
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

滿分:120分    時(shí)間:100分鐘
第一部分  聽對(duì)話回答問題(計(jì)10分,每小題1分)
1. Which is the man’s favorite pet?
 A.  B.  C.
2. How did David come to school this morning?                               
3.What is your mother?

A                       B                                 C

4.Where did your father go last month?
A.      B  .   C. 
5. How much money does the man have before anyone lends him money?
A. 12 dollars.       B. 7 dollars.    C. 5 dollars.
6. How long will the woman stay at the hotel?
A. For two days.   B. For three days.      C. For four days.
7. What will Peter do tomorrow?
A. Go to the theatre.  B. Do the housework.  C. Have a meeting.
8. How many people will go for the picnic tomorrow?
A. One.     B. Two.     C. Three.
9. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. Where to eat.   B. What to buy.   C. How to have fun.
10. How does the father tell the girl to go to school?
A. On foot.     B. On her bike.   C. In his car.
第二部分 聽對(duì)話和短文回答問題。(計(jì)10分,每小題1分)
11. Who will go boating in the park?
  A. Andy.              B. Jim and Kate.          C. Andy, Jim and Kate
12. Where will they meet?
  A. At the gate of the park.     B. At the gate of the school.  C. At Kate’s home
                        A trip
Time This        13   
Activity We will see     14      in the forest park.
How to get there  We will go there   15  .
13. A. Friday         B. Saturday .            C. Sunday
14. A. birds         B. monkeys         C. dogs
15. A. by bus            B. by car.                C. on foot  
16. How did Tom go to see his aunt?
   A. By bus               B. By train                C. By plane
17. Where was the zoo?
A. Near Tom’s home      B. Near his aunt’s home      C. Near Tom’s school
18. When did Tom go to the zoo for the second time?
A. After breakfast        B. Before lunch             C. After lunch
19. Why did Tom go to the zoo again?
   A. Because he wanted to eat the pears.   
B. Because he liked animals.
   C. Because he liked the shows there.
20. What do you think of Tom?
   A. Helpful              B. Kind                   C. Clever
二、單項(xiàng)選擇  從下列每題所給的選項(xiàng)中, 選擇一個(gè)最佳答案。(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. —Mum, why can’t I have _____ new bike?
—Dear, you know,  _______  money doesn’t grow on trees.
A. a; the   B. /; the   C. the; the  D. a; /
22. — You _______ hand in your homework now. You ______ give it to me this afternoon.
   — Sure, thank you.
A. can’t; need  B. mustn’t; need C. needn’t; can D. needn’t; must
23. —Hi, Jack. Nice to meet you here in Dalian.
—Me, too. But I _____you were in Shanghai.
A. think   B. thought      C. am thinking     D. will think
24. — Do you get_______ ready for your visit to Qin Lake National Wetland Park?
   — No. We still have_______ to do.
    A. anything; something    B. anything; anything
C. everything; something   D. everything; nothing
25. Which word has a different pronunciation(發(fā)音) of the“-ed” ending?
 A. hated B. visited C. chatted        D. finished
26. — _______ can the batteries (電池) keep these cool iPhones and iPads working?
   — For about ten hours.
A. How much  B. How many  C. How long  D. How often
27. After running_____ a field and walking_____ a forest, she finally reached a small river.
A. across; through     B. cross; through
C. through; across     D. through; cross
28. —Which is _    _ season in Beijing?   —I think it’s spring.
    A.good          B.well          C. best           D.the best
29. — ______ your little sister looks in the new skirt!     — Thank you.
    A. What a beautiful     B. How a beautiful    
C. What beautiful     D. How beautiful 
30. We need to practice speaking English every day, __________ our spoken English won’t become better.
A. so   B. and   C. or   D. but
31. Bob never does his homework_____ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.
A. so careful as   B. as carefully as   C. carefully as    D. as careful as
32. — Would you like to go to see the film Tomorrowland with me tonight?
   — __________. I still have a lot of things to do.
A. Never mind  B. Not at all  C. I’m afraid not D. No way
33. I hope ______ us more about the amazing things in the world.
A. to you tell  B. you to tell  C. you telling  D. you can tell
34. — Which word rhymes with “hide”?      — The word “      ”.
A. sad   B. rude   C. wide   D. grade
35. —James, I am sorry I used your computer while you were away this morning.
A. That’s all right     B. Come on
C. You are welcome    D. All right
三、完形填空  (共15小題,每小題l分,計(jì)15分)
My dream home is very big and clean. It is near the   36  . I can watch the sea and   37   volleyball on the beach.
My grandparents live    38    us in the big house.    39    room is  40   the first floor. I always chat with them and help them   41  some housework on the weekend. On the   42   floor, there is a kitchen and a dining room. All the family   43    will have dinner there. My bedroom, study and bathroom are on the third floor. There is a big balcony in my bedroom. I can play games, read books and chat    44   my friends there. The furniture(家具) in my house is all made of wood. It is good   45  my health. I like   46  to music while reading books in my bedroom. I always ask my friends  47  here. My parents' room is on the fourth floor. It's   48  very big and clean.
There is a big and nice garden behind the big house. There are many flowers and  49   tall trees in it. In summer, I can sit under the trees with my family. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. I can  50   freely in it. I think it is very comfortable to live in my dream home.
