
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)



第一部分 聽對話,回答問題(計10分)
( )1. What will the weather be like toorrow?

( )2.Which sport does ike prefer?

( )3. Where are the speakers now?

( )4. Hoill r ott go to Beijing?

( )5. What colour is John’s shirt?
A. White. B. Blue. C. Black.
( )6. What is the tie now?
A.3:30. B. 4:30 C. 5:30.
( )7.When did the boy’s school organize the charity walk?
A. Last Saturday. B. Last Sunday. C. Last Friday.
( )8. How any students are going to clib the hill?
A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.
( )9. What do we know about the new teacher?
A. He often keeps silent.
B. He talks too uch.
C. He has no chance to speak.
( )10. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. A father and a son.
B. A headaster and a teacher.
C. A teacher and a student.
第二部分 聽對話和短,回答問題(計10分)
( )11. How is David?
A. iaginative. B. Thoughtful. C. Stubborn.
( )12. Who do they think is the ost suitable to be a good chairperson?
A. David. B. Suzy. C. Kitty.

Visit to auritius(毛里求斯)
Countryauritius is an island country with the 13 around it.
SportsBeach volleyball, fishing and swiing
The ost beautiful oentWhen you enjoy the beautiful 14 and clear seas, you ay think you are in the heaven.
Language 15

( )13. A. sea. B. ountain C. river
( )14. A. sunshine B. sunrises C. sunsets
( )15. A. English, French and Geran
B. English, French and Japanese
C. English, French and Russian
( )16. What tie did the speaker have to get up in the orning?
A. At 5:00. B. At 6:00. C. At 7:00.
( )17. Why did not the speaker and his sister go to school by bus?
A. Because there was no bus.
B. Because their faily was poor.
C. Because walking was good for the.
( )18. What did the speaker used to do on Sundays?
A. Play in the street. B. Go to school. C. Go to church.
( )19. Why did the speaker go to bed early every night?
A. Because the house was cold.
B. Because there was not any TV to watch.
C. Because they had not any hoework.
( )20. Which of the following is right according to the speaker?
A. The streets are safer no
B. Children are happier no
C. Children were happier in the past.

