Unit 9 My favorite subject is science

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 9 y favorite subject is science.
本單元采用自主學(xué)習(xí)、小組合作探究、Imitating and repeating,Practicing,Comparing和Role playing的學(xué)習(xí)策略,利用圖片、幻燈片或制作多媒體展開堂Pairwork問答式的口語交際活動或調(diào)查活動,談?wù)摳髯运矚g的學(xué)科或其它的事情并給出理由。本單元的教學(xué)法建議:語音教學(xué):模仿操練;詞匯教學(xué):演示講解、情景操練、反復(fù)使用;口語教學(xué):互相操練、對話練習(xí)、交際活動;閱讀教學(xué):回答問題和填空練習(xí);聽力教學(xué):聽音選詞、寫詞和整理、完成對話;寫作教學(xué):補全對話、模仿寫作;語法教學(xué):總結(jié)規(guī)律、比較異同、模仿操練。
Section A (1a-2d) 用1時
Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1時
Section B (1a-2c) 用1時
Section B (3a-Self Check) 用1時
Section A (1a-2d)
1. 語言知識目標(biāo):
1) 能掌下列詞匯:favorite, subject, P.E. science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history, why, because, onday, Friday, Saturday
2) 能掌握以下句型:
① —What's your favorite subject? —y favorite subject is science.
② —What's your favorite day? —It's onday.
③ —Why do you like P.E.? —Because it's fun.
④ —How's your day? —It's O.
3) 能就所喜歡的科目這一話題進行問答交流,正確表達自己的情感。
2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標(biāo):
1. 教學(xué)重點:
1) 掌握學(xué)校科目的相關(guān)詞匯及部分周幾的表達方式。
2) 學(xué)習(xí)詢問和談?wù)搫e人或自己喜好的學(xué)科并給出理由。
2. 教學(xué)難點:
1) 學(xué)習(xí)詢問和談?wù)搫e人或自己喜好的學(xué)科并給出理由。
Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision
1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework.
2. Let's review the months we learned.
(Ss recite the months together. January, February, arch, April…December)
T: What month do you like?
S1: February. S2: arch…
3. Let's review the school activities we learned.
S1: basketball game, volleyball game, soccer game, tennis game, school trip, art festival…
S2: School Day, Sports Day, English Day, book sale, English test, party…
T: What activities do you like?
S1: I like basketball game, volleyball game, soccer game and English Day.
S2: I like tennis game, school trip, art festival and English Day.
Ⅱ. Presentation
1. T: O. S1 and S2 both like English Day. I think they must like English very much. Do you like English?
Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
T: What subject do you like best? Or we can say "What's your favorite subject?".
(Write the two sentences on the Bb.)
—What's your favorite subject?
—y favorite subject is English.
Ss read after the teacher and try to remember the conversation.
2. What other subjects do you like? Now let's learn other subjects.
(Show the picture of Chinese book)
Teach Ss "Chinese", then teach Ss other subjects by showing pictures on the screen.
(P.E., art, science, math, geography, history…)
3. Ss read all the subjects and try to remember them.
4. Work on 1a. Look at the picture in 1a, match the words with the pictures. Then check the answers.
Ⅲ. Listening
1. Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. Listen to the recording and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.
(Play the tape for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again, Ss listen and circle the words in 1a.)
2. Ss listen and circle the words in 1a. Then check the answers.
Ⅳ. Pair work
1. T: Let's practice the conversation with your partner. (Ss practice the conversation.)
S1: What's your favorite subject?
S2: y favorite subject is science.
2: Now make your conversations with the subjects in 1a.
S1: What's your favorite subject?
S2: y favorite subject is…
(Exchange roles. S2 ask S1 about the favorite subjects)
Ⅴ. Presentation
1. Present the sentence structure:
—Why do you like… —Because…
T: What's your favorite subject, S1?
S1: y favorite subject is P.E.
T: Why do you like P.E.?
S1: (Help S1 answer) Because it's fun.
Write the sentence structure: " —Why do you like… —Because…" on the blackboard.
