Unit 1 Lifestyle Lesson 3 A volunteer teacher同步輔導(dǎo)與測(cè)試(

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
例A:I shall not come if it rains tomorrow.
例B:My brother will leave for the United States next week.
解說 從句式我們可以了解一般將來時(shí)的表達(dá)須借助于助動(dòng)詞“shall/will”。關(guān)于“shall/will”的用法,傳統(tǒng)文法談得很多,同時(shí)各文法學(xué)家的理論也不很一致。更重要的是英國(guó)人和美國(guó)人對(duì)“shall/will”的用法規(guī)則并不很一致,也不很嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),所以本書擬只提供下面的五個(gè)規(guī)則,相信各位只要把下面這五個(gè)規(guī)則學(xué)通了,你的“shall/will”的用法就可以中規(guī)中矩了。
①說或?qū)懚急M量使用“I'll, You'll, He'll , She'll , It'll, We'll , They'll …”的簡(jiǎn)縮形(如用法例2、3)。
例A:I won't see him again.
例B:Who will go and help that poor old man?
Mary will . (瑪莉愿意。)
例A:You shall not do that again.
例B:He shall return that book tomorrow.
例A:Shall I call you a taxi ?
例B:Shall we tell her the truth ?
⑤問句是“Shall…?”,答句就用“shall ~”;問句用“Will …?”,答句就用“will ~ ”。
例A:Shall you go to school tomorrow ?
Yes, I shall . We'll have an exam .
例B:Will you go to school with me tomorrow?
No, I won't . I'm going on a picnic.
注:Let's …”的附加疑問通常使用“…, shall we ?”。
Let's have a rest, shall we?
一般將來時(shí)除了使用“shall/will + V…”以外,也可以使用下列的幾種句式來表達(dá)。
1.be going to + V … (即將會(huì)……;打算將……)
例A:It is going to rain. Take an umbrella with you.
例B:The Browns are going to move to Australia.
2.be about to + V (即將……,指緊接著要發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。)
例:Let's wait a minute. He is about to arrive.
3.be + V-ing …(定于……,指接近的將來動(dòng)作。)
例:He is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.
4.be + to V (定于……,指預(yù)定的將來動(dòng)作。)
例:She is to be here at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
5.V-(e)s (定于……,指接近的將來動(dòng)作,但不如第3項(xiàng)主觀。)
例:He leaves for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.
常用于修飾一般將來時(shí)的時(shí)間副詞有:tomorrow, tomorrow morning (afternoon, evening), next + 時(shí)間 (next night, next Monday …, next week, month…, next summer…, next year), in (the) future (將來),soon (不久之后),in +時(shí)間 (in five days??再過五天,in two weeks??再過二星期),etc.
Drilling Square
1.You ______ not drive through a red light.
2.I ______ do everything for her.
3.______ you help me with this heavy bag, John?
4.______ I help you with that heavy bag, Madam?
5.Let's go and take a walk after dinner, ______ we?
6."No one ______ leave the classroom if I haven't said Okay," said the teacher.
7.It ______ soon be over, I am sure.
8.Do what you ______ , but don't go out.
9.I ______ take you there with me, if it's OK with your mother.
10.Rain or shine, I ______ come.
1.A:How do you want to go to Hualain, by air or by train?
B:I am not in a hurry this time, so I (1) take the train.
2.A:(2) (you like) to go to the game this afternoon?
B:I'd love to. Where (3) (we meet) ?
A:You just stay home and wait for me. I (4) drive my car there, so I (5) (pick) you up at about 1:30 .
3.A:It's a good dictionary . I (6) (buy) it, but I don't have money with me now.
B:Don't worry. I (7) (lend) you.
4.A:I hear Miss Chen (8) leave our school and teach in a bigger school in Taipei.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/56688.html