( )21.The students sitting at the back of the classroo can’t see what the teacher writes on the blackboard__________
A. clear enough B. enough clear C. clearly enough D. enough clearly
( )22. At last he had no choice but _______ such a cold orning.
A. to walk in B. to walk on C. walk in D. walk on
( )23. We think ______ generous ______ you to share your food with the poor boy.
A. that, for B. it, for C. that, of D. it, of
( )24. — Do you ind if I open the window?
—________. It’s so cold outside.
A. You’d better not. B. No, I don’t. C. Of course not. D. Yes, please.
( )25. Sandy prefers ______ badinton rather than ______ shopping.
A. playing, going B. playing, go C. to play, go D. to play, going
( )26. The girl in red was talking loudly and ________ how uch she knew about the faous football star.
A.showing up B. showing off C. showing on D. showing around
( )27. — Daniel, you look tired today. What’s wrong?
— I was ____ busy ___ I didn’t go to bed until idnight yesterday.
A. too, to B. so, that C. enough, to D. such, that
( )28. Eily has _____ the flowers fro Peter, but she doesn’t want to ________ the
A. accepted, receive B. received, accept C. refused, accept D. taken, refuse
( )29. Ji feels stressed fro tie to tie, but he doesn’t know ________ help.
A.who to talk to B. where to get
C. who to talk to D. what to talk to for
( )30. Soeties ______ turns off the lights in the classroo because everybody thinks soebody will do it.
A. anybody B. soebody C. nobody D. everybody
( )31. To is an iaginative boy, he wonders _______ in the future.
A. how is the world like B. what will the world be like
C. hoill the world like D. how the world be like
( )32. _____ big success the fil was!
A .What B .What a C .How D .How a
( )33. —r Green hardly had breakfast this oring, _______he?
—________. So he is very hungry no
A. didn’t; No, he didn’t. B. didn’t; Yes, he did.
C. did, Yes, he did. D. did, No, he didn’t.
( )34. —You’ve been to Hongkong twice, haven’t you?
— ______. How I wish to see it again!
A. No, what a pity B. No, I haven’t C. Yes,I like it D. Yes, it boring
( )35. r. Wang often quarrels ____ his wife _____ who should do the housework .
A . with , about B .about ,with C .at , about D .with , at
三、完形 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
When I was a teenager growing up in France, I wanted to leave school and have y own life. The only way I could 36  this was to work in the local paper factory in y town, or get arried. I was very nervous when I told y 37  I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, “No! You are going to college.” I was very 38 when he said, “OK. Let’s go to the paper factory.”
Two days later, he took e to the factory. I iagined everyone to be friends, 39 together and having fun. I even iagined there would be usic and singing. I 40 so because I had watched too any ovies as a teenager.
When we arrived at the factory gate, y father spoke to the guard(門衛(wèi)) and one inute later we were 41 . I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers and listening to the noise. It was 42 . I ran back to y father and said, “I want to go hoe.”
He asked e, “What do you think of the factory?”
“Too bad,” I answered.
“And arriage is even 43 !” he said.
I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard 44  I could get into a good college. I enjoyed studying English so I decided to ajor in(主修) languages at college.
Thanks to y father and our 45 to the paper factory, I noork at the United Nations and y father is very proud of e. I arried a very good an and y life is uch better than it would have been working in the factory!
( )36. A. say B. do C. receive D. like
( )37. A. teacher B. friend C. father D. husband
( )38. A. angry B. tired C. nervous D. surprised
( )39. A. working B. singing C. playing D. faring
( )40. A. guessed B. eant C. saidD. hoped
( )41. A. outside B. inside C. back D. away
( )42. A. terrible B. wonderful C. funny D. special
( )43. A. better B. harder C. worse D. easier
( )44. A. but B. if C. so D. although
( )45. A. way B. look C. planD. visit
Having fun “Growing” and “Stealing”
Recently, an Internet gae has becoe a new fashion aong young office workers and students. People can “far” on a piece of “l(fā)and” and “grow”, “sell” or even “steal(偷)” “vegetables”, “flowers” and “fruits” on the Net. They can earn soe e-oney and buy ore“seeds(種子)”, “pets” and even “houses”.
Joyce interviewed soe young people. Here are their opinions.
Harold: I don’t quite understand why they are so ad about the childish gae. aybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.
Allan: I enjoy putting soe “bugs(蟲子)” in y friends’ gardens and we’ve becoe closer because of the gae. Having fun together is the ost exciting thing about it.
Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for(渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces(減少) y work pressure(壓力); besides, it gives e the exciting experience of being a “thief”.
Ivy: Well, It’s just a waste of tie. Teenagers playing the gae spend so any hours on it that they can not focus on(專注于) their study.
( ) 46. According to the passage, we know, in the gae people CAN’ T __________.
A. grow things B. steal things
C. borrow things D. sell things
( ) 47. Aong the people Joyce interviewed, who LIKES the gae and who DISLIKES the
A. Laura; Allan B. Harold; Ivy C. Allan; Harold D. Ivy; Allan
( ) 48. Fro Laura’s words, we can guess that she’s ost probably_____________.
A. a student B. a thief C. a farer D. an office worker
Welcoe to the 2012 London Olypic Gaes!
Badinton This sport was invented by British soldiers in India who called it Poono, the sae nae as the town in which they lived.
It was first played at the Olypics in 1992 at Barcelona. Although the rules of the odern sport were developed in England, Asian countries are now the best.
Did you know?
The best balls are said to be ade fro the feathers of the left wing of goose.
Football There are two edal copetitions for Olypic football, one for en’s teas and one for woen’s.
Football was first played at the 1908 Olypic Gaes and it has been played at every Olypic Gaes ever since, except for Los Angeles 1932.
Did you know?
Hungary has won three football gold edals-ore than any other country.
This Korean sport’s nae eans “the way of the hand and foot”. The players get points by hitting each other with these two parts of the body only. The players ustn’t lie on the floor and no equipent can be used.
Taekwondo first appeared at the 2000 Sydney Gaes.
Did you know?
Over 60 illion people fro 190 countries around the world regularly take part in this sport.

( )49. Who invented the sport of badinton?
A. Indians. B. British. C. Chinese. D. Koreans.
( )50. Which of the following picture shows the sport of “Taekwondo”?

( )51. Where can you ost probably find web page?
A. Sydney 2000.co B. Beijing 2008.co
C. Guangzhou 2010.co D. London 2012.co

( C )
A king in Africa had a close friend that helped hi grow up. The friend had a habit of looking at everything positively(肯定)that happened in his life and saying,"This is good."
One day the king and his friend were out hunting. The friend would prepare the guns for the king. The friend did soething wrong in preparing one of the guns, and after the gun fro his friend, the king fired it and his thub(拇指) was blown off. On seeing the situation the friend said as usual, "This is good !" The king replied, "No, this is not good !" He was very angry and sent his friend to jail(監(jiān)獄).
About a year later, the king was hunting in a forest. Cannibals(食人者) caught hi and took hi to their village. As they were going to kill hi, they noticed that the king was issing a thub. They never ate anyone who was less than whole. So they sent the king back.
When he returned hoe, he felt sorry for his treatent of his friend. He went quickly to the jail to speak with his friend. "You were right", he said. "It was good that thub was blown off." And he told the friend all that had just happened. "And so I a very sorry for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad for e to do this."[:Zxxk.Co]
"No," his friend replied, "this is good !" "What do you ean ? How could it be good that I sent y friend to jail for a year ?"
"If I had not been in jail, I would have been with you, and I would have been eaten !"
( )52. Fro the story we learn that ________.
A.the king was not a good friend indeed.
B.the king's friend always knehat would happen.
C.the friend would say "This is Good !" when anything happened.
D.the king was not good at hunting at all.
( )53. The king's friend was sent to jail for _______.
A.what he said about the king's thub.
B.his cutting off the thing's thub.
C.his being able to tell the future.
D.everything he did for the king.
( )54. The king was sent back by Cannibals because _______.
A.Cannibals never ate a king.
B.the king's friend was in jail.
C.the king had a gun with hi.
D.the king issed his thub.
( )55. The best title for the reading is _______.
A. The Lucky King
B. The Great Friend
C. Nothing Stops Real Friendship
D. Everything Happens for the Good
56. Green represents growth and it can ake you feel ____________. (精力充沛的)
57. Our English teacher is ________(滿意的) with y answer to the question.
58. The fil If You Are The One is well __________ (值得)seeing again.
59. When you laugh or sile, your body will feel________ (放松).
60. The ore we know the world, the ore we will be. (成功).
61. y brother becae a _________(牙醫(yī)) after he graduated fro Nanjing edical University.
62. I’ sorry. Those shoes are not ____________(可獲得的)in your size no
63. It is known to all that Dolly is the first ________ sheep. ( clone)
64. The sun can give us light and ___________(hot).
65. The blue and white porcelain(青花瓷) ade in the Song Dynasty is the ost ____________( value) in the useu .
66. His parents died when he was a child. This brought hi great _____________(happy).
67. Look at the star sign. Soking here ________________(allow).
68. You shouldn't worry about _____________(not achieve) good arks only if you try your best.
69. __________(keep) your worries to yourself can ake the worse.
70. y penfriend ____________(reply) to y three letters recently.


