
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
j.Co M 382.dress (n, v)女服,連衣裙;(統(tǒng)指)服裝;給….穿衣
All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.
Few people wore evening dress.幾乎沒(méi)有人穿晚禮服。
The mother is dressing her baby.母親正為嬰孩穿衣。
She is dressed in black today. 今天她穿一身黑。
383. drink(drank, drunk) (v) 喝, 飲,喝酒
In hot weather, you should drink plenty of water.天熱時(shí)應(yīng)多喝水。
Don’t drink and drive.切勿酒后駕車(chē)。
She’s been drinking heavily since she lost her job.
384. drink (n) 飲料; 酒,
Can I have a drink?給我來(lái)杯飲料好嗎?
Soft drink軟飲料(不含酒精)
385. drive(drove, driven) (v) 駕駛,開(kāi)車(chē);驅(qū)趕,趕走
I don't know how to drive a car. 我不會(huì)開(kāi)小車(chē)。
He'll drive us to the airport.他會(huì)開(kāi)車(chē)送我們?nèi)C(jī)場(chǎng)。
He drove the sheep up the hill. 他把羊群往山上趕。
The enemy was driven back.敵人被擊退了。
386. driver (n)司機(jī);駕駛員
* driver’s license(美)=driving-licence(英)駕照
387. drop (n, v) (一)滴;掉下,落下,投遞,放棄
a drop of blood一滴血 / drops of rain雨滴
She dropped some lemon juice into her tea.
I dropped the letter into the mail-box我將信投入信箱.
The price of shares dropped by 14p. 股價(jià)下跌了14便士.
I'd like to drop in and see you sometime next week.
I dropped German when I was 14我14歲后就沒(méi)學(xué)德語(yǔ)
Though maths is a little difficult, you’d better not drop it.
Drop everything and come at once.放下所有事趕快來(lái)吧
388. drug (n) 藥品,藥材 麻醉藥品;毒品
Why not try this new drug?為什么不試一試這種新藥?
Few teenagers in our city use drugs.
389. drum(n) 鼓
390. dry (v, a.) 把...弄干;使干燥; 干的;干燥的
The paint is not yet dry. 油漆還未干。
I hope it stays dry for our picnic.希望別下雨,我們好去野餐.
They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes.
* dryer (n)干燥機(jī),烘干機(jī),吹風(fēng)機(jī)
391.duck(n) 鴨子
Every afternoon they went to the park to feed the ducks.他們每天下午都去公園喂鴨子.
* duckling (n)小鴨子(鴨仔)
392. dumpling(n) 餃子; 湯團(tuán)
We often eat rice dumplings on Dragon Boat Festival. 在端午節(jié)我們常吃粽子。
393.during (prep) 在…期間,在…過(guò)程中
During the 1990s在20世紀(jì)90年代
I only saw her once during my stay in Rome.
394. duty(n) 職責(zé);義務(wù)
It is our duty to protect our environment.
Who’s on duty today?今天誰(shuí)值日?
395. DVD(n) 數(shù)碼影碟(digital versatile disk)
396. each (a, pron)(兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上人或物中的)各;各自的;每
Each boy gets a present. 每個(gè)男孩得到一份禮物。
Each of the answers is worth 20 points.每道答題為20分.
The answers are worth 20 points each.
Each answer is worth 20 points.
注意:(each of, each one of , every one of 后接復(fù)數(shù)名詞或代詞,但謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用單數(shù))
397. ear(n)耳朵,耳壯物,聽(tīng)力,聽(tīng)覺(jué)
He has a good ear for music.
Children should give an ear to their parents’advice.小孩應(yīng)該聽(tīng)父母的勸告。
You need a good ear to master the piano.
398. early (a, ad.) 早的,早地;在開(kāi)始階段
The early 1990s 20世紀(jì)90年代初
He is in his early twenties.他二十出頭。
The bus was ten minutes early.公共汽車(chē)早到了十分鐘。
He started writing music as early as 1989.
I woke up early this morning.我今天早上醒得早。
Please come to see me early tomorrow morning. 請(qǐng)明天一早來(lái)見(jiàn)我。
399. earth (n)地球,土,泥
We live on the earth.我們生活在地球上。
He is the greatest man on earth.他是世界上最偉大的人。
Cover the roots with earth.把根用土蓋上。
The floor was earth but hard and smooth.
Why on earth do you tell a lie?你究竟為什么要說(shuō)謊?
* earthquake (n) 地震
400. east (n, a. ad. ) 東方 ,東方的, 向東方
China faces the Pacific on the east. 中國(guó)東臨太平洋。
Japan is in the east of Asia. 日本位于亞洲東部。
The east wall of the house is painted red.
He walked east. 他向東走去。
401. easy(a.) 容易的
It’s easy for you to tell me to keep quiet, but you’re not in my position.你讓我保持安靜當(dāng)然容易,那是你沒(méi)到我這份上
I find it easy to learn English.我發(fā)覺(jué)學(xué)英語(yǔ)不難
I don’t feel easy about letting the kids go out alone.
I’ll agree to anything for an easy life.
* ease (v) 減輕,緩解(難度或嚴(yán)重程度)
* easily (ad.) 容易地
402. eat (ate, eaten) (v) 吃; 蝕; 蛀
Would you like something to eat?你想要帶你吃的嗎?
eat out上館子吃飯
Do you feel like eating out tonight?
eat up 吃光
Come on. Eat up your potatoes.快點(diǎn),把土豆吃掉
403. edge (n) 邊, 棱; 邊緣 刃, 刀口
They lived in a house on the edge of a forest.
Be careful-- it has a sharp edge.
