardC. far D. city
25.A. receiveB. inviteC. see D. honor
26.A. boredB. depressedC. frightened D. surprised
27.A. knock B. glanceC. stop D. recover
28.A. trainB. rideC. follow D. buy
29.A. criedB. coplainedC. siled D. replied
30.A. carryB. takeC. turn D. put
31.A. see offB. call on C. pick up D. fetch back
32.A. pardonB. purposeC. situation D. condition
33.A. oilB. udC. grass D. powder
34.A. positionB. studioC. restaurant D. roo
35.A. goodB. faousC. rich D. powerful
There are any opposite things, which cannot be united by any people. But, there will always be a chance to unite two different things in one work. The following explanation will tell you ore about the possibility to cobine painting and poetry.
Perhaps, it is not a new idea to tell people that they can actually produce the great work through cobining the painting and poes. In this case, we can unite both things in two ways. The first thing is to ake poes as the ain inspiration to do paintings. It is also possible to write a poe after looking at the painting. That will be the great first recoended way people can look at.
What about the next idea to cobine painting and poetry? In this case, we can cobine both of the on the canvas. You can do a good painting on the canvas and then write down the poe on that painting. It is a unique artwork and will be a good exaple to be looked at. I do not knohether this kind of concept has been used before. But this is the quite great new idea for e. It will ake people love painting and poetry at once. You will not need to read the poe on the white plain paper anyore.
A poe is a good work to represent a story or a thought. It is not too long and coplicated. It is a series of words arranged in stanza (節(jié)) and lines. So, cobining it with another type of art (such as painting) will be very good. You can get the essage of the poe through the colors and "story" on the canvas. Do you want to try it out? All you need to do is to play with your creativity in aking a painting with the right color coposition and also the great words on it.
36. What’s the author’s attitude toward the cobination of painting and poetry?
A. Supportive.B. Opposed.C. Bored.D. Indifferent.
37. The underlined word “canvas” in Paragraph 3 probably eans    .
A. walls of buildingsB. pieces of paper
C. painting clothD. coputer screens
38. What function does a poe serve according to the text?
A. aking an artist faous.
B. Indicating the creativity of a poet.
C. Working as a sybol of a good work.
D. Delivering the essage of a story or a thought.
39. What do you need if you want to cobine painting and poetry?
A. Great Creativity. B. The knowledge of poetry.
C. Life experiences.D. Skills of art.
40. It can be inferred fro the text that    .
A. any opposite things can be united through efforts
B. poes can inspire us to paint but not the opposite
C. painting and poes are recently cobined together
D. the author hasn’t cobined poes and painting before
The word “cancer” sees to leave ost people at a loss for words. I found this out first hand 16 onths ago. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and left the doctor’s office in the dark. Upon arriving hoe, I gave y husband the edical certificate (診斷書). He had very little to say about it.
During the period before y surgery, y husband would only talk about it if pressed into a conversation. I felt alone, very depressed, and unloved. I didn’t think he really cared for e and showed e oral support of soe for or another.
On the orning of y surgery, we were at the hospital early. We just ade sall talk as we awaited y appointed hour. When the nurse cae to wheel e away to operation, she said y husband could accopany us as far as the waiting area.
There were several people already in the waiting area, and right in front of the nurse and the other people, y husband bent down and kissed e and said, “I love you.” This is soething that the nurse had probably heard quite often, but you need to realize that for y husband did this in public. At that point, I finally realized that he did care.
I felt fine after the surgery. However, I was concerned about y “appearance” and how y husband would accept all this. I looked at yself in the irror, biting y lip to keep fro crying. Just then, he hugged e and said it didn’t atter to hi that I’d had both breasts reoved and it attered that I got well.
I had always felt close to y husband and had always considered hi a friend. But at that oent in the bathroo, I suddenly knehat the words “best friend” and “soul ate” eant.
41. Why did the author think her husband was not concerned about her?
A. Because her husband didn’t even know her state of illness.
B. Because the author went to see the doctor alone.
C. Because her husband didn’t say uch about her illness.
D. Because the author felt alone and unloved.
42. When her husband kissed her in public, the author was probably    .
A. surprisedB. heartbrokenC. ashaedD. shy
43. When did the author first realize her husband cared for her?
A. After her husband coforted her in the bathroo.
B. As her husband accopanied her to the surgery.
C. When her husband said, “I love you” in public.
D. After her husband accepted her appearance.
44. We can learn fro the text that after the surgery, the author    .
A. felt very satisfied
B. was very sad about her appearance
C. lost confidence in her husband
D. cared little about what her husband thought of her
45. According to the author, “best friend” and “soul ate” refer to those who    .
A. accept what you are and care for you
B. support you whenever you are in low spirits
C. share your sadness and happiness whenever it is
D. help you out if you have soe eotional probles
Once upon a tie, a doting other asked Albert Einstein what she should read to her son to help hi grow up as brilliant and intelligent as the faous scientist.