A cleaner gives a bag full of 400,000 yuan in cash(現(xiàn)金) back to the an who accidentally left it behind at a hotel in Hankou, Hubei Province.
A student fro Huazhong Noral University, who sweeps at the hotel to do a part-tie job, found the bag and handed it over to the hotel reception. The hotel’s owner, ipressed(使印象深刻) with his honesty, proised to ake hi a waiter at one of the restaurants.
Chanjiang Daily

A Piece of 71
TitleA cleaner 72 a bag full of 400,000 yuan in cash
WhoA 73 fro Huazhong Noral University
What happened•Found a bag with 400,000 yuan
•Gave the bag back its 74
75 Got a job as a waiter because of his honesty

Do you like chocolate? aybe ost people do. A box of it can be a great gift. Buy one for a friend and give it as a surprise. See how happy that person gets.
Say you just got a box of chocolate. Which piece do you pick first? A an has studied people’s choices. He says they tell soething about the person. Did you choose a round piece? You are a person who likes to party. Did you choose an oval(橢圓形的) shape? You are a person who likes to ake things. Picking a square shapes shows soething else. The person is honest and truthful. You can depend(相信,依賴)on hi or her.
What kind of chocolate do you pick? aybe you like ilk chocolate. This shows you have war feelings about the past. Dark chocolate eans soething else. A person who chooses it looks forward to the future. What about white chocolate? Would you choose it? If so, you ay find it hard to ake decisions. Soe people like chocolate with nuts. These are people who like to help others.
Do you believe these ideas? Can candy tell all these things? It doesn’t really atter. There’s one sure thing about eaters of chocolate. They eat it because they like it.

76.Fro the an’s study, we know people’s different __________ of chocolate ay show different characters.
77.If you are a person who likes singing, dancing and drinking, you ay choose a ____________ shape of chocolate.
78.If a person enjoys ilk chocolate, he or she ay like to think of the_____________.
79.People who like white chocolate ay have ______________ aking decisions.
80.If your friend likes chocolate with nuts, that shows he or she is ____________.

七、根據(jù)所給提示完成句子 (共5題;每空1分,計10分)
81. 老師們應(yīng)該足夠耐心地向?qū)W生解釋。
Teachers should be __________ _________ to explain things to students.
82. 她總能在我感到憂傷時讓我振奮起。
She always _______ e _____ when I feel sad.
83. 許多青少年遭受著壓力的痛苦。
any teenagers __________ _________ stress.
84. 我們?nèi)祟愋枰罅康乃?br />We huan beings are________ ________ of plenty of water.
85. 學(xué)生必須按時上交作業(yè)。
The hoework ust be _________ _______ by the students.

Every child has his own drea. Every child h 86 to be an adult. However, is it truly like what they iagine? A 87 a boy who lives in odern ties and in a odern city, I feel greater pressure(壓力) on e with the city’s developent. Although we s 88 worry about oney, we still have a lot of things such as copetition aong classates and expectations fro parents. These experiences are very helpful to our f 89 . But in fact they really give e a lot of pressure. I still clearly reebered the happiness of y childhood. Unluckily, we had to f 90 the reality ( 現(xiàn)實) with tie passing by. We began to feel this invisible(無形的) pressure a 91 us. We get up sunrise and return after s 92 . We work and study like an adult, even h 93 . What we do is to get an excellent ark. Oh, g 94 up is copletely boring. We ust try to find happiness while growing up. I think the friendship aong our friends, the s 95 fro our parents, the encourgeent aong our teachers can help us. Why not enjoy the pleasure of growing up.

假如Susan 是你的筆友,她有許多優(yōu)點,但也有一些困惑。請根據(jù)下面表格的提示,介紹并分析她的情況,給她提幾條有價值的建議。
Personal qualities1.hard-working (經(jīng)常在班上做額外工作。)
Your suggestions


Susan is y penfriend. She is the top student in her class. She has any good qualities. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/40496.html

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