404. education(n) 教育; 訓(xùn)導(dǎo), 培養(yǎng)
* educate (v) 教育,培養(yǎng)
He was educated at college.他在大學(xué)接受教育
* educator (n) 教育家
405. effort(n)努力,艱難的嘗試,努力的成果;成就
I decided to make one more effort我決定再作一次努力。
You should put more effort into your work.
The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people.地方俱樂(lè)部正在盡一切努力吸引更多年輕人。
With effort she managed to stop herself laughing.她好不容易才忍住了笑。
406. egg(n) 蛋, 卵; 蛋形物
The fish lay thousands of eggs at one time.
Put all your eggs in one basket寄希望于一件事情上
* eggplant茄子
407. eight (num) 八
408. eighteen(num) 十八
409. eighth(num) 第八
410. eighty(num) 八十
411. either (a. conj. ad .)
(兩者之中)任一的; 兩方任一方;要么; 也
He had a bag in either hand. 他兩手各拿一只包。
You can park on either side of the street.
Either you or your father must see this young man today. 你或是你的父親今天必須見(jiàn)這位年輕人。
She is coming either today or tomorrow.
Pete can’t go and I can’t either.皮特不能去,我也不能
--I don’t like it. 我不喜歡這個(gè)
--Me either. (= neither do I )我也不喜歡
--When shall we have the party, Saturday or Sunday?
--Either is OK. I’m free this weekend.
If you don’t go to the meeting tomorrow, ___
A. he will, too B. he won’t. either
C. he does, too D. he doesn’t, either
412. elder(a.)年齡較大的
Her elder daughter is in college. 她的長(zhǎng)女在上大學(xué)。
413. electric(a.) 電的, 導(dǎo)電的, 發(fā)電的
an electric motor電動(dòng)機(jī)
an electric light電燈 / an electric guitar電吉他
The child likes electric toys.這孩子喜歡電動(dòng)玩具。
* electrical (a.) 電的,電器的
* electricity (n) 電,電流
* electronic (a.) 電子的
414. elephant(n) 大象
415. eleven(num) 十一
416. else(a.)別的;其他的
I’m going to take you somewhere else. 要帶你去別處。
I don’t think there is anything else we need discuss tonight.我認(rèn)為今晚我們不需討論別的事了。
Is there anything else you want?你還要些別的什么嗎?
Who else is there in the house? 屋子里還有誰(shuí)?
You must go there quickly or else you will not be back in time. 你必須快點(diǎn)去那兒,否則你就不能及時(shí)返回了。
417. e-mail / E-mail (n, v)電子郵件, 發(fā)電子郵件
I often send a message to my cousin by e-mail.
He e-mailed me yesterday.他昨天發(fā)電子郵件給我了。
418. empty(a.)空的;空洞的,
He didn’t want to live an empty life.
The streets were almost empty.街上幾乎空無(wú)一人。
The theatre was half empty.劇場(chǎng)空了一半。
419. encourage (v) 鼓勵(lì)
Blanks actively encourage people to borrow money.銀行積極鼓動(dòng)人們貸款。
My English teacher encouraged me to speak English in public.英語(yǔ)老師鼓勵(lì)我在公眾場(chǎng)合說(shuō)英語(yǔ)。
* encouragement (n) 鼓勵(lì)
420. end (n, v)末尾;終點(diǎn);結(jié)束;終止
My friends waited for me at the end of the street. 我的朋友在街道盡頭等我。
The meeting came to an end.會(huì)議結(jié)束了
I answered the phone but there was no one at the other end.我接了電話,但線那頭沒(méi)有人。
Her note ended with the words:”See you soon”
They ended the play with a song.
* ending (n) 結(jié)局,結(jié)尾,最后
* endless (a.) 無(wú)止境,無(wú)休止的,沒(méi)完的
421. enemy敵人, 敵軍
He has a lot of enemies in the company.
The enemy was/were attacking the town.
422. energy(n) 能量;精力
It’s a waste of time and energy
She’s always full of energy.她總是充滿(mǎn)活力。
* energetic(a.) 精力旺盛的
423.engineer(n) 工程師;技師
My uncle used to be an engineer.我叔叔過(guò)去是位工程師。
424. England(n) 英國(guó); 英格蘭
425. English(a. n) 英語(yǔ); 英國(guó)的, 英國(guó)人的
English is widely used by travellers and business people all over the world.英語(yǔ)被全世界的旅游者和商人廣泛使用。
426. enjoy(v) 喜歡, 享受…的樂(lè)趣;欣賞
Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it.
They all enjoyed themselves at the party.
I enjoy playing basketball.我喜歡打籃球。
* enjoyable (a.) 愉快的,有趣的
427. enough (a. ad .)足夠的,充足的; 足夠地;充分地
Is there enough room for me?有足夠的地方給我嗎?
We have enough chairs for everyone.
We’ve nearly run out of paper. Do you think there’s enough for today?我們的紙差不多用完了,你看今天夠用嗎?
They cannot walk fast enough. 他們走得不夠快。
He is not old enough to join the army.
428. enter進(jìn)入;參加; 加入
He entered the classroom. 他進(jìn)了教室。
The United States did not enter the war until April 19, 1917. 美國(guó)直到一九一七年四月十九日才參戰(zhàn)。
Twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs.
429. environment (n) 環(huán)境
We should make a contribution to protecting our environment.我們應(yīng)為保護(hù)環(huán)境作出貢獻(xiàn)。
430. eraser(n) 橡皮擦,黑板擦
431. especially (ad.) 尤其,特別
The car is quite small, especially if you have children.
I love Rome, especially in the spring.
432. Europe(n) 歐洲
433. European歐洲(人)的; 歐洲人
434. even (ad) 甚至, 連(….都), 更加
Even Mrs. Smith could not help laughing.
This book is even more useful than that.