2. Let Ss read after the teacher, and try to remember them.
3. Ask and answer with your partner about the reasons they like ball games. e.g.
S1: Why do you like soccer?
S2: Because it's boring. Why do you like basketball?
S1: Because it's interesting. Why do you like volleyball?
S2: Because it's fun.
Ⅵ. Listening
1. T: Look at the picture in 2a. Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. First, read the sentences by yourself. Then listen and put the conversation in order.
Ss read the four sentences, then listen to the recording and put them in order.
2. Check the answers with the class.
3. We're learned some adjectives in Unit 5. Such as interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing…
Do you still remember? Let's review the words together. (List all the adjectives: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing) Then have a conversation with the Ss.
T: Let's play basketball!
Ss: That sounds interesting.
T: Let's play baseball.
Ss: That sounds difficult.
T: Let's listen to music.
Ss: That sounds relaxing.
T: Let's watch TV!
Ss: That sounds boring.
T: Let's play a game.
Ss: That sounds fun.
4. Now listen to the recording again. atch the subjects you hear with the descriptions. Ss listen and match. Then play the recording for the Ss to check the answers.
Ⅶ. Pair work
1. T: What do you think of the subjects above? ake your own conversations using the words (fun, interesting, relaxing, difficult…) in 2b. For example:
S1: What's your favorite subject?
S2: Science.
S1: Why do you like science?
S2: Because it's interesting.
2. Ss make their own conversations with his or her partner. Then let some pairs act out their conversations.
Ⅷ. Role-play
1. Present the neords: onday, Friday and Saturday by show some calendars on screen. Let Ss read the neords after teacher.
2. Let Ss read the conversation and fill in the chart.
NameFavorite Day Favorite subjectWhy
BobBecause the next day is Saturday.
3. Ss read the conversation and complete the chart. Then check the answers with the Ss.
4. Let Ss practice the conversation in pairs. Then try to act out the conversation in front of the class.
5. 評價:(讓學(xué)生們對自己的表現(xiàn)及語言表達能力進行自我評價,在小組內(nèi)評價,然后進行評出最優(yōu)秀的小組。并鼓勵學(xué)生們下一次爭取做最優(yōu)秀的小組及個人。)
1. Review the neords and expressions in this period.
2. ake a survey of the favorite subjects your classmate and the reasons.

Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)
1. 語言知識目標(biāo):
1) 繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)校的學(xué)習(xí)科目,并能就最喜歡的科目進行詢問和回答。
2) 總結(jié)what, who, why引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句的構(gòu)成方式及回答。
3) 通過不同的形式的訓(xùn)練熟練掌握運用what, who, why引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句提問問題并能正確回答。
2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標(biāo):
1. 教學(xué)重點:
1)總結(jié)what, who, why引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句的構(gòu)成方式及回答。
2)通過不同的形式的訓(xùn)練熟練掌握運用what, who, why引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句提問問題并能正確回答。
2. 教學(xué)難點:
通過不同的形式的訓(xùn)練熟練掌握運用what, who, why引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句提問問題并能正確回答。
Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision
1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.
2. Review the subjects and the days we learned. Review the descriptions.
T: Who can say all the days we learned?
S1: onday, Friday and Saturday.
T: Who can say all the subjects we learned?
S2: Chinese, math, English, geography, history, science, art, music, P.E.
T: Very good! Who can say the descriptions?
S3: fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing
T: Now tell your partner what you think of the subjects. You can say them like this:
I think Chinese is interesting. I think math is…
(Ss say something about all the subjects.)
3. Ask and answer with your partner about the favorite subjects and the reasons. e.g.
S1: What's your favorite subject, Xiao ing?
S2: y favorite subject is music.
S1: Why do you like music?
S2: Because it's relaxing.
(Ss ask and answer with his or partner.)
Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.
1. 閱讀指導(dǎo):
句型結(jié)構(gòu):特殊疑問詞+一般疑問句? 注意:若疑問詞作主語,特殊疑問句的語序則用陳述句語序。

what“什么”用詢問事物What’s his favorite sports?

