Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教案
第1課時(shí) Unit 3 Section A 1a-2c(總第12課時(shí))
[Learning objectives]
1. Knowing picnic, license , silly , earring , instead of
2. Understanding: (1)I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.
(2)Sixteen -year-olds should not be allowed to drive .
(3) Habit-forming: Practice the dialogue
[Important points] Practice the dialogue
[Learning process]
Task 1 Read the statements below . Circle "A"(for agree) and "D" for disagree.
Task 2 Listen to the teacher and finish 1b , understand the following point.
1、完成下列短語(1)sixteen-year -olds _______________ (2) be allowed to do __________________ (3)serious enough _________________ (4) go to the mall __________________
(5)get their ears pierced _______________
(1)I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive
(2)They aren't serious enough at that age.
(3)They might be sorry later.
(4)It's fun to watch.
(5)I just want to be sure you get something nice
3、Practice 1c in parwork
Task 3 Listen and finish the questions 2a. Listen again and finish 2b
(1)need to do _____________(2)disagree with _____________(3)get tired ____________
(4)every night ____________(5)做家庭作業(yè)_____________(6)剪頭發(fā)___________
(10) 和……度過____________
(1)Young person need to sleep.
(3)I think he should stop wearing that silly earring.
1 should 構(gòu)成的被動(dòng)語態(tài) __________________ 2賓語從句__________________
Woman: So what ________ ________ ___________ this afternoon ,Anna?
Girl: I'm going to the m_______ w_________ John. He just g__________ his d________ license.
Woman: I'm sorry . You can't go with him. I don't think AAAAAAA___________ _____________ to drive. They aren't s___________ c____________ at that a___________.
Girl: But I _______ _______ go to the mall . Gaby's g__________ her ears p_________and I want to w____________.
Woman: I don't think sixteen -year-olds should be allowed to ____________ their ________ ___________. They might be s___________ l___________.
Girl: I a_________, but it's f__________ to watch. Is it OK _______ we t_________ the bus?
Woman : Well, I g_________ so.
Gril: Great! I want to b________ a new blouse at the m_________ , too.
Woman: What l________ are you going to buy ? M_________ I should f___________ you.
Girl: _________ I'm n_________ __________a child. I think t__________ should be all ______ to c___________ their o________ clothes.
Woman: Well, I _________ want to be s__________ you get s_________ nice.
(1)Glrls aren't a___________ to go out atnight.
(2)The boy is strong e_________ to carry the heavy box.
(3) "Please show me your l____________."the man said to the shopkeeper.
(4) He didn't answer the questions, l_________ he asked why he could't go.
You ____________________ you ears____________.
Teenages _________________ to ______________________.
We ______________________to _______________ our _______________ job.
He ___________________________ more ______________ computers.
They are talking ____________________ their homework.

第2課時(shí) Unit 3 Section A 1 3a--2c(總第13課時(shí))
【Learning objectives】
1.Knowing: stay up
2.Habit-forming: I'm allowed to study at a friend's house.
I have to... Don't ...You can't...
4.Communicating: Talk about what you are allowed to do.
【Important points】
1、一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的被動(dòng)語態(tài) 2.自由談?wù)撘?guī)則
【Learning process】
Task 1 : 進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的被動(dòng)語態(tài)
1、你認(rèn)為應(yīng)允許15歲的學(xué)生做下列事嗎?為什么? 利用上節(jié)課句型兩人一組操練.
surf the Internet drive wear earring make boyor girl friend
2、在你家里,父母允許/不允許你做什么? 理解并表演下列對(duì)話
A: What are you allowed to do in your family :
B: I'm allowed to get up at nine o'clock on weekends. What about you ?A: Me,too. And I'm allowed to watch TV for 2 hours.
B: Are you allowed to meet friends ?A: Yes, I am. What about Jim ?
B: He is allowed to play football with his friends,
but he isn't allowed to watch too much TV.
3、在你學(xué)校里,老師允許/不允許你做什么? 模仿上面對(duì)話自由交際.
Task 2 運(yùn)用各種句型自由談?wù)摷彝ヒ?guī)則
1、讀對(duì)話, 用Don't.../You can ... 在表格中寫出孫飛和吳雨的家庭規(guī)則 2 理解對(duì)話&下列結(jié)構(gòu): 扎耳朵眼 __________
如: 他去修補(bǔ)鞋了 He got his shoes mended
我要剪頭發(fā)了 I must _________________
3、根據(jù)表格信息,模仿3b 談?wù)?a
Do a survey:
1)Who has to go home after school / stay at home on school nights/
clean up his or herroom every morning ?
2)Who is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm/ watch TV every night?
1) Lucy is not a_____________ to go to the party on nights alone.
2) Can you s___________up until 12?
3) Don't forget to c________ up your bedroom this week.
4) Last week she got his ears p_____, her mother was very angry.
5) The girl often c_________ her own clothes .
1) 這個(gè)女孩有許多家庭規(guī)則, 我們也有。_________________
2)允許 李雷在朋友家學(xué)習(xí)。___________________________
4) 金橋?qū)W生不允許扎耳朵眼。__________________
6) 你必須10點(diǎn)之前到家。____________________________
7) 應(yīng)允許16歲的學(xué)生放學(xué)后打藍(lán)球。_________________
1) 在上課的晚上______________2) 去購物____________
3) 在朋友家_____________4) 扎耳朵眼__________________
5) 打掃,清除_____________6)熬夜____________________