435. evening(n) 傍晚, 黃昏, 晚上; 晚會(huì)
What do you usually do in the evening?
Evening, Mike.晚上好,麥克。
She’s going to her sister’s for the evening.
436. ever (ad.)曾經(jīng),無(wú)論何時(shí)
if you are ever in Miami, come and see us.
Nothing ever happens here.這兒從未發(fā)生過(guò)任何事。
He is one of the very best men I have ever met.
Have you ever been to London? 你到過(guò)倫敦嗎?
He said he would love her for ever.他說(shuō)會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)愛(ài)她。
He’s had a car ever since he was 18.他從18歲就有汽車(chē)了。
437. every (a.)每一,每個(gè);
Mr. Miller searched every room in the house.
The library is open every day. 圖書(shū)館每天都開(kāi)。
Not every horse can run fast.并非每匹馬都能跑得快。
She visits her parents every few days.
They visit us every other day.他們隔周來(lái)看我們一次
We see each other every now and then.我們偶爾相見(jiàn)
438. everybody每人, 人人, 大家
Didn’t you like it? Everybody else did.
--The exam was very easy, wasn’t it?
--Yes, but I don’t think everybody could pass it.
439. everyday (a.)每天的,日常的 平日的司空見(jiàn)慣的
She wears everyday clothes to work.她著便裝上班。
The Internet has become part of everyday life.
She has only an everyday story to tell.
440. everyone(pron.) 每人, 人人, 大家
441. everything(pron.) 每件事,事事,一切事物
--Is everything ready for the meeting?
--Not yet. I’m still preparing for it.
She does everything to help her mother.
Mary is worried about her family and everything.瑪麗擔(dān)心她的家人還有一切的一切。
Money isn’t everything. 金錢(qián)不是一切。
Her daughter is everything to her.
My family means everything to me.
--I’m leaving for the exam. Bye-bye, Mum.
--Well, make sure you’ve got ___ ready.
A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
442. everywhere(ad)到處,處處;無(wú)論何處
His dog follows him everywhere he goes.
I can't find my pen though I’ve looked everywhere. 我到處找那支鋼筆,可就是找不到。
443. exam= examination考試, 考查; 檢查
pass an exam考試合格
fail an exam考試不合格
to take an exam參加考試
444. examine檢查;診察 測(cè)驗(yàn)
The doctor examined the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.
The teacher examined the students in physics.
445. example(n)例子;; 范例; 榜樣; 楷模
Can you give me an example of what you mean?
This is a good example of the artist’s early work.
He sets an example to the other students.
446. excellent(a.) 極好的, 優(yōu)秀的
She speaks excellent French.她法語(yǔ)說(shuō)得好極了
447. except除...之外(不包含)
We go there every day except Sunday.
They all went to sleep except the young Frenchman.
I had nothing on except for my socks.
448. excite(v)刺激; 使興奮, 引起;激起
What are you so excited about? 你為何這么激動(dòng)?
The news excited everybody.這消息使每個(gè)人都興奮了起來(lái)。
* exciting 令人激動(dòng)的,刺激的
* excited 感到激動(dòng)的
449. excuse (n,v)理由;借口 原諒,饒恕,辯解
There is no excuse for such behavior。
I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.
I hope you’ll excuse me for being so late.
【補(bǔ)充詞匯】excuse me
* (引起尤其是陌生人注意)勞駕,請(qǐng)?jiān)?br />Excuse me, is this the way to the station?
* (客氣地請(qǐng)人讓路)對(duì)不起,勞駕,借光
Excuse me, could you let me through?
* (因打擾別人或失禮表示歉意)對(duì)不起,請(qǐng)?jiān)?br />Tom coughed loudly, ”Excuse me.” He said.
* (婉轉(zhuǎn)表示不贊成)很抱歉,對(duì)不起
Excuse me, but I don’t think that’s true.
* (婉轉(zhuǎn)要求離開(kāi)或要與另外的人講話)對(duì)不起,失陪
“Excuse me for a moment”she said and left the room.
* (因擠著別人或做錯(cuò)事表示歉意)對(duì)不起。請(qǐng)?jiān)?br />Oh, excuse me. I didn’t see you there.
* (沒(méi)聽(tīng)清楚,請(qǐng)對(duì)方再說(shuō)一遍=pardon?)
Excuse me? What did you say just now?
450. exercise (v, n )運(yùn)動(dòng), 鍛煉,做操; 練習(xí), 習(xí)題
Swimming is good exercise.游泳是有益的運(yùn)動(dòng)。
The mind needs exercise as well as the body
How often do you exercise?你多久鍛煉一次?
451. expect(v)期待; 等待; 盼望,認(rèn)為;預(yù)計(jì)
That's just what we expected.那正是我們所期望的。
we are expecting him to arrive yesterday.
You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a few months. 不要指望在幾個(gè)月內(nèi)學(xué)好一門(mén)外語(yǔ)。
to expect a visit / call / letter from sb.等待某人的來(lái)訪/ 來(lái)電 / 來(lái)信
--Are you going out tonight?
--I expect so. 我想會(huì)
--I don’t expect so. 我想不會(huì)
* expectation (n) 預(yù)料,期望
452. expensive(a.) 昂貴的, 花錢(qián)多的
I can’t afford it. It’s too expensive.我買(mǎi)不起,太貴了。
453. experience(n)經(jīng)驗(yàn)(可數(shù)); 經(jīng)歷(不可數(shù))
She had no experience of life at all. 她毫無(wú)生活經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有過(guò)教英語(yǔ)的經(jīng)驗(yàn)嗎?
Please tell us about your experiences in Africa.
I had a rather strange experience the other day.