“Fairy-tales,” he said, wisely nodding his head.
Why? Why would Albert Einstein — the Nobel Prizes winning physicist recoend reading fairy-tales? Was he joking? All the evidence suggests he was deadly serious. He also said, “When I exaine yself and y ethods of thought, I coe to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has eant ore to e than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.”
Childhood is one of the factors that blur (使變模糊) the distinctions between the self and other objects. Thus fantasy stories appeal to children and appear to ake sense to the.
There are several coonly accepted genres (流派) of fantasy, “Anial Fantasy” which centers around the lives of lovable talking anials and “odern Fantasy” which focuses on adventures in other worlds and agical events. I a inclined to add a third genre “Huan and Anial Fantasy”, which ixes huan and anial characters. Another genre of fantasy ay be “High Fantasy” which features heroes who cobat evil and save the world fro destruction.
Fantasy feeds a child’s iagination and encourages creativity. The enjoyent that the genre engenders (產(chǎn)生) prootes reading and enhances literacy. oreover, the fantasy genre ay be used for teaching purposes. For exaple: A story about cruelty to anials would liit appeal to a child; however a fantasy celebration of closeness between the children and their pets ay give an eleent of exciteent as the children are able to save anials fro soeone with cruel intentions.
Children love the Harry Potter series, and if they only see the ovies they iss a great opportunity to develop their reading skills by spending tie with the lovable young wizards and witches (巫婆)of the Hogwarts counity.
46. Albert Einstein recoended reading fairy-tales because    .
A. he was just joking with the other
B. he contributed his gift of fantasy to reading fairy-tales
C. he got soe scientific ideas fro fairy-tales
D. the gift of fantasy equals to the talent for abstract, positive thinking
47. A student who likes reading about heroes will probably read    .
A. Anial FantasyB. odern Fantasy
C. Huan and Anial FantasyD. High Fantasy
48. Children are advised to read the Harry Potter series because    .
A. they are better than the fils
B. they can help iprove children’s reading ability
C. the fils are not true to the original stories
D. children can’t learn uch fro the fils
49. Which of the following best gives the ain idea of the sixth paragraph?
A. Fantasy can be educational to children.
B. Fantasy can bring great joy to children.
C. Children should not read stories about anials.
D. Fantasy can teach children to be kind to anials.
50. The author of the passage probably believes    .
A. children should not read too uch fantasy
B. all genres of fantasy are suitable for children
C. fantasy can benefit children in any ways
D. Huan and Anial Fantasy is ost suitable for children
“A serious attack on the fantasy story for children coes fro those who do not wish children to be frightened,” writes C.S. Lewis in an essay naed Three Ways of Writing for Children. Those who say that children ust not be frightened ean two things. Firstly, they ean that we ustn’t do anything likely to give children fears, and secondly, they want to keep out of their inds that they are born into a world of death, violence (暴力), wounds, good and evil (邪惡). C.S. Lewis says he agrees with the first reason, but not the second.
He goes on to coent, “Since it is so likely that they will eet cruel (殘酷的) eneies, let the at least hear of brave fighters and heroic courage. By liiting your child to perfect and nice stories of child life in which nothing alaring ever happens, they would fail to face fears and hardships.” “It would be nice,” he continues, “if no little boy in bed ever hears a frightening sound. But if he is to be frightened, I think St. George, or any bright chapion in aror, is a better cofort than the idea of the police.”
Bruno Bettelhei, a well-known child psychologist, also points out that fantasy stories provide children with a valuable education about good and evil. He believes that all children have any personal fantasies filled with fears and fantasy stories cofort the and offer solutions. Happy endings tell the that solutions and hope are real and odel the kind of happy life children want to find.
A good fantasy suggests rather than teaches possible answers to life. It’s believed that reading fantasies quickens the ability to get and put ideas fro books to reality. It’s what good literature does — it akes life larger.
