第十四單元 Lesson 3 Nine to Five教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第十四單元 Lesson 3 Nine to Five設(shè)計(jì)

詞匯:重點(diǎn)詞匯:inspect,pay off, glory, constantly, beneath, grasp, believe in, overcome
相關(guān)詞匯:nest, turn over, existence, illegal, hesitate

First Period
Interactive pattern & time
Step 1T: Having passed the interview, you’re offered a good job. Now are you dreaming of your career’s success? Today we’re going to discuss “The road to success”.引出話題,激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣。Class work1’
Step 2New-words warm-up:T presents several sentences about jobs with the new words, and students are going to guess jobs and understand the new words.
[PPT 4-10]復(fù)習(xí)上節(jié)課知識,引出話題,同時學(xué)習(xí)新詞匯。Class work 5’
Step3Question for fast reading: What does Wang Junyan do? [PPT 11]了解課文大意。Class work 3’
Step 4Task for scanning reading: Match for paragraphs’ main ideas. / A chart of Wang Junyan’s information [學(xué)案Passage Study I,II]了解文章結(jié)構(gòu)及段落大意。Individual work 6’
Step 5Exercises for vocabulary study (學(xué)案Class Exercises
I, II)
詞匯內(nèi)化:學(xué)習(xí)和掌握詞匯的用法。Individual work 8’
Step 6Questions for detailed reading.(PPT14-16,教材 P27,3)提取和整理課文信息。Pair work 15’
Step 7A topic for discussing:
What do you think about “the road to success”, besides what mentioned in the text, what else do you think are necessary to achieve one’s success?(Using the key words)[PPT17]學(xué)生對于課文重新認(rèn)識和內(nèi)化的過程,要使用課文以及自己的語言來評價(jià)、表述。Pair work 7’
Ex.4 on Page 37
Ex.1,2 on Page 70[PPT 18]
Second Period
Interactive pattern & time
Step 1Sentences about the text “The road to success”(The presentation of Reported Speech), find out answers from the text.[PPT20-22]引出所學(xué)知識,讓學(xué)生在文章中發(fā)現(xiàn)語法現(xiàn)象。Class work 2’
Grammar study
Step 2Listen to the interview, to fill in blanks (Direct Speech).[學(xué)案Direct Speech一欄]聽材料,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容填寫直接引語。Individual work 3’
Step3Check answers.學(xué)生彼此檢查核對答案。Pair work2’
Step 4Read the report in Ex. 5 on page 27 to fill in Reported Speech and work out the rules on the students’ sheet. [學(xué)案Reported Speech一欄]根據(jù)文章信息,填寫表格中相應(yīng)的間接引語部分。Individual work 6’
Step 5Exchange their answers.學(xué)生彼此檢查核對答案。Pair work 3’
Step 6Read Grammar Summary 4, page 92 and complete the form. [學(xué)案Rules一欄]根據(jù)表格中所填相互對應(yīng)的直接引語、間接引語,學(xué)生自己分析、歸納其變化。Individual work 10’
Step 7Check answers.教師、學(xué)生一起總結(jié)直接引語與間接引語相互轉(zhuǎn)變的變化規(guī)則。Class work 4’
Step 8Do Ex. 8 on page 27.學(xué)生通過習(xí)題來操練所學(xué)間接引語變化。Individual work 5’
Language in use
Step 9Task A: Let students represent the interview based on the passage in Ex. 5 on page 27 and the chart on student’s sheet.
Task B: Imagine you interview a famous person who does one of the jobs below. In your notebook, write five sentences that this person says. Then write your interview as a report. [PPT28-30]根據(jù)學(xué)生水平及語法掌握情況來選擇不同的任務(wù)對所學(xué)知識進(jìn)行鞏固。Individual work / Pair work 10’
Ex.on page 70,71

Lesson 3 Nine To Five
Period 1
Passage Study
I .Read the text to match the followings.
?Paragraph 1 ( ) A. Wang Junyan found her job interesting and challenging.
?Paragraph 2 ( ) B. She chose to be a journalist and realised its importance.
?Paragraph 3 ( ) C. Being a famous person on TV was not the young girl’s dream.
?Paragraph 4 ( ) D.She didn’t give up and made a success.
?Paragraph 5 ( ) E.Wang Junyan’s mother helped her to overcome difficulties.