454. experiment(n) 實(shí)驗(yàn), 試驗(yàn)
To do / perform / carry out an experiment.做實(shí)驗(yàn)
455. explain(v)解釋;說(shuō)明;闡明
First I’ll explain the rules of the game.
It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners.對(duì)初學(xué)者解釋這個(gè)問(wèn)題很難。
Please explain this rule to me.
(不能說(shuō)Please explain me this rule)
【補(bǔ)充】可以說(shuō)Can you explain the situation to me?
不能說(shuō)Can you explain me the situation?
* explanation (n) 解釋?zhuān)f(shuō)明
456. express (v) 表達(dá),表情;表示
Words cannot express how pleased I am.
Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves.
* (n) 快車(chē),特快專(zhuān)遞
* expression (n) 表達(dá),詞句,表示,表情
457. eye(n) 眼睛, 視力
He sleeps with his eyes closed.
?eyesight (n)視力,視覺(jué)
to have good / bad / poor eyesight
458. face (n, v )臉,面孔; 面對(duì),面向,
Most of the rooms face the sea.多數(shù)房間朝海。
The gate faces south.大門(mén)朝南。
459. fact(n) 事實(shí), 真相,現(xiàn)實(shí)
460. factory(n) 工廠, 制造廠
461. fail (vi, vt .) 失敗, 不及格,(健康,視力)衰退
Our plan has failed. 我們的計(jì)劃失敗了。
She failed in the examination. 她這次考試不及格。
He did very well, but failed to break the record.
George failed history last year
Her eyesight is failing.她的視力日漸衰退。
* failure (n) 失敗
462. fair(a.)公正的;合理地,(皮膚)白皙的;
Was it really fair to him to ask him to do all the work?
She had fair hair and skin.
* fairly (ad.) 公正地,正當(dāng)?shù)?br />* fairness (n) 公平,公正
463. fall (fell, fallen)(v)
降落, 落下; 跌倒; 變?yōu)?進(jìn)入…的狀態(tài)
An apple fell off the tree and hit him on the head.
She soon fell behind the leaders.她很快就落在領(lǐng)頭者后面。
I fell over and cut mu knee.我摔倒了,劃破了膝蓋。
The temperature fell sharply in the night.夜間溫度陡降。
He had fallen asleep on the sofa.他在沙發(fā)上睡著了。
* fall (n) (美)秋天
464. family(n) 家, 家庭; 家族
All my family enjoy watching TV.
* family name 姓氏
465. famous(a.) 著名的, 出名的
He was famous for his novels 他以小說(shuō)出名。
She was more famous as a writer than as a singer.
One day I’ll be rich and famous.
466. fan扇子;(運(yùn)動(dòng),電影等)狂熱愛(ài)好者,迷
movie fans電影迷
It’s hot here. Shall I turn on the electric fan?
467. fantastic極好的,了不起的 奇異的
Tina's really a fantastic girl! 蒂娜是個(gè)極好的姑娘!
You’ve got the job? Fantastic!你得到那份工作了?太好了!
468. far (farther, farthest / further, furthest)
遠(yuǎn)的, 遙遠(yuǎn)的; 到很遠(yuǎn)距離
The restaurant is not far from here.
How far is it to your house from here?
We’ll go by train as far as London, and then take a bus.我們坐火車(chē)到倫敦,然后轉(zhuǎn)乘公共汽車(chē)。
--Kate, do you know ___ it is from here to the gym?
--About twenty-minutes’ walk.
A. how long B. how far C. how soon D. how often
469. farm(n) 農(nóng)場(chǎng); 飼養(yǎng)場(chǎng)
My uncle works on a farm.
470. farmer(n) 農(nóng)場(chǎng)主, 農(nóng)民
471. fast (a, ad .) 快的, 迅速的; 快地, 迅速地
That clock is ten minutes fast.那座鐘快十分鐘。
I can’t go any faster.我不能走得更快了。
Within a few minutes she was fast asleep.
fast food快餐食物
* fasten (v)扎牢, 扣住
--Would you please drive ___? My plane is taking off.
--I’d like to, but safty comes first.
A. faster B. better C. more carefully D.more slowly
472. fat (a,n.) 肥胖的,多脂肪的;脂肪
You’ll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.
The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.
473.father(n) 父親; 創(chuàng)始人, 奠基人
Our new boss is a father of three.
The boy from America said his fathers were Chinese.
Graham Bell was the father of the telephone.
474. favourite (AmE favorite) (a. n )喜愛(ài)的,最喜歡的
What’s your favorite food?你最喜歡的食物是什么?
She loved all her grandchildren but Ann was her favourite.
475. fear (n)害怕, 恐懼 擔(dān)心,
She has a great fear of water.她很怕水。
He couldn’t move for fear.他害怕得動(dòng)彈不得
Her eyes showed no fear.她的眼神無(wú)絲毫畏懼
476. February(n) 二月
477. feed (fed, fed) 喂(養(yǎng));為。。。提供食物
I fed the bird yesterday.我昨天喂過(guò)鳥(niǎo)了
The baby can’t feed itself yet.這嬰兒還不能自己吃東西
478. feel (felt, felt) 感覺(jué); 觸, 摸; 覺(jué)得; 摸起來(lái)
You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.
How are you feeling today?你今天覺(jué)得怎樣?
Try to tell what it is just by feeling it.
Its skin feels really smooth.它的皮摸起來(lái)真光滑。
The dress ______ smooth and soft.
A. felt B. feels C. is felt D. is feeling
479. feeling(n) 感情, 感覺(jué)
I’ve lost all feeling in my hands我的雙手失去了知覺(jué)。
He hates talking about his feelings.他討厭談?wù)撍母星椤?
I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
480. festival(n) 節(jié)日; 喜慶日
It’s Dragon Boat Festival today, isn’t it?