who“誰”用詢問某人的身份—Who is your math teacher?
—y English teacher is s. Sun.

where“哪里”用提問地點—Where is your pencil box? 你的鉛筆盒在哪里?
—It’s on the desk. 在書桌上。

why“為什么”用詢問原因—Why do you like playing ping-pong?
—Because it’s fun. 因為有趣。
when“何時”用詢問時間—When is your mother’s birthday?
—It’s on September 17th. 9月17日。
how“怎么”對某人/某情況提問—How are you? 你好嗎?
—I’m fine, thanks. 我很好,謝謝。
how old “多大”,用詢問年齡—How old is your brother? 你弟弟多大了?
—He’s eight. 他八歲了。

how much “多少錢;多少”用詢問價格或不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量—How much are the shorts? 這條短褲多少錢?
—They’re thirteen yuan. 13元錢。
How much milk is there in the cup?
2. 根據(jù)漢語提示完成下列句子。
① 你最喜歡的科目是什么?______ your_______ subject?
② 我最喜歡的科目是科學(xué)。 y _______ _________ is _________.
③ 他最喜歡的科目是什么? What’s _______ ______ _________?
④ 他最喜歡的科目是語。 His _______ _________ is __________.
⑤ 她最喜歡的科目是什么? ______ _____ favorite ________?
⑥ 她最喜歡的科目是美術(shù)。 ______ _______ subject is _______.
⑦ 為什么鮑勃喜歡歷史? _______ ______ Bob like ________?
⑧ 因為很有趣。 _______ it’s _________.
⑨ 為什么鮑勃和弗蘭克喜歡體育? ____ _____ Frank and Bob _____ P.E.?
⑩ 因為很有樂趣。________ it’s ______.
○11 你的音樂老師是誰? _____ is your _______ ________?
○12 我的音樂老師是謝女士。y ________ ________ is ______ Xie.
○13 你的地理是在什么時候? _______ is your ___________ class?
○14 它是在周一和周五。 It’s _____ ________ and ________.
Ⅲ. Practice
1. T: Let's do some exercises to practice the sentence structures. Now come to 3a. Fill in the blanks with what, who, or why.
指導(dǎo):要確定空格處是何特殊疑問詞,只能是根據(jù)答語確定?创鹫Z是表示原因、人物還是表示科目(事物),從而確定用特殊疑問詞why, who, what。
2. Ss read the conversations and fill in the blanks.
3. Let some pairs read out their conversations to check their answers.
4. Ss practice the conversations with their partners.
Ⅴ. Practice
1. T: Let's do more exercises to practice the sentence structures. Let's work on 3b. Write questions for the answers.
首先,看答語是表示原因、人物還是表示科目(事物),從而確定用特殊疑問詞why, who, what構(gòu)成的特殊疑問句。
其次,注意特殊疑問句的構(gòu)成,Who/what/Why + 一般疑問句。
2. Ss read the conversations and write their questions.
3. Let some pairs read out their questions to check their answers.
4. Ss practice the conversations with their partners.
Ⅵ. Survey
1. Next, let's do a survey about your classmates about his or her favorite subject, reasons and teachers. Let me tell you how to do it.
First, interview three classmates about his or her favorite subject, reasons and teachers.
Second, fill in the chart belo
At last, make a report about your classmates.
2. Let's make a model. Which group would like to have a try?
S1: What's your favorite subject, Jingjing?
S2: usic.
S1: Why do you like music?
S2: Because it's fun.
S1: Who's your music teacher?
S2: s. Xie.
(The S1 interview S2, S3, S4)
Fill in the chart.
NameFavorite subjectReasonTeacher
JingjingmusicIt's funs. Xie
Xiao eiartIt's interestings. Wu
Da weiP.E. It's relaxingr. Hu
ake a report:
y classmate Jining's favorite subject is music. She likes it because it's fun. Her music teacher is s. Xie. Xiao ei's favorite subject is art. She likes it because it's interesting. Her art teacher is s. Wu. Da Wei's favorite subject is P.E. He likes it because it's relaxing. His P.E. teacher is r. Hu.
