Unit6 Cartoons and Comic Strips

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit6 Cartoons and Comic Strips
一、單元分析(Unit Analysis)
(一)單元地位(Unit Position)
2.本單元出現(xiàn)的語言功能主要是征詢他人的意見以及贊同和不贊同他人的意見。如:What are these pictures about?/ Do you think so?/ Maybe you’re right. 這些句式出現(xiàn)在課本P92-93上。在口語訓(xùn)練部分,教師可以提供一些話題,讓學(xué)生利用這些句式進(jìn)行操練。
3.It做形式賓語的用法在課文首次里出現(xiàn)?梢园岩恍┏R姷,會出現(xiàn)it做形式賓語的動詞補(bǔ)充給學(xué)生,并讓學(xué)生做適當(dāng)?shù)牟倬殹?br />4.復(fù)習(xí)時態(tài):過去完成時。
(二)單元目標(biāo)(Unit Target)
(三)單元重點(Unit Points)
1. 關(guān)鍵詞、詞組和句型:
語言知識類:means, express, fasten, punishment, pastime, tickle, lively, replace,
hunt for, other than, put ... into words, deal with, out of the question, with the improvement of ... , range from … to …, bring … to justice, give way (to), can’t help doing sth, a set of, at one end, for the moment, people of all ages
People often find it hard to ...
therefore, technique, cartoonist, amusing, humorous, sympathy, digital comic strips
2. 功能:
(1) Asking for or giving opinions:
?What do you know about…?
?Could you say something about…?
?How do you like…?
?Do you like/ enjoy…?
?You’d better (not) do sth.
?You should/ ought to….
?I suggest that you should…
?Let’s do something
(2) Expressing agreement and disagreement:
?Maybe you’re right.
?I believe that you have got it right.
?Surely it must be….
?Yes, I agree with you.
?Don’t you think that…..?
?I don’t think that’s right ….
?I don’t think so.
?You must be mistaken……
?No, you are wrong thinking that …….
?I’m afraid you’re wrong …..
?Yes, you are right, but ….
3. 語法點:
二、設(shè)計(Teaching Designs)
1.Reading在導(dǎo)入課上可以讓學(xué)生試著用英語來描述P84上的圖片。如果學(xué)生不能描述,可以參考課文Paragraph C,同時可以讓學(xué)生熟悉課文中出現(xiàn)的幾個生詞(fasten, pole, one end of, out of the question, for the moment),然后完成圖片下面的兩個問題。
在導(dǎo)入課上還可以讓學(xué)生快速通讀課文,然后完成Ex A2, A3。(建議提前一天讓學(xué)生預(yù)習(xí)課文中的單詞和詞組)
如果時間寬余,這里補(bǔ)充十題關(guān)于卡通與漫畫的課外問題?梢砸詑uiz或quick response的形式在課堂上使用。[鏈結(jié)1]課本第84頁到87頁。
詞匯表 第97,98頁。
2. Structure復(fù)習(xí)過去完成時。
結(jié)構(gòu):sb. had done sth
By the end of + 過去時間點,sb. had done sth..
Hardly/ No sooner had sb done, when/ than sb. did sth
以及在一些時間狀語從句(when, before或after等 )出現(xiàn)的過去完成時。課本第90頁到92頁。
3. Listening 根據(jù)學(xué)生的實際情況聽錄音一遍或兩遍,然后完成P92上的表格。課本第92頁。
4. Speaking以卡通和漫畫為主題設(shè)計口語活動。
活動四:課本P93 B/ Ex 2, 根據(jù)情境設(shè)計兩人一組的對話。
5. Study Skills讓學(xué)生閱讀P94上的參考資料,使他們認(rèn)識到上下文的重要性。然后根據(jù)學(xué)生的實際情況,選擇性地完成Ex B (P95)。課本第94-95頁。
6. Additional Reading作為課文內(nèi)容的補(bǔ)充,建議放在最后一個課時。
完成課后T or F練習(xí)。
1. Who created Mickey Mouse? B
A. Charles Disney
B. Walt Disney
C. Brand Disney
D. Steven Disney
2. How many stories are there in the Father and Son? B
A. 204
B. 194
C. 304
D. 94
3. When was Mickey Mouse Born? A
A. 1928
B. 1929
C. 1930
D. 1931
4. Which Chinese cartoon character was created by Zhang Leping? B
A. Chen Xiang
B. Sanmao
C. Hua Mulan
D. Monkey King
5. What is the dog’s name in “Peanuts” drawn by Charles Schulz? D
A. Sneezy
B. Charles
C. Donald
D. Snoopy
6. What was the first full-length cartoon film( animated feature film)? D
A. Cinderalla
B. Peanuts
C. Toy Story
D. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
7. Reading cartoon had been a pastime for adults until the _____ century. B
A. 19th B. 20th
C. 18th D. 21st
8. With the improvement of __ & __ techniques, modern cartoons become children’s favorite. C
A. writing and printing
B. receiving and printing
C. printing and drawing
D. drawing and writing
9. Cartoons and comic strips become popular among : C
A. young students
B. the old people
C. people of all ages
D. adults
10. Today, in cartoons and comic strips, we can find: D
A. entertainment
B. food for thought
C. violence
D. all of above
為了降低難度,這里有一些useful expressions,可以提供給學(xué)生方便他們談?wù)撟约旱挠^點。
in addition to entertainment …
with the improvement of printing and drawing techniques …
become popular with
have some effects on
sympathy & lively & attractive
do good/ bad to
range from children to adults
digital techniques
violence/ violent
tickle the imagination of children
bring bad people to justice
household words
We think…; In our opinion …
First…, Second…, Last but not least…

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/60924.html

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