481. fetch (去)。ㄎ铮﹣(lái);去帶(人)來(lái)
Could you fetch me my bag?你能幫我去取我的包嗎?
She’s gone to fetch the kids from school她去學(xué)校接孩子了。
482. fever(n) 發(fā)燒; 一時(shí)狂熱
He has a high fever.他發(fā)高燒。
483. few( pron, a).不多,少數(shù);不多的,少數(shù)的
There are fewer boys than girls in my class.
There were few people in the streets.街上人很少。
He has a few friends in this city. (肯定)
Very few of his books are worth reading.
I try to visit my parents every few weeks.
Only a few of my friends have been to Beijing.
I’ve been there quite a few times.我去過(guò)那里好幾次。
A lot of story books are on sale, but _____ good ones.
A. any B. some C. few D. many
The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only answered A of them.
A. some B. lots C.each D.few
484. field(n)原野;田地;田賽場(chǎng)地;(知識(shí))領(lǐng)域
They were working in the cotton fields.
他們?cè)诿尢锢锔苫睢?br />This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research.這個(gè)發(fā)現(xiàn)開(kāi)辟了一個(gè)嶄新的研究領(lǐng)域。
He is very famous in the field of music.
485. fifth(num) 第五
My office is on the fifth floor.我的辦公室在六樓。
486. fifty(num) 五十
She was born in the fifties.她是五十年代出生的。
She has a fifty-fifty chance of winning.
487. fight (fought, fought) (n,v)戰(zhàn)斗; 打架,爭(zhēng)論
My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.
My little brothers are always fighting.
* fighter (n) 戰(zhàn)士,斗士
488. fill(v) (使)充滿(mǎn), 裝滿(mǎn)
Smoke filled the room.房間里煙霧彌漫。
He is filling a hole with earth.他在用泥土填洞。
The bottle is filled with water.瓶里裝滿(mǎn)了水。
489. film(n) 電影, 膠片,膠卷
Let’s stay in and watch a film.咱們呆在家里看電影吧。
She put a new film in her camera.他在相機(jī)里裝上了新膠卷。
I will have my film developed tomorrow.
490. final最后的;最終的;決定性的;不可更改的
This is your final chance.這是你的最后一次機(jī)會(huì)。
The headmaster has the final say. 校長(zhǎng)說(shuō)了算數(shù)。
I’ll give you $500 for it, and that’s my final offer.
491. find (found, found) (v)找到,發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)覺(jué),感到
I’ve found the book I lost我已找到了我丟失的那本書(shū)。
You will find it a difficult book.你會(huì)覺(jué)得這是本難以讀懂的書(shū)。
You may find it hard to accept your illness.
He found the door closed.他發(fā)現(xiàn)門(mén)關(guān)著。
He woke up and found himself in a hospital.
We found him waiting for us at the station.
This kind of bird is only found in Asia.
Rivers find their way to the sea. 江河流入大海。
Most money finds its way to the people who need it.
492. fine(a.)優(yōu)秀的 尖細(xì)的 晴朗的 健康的 細(xì)微的
She is really a fine artist.她真是一位杰出的藝術(shù)家。
This pen has a fine point. 這支筆的筆尖細(xì)。
It's turned out fine again. 天又轉(zhuǎn)晴了。
There is a fine difference between the two words. 這兩個(gè)字之間有細(xì)微區(qū)別。
I was feeling fine when I got up this morning.
--How are you? --Fine, thanks.
--Can I get you another drink?我可以再給你取一杯嗎?
--No, thanks. I’m fine.不,謝謝。 我夠了
493. finger(n)手指;大拇指以外的手指
494. finish(v) 完成, 結(jié)束
Haven’t you finished your homework yet?
Be quiet! I haven’t finished speaking.安靜!我還沒(méi)講完。.
The play finished at 10:30比賽于10點(diǎn)半結(jié)束。
495. fire(n) 火, 火災(zāi),射擊, 開(kāi)火; 解雇
Most animal are afraid of fire.大多數(shù)動(dòng)物怕火。
It took two hours to put out the fire.
The officer ordered his men to fire.軍官下令士兵開(kāi)火。
The manager fired Bob because he was always late for work.鮑勃因上班總是遲到而被經(jīng)理解雇了。
* firefighter(n)消防人員
* fireplace (n)壁爐
* firewood (n) 木柴
* fireworks (n) 焰火
496. first (num. a . ad .)第一;首次;最初
He was the first to be there.他第一個(gè)到那里。
I must finish my homework first.我必須首先做完家庭作業(yè)。
497. fish(n,v) 魚(yú); 魚(yú)肉; 釣魚(yú)
There are several fishes in the lake.湖里有好幾種魚(yú)。
He found some dead fish beside the sea.
Fish was the last course that day.那天,魚(yú)是最后一道菜。
I don’t know how to fish.我不會(huì)釣魚(yú)。
I often fish the river.我常在這條河里釣魚(yú)。
--I’ve got a little____ in my house.
--Why not keep two or more?
A.juice B. mice C. bread D. fish
498. fisherman(n) 漁民;釣魚(yú)的人
His father is a fisherman.他父親是漁民。
499. fit (a. v) 適合的; 健康的;適合,安裝
Grass is fit for cows. 草適合給牛吃。
He tries to keep fit by running every morning.
He is not fit to be a lawyer.他不適合當(dāng)律師。
This dress doesn't fit me.這件衣服不適合我穿。
Can you fit the electric fire for me?你能替我裝上電爐嗎?
The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms.
500. five(num) 五
【補(bǔ)充詞匯】give sb, five(與某人擊掌問(wèn)候或慶祝勝利)
Give me five!咱們擊掌相慶吧!
501. fix修理,安裝,確定,決定,使固定
Will you fix the New Year’s picture on the wall?