3. Ss work in groups and make the survey.
4. Let some Ss report the result of their survey.
1. Review the sentence structure of what, who, why, when…
2. ake a survey about other friends about their favorite subjects, reason and teachers.

Section B 1a-2c
1. 語言知識目標(biāo):
1) 掌握下列詞匯: free, cool, Tuesday, Wednesday, A.., P.., useful, from…to, rs. finish, lesson, hour, have art lesson…
2) 學(xué)習(xí)表示星期的名詞,并理解星期與日期的區(qū)別。
3) 繼續(xù)復(fù)習(xí)“談?wù)撈珢邸焙汀霸儐栂矚g的學(xué)科并給出理由”的語言結(jié)構(gòu);
4) 談?wù)撘恢艿某贪才,學(xué)會合理地安排自己的作息時間。
5) 閱讀有關(guān)程安排的短,并能獲得相關(guān)信息。
2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標(biāo):
1. 教學(xué)重點:
1) 學(xué)習(xí)表示星期的名詞,并理解星期與日期的區(qū)別。
2) 能談?wù)撍怂矚g的科目,及原因,詢問程的時間安排。
2. 教學(xué)難點:
1) 談?wù)撘恢艿某贪才牛瑢W(xué)會合理地安排自己的作息時間。
2) 閱讀有關(guān)程安排的短,并能獲得相關(guān)信息。
Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision
1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.
2. Review the sentence structures learned yesterday. T asks a student as a model. Then let Ss work in pairs to make their own conversations.
T: What's your favorite subject, S1?
S1: y favorite subject is music?
T: Why do you like music?
S1: Because it's interesting.
T: Who is your music teacher?
S1: s. Hu.
3. Ss work in pairs to make their own conversations. Let some pairs act out their conversations.
Ⅱ. Presentation
1. Present other days in a week. Show some pictures of calendar. Teach Ss Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.
Ss read after the teacher and remember the days in a week.
(onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Sunday)
2. Present the using of "on + 星期幾",
T: When is your art class?
Ss: It's on onday.
T: When is your music class?
Ss: It's on Thursday.
3. Present some new adjectives, free, cool
Show a picture of someone who is busy doing sth. Write the word "busy" on blackboard. Then show a picture of someone who is lying on the beach to rest. Write the word "free" on the blackboard. Then show a very cool boy with nice clothes. Write the word "cool" on the blackboard.
Let Ss read the words free, busy, cool loudly. Then review the words: boring, difficult, easy, interesting, fun
4. Work on 1a. atch the words on the left with their opposites on the right. Then check the answers. Ss read the words after teacher, then, try to remember the words.
Ⅲ. Listening
1. T: David is talking about his classes and schedule. Listen to the recording and check (√) the words you hear in 1a.
(Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again, Ss listen and check (√)the words in 1a. )
2. Check the answers with the class.
Ⅳ. Listening
1. Read through the schedule.
T: Look at the schedule belo This is David's schedule. December 25th is onday, December 26th is Tuesday…
T: What classes does David have on onday?
S1: He has science, English, Chinese, P.E., geography and art.
T: Then what activity does David have on Saturday?
S1: He has a soccer game.
T: What activity does David have on Sunday?
S1: It's Bill's birthday party.
T: O. Read through the schedule and find out what classes David have from onday to Friday.
2. Now listen to the tape and circle the classes David talks about on this schedule.
(Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle the classes David talks about. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.)
Ⅴ. Pair work
1. Look at the schedule above and complete the conversation in 1d.
Ss work in pairs to complete the conversation. Then let some read out the conversation to check the answers.
2. Ss practice the conversation with his or her partner.
3. Talk about your classmates' favorite subject using the conversation in 1d.
S1: What's Li Tao's favorite subject?
S2: His favorite subject is P.E.
S1: Why does he like P.E.?
S2: Because it's easy and relaxing.
S1: When is the class?