(    )36.A.river   B.sea   C.ground       D.school
(    )37.A.play   B.to play      C.play the   D.play with
(    )38.A.at    B.for   C.with    D.of
(    )39.A.Their   B.Her   C.Our    D.Your
(    )40.A.in    B.on       C.with    D.of
(    )41.A.does   B.doing   C.do        D.is doing
(    )42.A.fourth   B.third   C.first    D.second
(    )43.A.pets   B.members  C.things    D.animals
(    )44.A.of    B.about   C.with    D.on
(    )45.A.at       B.to    C.with    D.for
(    )46.A.listening  B.leading      C.withing       D.doing
(    )47.A.to look for   B.to clean  C.to come   D.to leave
(    )48.A.also   B.too   C.either    D.but
(    )49.A.few   B.a few   C.little    D.a little
(    )50.A.swim      B.dance   C.read    D.run
四. 閱讀下列短文,從每小題A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案。(共15小題,每小題2分,共30分)
Guitar Player Wanted (招聘)
Are you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send email to sunshine@yahoo.com.
Hot Club
Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.
Telephone: 8665-7868             Address: Room 15, Lantian Hotel
Swimmer Wanted
Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays? Come and join us. Call Joe at 8472-9999 for more information.
Summer Job
Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823.
51. Sunshine Rock Band needs____________ .
A. a guitar player    B. a reporter   C. a swimming coach    D. a table tennis coach
52. If you like writing, you can call___________for a job.
A. 8472-9999     B. 8665-7868    C. 5561-8823       D. 5487-6598
53. Your classmate wants to learn table tennis, so you can advise(建議)her to call _____.
A. Joe        B. Mr Zhang    C. Karen          D. Mike
54. If you want to be a swimming coach, you must be free________.
A. every Saturday afternoon  B.on Sundays   C. every day  D. every Sundayafternoon
55. The above ads(以上的廣告)are probably(可能)from____________.
A.a newspaper(報(bào)紙)   B. a story book   C. a science book   D. a history book
A young woman was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when she noticed an old man following her around.Thinking nothing of it,she ignored him and went on shopping.After she got what she wanted,she went to checkout line,but the old man got in front of her.
“Pardon me!” he said,“I’m sorry if my staring(盯)at you has made you feel uncomfortable(不舒服的),it's just because you look like my granddaughter,who just died recently.And I miss her very much.”
“I’m very sorry,”said the young woman.“Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Yes.” the old man said.“As I'm leaving,can you say ‘Good-bye,grandpa’ to me? It would make me feel so much better.”
“Sure,”answered the young woman.
As the old man was leaving,she called out.“Bye-bye,grandpa!”
When she stepped(邁步) up to the checkout counter(收銀臺(tái)),she saw that her total was $178.50.
“How can that be?” she asked.“I only bought a few things!”
“Your grandpa said you would pay for him,” said the clerk.
56. Why did the old man follow the woman and let her say “Bye-bye,Grandpa”?
A.He wanted to steal her money.  B.She looked like her dead granddaughter.
C.He wanted to stare at her.      D.He wanted her to pay for him.
57. According to the passage we can know that _______.
A.the young woman is a careless person
B.the young woman is as clever as the old man
C.the young woman was pleased to pay for the old man
D.the young woman didn't know the old man at all
58. What does the word “ignored” mean?
A.忽視          B.瀏覽         C.可憐          D.鄙視
59. How much did it cost that the young woman bought?
A.More than $178.50.             B.Less than $178.50.
C.About $178.50.                D.$ 78.50.
60. Which of the following is the best title of the story?
A.A kind-hearted young woman.    B.The total was $178.50.
C.Bye-bye grandpa                D.An old man and his granddaughter.
A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were about two inches too long. He went to the kitchen. His mother and sisters were washing up the tea things there. “The new trousers are too long,” he said. “They need shortening by about two inches. Could one of you do it for me, please?” His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything. After his mother finished washing up, she went to her son’s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches.
Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother’s trousers. She was a kind-hearted girl, so she went quickly to his brother’s bedroom without saying anything to anyone, and shortened the trousers by two inches. The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came home, she also remembered her brother’s trousers. “I nearly forgot that.” She thought. Then she shortened them by two inches.
61. The young man’s trousers were _______for him at first.
A. long   B. short   C. big   D. small
62. His mother and sisters didn’t say anything when he asked for help because they ____.
A. didn’t want to help him      B. had no time to help him
C. didn’t know what to do   D. didn’t hear him
63. His elder sister shortened the trousers _______ .
A. in the evening              B. when she finished the washing 
C. after lunch         D. after she came back from the cinema
64. The next morning the young man found that the trousers were _____ inches too short for him.
A. two   B. four   C. six    D. eight
65. We can imagine(想象) that when the young man put the trousers on the next
morning, he would feel _______ .
   A. happy     B. surprising     C. surprised  D. afraid