We are going to fix the broken machines.
Has the date of the next meeting been fixed?
502. flag(n) 旗, 旗幟;標(biāo)志
The American flag was flying.美國(guó)國(guó)旗迎風(fēng)飄揚(yáng)。
503. flat(a. n)公寓; 套房 ;平的
Did you live in a flat or a house?你住的是公寓還是房子。
He shares a flat with his friend.他與朋友合住一套房。
People used to think the earth was flat.
504. floor地板,地面 (樓房的)層
The body was lying on the kitchen floor.
Her office is on the second floor.
她的辦公室在三樓。 (the ground floor第一層(英國(guó)))
505. flower(n) 花, 花朵
The plant has a beautiful bright red flower.
506. flu(n) 流感, 流行性感冒
The whole has the flu.全家都患流感。
She’s got flu. 她患上流感了。
bird flu禽流感
507. fly (flew, flown) 飛行, 駕駛飛機(jī), 乘飛機(jī)旅行, (旗幟等)飄揚(yáng),飛奔;(時(shí)間)飛逝, 使飛; 放(風(fēng)箏),
Birds can fly with their wings.鳥(niǎo)能用翅膀飛翔。
The pilot has flown for years.這位飛行員已駕駛飛機(jī)多年。
I’ll fly to London tomorrow. 我明天搭飛機(jī)去倫敦。
The American flag was flying.美國(guó)國(guó)旗迎風(fēng)飄揚(yáng)。
How time flies!光陰似箭!
He flew out of the room. 他從房間里飛奔出來(lái)。
Our boys are flying kites. 我們的孩子們?cè)诜棚L(fēng)箏。
508. fly (n) 蒼蠅, 蠅類(lèi)蟲(chóng)害
A fly is on the ceiling.一只蒼蠅在天花板上。
509. follow跟隨,仿效 跟得上;接在...之后,聽(tīng)懂;
My dog follows me to school.我的狗跟著我去上學(xué)。
Night follows day. 黑夜接著白天。
Follow this road to the bridge.沿這條路一直走到橋邊。
Sorry, I don’t follow you.對(duì)不起,我聽(tīng)不懂你的話。
Why didn’t you follow my advice?你為何不聽(tīng)我的勸告?
* following (a.) 接著的,以下的
Answer the following questions.回答下列問(wèn)題。
510. food(n) 食品, 食物; 糧食
511. foot (feet) 腳, 最下部,底部; 英尺
The village is at the foot of the mountain. 村子在山腳下。
We came on foot.我們是走來(lái)的.
The building is 60 feet high. 這幢房子有六十尺高。
512. football(n) 足球, 橄欖球
513. for(prep. conj)為了, 代替; 代表, 因?yàn)?由于, 對(duì)于,關(guān)于;在...方面,, 以...為代價(jià);以...交換, 當(dāng)作,作為, 贊成;支持;傾向于, 朝...方向去, 就...而言,適合
What can I do for you?我能為你做什么?
There is a letter for you.有你一封信。
We used boxes for chairs. 我們用箱子當(dāng)椅子坐。
I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不該對(duì)你講那些話。
He is famous for his sweet voice.他因甜嗓子出名。
I am too old for the job. 我年紀(jì)太大,做不了這工作。
He sold his car for 500 dollars.他以五百元把車(chē)賣(mài)了。
Are you for the government or against it?
There is no need for you to go.你不必走。
He left for Taipei. 他出發(fā)去臺(tái)北。
Prepare to get off the bus, for we are almost there.我們馬上就要到了,準(zhǔn)備下車(chē)吧。
514. force(v)強(qiáng)迫,迫使, 勉強(qiáng)作出(或發(fā)出)
I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left.
She forced herself to be polite to them.
515. foreign(a.) 外國(guó)的, 外來(lái)的
It’s very important for us to master a foreign language.
516. foreigner(n)外國(guó)人
I have never met a foreigner who speaks such perfect Chinese.我從未見(jiàn)過(guò)一個(gè)外國(guó)人說(shuō)漢語(yǔ)說(shuō)得這么好。
517. forest(n)森林 叢林
518. forget (forgot, forgot) (v)忘記
Take care, and don’t forget to write.要保重,別忘了寫(xiě)信。
I forgot to ask him for his address.我忘記向他要地址。
I’ll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time.我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)忘記第一次聽(tīng)到這首曲子的情景。
【注意】把東西忘在某處不用forget,如不能說(shuō) I’ve forgotten my book at home.而要翻譯成:I’ve left my book at home.
* forgetful (a.) 鍵忘的,不留心的
519. fork(n)叉, 餐叉
We seldom eat with a knife and fork.
520. form(n)表格,形式,結(jié)構(gòu)
Churches are often built in the form of a cross.
The disease can take several different forms.
Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.冰,雪,蒸汽是水的不同形式。
to fill in a form = to fill out a form 填表
521. forty四十
* fortnight(n)十四日,兩星期
522. forward向前. 提前
He hurried forward to meet her. 他趕緊走上前去迎接她。
The meeting had been put forward an hour.
523. four四
524. fourteen十四
525. fourth第四
526. fox(n) 狐貍 (狡猾的人)
People consider foxes as cleverest animals.
527. free(a.)自由的,空閑的,免費(fèi)的
Everyone is free to express himself.
Peter gave me two free tickets for the concert.
What do you like to do in your free time?
* freedom (n) 自由
* freeway (n) 高速公路
528.freeze (froze, frozen) (v)(使)結(jié)冰
Water freezes at 0’C水在零度結(jié)冰。
It’s so cold that even the river has frozen.
It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside.