S2: It's on Wednesday.
4. Ss work in pairs to make their conversations.
Ⅵ. Writing
1. T: What do you think of these subjects? Write a description for each one. First, let's review all the descriptions we kno Who can say the words you know?
S1: boring, difficult, easy, interesting, fun
S2: (add some more words) free, busy, cool …
2. Then, tell your partner what you think of these subjects. Your partner should write your descriptions down and report it to you. Then exchange roles. Your partner tells you about his or her description. You have to report to your partner. e.g.
You: I think music is relaxing. Art is easy. P.E. is fun. English is interesting. Chinese is fun. ath is difficult. …
Your partner: In Xiao Fang's opinion, music is relaxing. Art is easy. P.E. is fun. English is interesting. Chinese is fun. ath is difficult. …
Ⅶ. Reading
1. Jenny is Yu ei's pen friend from the U.S.A. Yu ei writes a letter to Jenny to tell her about her classes on Friday. Now read the letter quickly and find the answer to this question:
What's Yu ei's favorite subject?
2. Ss read the letter quickly and find the answer to the question.
3. Check the answers.
4. Read the letter again. Underline the subjects that Yu ei likes. Circle the subjects she doesn't like.
指導(dǎo):找到于梅周所上的學(xué)科較為簡單。而確定此學(xué)科于梅是喜歡還是不喜歡,則應(yīng)根據(jù)她對本學(xué)科的評價所用形容詞。比如是interesting, fun, relaxing等詞,應(yīng)表明她喜歡此學(xué)科。而如果是boring, difficult等詞則表明她不喜歡此學(xué)科。
5. Ss read the letter and underline the subjects that Yu ei likes. Circle the subjects she doesn't like.
6. Check the answers.
Ⅷ. Reading
1. T: Read the letter again and complete Yu ei's schedule with the information in 2b.
2. 指導(dǎo):短按時間順序介紹了于梅周五這天繁忙的程活動。撲捉學(xué)科名稱及上時間是填寫此表格的關(guān)鍵。尋找短中“At …, I have ….或I have …at ….”之類的關(guān)鍵句,便可寫出。注意該句“Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese.”中午12點是于梅吃午飯(have lunch)的時間,1點是她上語的時間。
3. Ss read the letter again and complete the chart. Then check the answers.
1. Review the neords and expressions.
2. Try to retell Yu ei's schedule on Friday.

Section B 3a-Self Check
1. 語言知識目標(biāo):
1) 復(fù)習(xí)鞏固所學(xué)的學(xué)校程的詞匯、對事物進行評價的詞匯、星期幾的詞匯。
2) 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)、鞏固“詢問喜歡的學(xué)科并給出理由”的目標(biāo)語言并運用所學(xué)知識安排活動。
2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標(biāo):
1. 教學(xué)重點:
1) 復(fù)習(xí)詞匯:Chinese, math, English, history, geography, science, music, P.E. art;interesting, fun, difficult, easy, boring, useful;onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
2. 教學(xué)難點:
Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision
1. Greet the Ss as usual. Then check the homework.
2. What do you think of your school subjects? Tell your classmates about them.
You can say it like this: In my opinion, Chinese is interesting. ath is useful. English is difficult but useful. P.E. is fun. usic is relaxing…
Ss report their opinions in the group. Then let some Ss talk about it to the class.
3. Review some phrases or sentences:
① 在星期五 _________ ② 在九點鐘 _________ ③上科學(xué) _________
④ 上歷史___________ ⑤ 從……到 ___________ ⑥ 在那之后 ________
⑦上一節(jié)美術(shù)__________________________ ⑧ 兩個小時長 _________
⑨ 我的在3:30結(jié)束。____________________ ⑩ 老師說數(shù)學(xué)很有用。______________________
Check the answers with the class.
4. Retell Yu ei's letter.
Show Yu ei's schedule on the screen. Let Ss try to retell the letter.
8:00 to 8:50math12:00 to 1:00have lunch
9:00 to 9:50science1:00 to 1:50Chinese
10:00 to 10:50history2:00 to 2:50art
11:00 to 11:50P.E.