五、詞匯運(yùn)用 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
66. Tommy’s sister isn’t    ▲   (勇敢). She often feels afraid when she is at home alone.
67. I didn’t see them    ▲   (進(jìn)入) the room because I was in the bedroom then.
68. Taiwan is in the ___▲____ (東南) of China.
69. Simon is an ___▲___ (誠實(shí)的) boy. He never tells a lie.
70. Kate is very __▲____ (耐心的) . I can always go to her when I feel bored.
71. Betty is so __▲___ (慷慨的) that she is willing to share her things with others.
72. Can you b___▲____what he says?
73. —Do you like pets? —Yes, I’m looking forward to _▲__( keep) my own pet cat.
74. Some poor families don’t have enough money __▲_ (pay) for their children’s schooling.
75. My classmate    ▲   (not be) able to swim when he was four years old.
76. —Who   ▲   (teach) you English last term? —Miss Liu. She is an excellent teacher.
77. There are at _▲__ (little ) 1000 students in our school .
78. Most of the girls think Maths is___▲___(difficult) than English.
79. Marx has a good sense of ___▲____(humorous). He often makes us laugh.
80. Mary is sweet and she always has ___▲__(smile) eyes.
六、 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子,每空詞數(shù)不限。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)
81.  兩個(gè)星期前我收到我叔叔的來信。
I ________________ my uncle two weeks ago.
A kind person always ________________________ first.
You should ________________ or this will make him unhappy.
When my friends are sad, I will _______________________ help them.
Skiing is ____________________________ diving.
七. 任務(wù)型閱讀  根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成表格。(共10空; 每空0.5分,滿分5分)
   It’s hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people. It’s easier to make friends when you have the same interests.
   Don’t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.
   Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them. That way, they will find it easier to talk to you. If don’t, people may think you are not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.
   Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about ‘me, me, me’. Ask lots of questions. Show interest in their answers.
   Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like — not just with those who are easy to meet. Be friendly to a lot of people. If so, you will have a bigger group of people to choose(選擇) from and have more chances (機(jī)會(huì)) to make friends.
Title:     86 to make friends
Idea Suggestions (建議) Results(結(jié)果)
Go   87 and keep in touch with other people. ◆Don’t be afraid of   88yourself. People will be    89in what you like and do best.
 ◆Look at people in the 90 It will be easier to91with others.
 ◆Be a good 92. Let people talk about themselves before talking about 93.
 ◆Be 94 to many people. You will have   95 people to choose from as your friends.