* freezing (a.) 凍結(jié)的,極冷的
529.fresh(a.)新鮮的, (水等)淡的, 清新的
They buy fresh meat. 他們買(mǎi)新鮮肉。
This kind of fish lives in fresh water.這種魚(yú)生活在淡水中。
He opened the window to let in some fresh air.
530. Friday(n) 星期五
531. fridge(=refrigerator) 冰箱
532. friend(n) 朋友
Is he a friend of yours?他是你的朋友嗎?
He’s one of my best friends.他是我最好的朋友之一。
a close / good friend密友,好友
533. friendly(a.) 友好的
Everyone is very friendly to me.
He is not friendly with anybody.他跟任何人都合不來(lái)。
It was friendly of him to offer his help.
534. friendship(n)友誼;友好
Their friendship was as close as ever it had been. 他們的友誼跟以往一樣親密。
535. frog (n)蛙,青蛙
Frog can live both on land and in water.
536. from(prep)從;從…起;距,來(lái)自
We’ve working from morning to night.
I come from the north.我是北方人。
My new purse is different from yours.
He lives a few miles from our school.
You can see the island from here.
537. front (a. n) 前面;正面;前線; 前面的
The front of the postcard shows a picture of the Summer Palace. 明信片的正面是一幅頤和園的照片。
He has just returned from the front.他剛從前線回來(lái)。
This is our front garden. 這是我們的前花園。
538. fruit (n)水果。果實(shí)
I’m sure you will enjoy the fruit of your hard work soon.
* fruit juice 果汁
539. full(a.)滿(mǎn)的;吃飽的
His bedroom is full of books.他的臥室裝滿(mǎn)了書(shū)。
The kids still weren’t full, so I gave them an ice cream each.孩子們還沒(méi)吃飽,所以我給他們每人一份冰激凌。
540. fun(n)娛樂(lè),樂(lè)趣, 玩笑,嬉戲, 有趣的人(或事物)
have fun. = enjoy yourself.盡情的玩吧
--Jack, I will go for a picnic with my parents after the exam
--Have fun !
What fun we had! 我們玩得多開(kāi)心!
His uncle is fond of fun. 他的叔父喜歡開(kāi)玩笑。
There are lots of fun things for young people to do here.
This game looks fun.
541. funny(a.)滑稽可笑的;愛(ài)開(kāi)玩笑的
That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.
【注意】funny不表示enjoyable的意思:The party was great fun.不能翻譯成:The party was very funny.
542. furniture(n)家具(不可數(shù))
a piece of furniture一件家具
We need to buy some new furniture.我們需要買(mǎi)些新家具。
543. future(n) 將來(lái), 前途
We need to plan for the future.我們需要為將來(lái)做打算。
We’ll live a happier life in the future.
Please be more careful in future.今后請(qǐng)多加小心。
544.game(n) 游戲; 運(yùn)動(dòng); 比賽
The 1984 Olympic Games was held in Los Angles.
The Asian Games meet every four years.
545. garden(n) 花園;果園;菜園
I am looking for a house. I’d like one with a garden.
* gardening (n)園藝學(xué)
546. gate(n) 大門(mén)
A crowd gathered at the factory gate.
We drove through the palace gates.
547. general一般的,普遍的; 首席的,總的;
These difficulties are general among people of his age.
This is a general magazine. 這是一本普通雜志。
He has been promoted to general manager.
548. gentleman(n)先生; 紳士,有教養(yǎng)的人
Thank you---you’re a real gentleman.
Ladies and gentlemen! Can I have your attention,please?女士們先生們,請(qǐng)大家注意。
* gentle (a.) 溫柔的,輕輕的
549. geography(n)地理, 地理學(xué)
I like geography and history.我喜歡地理和歷史。
550. gesture(n)姿勢(shì);手勢(shì);姿態(tài),表示
He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car.
Handshake is a gesture of friendship.
551. get (got, got)得到;具有;到達(dá);(去)拿;開(kāi)始,逐漸
He gets first prize in the listening contest.
I got a new coat in that store last week.
Did you manage to get tickets for the concerts?
I didn’t get any answer from him. 我沒(méi)有收到他的回信。
I’ll get you something to eat.我將給你弄點(diǎn)吃的。
When do you get to Hong Kong?你什么時(shí)候到香港?
It’s getting cold. 天氣變冷。
He’s getting on very well at school.他在學(xué)校學(xué)得很好
I’m not getting on very fast with this job.
I tried calling you several times but I couldn’t get through.
Be careful, Jane. Don’t get your hands dirty.
【補(bǔ)充】為...接通... 理解;聽(tīng)清楚;記住;學(xué)會(huì)
Could you get me Hong Kong, please. 請(qǐng)給我接通香港。
Don’t get me wrong. 不要誤會(huì)我的意思。
I didn’t get you.我搞不懂你的意思。
I don’t get it ---why would she do a thing like that?我不明白--她怎么會(huì)干那事。
* get-together(n)聚會(huì)
--How can I ______ well with my lessons, Dad?
--Practice makes perfect.
A. work on B. hold on C. get on D. keep on
552. gift (n) 禮品,贈(zèng)品
She has got lots of birthday gifts.她得到了許多生日禮物。
補(bǔ)充:天賦; 才能
He is a man of gifts. 他是個(gè)多才多藝的人。
The boy has a gift for music. 這男孩有音樂(lè)天賦。
553. giraffe(n) 長(zhǎng)頸鹿
554. girl(n) 女孩, 少女
The little girl was so tired that she fell asleep over her homework.那個(gè)小女孩累得寫(xiě)著作業(yè)就睡了。
555. give (gave, given) 給, 提供;付出;給予
She gave me a book.她給我一本書(shū)。
The play gives us some new ideas.
They say it’s better to give than to receive.
I’ll give you ten minutes to prepare your answer.我給你十分鐘時(shí)間準(zhǔn)備回答。
We’ve been given a 2% pay increase.
