

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

小學(xué)三年級英語期中測試卷 2012.11
( )1. A. worry B. sorry ( )2. A.card B. hard
( )3. A. row B. now ( )4. A. ear B. idea
( )5. A. feet B.feed ( )6. A. ill B. all
( )7.A.fruit B. flute ( ) 8. A. these B. this
( )9. A.far B. far ( )10. A. can’t B. can

Ⅱ. 聽音給圖片標(biāo)號 (2*6=12)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) Don’t worry!
( ) Yes, you can.
( )Hello, can I coe in?
( ) Yes, please.
( )Can I read this book?
( )Oh no! These books , I’ sorry.
( )You can read all books no

Ⅳ.聽音畫笑臉和哭臉 (1’x6=6)

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. They are in the park.
( )2. Ay doesn’t like the lake in the park.
( )3. The people are swiing on the lake.
( )4. Sa and Ay are feeding the ducks.
( )5. Those ducks are very hungry.
Ⅵ. 聽音選擇括號里的詞(10分)
pet naughty worry chopsticks quiet
1.These ducks are very ______________.
2.Don’t _________. I can help you.
3.Please be________. u is sleeping.(睡覺)
4.I have got a _________. It’s a dog.
5.We use ____________in China.

1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( )

( ) 1. We are Chinese. Chopsticks are ___for us.
A. hard B. easy C. good
( )2. Here is ____ ice-crea.
A. a B. an C. /
( )3.Look ___ those ducks over there.
A. to B. for C. at
( )4. You are ill, you ___go out.
A. can B. can’t C. don’t
( )5. Can I coe in?
A.Yes,please. B.No, I can’t. C.Yes, I can.
( )6. Can I play ___your jigsaws?
A. and B. with C.in
( )7. --Can this bird fly? ?Yes, ___can.
A. he B.it C.they
( )8.Ay has got a ___. It’s a lovely ouse.
A. jigsaw puzzle B. plane C. pet
( )9. Can you ____? Yes, but not well.
A. swiing B. swis C. swi
( )10. She ______ got a new kite.
A. have B. had C. has
1. Today is u’s birthday. Let’s ________(制作) a ________(蛋糕).
2. We can buy ice-creas at the ________.(商店)
3.I can ______ _______, (跳得遠(yuǎn))but Ay can’t. So I’ the winner.
4.Let’s _________(修理) the kite.
5. You can read _________(全部的) the books no
6. y u is _________.(生病的) Don’t _________.(擔(dān)心)
7.Let’s ________(喂) the ducks.
____________ a duck.
___ trees.

Ⅳ.讀問句選答句,填寫序號: (2*5=10)

( )1. What are you doing ? ( )2. Can I have a drink?
( )3. I want to go to shop. ( )4. What have you got?
( )5. What are these?

I’ a girl. y nae is Wang ei. I’ nine. I have any friends. I like the. y friend Li ing can run fast and jup far. Zhang Dong can play football and basketball, but he can’t swi. Chen Hua can play the drus, but she can’t play the flute. y friends Jiang Ling and Guo Qiang can draw an elephant, a snake, a giraffe and any other anials. I can sing and dance. How happy we are!
( )1. Wang ei is nine.
( ) 2. Li ing can run fast.
( ) 3. Chen Hua can’t play the drus.
( ) 4. Wang ei can sing and dance.

1. Don’t worry! Iet e help you .
2. Chopsticks are hard for English people.
3. People row on this lake.
4. Let’s ake a plane! That’s a good idea!
5.Let’s feed the ducks. Where is the bread?
6.You can’t go out! You’re ill.
7. What’s Ay doing? She’s playing the flute.
8. These ducks are very naughty.
9. I can jup far.
10. This bird can’t fly.
Ⅱ. 聽音給圖片標(biāo)號
1. Chips are English fast food.
2. He’s eating sweets with his hands.
3. He can’t ride a bike.
4. This baby can’t walk.
5. What are these? They’re boats.
6. She can jup far.
( 6 ) Don’t worry!
( 4 ) Yes, you can.
( 1 )Hello, can I coe in?
( 2 ) Yes, please.
( 3 )Can I read this book?
( 5 )Oh no! These books , I’ sorry.
( 7 )You can read all books no
Ⅳ.聽音畫笑臉和哭臉。 (6分)
1.Do you want a haburger? No, thank you.
2.Do you soe chips ? Yes, please.
3.Do you want want soe rice? Yes, please.
4.Do you want soe noodles? No, thank you.
5.Do you use chopticks in England? No, I don’t.
6.Do you use Knife in England? Yes, I do.

Today is Sunday. Sa,Ay and s Sart are going to the park. They are very happy. The park is very nice. Ay and Sa like the lake in the park. any people are rowing on the lake. Now Sa and Ay are rowing on the lake,too. Look at those ducks. They are swiing over there. Sa and Ay are feeding the ducks. Those ducks are very hungry, and they are very naughty.
Ⅵ. 聽音選擇括號里的詞填空
1.These ducks are very __naughty____.
2.Don’t _worry__. I can help you.
3.Please be_quiet_. u is sleeping.(睡覺)
4.I have got a _pet_. It’s a dog.
5.We use _chopsticks_in China.
1.This duck can swi.
2.This boy can ride a bike.
3.This fish can swi.
4.This boy can’t ride a bike.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/41264.html