II.Complete the chart below.
Personal Data
Her characteristics
(made her a success)
Class Exercises
I. Read the text to fill in the blanks with the proper words.
1.The e________ of nuclear power makes public worried.
2. It is reported that the government will i_______ the factory which is causing a lot of pollution.
3. According to this new law, it is i______ for any citizen to hunt wild animals.
4. Mary admired her dad very much, for he i__________ her to be a teacher.
5. We are c_________ being reminded to make good preparations for tomorrow.
II. Read the contexts related to the following words in the text and choose one whose meaning matches the one in the text.
A.He grasped both my hands.
B.Understanding its meaning is not enough. You must try to grasp its spirit.
C.We must grasp every opportunity to develop our country.
A.This is a man who has committed murder.
B.They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest countries.
C.I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays.
A. The twins look alike but have very different characters.
B. She had Mickey Mouse or some other cartoon character on her sweater.
C.There were one or two strange-looking characters wandering in the streets.
III.Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words below.
dream of, believe in, as long as, be curious about, support sb. through
1. Those people who are suffering from the war are _______ living a peaceful life one day.
2. You can look __________ you don’t touch.
3. The scientist devoted almost all his time to studying insects because he had _______ them.
4. We _______ Mr. Johnson because we have cooperated with each other over twenty years.
5. The father’s hard work ______ the whole family _______ their hardest time 10 years ago.
IV.Fill in the blanks without changing the meaning.
1. They would go swimming together when they were children.
They ______ ______ go swimming together in their childhood.
2. He was finally rewarded for his effort in the company.
His effort in the company finally ______ ______.
3. Einstein devoted himself to scientific research all his life.
Einstein ______ ______ ______ doing scientific research all his life.
4. They met at the club entrance that evening. They began to know each other then.
They met at the club entrance that evening. _____ ______ _____ they began to know each other.

Period 2
Direct SpeechReported SpeechRules
1.Journalist: When did you _________ to be a dancer?7. I asked Huang Lili _____ she _______ to be a dancer.A. 特殊疑問句,從句用_______語序。
2. Huang Lili:Well, my days____ usually very long.8. She replied that her ____________________.B. Present Simple一般現(xiàn)在時
3. Huang Lili: … today I got up early to practise bending.
9. _________, she _________________ early to practise and do some bending.
C. Past Simple一般過去時
4. Huang Lili:…I ________ on a new act _____, which I’m going to perform on stage for the first time ____in Beijing_________.10. She said that ______________she ______ working on a new act.
The _________ week, she ____ going to perform it on stage ___ in Beijing.E. Present Continuous現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時----_____________________
F. ______-----_______________
G._________---_the following week
H. am going to----______________
I. here ----________
5. Journalist: ___ your job ___________?11. Finally I asked her ____ her joby _____ dangerous.J. When we report a YES/NO question, we add the word “____”or “_________”
6. Huang Lili: …Last year, I ______ my wrist and __________ I twisted my ankle, …12. …and then told me that ___________ before she _________ her wrist and that ______________ month she ______________ her anklw.K. last year----_______________
L. last month----______________
Tense (Read Grammar Summary 4, page 92 and finish the followings)
13. Present Perfect:現(xiàn)在完成時
She’s gone out.Past Perfect 過去完成時
He said she ______________ out.
14. Present Perfect Continuous 現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時
It’s been working OK.____________________________
He said that it _________________________ OK.
15. Past Continuous 過去進(jìn)行時
He was snoring.____________________
She said he had been snoring.
16. will: I’ll do it.would: She said she ____________.
(Period 1)
Passage Study
Personal Data
NameWang Junyan
ProfessionA TV presenter
UniversityFudan University in Shanghai
Her characteristics
(made her a success)Being curious, working hard and believing in what was true.

Class Exercises
I. 1. existence 2. inspect 3. illegal 4. influenced 5. constantly
II. 1.B 2.C 3.C
III. 1. dreaming of 2. as long as
3. been curious about 4. believe in
5. supported; through
IV.1. used to
2. paid off
3. was committed to
4. That was when

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/67257.html

相關(guān)閱讀:Unit 1 School life單元復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案