
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1.________________ adj. 保守的,舊式的
2.________________ n. 作業(yè);任務(wù),工作
3.________________ adj. 可選擇的;另類的
4.________________ n. 懲罰,處罰
5.________________ n. 名譽,名聲
6.________________ adj. 少量的,微小的
7.________________ adj. 杰出的,優(yōu)秀的
8.________________ vt. 反映;反射
9.________________ vt. 挑選
10.________________ v. 誤解
11.________________ n. 接近或進入之路
12.________________ adj. 值得努力的
答案:1.conservative 2.assignment 3.alternative 4.punishment 5.reputation 6.slight 7.outstanding 8.reflect
9.select 10.misunderstand 11.access 12.worthwhile
1.________________ 有助于,為……做貢獻
2.________________ 由于;到期的
3.________________ 心情不好,情緒低落
4.________________ 使遭遇
5.________________ 總共,總計
6.________________ 出發(fā);引爆
7.________________ 當(dāng)場發(fā)現(xiàn)某人干某事
8.________________ 至少
9.________________ 偵查,暗中監(jiān)視
10.________________ 首先,起初
答案:1.contribute to 2.due to 3.be in a bad mood 4.become of 5.add up to 6.set off 7.catch sb. doing sth. 8.at least 9.spy on 10.to start with
1.Education is ____________ when we have forgotten ________________.
答案:what remains all we have been taught
2.________________ can remember from school maths ________ the angles of a triangle ____________ 180 degrees!
答案:The only thing I is that add up to
3.____________ Mr.Jenkins ____________ school but I often think about him.
答案:I haven’t seen since I left
4.That was really ____________ I ever tried to explain science to an audience and now it’s my job!
答案:the first time
5.And ________________ can help turn a child like Graham into such a successful adult,then I know ____________________.
答案:if what I do as a teacher what I’m doing is worthwhile

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/54957.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一人教版Module 3檢測英語試卷