

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

( )1. A. class B. rice C. Maths
( )2. A. today B. Monday C. Sunday
( )3. A. shopping B.sleep C. skip
( )4. A. very B. they C. we
( )5. A.school B. do C. cool
二、選擇與你所聽到內(nèi)容相符的圖片。(本題1 0分,每小題2分)
1.________ 2.__________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________
三、 選出你所聽到的句子。(本題10分,每小題2分)
( )1. A. What does he do in the morning?
B. What does he have in the morning?
( )2. A. I have PE and Maths.
B. I have English and Art.
( )3. A. Daming likes football.
B. Daming plays football.
( )4. A. It’s warm and sunny today.
B. It’s warm and raining today.
( )5. A. We go swimming in summer..
B. We go skating in winter. 四、判斷正誤,對(duì)(T)錯(cuò)(F)。(本題10分,每小題2分)
( ) 1. It’s warm and raining in spring.
( )2. We go skating in summer.
( )3. It’s snowing today. It’s very cool.
( )4.We play basketball in autumn.
( )5. She has English , Art and PE.

( )1、She basketball on Mondays .
A .play B .plays C .does play
( )2、What does she at school ?
A .has B .have C .having
( )3、Do you play football in the morning ? .
A .No ,I do. B .Yes , I does. C .No ,I don’t
( )4、Does Xiaoyong like basketball ?
A .No ,he don`t B .Yes ,he does C .Yes .he do
( )5、I have in the afternoon .
A .Music ,art B .Maths and Art C .maths and art
六、 連詞成句。(本題10分,每小題2分)
1、① does Linging ② at school ③ have ④ What ( ? )

2、① Marths and PE ② in the morning ③He ④ has ( . )

3、① do you ② on Sundays ③ What ④ do ( ? )

4、① in winter ② We ③ go skating ( . )

5、① hot and sunny ② It’s ③ today ( . )



( )1. It’s hot in summer.
( )2. It’s warm , but it’s raining.
( )3.We play football in spring.
( )4. It’s windy, but it’s not cool.
( )5. It’s very cold in winter.

A:Hello,Lingling. What do you do at school ?
B: 1
A: Do you have Art in the morning? A. What do you have in the afternoon?
B: 2 I have Chinese. B.No, I don’t.
A: 3 C. Yes, she does.
B: I have English , Music and PE in D.I have classes.
the afternoon. 4 E. Do you have PE in the afternoon?
A:Yes , I do. Does Amy have Maths in the afternoon?
B: 5 And she likes Maths very much.

1.________ 2.__________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________

( )1. What do you do on Sundays? A. I have Music.
( )2. What does xiaomei have in the morning? B. I watch TV.
( )3.Do you sleep in the morning? C. They’re monkeys.
( )4. What do you have at school? D. Yes, I do.
( )5. What are they? E. She has PE in the moring.

My name is Sam. I like football. I play football on Saturdays. Daming likes football, too. He plays football on Saturdays. And he rides his bike on Sundays. Amy likes watching TV. She watches TV in the afternoon.
( ) 1. Sam likes basketball..
( ) 2. Sam plays football on Sundays.
( ) 3. Daming likes football.
( ) 4. Sam rides his bike on Sundays.
( ) 5. Amy watches TV in the afternoon.

附加題: 根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。(本題10分,每小題2分)
1、It’s _________ (溫暖的) in spring .
2、Summer is a nice _________ (季節(jié)) .
3、We play in the _________(雪 ) in winter.
4、I have _______ (程).
5、I ________(騎) my bike in the morning .
1. Maths
2. Monday
3. sleep
4. very
5. cool
二選擇與你所聽到內(nèi)容相符的圖片。(本題1 0分,每小題2分)
1.I have Music in the afternoon.
2.It’s warm ,but it’s raining today.
3 Do you watch TV in the moring?
4.I sleep in the morning.
5. It’s cool in autumn.
三 選出你所聽到的句子。(本題10分,每小題2分)
1. What does he have in the morning?
2. I have English and Art.
3. Daming likes football.
4. It’s warm and sunny today.
5. We go skating in winter. 四、判斷正誤,對(duì)(T)錯(cuò)(F)。(本題10分,每小題2分)
1. It’s warm and raining in spring.
2. We go skating in winter.
3. It’s snowing today. It’s very cold.
4.We play basketball in autumn.
5. She has English , Science and PE.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/134750.html
