I am sure there are no UFOs

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

八上仁愛版英Unit 4 Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs Section B教學(xué)案例
The main activities are 1 a and 2. 本重點(diǎn)活動(dòng)是1a和2。
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1. Learn some useful words and expressions:
toward(s), plate, planet, information, mistake … for …, object, balloon, call for, wake, wake up, real
2. Go on learning to express certainty and uncertainty (be sure/be not sure) and review Past Continuous Tense:
(1)A UFO flew over my head while I was walking toward the bus stop yesterday.
(2)I’m quite sure there are UFOs.
(3)I’m not so sure. Even scientists aren’t sure whether there are UFOs.
(4)I’m sure there are no UFOs.
(5)I’m not sure whether/if ro bots will make humans lose their jobs.
(6)While Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學(xué)方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 復(fù)習(xí)(時(shí)間:12分鐘)
1. (猜謎游戲:復(fù)習(xí)過去進(jìn)行時(shí)和肯定與不肯定句式的用法。)
(把學(xué)生分成三人一組,一人在紙上寫一個(gè)動(dòng)作,讓另外兩位同學(xué)猜他在做什么,猜時(shí)要用上I’m sure./I’m quite sure./I’m not sure.練習(xí)之后,以小組為單位在臺(tái)前表演。)
T: What was S1 doing at this time yesterday?
S2:She was watching TV.
T: Are you sure?
S2:Yes, I’m quite sure.[:學(xué)科網(wǎng)ZXX]
S1:Yes, I was watching TV at that time.
T: I’m sure you were searching for the information about robots and UFOs last night. Please give a report about it.
3. (教師從報(bào)紙、雜志、網(wǎng)上找一些UFO的圖片,導(dǎo)入新。)
T: (出示圖片)You have known much about robots and UFOs. I have some pictures here. Look at these pictures. What are these?
Ss:They are UFOs.
T:What do the UFOs look like?
Ss:They look like plates.
T: I’m not sure whether there are UFOs. Are you sure there are UFOs, S3?
I’m not sure whether/if there are UFOs.
S3:Yes, I’m quite sure.
T: What about you, S4?
S4:I’m not sure whether there are UFOs.
T: I’m not sure, either. Because there are no living things on other planets.
T: The earth is a planet. ars(火星) is a planet, too.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(xiàn)(時(shí)間:8分鐘)
T:ost of us are not sure whether there are UFOs. But Jane saw a UFO yesterday. Is there really a UFO? They’re talking about it. Now listen to 1a and answer the following question:
What was Jane doing while a UFO flew over her head?
S1:She was walking toward the bus stop.(幫助學(xué)生說toward。)
T:Some students are sure there are UFOs, but some students aren’t sure about this.What about ichael, angkang and aria? Read 1a and finish 1b.
S2:ichael is quite sure there are UFOs.
S3:angkang is not sure.
S4:aria is sure there are no UFOs.
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固(時(shí)間:8分鐘)
1. (再次播放錄音1a,讓學(xué)生跟讀,注意語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào)。)
T: Listen to the tape and follo Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
2. (根據(jù)1b表格。四人一組練習(xí)1a對(duì)話。)
T: Please practice the dialog using the information in 1b. Then I’ll let some of you act it out.
3. (用給出的句子編 對(duì)話,完成1c。)
T: From 1a we know the scientists aren’t sure whether there are UFOs. But I’m sure there are robots. Are you sure, S1?
S1:I’m quite sure.
T:I’m s ure robots will make humans lose their jobs.
S2:I’m not sure whether robots will make humans lose their jobs.
T:Look at the example in 1c. Can you make similar dialogs by using the sentences in the box?
Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習(xí)(時(shí)間:12分鐘)
1. (利用實(shí)物,引出生詞及詞組,引入2。)
T: (拿出氣球) What’s this object?[
S1: It’s a balloon. (幫助學(xué)生回答)
T: Yes, it’s a balloon. Are there UFOs? Nobody is sure. In fact, people often mistake balloons for UFOs.
sure, mistake … for …
T:But why are there so much information about UFOs? There is a passage about it. Let’s go and have a look together.
T:Now please read the passage in 2 and check the best title of the passage.
T:O, now are you sure there are UFOs? S2, please.
S2:No, I’m not sure there are UFOs.
T:Why do you think so?
S2:Because until now, nobody seems to have really seen a UFO.[:學(xué)*科*網(wǎng)Z*X*X*]

2. (聽錄音跟讀,記下關(guān)鍵詞。)
T: Well done. Now listen to the tape and follo Write down the key words.
say, see UFOs, in fact, information, mistake ... for … , man-made, objects, kite, balloon, nobody, sure
3. (師生對(duì)話,引出生詞,導(dǎo)入3a。)
T: From the passage above, we know nobody seems to have really seen a UFO. But are you
sure there are aliens?
S3:Yes, I’m sure there are aliens.
S4:No, I’m not sure whether there are aliens.
T: O ! Last night, while Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head. To our surprise, when he was trying to call for help, he saw an alien. What happened to him? Please read 3a and fill in the blanks.
call for
wake up
3. (讓學(xué)生再讀3a,小組進(jìn)行討論,然后完成3b。)
T: Who was the real “alien”? R ead 3a again. Discuss in pairs, and finish 3b.
Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(dòng)(時(shí)間:5分鐘)
1. (復(fù)習(xí)過去進(jìn)行時(shí)。)
T:Now, let’s make a survey. One student asks his/her partner what he /she was doing at different times yesterday evening, then fill his/her answers in the table on the small blackboard. And then write down your own answers.
Dis cuss with each other and choose who had the best time. At last I will ask some students to report to the class.
Time (yesterday evening)Your partnerYou
2. ake a survey.
(把學(xué)生分為10人一組,討論以下問題,然后填表格。每組派代表向全班同學(xué)匯報(bào), 班長(zhǎng)有多少人認(rèn)為……,相信或不相信……。)
(1)Do you thin k there are people on other planets?
(2)Are you sure UFOs are real?
(3)If there are aliens, are they probably friendly or unfriendly?
There are people on other planets.√
There are no people on other planets.
UFOs are real.√
UFOs are not real.
Aliens are probably friendly.
Alien s are probably unfriendly.√
3. Homework:
上網(wǎng)查詢或查閱書報(bào)、雜志上有關(guān)外星人及不明飛行物的相關(guān)內(nèi)容。充分發(fā)揮你的想象,編一個(gè)談?wù)撏庑侨撕筒幻黠w行物的對(duì)話或?qū)懸黄。(用上過去進(jìn)行時(shí)句型和be sure結(jié)構(gòu)。)
I am sure there are no UFOs.
Section B
mistake for(1)I’m quite sure there are UFOs.
call for(2)I’m not so sure. Even scientists aren’t sure whether there are UFOs.
wake up(3)I’m not sure whether/if robots will make humans lose their jobs.
(4)While Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/42732.html

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