
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Ⅰ.Listening(2 0分)
A)Listen and choose the right pictures 聽(tīng)對(duì)話,選圖畫(huà)。請(qǐng)聽(tīng)5段短對(duì)話,聽(tīng)完后,從A、B、C
1. W: Who is that woman with long straight hair?
M: She i s my aun t Sonia. She teaches English in a Middle School.
2. W: What do you have for breakfast, John?
  M: I have bread and milk. What about you?
  W: I like to eat porridge and potatoes.
3. W: Did you go fishing last Sunday?
  M: No, I went to the farm and rode a horse. It made me happy.
4. W: How was your school trip?
  M: It was OK.We flew kites on the beach and had a good time.
5. W: Did you see any snakes in the field?
  M: Yes, we saw one. It was scary.
B)Listen to 5 conversations and choose the right answe rs.請(qǐng)聽(tīng)5段短對(duì)話,聽(tīng)完后,從A、B、C
6.W: Do you know that boy with blue eyes?
  M: You m ean Paul. Oh, I know him. He is an American exchange student.
  W: How old is he?
  M: Fourteen, the same as us with a medium build.
7. M: Can I help you?
W: Yes, I’d like a large bowl of beef noodles and 1 5 dumplings.
M: Here you are. The noodles  are 8 yuan and the dumplin gs are 9 yuan.
8. W: Hi, Tony! I went to Sydney last week.
M: Wow, great! Did you have a good time there? 
M: Yeah, but the weather was hot .
9.W: Hi, Brad! How was your weekend?
M: Hi, Joan!It was bad, because I was ill and I stayed at home  all day.
W:I am sorry to hear that.
10.M:How did you feel after your school trip?
  W: It wasn’t interesting. You know, we went to a lot of places.
  M: Did you go  to the new lake?
W: Yes, it was very cool.
C)Listen to a conversation and a passage,and then choose the right answers.請(qǐng)聽(tīng)1段長(zhǎng)對(duì)話和短文,聽(tīng)完后,從A、B、 C中選出符合題目的答案。對(duì)話和短文讀兩遍。
W: How was your last Sunday,David?
M: It was great,Sally.
W: What did you do?
M: On Sunday morning, I did my homework for two hours.
W: What about Sunday afternoon?
M: I went to the library and read a book about science. But English is my favorite subject.
W: Yeah, you had much fun. Then what did you do on Sunday evening?
M: Well, I watched TV.
There is a student from China in our class. He is very good at his lessons, but he is also  very shy. He doesn’t talk too much with us because he thinks that there are so many differences. For example, his hair is short, black and straight, but ours are all different from his. Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his. D ave’s hair is curly and brown. Kitty’s hair is blonde. Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes,too. Peter is a boy. He is tall and thin, but he wears a colorful T-shirt.
Last weekend was a busy time for our family. On Saturday my parents went shopping for clothes at the mall. My brother Gray played basketball with his friends. My sister Gina stayed at home in the morning and played the piano. I stayed at home, too. I studied for a math test. In the afternoon I went to the beach. On Saturday evening, my family and I had dinner at home. Then we went to the movies.  
On Sunday morning, my family stayed at home. My sister and I cleaned our room, and my brother played computer games. In the afternoon we visited my grandparents  We were happy to see them. After dinner, we watched TV. I was tired on Sunday night. I went to bed early.  
1-5 BABAC   6-10 CCBAA   11-15 BABCC 
16. busy   17. went shopping/played basketb all/played the piano
18. studied for a math te st/went to the beach/went to the movies
19. cleaned our room/played computer games
20. watched TV/ visited (my )grandparents
II.Read and choose(10分)
21-25 ABBCA   26-30 ACCBB
III.Read and choose(10分)
31-35 FIJAD    36-40 HBGCE 
IV.Read , choose and match(15分)
41-45 DCBEA   46-50 DGCBE 
V.Read,write and choose the right answers (25分)
51-55 ABBAC   56-60 BACAC  
61. same class    62. John    63. Tom’s    64. kungfu lessons  65. T- shirts
VI.Think and write(10分)
VII. Challenge(10分)
Task A: 找對(duì)一個(gè)詞1分,共10分。Task B:每小題2分,共10分。
1564 1578 1582 1592 1599 1616
Was born finished school married moved to London opened… died
本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/320776.html