Ss try to retell the letter. T gives them some help if they need.
Ⅱ. Reading
1. T: Dale can't meet ei Ling on Friday afternoon. He's really busy. So he writes an e-mail to ei Ling to tell her about it. Number these parts of an e-mail message [1-3].
指導(dǎo):應(yīng)根據(jù)郵的內(nèi)容及格式確定順序,可知開頭為有Hi, ei Ling的片段;結(jié)尾為有Dale署名的片段。
2. Ss read the parts of the e-mail message and number them.
3. Let some Ss read the right message to check the answer.
4. Ss read the e-mail message aloud and try to remember the e-mail message.
Ⅲ. Writing
1. T: Look at the chart in 3b. Fill in the schedule below for your classes on Friday. Write the time on the left and the subjects on the right. Then read out your schedule to your partner. Let your partner check your schedule.
2. Ss fill in the schedule by themselves and read them to his or partner.
Ⅳ. Writing
1. T: Linda is your new friend. She wants to meet you on Friday. But you are really busy on Friday. Write an e-mail to tell her about your Friday. If you don't have any idea, you may review the e-mail in 3a or the letter in 2b.
① Thanks for your e-mail. 謝謝你的郵。
② It’s Friday today. I’m really busy./I’m really busy on Friday 今天是星期五。我很忙。
③ I have …classes in the morning and … in the afternoon. 上午我有……節(jié),下午……節(jié)。
④ At …, I have …. Then at …, I have …. Next, … 在……點,我上……。然后在……點。接下……。
⑤ ….class is from …to …. ……從……到……。
⑥ After that, I have …for … 之后,我上…………時間。
⑦ … is my favorite subject. ……是我最喜歡的科目
⑧ I like/don’t like it because it’s …. 我喜歡/不喜歡它,因為它是……。
⑨ I think it’s … 我想它是……的。
2. Ss read the e-mail in 3a and the letter in 2b. Then try to write the e-mail to Linda about his or her Friday. (T goes around the class to offer some help. )
3. Ss read their e-mail to their partners. Then check each other's e-mail.
4. Let some Ss read their e-mail to the class to give a possible version.
Ⅴ. Self Check 1
1. T: Let's review all the school subjects we learned. Who wants to have a try?
S1: Chinese, math, English, history, geography, science, music, P.E. art
T: Very good! Who want to have a try again?
(S2:… S3:… S4: …)
2. T: Next let's review the descriptions we learned. Who wants to have a try?
S5: interesting, fun, difficult, easy, boring, useful…
T: Very good! Who want to have a try again?
(S6:… S7:… S8: …)
3. T: Then let's review the days in a week. Who wants to have a try?
S9: onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
T: Very good! Who want to have a try again?
(S10:… S11:… S12: …)
4. Now look at the chart in Self Check 1. Add more words in each box.
(Ss write more words in each box.)
5. Let some Ss read out their answers.
Ⅵ. Self Check 2
1. (Ask a student some questions as a model for the Self Check 2)
T: What is your favorite subject?
S1: English.
T: Why do you like English?
S1: Because it's interesting.
T: Who is your English teacher?
S1: r. Wu.
T: When is your English class?
S1: They're on onday, Thursday and Friday.
2. Now, please read the questions in Self Check 2 and complete the questions with what, when, who, or why. (指導(dǎo):應(yīng)從句意、句子結(jié)構(gòu),特別是句子的主語等方面綜合考慮該用哪一個特殊疑問詞。比如,第一句中,主語your favorite subject是事物,因此應(yīng)用特殊疑問詞what。其他思考方法相同。)
3. Ss complete the questions by themselves.
4. Let some pairs ask and answer about the conversations to check the answers.
5. Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the questions.
Ⅶ. Exercises
If there's some more time left, show some exercises on the screen and finish them.
1. Review the whole unit.
2. Write a letter to your pen friend to tell him or her your busy onday (Tuesday…) day.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/41212.html

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