51. According to the first paragraph, C.S. Lewis thinks that    .
A. children shouldn’t read any fantasy story because it is bad
B. adults shouldn’t do things that ay frighten their children
C. death and badness should be kept out of children’s inds
D. writing a fantasy story is the best way of writing for children
52. What probably is St. George according to the text?
A. He is a policean in real life.
B. He is a urderer caught by the police.
C. He is a brave an in a fantasy novel.
D. He is a frightening person in a story.
53. Why should children read fantasy literature according to Bruno Bettelhei?
A. Because it encourages children to have a lot of fantasies.
B. Because it helps children overcoe fears and find solutions.
C. Because it teaches children to write their own fantasy stories.
D. Because it gives children a happy eory when they grow up.
54. It can be inferred fro the text that    .
A. good literature can give readers ore valuable stories
B. fantasies can iprove one’s ability to solve probles
C. personal fantasies can help children get away fro danger
D. ost children can understand what fantasy literature is
55. Which of the following features of fantasy literature does the author want to stress?
A. It’s necessary and helpful.B. It’s interesting and attractive.
C. It’s useless but enjoyable.D. It’s frightening but exciting.
第一節(jié) 閱讀表達(dá) (共5小題;每小題3分,滿分15分)
[1] Could your cellphone give you cancer? Whether it could or not, soe people are worrying about the possibility that cellphones, power lines and WiFi could be responsible for a range of illnesses.
[2] Cailla Rees, an investent banker in the US, oved out of her apartent. She said that when her neighbors oved in and installed a WiFi router (路由器) she lost her ability to think clearly. Since then, she’s been on a oveent against low-level electroagnetic fields (電磁場(chǎng)), or EFs. And she’s not alone. illions of people say they suffer fro headaches and depression when they’re too close to cellphones or other sources of EFs. If these fears are justified (有正當(dāng)理由的), then perhaps we should all be worried about the aount of tie we spend talking on our phones or plugging into WiFi hotpots.
[3] Soe say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties. David Carpenter, a professor of environental health sciences, thinks there’s a greater than 95 percent chance that power lines can cause childhood leukeia(白血病). Also there’s a greater than 90 percent chance that cellphones can cause brain tuors (腫瘤). But others believe _________________. Dr artha Linet at the US National Cancer Institute has reached a different conclusion. “We don’t have the evidence that there’s uch danger,” said Linet.
[4] Studies so far suggest a weak connection between EFs and illness — so weak that it ight not exist at all. A ultinational investigation (調(diào)查) of cellphones and brain cancer has been underway for several years. The final report should coe out later this year, but data so far don’t suggest a strong link between cellphone use and cancer risk.
[5] According to Robert Park, a professor of physics, the agnetic waves(電磁波)aren’t nearly powerful enough to break apart DNA, which is how known threats, such as UV rays and X-rays, cause cancer.
56. List three sources of EFs based on the text. (no ore than 5 words)
① ________________ ② ________________ ③ ________________
57. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no ore than 8 words)
58. How can X-rays cause cancer? (no ore than 5 words)
59. Which sentence in the text is the closest in eaning to the following one?
We should all pay ore attention to the tie we spend using sellphones or WiFi if there is scientific evidence to support these anxieties.
60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.
第二節(jié) 寫作(滿分20分)

1. 描述圖片中發(fā)生的故事并簡(jiǎn)要談?wù)勀愕囊娊猓?br />2. 詞數(shù)120-150。

56. ① Cellphones ② Power lines ③ WiFi
57. there is no need to worry / these concerns are groundless
58. By breaking apart DNA.
59. If these fears are justified, then perhaps we should all be worried about the aount of tie we spend talking on our phones or plugging into WiFi hotpots.
60. 到目前為止,各項(xiàng)研究表明電磁場(chǎng)同各種疾病之間聯(lián)系甚微,甚至可以忽略不計(jì)。
One possible version:
Jack is a good student who loves reading very uch. Whenever he has difficulty, he will take out a book and try to find solutions in it.
One day, Jack read an article about the benefits of fishing and he wanted to have a try. He opened a book and found the saying that “fish cannot live without water”. So he decided to find where there is enough water. Near his house, there is a deep well. “What a wonderful place for fishing!” said Jack and he carried his fishing rod to the well. He waited for a long tie but caught nothing.
The picture reinds us that gaining knowledge fro books is essential, but understanding knowledge is even ore iportant. Different situations require us to understand and use the knowledge gained fro books differently.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/48296.html