556. glad高興的, 使人高興的
I am glad you have succeeded.你成功了,我感到高興。
After a long separation, they held a glad meeting
557. glass(n)玻璃, 玻璃杯, 眼鏡
Glass breaks easily.玻璃易碎。
He dropped his glass on the floor and broke it.
I used to drink three glasses of cold water in the morning.
I need glasses when I watch TV.我看電視時(shí)需戴眼鏡。
558. glove(n) 手套
I want to buy a pair of gloves.
559. go (went, gone) 去,走,進(jìn)行; 伸展; 消失; 變得, (機(jī)器等)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)
They have gone boating. 他們劃船去了。
The milk went sour. 牛奶變質(zhì)了。
This clock does not go. 這鐘不走了。
I think you should go to the doctor’s.
How’s it going with you? 近況如何?
Everything is going well. 一切順利。
Go for it. John! You know you can beat him.
It sounds a great idea. Go for it!
【補(bǔ)充】 (n) 嘗試(做某事)Do you want a go?
560. goat(n)山羊
We keep a few goats.我們養(yǎng)了一些山羊。
561. god(n)神, 上帝
Some people believe in God, some don’t.
562. gold金, 黃金; 金色的, 金制的
A gold watch金手表
The ring is made of gold.
* goldfish(n)金魚(yú)
563. golden金色的,金黃色的;黃金般的
She has bright golden hair. 她有一頭明亮的金發(fā)。
golden memories.美好的記憶
564. good (better, best) 好的, 漂亮的,善良的,有益的
Give me some advice.
The girl has a good look.這女孩長(zhǎng)得好看。
She is good at playing the guitar.她擅長(zhǎng)彈吉他。
She is very good with children.她對(duì)孩子很有一套。
He was very good to me when I was ill.
It was very good of you to come.你能來(lái)真是太好了。
Did you have a good time in London?
It’s good for you to eat vegetables every day.
+ good-bye (int)再見(jiàn)
* goodness(n)善良,美德
* goods (n) 商品,貨物
565. goose (geese) (n) 鵝; 雌鵝; 鵝肉
The farmer kept many geese on his pond.
She dislikes to eat goose.她討厭吃鵝肉。
【補(bǔ)充】kill the goose that lays the golden eggs殺雞取卵
566. government(n)政府
* govern(v) 統(tǒng)治,管理
567.grade(n)年級(jí), 等級(jí), 成績(jī),分?jǐn)?shù)
These are second-grade grapes.這些是次級(jí)葡萄。
The milk is sold in grades.牛奶分等級(jí)出售。
She got good grades in her exam.她考試成績(jī)優(yōu)秀。
The music exam has eight grades; I have passed Grade 1, the easiest.音樂(lè)考試分為八級(jí),我已經(jīng)通過(guò)了最容易的第一級(jí)。
568. grammar(n) 語(yǔ)法
I find German grammar very difficult.
This grammar is easy to understand.
569. grandchild(n) 孫子, 孫女
* grand(a.)宏偉的
570. granddaughter (n) 孫女
571.grandma(=grandmother) (n) 奶奶(口), 外婆
572. grandpa(=grandfather) (n) 爺爺(口), 外公
573. grandparent(n) 祖父母, 外祖父母
574. grandson(n) 孫子, 外孫
575. granny(n) 奶奶, 外婆
576. grape(n) 葡萄
Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒由葡萄制成。
成語(yǔ):Sour grapes(酸葡萄)表示某人貶低某事物,實(shí)則是嫉妒。
He said he didn’t want the job anyway, but that’s just sour grapes.他說(shuō)他其實(shí)并不想這份工作,這不過(guò)是吃不到葡萄就說(shuō)葡萄酸而已。
578. grass(n) 草, 草地;牧草
The dry grass caught fire.干草著火了。
Don’t walk on the grass.勿踏草坪
579. great (a.) 巨大的, 非常的, 偉大的
There is a great tree in front of our house.
Einstein was a great scientist. 愛(ài)因斯坦是個(gè)優(yōu)秀的科學(xué)家。
It was a great decision for her.
580. green (a. n ) 綠色的, 青色的; 未成熟的
Wait for the light to turn green.等綠燈亮了再走。
The tomatoes are still green.西紅柿還未熟。
【補(bǔ)充】The new trainees are still green.
581. greeting(n)問(wèn)候,迎接,招呼,祝愿詞;賀詞
She welcomed us with a cheerful greeting.
He sent his greetings to you in the letter.
【補(bǔ)充】 greet (v) 問(wèn)候,向…致敬
She greeted us with a smile.她微笑著和我們打招呼。
His speech was greeted by loud cheers.
582. ground(n) (室外)地面, 場(chǎng)地
I found her lying on the ground.我發(fā)現(xiàn)她躺在地上。
2 metres above / below ground地上/地下2米
ground floor一樓(英國(guó))= the first floor(美國(guó))
583. group(n)組, 群, 團(tuán)體
Students stood around in groups waiting for their results.學(xué)生們成群地站在周?chē)却煽?jī)。
584. grow (grew, grown) 種植; 生長(zhǎng); 漸漸變得
This farm frows mainly flowers and vegetables.這個(gè)農(nóng)場(chǎng)主要種植蔬菜和花卉。
You’ve grown since the last time I saw you.
The skies grew dark and it began to rain.
As time went on he grew more and more impatient.
* growth (n) 生長(zhǎng),增長(zhǎng)
585. guard(n)哨兵;衛(wèi)兵;警備員;看守員;警戒
The guard won’t let anyone through the gate without a pass.衛(wèi)兵不讓任何沒(méi)有通行證的人通過(guò)大門(mén)。
All the prisoners are under close guard.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/64240.html
