
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


親愛(ài)的同學(xué),這份試卷將再次記錄你的自信、沉著、智慧和收獲. 老師一直投給你信任的目光.請(qǐng)認(rèn)真審題,看清要求,仔細(xì)答題,祝你考出好成績(jī)。
( ) 1、We helped the boy find his English book in the end.
A. at last B. at once C. at first
( ) 2、I think drinking ilk is good for our health.
A. is good at B. isn’t bad for C. does well in
( ) 3、There are plenty of books on the shelf.
A. a lot B. a lot of C. a few
( ) 4、He is really anxious, because his backpack is lost.
A. sad B. angry C. worried
( ) 5、Who can help e give out these test papers.
A. put out B. hand out C. turn out
( ) 6、—How do you study English well?
—¬¬________working hard.
A. In B. At C. By
( ) 7、Her sister ______a taxi driver. Now she works for a charity.
A. is B. was used to being C. used to be
( ) 8、The old parents_____lots of oney on their son’s new house.
A. cost B. spent C. paid
( ) 9、Driving after drinking wine_____in China.
A. allows B. is allowed C. isn’t allowed
( ) 10、At last the boy was ade_______and began to laugh.
A. to keep crying B. to stop crying C. to stop to cry
( ) 11、You can see_______if you go out at night.
A. illion stars B. thousand of stars C. illions of stars
( ) 12、If I_____you, I’d save soe oney to buy a new car.
A. were B. a C. was
( ) 13、—Who is singing in the next roo? Is it Lucy?
—It_____be her. She has gone to New York.
A. can’t B. ust C. ight
( ) 14、I prefer sports shows______soap operas. What about you?
A. than B. at C. to
( ) 15、—Do you know Li Na?
—Of course. She is a great tennis player_______coes fro Hubei, China.
A. what B. who C. which
( ) 16、Luding is a beautiful city______I have ever visited.
A. who B. that C. what
( ) 17、—Could you please provide us______soe inforation about the students’ health?
—Sure, it’s y pleasure.
A. of B. fro C. with
( ) 18、We shouldn’t_______our hopes. Everything will be better.
A. cheer up B. fix up C. give up
( ) 19、A new cinea______in our city last year.
A. built B. was built C. is built
( ) 20、The little boy is really unhappy. Let’s do soething to_______
A. cheer up the B. cheer hi up C. cheer the up
( ) 21、I______believe it______ I see it with y own eyes.
A. won’t; and B. will; until C. won’t; until
( ) 22、any accidents_______by careless drivers last year.
A. are caused B. were caused C. have caused
( ) 23、By the end of this year, I________English for seven years.
A. had learned B. learned C. was learned
( ) 24、Do you know________?
A. when will he be back B. where did he go C. when he will be back
( ) 25、—Would you like______a ovie with us tonight?
—Sorry, I have to help y other do soe chores.
A. see B. to see C. seeing
Hello, I' fro the USA. I' in Grade Two in a iddle school. Let e tell you soething about y school 26 . y school day usually begins at 8:00 in the orning and lasts 27 1:00 in the afternoon. y school has extra lessons for those who wish to iprove 28 studies and I take soe of these lessons. I ust wear unifor every day to school. At school, I take part in soe kinds of 29 I like running best. I also play soccer, tennis and basketball. I have soe 30 ;one week for Easter, 3 onths in suer, 3 days for National Heroes Week, 2 days for Labor Day and 2 weeks for Christas and the New Year.
( ) 26. A. life B. work C. friends
( ) 27. A. at B. on C. until
( ) 28. A. our B. their C. your
( ) 29. A. sports B. parties C. perforances
( ) 30. A. activities B. chances C. vacations

How do students around the world get to school? Do you know? We 31 a survey about it last onth and this is what we 32
In North Aerica, ost students go to school 33 the school bus. Soe students 34 walk or ride bikes to school. In 35 parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, ost students take trains to school, 36 others walk or ride their bikes, too. In China, it depens on 37 you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses, but in sall villages, students go to school 38 and it usually 39 the ore tie to go to school. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Caishandao, students usually go to school by boat. That ust be a lot ore fun than taking a bus. Do you think 40 ?
( ) 31. A. did B. carried C.had
( ) 32. A. saw B. got C. listened
( ) 33. A. by B. in C. on
( ) 34. A. also B. too C. either
( ) 35. A. another B. other C. others
( ) 36. A. if B. because C. although
( ) 37. A. where B. who C. what
( ) 38. A. on feet B. on foot C. with foot
( ) 39. A. spends B. costs C. takes
( ) 40. A. so B. such C. that
As a Chinese iddle school student, everyone has different feelings about iddle school life. How is it to be an Aerican iddle school student?
A few Aerican iddle schools cae to Beijing several onths ago. They wanted to enrol(招生)soe students to go to Aerica. They held a big enrollent eeting.
There were a lot of parents and children at the eeting. They were very interested in studying in Aerica. A 12-year-old boy said, "I hear activities after school in Aerica are very rich, so I want to open y eyes there."
In Aerica, kids can choose the school they like. ost iddle schools are two years. And ost high schools are four years. One school year needs about 40 000 dollars for a Chinese student. It's still a lot for ost Chinese failies.
( ) 41. any Aerican iddle schools cae to Beijing not long ago.
( ) 42. The Aerican schools cae to enroll Chinese students to study in the US.
( ) 43. A 12-year-old boy said he wanted to go to the rich after-school activities in Aerica.
( ) 44. Like schools in China, both iddle schools and high schools in the US have three grades.
( ) 45. The cost of studying in Aerica is not high for ost Chinese failies.