第3課時(shí) Unit 3 Section B 3a---4(總第14課時(shí))
[Lerning objectives]
1.Knowing: concentrate, concentrate on ,study, design, present, at
present, opportunity, volunteer, local, member
2.Understanding:The meaning of the article.
3.Practicing: would like to do, a good way to do, keep ---happy,allow sb.to do sth.at present,have an opportunity to do sth.,the other day,be good for.
[Important leaning points]
1.Understanding: The meaning of the article.
2. Practicing: would like to do,a good way to do,keep ---happy,allow sb.to
do sth.at present,have an opportunityto do sth., the other day,be good for.
[Learning process]
Task1:Learn 3a-3b
1. Read the article fluently and answer the following questions._____
①What do the students think about the school uniforms?________
②What kind of closes do they usually want to wear?____________
③How do they like to study?______________________________.
④What is their idear about vacations?_______________________.
⑤Why is it good to volunteer? ___________________________.
2. Read the short passage again and finish the phrases.
The other day______ would like to---_______concentrate on_______
Be good for______ be allowed to---_______a good way to--____
Keep happy_______ allow sb.to do sth._____ during the evening____
get noisy___ at present___ have an opportunity to--___ a good experience
3. 嘗試翻譯下列文章中的句子,注意劃線部分。
(1)The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. _____
(2)Our teachers believe that if we did that we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies. __________________________________-.
(3)That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. ___
(4)Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital.____.
(5)We would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying._______.
4. Role play .Use the information in 3a to have a conversation,finish 3b.
Task2: Learn part 4
You and your friend are starting an English club.Make a list of rules about what should and shouldn't be allowed. Then practice in pairs.
(1)You should keep your hands clean before eating dinner.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting outside so long.
(2)It would be a good experience for me.
He has so much experience that he can do the job well.
(3)But he feels differently. He felt very sad when he heard the bad news.
(4)Reading a lot is good for your writing.
He is a teacher, he is good with his students.
I'm good at swimming. Now I 'm on the swim team.
小組討論并總結(jié)both---and---,either---or---, neither---nor---,not only---but
1. I___to have a part-time job.
A.am not allow B.not allow C.don't allow D.am not allowed
2.My father doesn't allow me to watch TV too much.
A.Let me to watch B.let me watch C.let me watching D.let me watch
3.The other day our class held an English party in the classroom.
A.Another day B.Yesterday C.The day before yesterday D.A few days ago.
4.These books should____to the library on time.
A.send B.be returned C.give back D.get back
5.You must keep your eyes___when you do your eye exercises.
A.close B.closed C.closing D.be closing
第4課時(shí) Unit 3 Self Check(總第15課時(shí))
【Learning objectives】
1. Knowing: The words and phrases of this unit.
Understanding: Sentence patterns and grammar.
Communicating: Talk about what you are or aren't allowed to do
【Important points】
1. Understanding : Sentence patterns and grammar.
2. Communicating: Talk about what you are or aren't allowed to do
【Learning process】
Task 1: Learn Part 1
finish__________ allow__________ choose__________need__________clean up__________
Fill in the blanks with the words given. Then make your own sentences with the words.
They both look good on me______________________________
eight's hours sleep a night______________________________
Task 2: Learn Part 2
1. Read about the passage and understand the meaning.
2. Read again and understand the following underline sentences.
①Last year we went to an old people's home and sang songs and performed a play for them____________________________________________________________
②We should allowed to take time to do things like that more often
③I want to be a teacher when I'm older so it would be a great experience for me
④Some students should be allowed to have Friday off to volunteer and help others
被允許做  允許某人做某事  穿耳洞  得到駕駛執(zhí)照
16歲的青少年  帶耳環(huán)  選自己的衣服  代替  在上課的晚上
熬夜  全神貫注  目前  養(yǎng)老院  上課遲到  提前交卷
考試失敗  考試及格  參加考試  補(bǔ)考  對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)格

幾天前  設(shè)計(jì)校服  互相學(xué)習(xí)  有機(jī)會(huì)做……  返回學(xué)! 》恋K
關(guān)心  擔(dān)心  兼職工作  在那個(gè)年齡  好象  變的嘈雜
1. I keep a dog in my family, ____________________________________________.
2. Our teacher allows us to choose our own clothes.
3. My grandmother told me a story.________________________________________
4. Tom broke the windows yesterday.______________________________________
1. ――I usually read books till 11:00pm. ――Really? Are you?
A. allow to stay upB. allowed to stay up C. allowed staying up D. allow staying up
2. If you can't get to sleep, then get up and try to do something_______ lying in bed.
A. and B.orC.instead ofD.becaused of
3. They are very strict_______ their children. A. in B. withC.for D. to
1. We want some v____________ to help paint the house free.
2. I have been offered a job. It's a great o____________.
3. My brother goes to l____________ school instead of the schools in another city.
4.Our teacher is very s____________, we have to do what she says.
5.We would not c____________ more on our clothes than our studies.