假如你最好的朋友叫Tom, 他身上有許多優(yōu)良的品質(zhì),請(qǐng)以My best friend 為題,把你的朋友向大家做個(gè)介紹。
姓名 Tom
班級(jí) 七年級(jí)一班
興趣愛好 1. 最喜歡金魚,喜歡觀看它們游來游去。
能力 1. 文章寫得好、鋼琴彈得好   2.思維敏捷、計(jì)劃周密    
品性事跡 1. 樂于助人。是社區(qū)中心的志愿者,幫助人們解決各種問題。經(jīng)常參加為貧困的孩子募集錢這樣的活動(dòng)。
2. 勇敢(舉一例)
要求:1. 條理清楚,語意連貫。
2. 書寫規(guī)范,標(biāo)點(diǎn)正確。
3. 正文80字左右。
My best friend
Tom is my best friend.                                                        
第一部分 聽對(duì)話回答問題(計(jì)10分,每小題1分)
1 W: Do you like a dog?
  M: Yes. But my favourite pet is a cat .
2. W: How did you come to school today, David?
  M: I usually come to school by bike, but my bike was broken yesterday, so I came to school on foot this morning.
3. W: What does your mother do?
M: She is a doctor and she works very hard in the hospital.
4. W: Where did your father go last month?
M: He went to France. Look at the photo! How nice it is!
5. M:This pen costs 12 dollars. I haven’t got enough money. Can I borrow 5 dollars, Alice?
W:Sorry, I don’t have any.
6. M:Good morning. Sunnyside Hotel.
W:Good morning. I want to book a double room from July 10 to 12.
7. W:Hello, Peter. This is Mary. Would you like to go to the theatre with me tonight?
M:I’d like to, but I can’t. I have to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting.
8. W:I plan to go for a picnic with Jane tomorrow. Would you like to join us?
M:Of course.
9. W:We’d like to have some Sichuan food tonight?
M:Well, the restaurant on Hunan Road is a good choice.
10. W:Dad, my bike is broken. Could you drive me to school this morning?
M:It’s still early. Why not walk there?
第二部分 聽對(duì)話和短文回答問題。(計(jì)10分,每小題1分)
Woman: Hello, could I speak to Andy?
Man:   Speaking, please.
Woman: Hi, Andy. This is Kate. Tomorrow is Sunday. Jim and I will go boating in the park. Will you join us?
Man:  That’s great. I’d love to. Where shall we meet?
Woman: Let’s meet at the school gate at 1:00 in the afternoon.
Man:   At the school gate at 1:00. OK. See you.
Woman: See you.
 Jim and I love animals very much. We each have a pet at home. His pet is a black dog and my pet is a white cat. We want to go on a trip this Sunday. There is a new forest park near our city. We can see monkeys there. My father wants to drive us there, but I’m afraid he is busy. So we will take the No.6 bus to go there.
Tom went to see his aunt in the city by train with his parents. The boy thought everything was interesting. And his parents took him to the zoo. The boy liked animals. The zoo was near his aunt’s house. He wanted to go there again.
One day, Tom went to the zoo after lunch. He watched some of the animals sleeping. He was thirsty but he had no money to buy any drinks. He walked and walked. Suddenly he saw a lot of pears on a tree. He looked around and nobody was there. He climbed the tree and began to eat the pears on the tree.
“ What are you doing in the tree?” an old man asked suddenly.
“ Look at the sign. It says, “ Keep away from the grass.” the boy answered.

一、1-5  ABBAB       6-10 BCCAA       11-15 CBCBA    16-20 BBCBC
二、21-25 DCBCD   26-30 CADDC      31-35 BCDCA
三、36-40 BACAB      41-45 CDBCD      46-50 ACABA
四、51-55 ACBBA      56-60 DDABC      61-65 ABABC
五、66. brave     67.enter    68. south-east    69.honest    70. patient    71.generous    72.believe
    73. keeping   74.to pay   75.wasn’t       76.taught     77.least      78.more difficult
79.humour    80.smiling
六、81.heard from  82. thinks of others    83. keep secrets/a secret  84. try/do my best to
85. as dangerous as
七、86. How  87.out/outside   88.showing   89.interested   90.eyes
91. talk   92.listener      93. yourself   94. friendly    95.many
八. 書面表達(dá)
One possible version:
My best friend
Tom is my best friend. He is in Class One Grade Seven. He has many hobbies and interests. He likes goldfish best and he likes watching them swim around. He also loves all kinds of outdoor. He often goes camping because he likes being outside.
Tom has different abilities. He writes god articles and plays the piano well. He learns things quickly and plans everything well.
Tom has many good qualities. He is helpful. He is a volunteer at the community center. He is ready to help people with all kinds of problems. He often takes part in activities like raising money for poor children. He is also brave. Last week, he helped his neighbour out of the fir

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1135177.html