UK parents hope their kids can grow into successful people so they ake their kids learn all kinds of subjects after school. Though soe kids are very young, they still take part in a lot of after-class activities.
In UK, 20% of parents spend yearly 600 pounds on different classes for their kids. For exaple, young kids have to learn French, swiing, painting and so on to follow their parents' ideas. 75% of parents think that early learning is good for kids. ost kids who go to after-class activities are under 6 years old.
The faous educator Lisa Houghton says, "Although learning different kinds of subjects is iportant to kids, it's ore iportant to ake the have a happy childhood. Parents should spend ore tie having, fun with their kids, not just aking the stay in the classroos."
( ) 46. UK parents ake their kids learn a lot because they hope their kids can
A. becoe successful people B. enjoy their life C. be faous
( ) 47. Young kids go to learn a lot after class because they want to
A. enjoy theselves by studying B. do what their parents tell the
C. be better than others
( ) 48. The idea "Early learning is good for kids. " is supported by of the UK parents.
A. 20% B. 60% C. 75%
( ) 49. The faous educator Lisa Houghton thinks is the ost iportant for parents.
A. spending ore tie having fun with their kids
B. providing their kids with a happy classroo life
C. helping their kids learn ore subjects
( )50. How old are ost of the kids who go to after-class activities? ,
A. Over 6 years old. B. Only 6 years old. C. Under 6 years old.

The British useu has a 250-year-old history. There are a lot of faous collections of world culture in the useu. Every year, a lot of people go to visit the British useu. To let ore people see the collections of China easily, the useu holds a touring exhibition called "China: Journey to the East". It is the second touring exhibition after the ancient Greek collection exhibition.
The touring exhibition will help British kids aged between 7 and 14 know ore about Chinese culture, such as Chinese languages, arts, inventions, foods, traditional clothes and so on.
Jessica, an official of the useu, says, "The Chinese history is an iportant part of the world history. It influences (影響)any other countries, including Britain. Our kids should know ore about China, not just chopsticks, pandas and the Beijing Olypics."
( ) 51. The British useu has collections fro all over .
A. Europe B. the western countries C. the world
( ) 52. The ancient Greek collection exhibition is the touring exhibition of the British useu.
A. first B. second C. third
( ) 53. The purpose of the British useji's touring exhibition "China: Journey to the East" is to .
A. ake the useu ore faous
B. let ore people see the collection of China easily
C. help every British kid to know ore about Chinese culture
( ) 54. According to Jessica, Chinese history is iportant to the world because
A. it's long and colorful B. China is becoing stronger and stronger
C. it influences any other countries
( ) 55. The things that British kids have known about China are
. A. chopsticks, pandas and the Beijing Olypics
B. Chinese languages, arts and inventions
C. Chinese foods and traditional clothes
any people begin to use pencils fro an early age. There are any kinds of pencils:soe have erasers on top; soe are colorful. You ay have used any kinds of the for any years, but do you know the history of pencils?
any years ago, people in Egypt used lead(鉛)to write. Now, pencils are ade fro graphite(石墨)instead of lead. In 1564, people found that graphite could leave black arks. In the beginning, the people used it to ake arks on their sheep. Later they used the graphite to write. They thought it was lead. Graphite left a blacker ark than lead, but it was not strong enough so it needed soething to hold it.
In 1565,Conrad Gesner first put graphite into soething to hold it. Later, in the 1600s, Geran people ixed graphite with soe other things and used the for writing. Later, France couldn't get pencils fro both the English and the Gerans, so Nicholas Jacques Conte began to ake pencils. In France, there was little graphite, so he ixed graphite with clay(粘土).
In 1812,Willia unroe ade the fist Aerican wood pencils. Later, a an put a sall eraser on top of a pencil. A new kind of pencil was born.
( ) 56. People began to write with lead first in .
A. Egypt B. England C. Gerany
( ) 57. Graphite is than lead.
A. blacker and softer B. blacker and harder C. softer and lighter
( ) 58. The first people to ix graphite with other aterials are .
A. English B. Geran C. French
( ) 59. Who is first person to put graphite into soething to hold is .
A. Willia unroe B. Nicholas Jacques Conte C. Conrad Gesner
( ) 60. The passage is ainly about the of pencils.
A. kinds B. history C. aterials
A: Oh, hi. 61
B: Yes, I a.
A: Let e introduce yself. 62
B: Nice to eet you. y nae is Harry. I' studying at Cabridge University.
A: 63
B: Three days ago.
A: Well, if there's anything I can do for you, please feel free to let e kno
B: I will. 64
A: Yes. There's one sall bank down the street.
B: OK. Thank you.
A: 65

A. Oh. When did you ove in?
B. You ust be our new neighbor.
C. I' Eily, living in the blue house across the street.
D. y pleasure.
E. Is there a bank around here?