Unit 3
一、單項(xiàng)選擇 (每小題2分,共50分)
( )1. I’m to choose my own lifestyle(生活方式).
A. young enough B. enough young C. enough old D. old enough
( )2. ?Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive. -- .It’s dangerous.
A. I agree B. I don’t think so C. I don’t know D. I disagree
( )3. The sun _ _ ___ at night .
A. can be seen B. can't see C. can't be seen D doesn't see
( )4. ?I usually watch TV till 11P.M . ? Really? Are you ?
A. allowed to stay up B. allow to stay up C. allowing staying up D. allowed stay up
( )5. Let’s play football at home.
A. instead stay B. instead of staying C. instead staying D. instead staying
( )6. It’s very cold outside. You need warm clothes if you go out.
A. wearing B. to wear C. to wearing D. wears
( )7. Smoking in the cinema. Please stop .
A. allows, to smoke B. is allowed, smoking
C. isn’t allowed, smoking D. isn’t, to smoke
( )8. She ate sandwiches this morning. .
A. So do I B. So I did C. So did I D. So am I
( )9. Good books __ __ again and again.
A. should be readed B. should be read C. must read D. may read
( )10.My grandparents us children, but they look serious.
A. are not strict with B. aren’t strict to C. don’t strict with D. are strict with
( )11. Do you always finish your work Friday nights?
A. at B. on C. in D. of
( )12. I lost the way? I’m new here.
A. What if B. As if C. How if D. When if
( )13. worried if you fail a test.
A. Don’t be B. Not C. Don’t D. Don’t think
( )14. Students should concentrate more studies than clothes.
A. to B. with C. on D. in
( )15. Do you ever that you’ll fail a test?
A. think B. thinks C. thought D.thinking
( )16. --What a nice toy car? Is it yours? ?Of course. It me 2 days to make the car.
A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took
( )17. Will you keep the reading room ?
A. quiet B. quiety C. quite D. quickly
( )18. I have no opportunity the matter with her .
A. discuss B. discussing C. to discuss D. discusses
( )19. I find he is serious computer games.
A. about playing B. to play C. about play D. in playing
( )20. Both my parents and I going to the movies this evening.
A. am B. be C. are D. is
( )21. should not be allowed to go out at night.
A. Twelve-years-old B. Twelve-year-olds
C. Twelve years old D. Twelve year olds
( )22. present our vacations are too short.
A. At B. On C. From D. For
( )23. I can’t speak English so as Bolly, but I am at Chinese.
A. well, good B. good, good C. good, well D. well, well
( )24. Eating vegetables is good your health.
A. at B. for C. to D. in
( )25. We should learn a lot each other.
A. in B. from C. on D. to

1. We are very tired in spring. We often feel
2. Her cousin is a bus .
3. You have to be 18 years old before you are to drive a car.
4. He thinks this is his most speech.
5. We often clean our classroom a day.
(二)根據(jù)句意, 從括號(hào)中選擇正確的詞填空。
6. We should pass the test instead of      (fail, failing ) the test.
7. Last Sunday Uncle Wang invited me    (to have, have) dinner at his home.
8. They don’t allow him to practice      (singing, sing).
9. Do you often go      (swim, swimming)?
10. These      (teenagers, teenager) like to go out at night.
Cars are an important part of life in the USA. Without cars most people feel that they are poor. And even though a person is poor, he doesn’t really feel poor when he has a car.
Perhaps you have heard of Henry Ford. He first started making cars in large numbers. Perhaps he didn’t know how much the car was going to be to American culture(文化)。The car made the USA a nation(民族) on wheels(車輪上的民族). And it helped make the USA what it is now.
The car has become popular in the USA. The Americans like to move around in cars. With a car people can go to any place without spending a lot of money.
( )1. One will not think he is if he has a car in America.
A. important B. rich C. poor D. old
( )2. Henry Ford was the first to .
A. make a car B. make cars in large numbers C. find a car D. drive a car
( )3. America is A. a nation with many cars
B. a nation driving cars C. a nation without wheels D. a nation with wheels
( )4. Cars in America become part of their .
A. art B. culture C. nation D. country
( )5. The Americans don’t have to spend if they move around in cars.
A. much money B. not much money C. nothing D. much time
  Anna 是一位中學(xué)女孩,她認(rèn)為現(xiàn)在的社會(huì)對(duì)孩子束縛太多,她希望能花時(shí)間去幫助別人。能挑選衣服,她還想打耳孔,而且她不喜歡每天晚上都呆在家里,她想與朋友一起學(xué)習(xí),周末希望允許她熬夜,夜至十一點(diǎn),她認(rèn)為父母不應(yīng)該對(duì)孩子太嚴(yán)格。
參考詞匯:take ,  choose,  get ,  pierced,  study with, stay up, be strict with

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/75655.html