61._________ 62._________ 63.________ 64._________ 65._________
66. When I have free tie, I often practice________(speak) English.
67. If Sion_______(have) tie next weekend, he will go to the zoo.
68. Don’t worry about your son. He is old enough to be independent and live by_______.(he)
69. Would you like________(have) cup of coffee?
70. We should help the________(hoe) people after the earthquake.

1. Can you________(翻譯) the English sentences into Chinese, please?
2. Students should get to school______ ______(準(zhǔn)時(shí)) every day.
3. You can’t________(想像) what life will be like in 50 years’ tie?
4. They saw an____________(有教育意義的) fil yesterday.
5. ary________(意識(shí)到) that she had fallen in love with the young an.
Soccer is a tea g 6 of the feet. It is played between two t 7 with 11 players on each side. During the gae, the b 8 is kicked or headed on an open field. Only the goalkeeper( 守門(mén)員) can use his h 9 When the ball goes into the net, a g 10 is scored.

6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._______ 10._______
Have you ever felt life is bad? Do you find that life sees to ake things difficult for you and everything sees to go wrong? I soeties felt that way, but a friend changed e.
He told e that although he didn't have enough oney, he was happy. I asked why he was happy. Then he told e what he saw in India.
A few years ago, he was really feeling sad and went to India. He saw an Indian other cut off her child's right hand with a knife. After that he could never forget the sad eyes of the helpless other and the child. The reason why the other did that was to beg. The other did this so that the child could go out on the streets to beg and get soe food to eat.
Then he began to think about how happy he was. He had food to eat, a coplete body, a job, a faily, the chance to say that soe food wasn't delicious, and any things that the other and the child in front of hi never dreaed of having.
After hearing his story, I began to think about it, too. Was y life really that bad? Perhaps it wasn't. It wasn't bad at all.
What about you? Next tie you think that your life is bad, think about the child who lost one hand so that he could beg on the streets.
( ) 11. The writer begins the article with two questions in order to .
A. show the readers he knows a lot
B. stress his opinion
C. attract the readers' interest
( ) 12. The Indian other was when she was cutting off her child's hand.
A. angry B. sad C. crazy
( ) 13. The underlined part "to beg" eans .
A. to ask others for food B. to tell others he's sorry
C. to say he's unable to do anything
( ) 14. The writer's friend after he sahat the Indian's life was like.
A. felt very sad and angry B. cae to believe he was lucky
C. started to feel he was helpless
( ) 15. The underlined sentence in the end of the passage tells us
A. how to feel good when upset
B. how to help the poor when possible
C. how to keep a balance between rich and poor
16. 請(qǐng)不要擔(dān)心他的健康。
Don’t_______ _______ his health.
17. 如果你意外燒傷,你該怎么辦?
What would you do if you burned yourself_______ ________?
18. 許多年輕人夢(mèng)想成為有名的籃球運(yùn)動(dòng)員。
any young people _______ _______becoing faous basketball players.
19. 別緊張!你沒(méi)有什么大礙。
______ ______ ______! There is nothing serious with you.
20. 運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)因?yàn)樘鞖獠缓帽煌七t了。
The sports eeting was______ ______because of the bad weather.

你的加拿大朋友Danny是一位中學(xué)生,他希望了解你將如何度過(guò)這個(gè)寒假。為此你把你的想法寫(xiě)成短,以后再發(fā)e?ail 給他。寒假生活包括以下內(nèi)容:
? ⒈ 堅(jiān)持鍛煉身體。 ⒉ 根據(jù)個(gè)人興趣和需要安排學(xué)習(xí)。 ⒊ 幫助家人做家務(wù)。

Dear Danny,
¬¬ I’ very happy to tell you about y plan for the winter vacation.

1——5 ABBCB 6——10 CCBCB
11——15 CAACB 16——20 BCCBB
21——25 CBACB
26——30 ACBAC
31——35 ABCAB 36——40 CABCA
41——45 FTFFF 46——50 ABCAC
51——55 CACCA 56——60 AABCB
61——65 BCAED
66、speaking 67、has 68、hiself 69、to have 70、hoeless
1、translate 2、on tie 3、iagine 4、educational 5、realized
6、gae 7、teas 8、ball 9、hands 10、goal
11——15 CBABA
16、worry about
17、by accident
18、drea of/about
19、Take it easy
20、put off

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/36668.html

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