Unit 3 Word power教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1.Interfere vi. interfere in/ with
Don’t interfere in other people’s affairs. 別干涉別人的事。
My father always interferes with me. 我爸爸經(jīng)常干預(yù)我的事。
The noise of traffic interfered with my sleep.
Interference n. She can’t bear his interference.
2. normal adj./ n.
Harry seems like a normal boy, but his life is hard. 哈利似乎是一個正常的孩子,但他的生活是艱難的。
The doctor said the child’s temperature was normal.
Her temperature is above/ below normal.
The damage was heavy; it was difficult to return to normal in a short time.
3. praise praise sb for sth
He was praised for his good works.
The teacher’s praise has greatly encouraged us.
In praise of 贊揚
Much was said in praise of their achievements. 贊揚他們成就的話很多。
Sing high praises for sing a high praise for 稱贊
Everybody sings high praises for its scenery of Hangzhou. 每個人都稱贊杭州的美景。
4. Intention intention of doing / to do
I have no intention of going to the wedding. 我無意去參加婚禮。
She went to Paris with the intention to learn French.
By intention 故意 have no intention of doing/to do 無意做
Intend to do sth. Intend sb to do 打算讓某人做某事
Be intended to do sth. Be intended for sb.
5. desperate 非常渴望的, 不顧一切的,絕望的
be desperate for sth./ to do sth. 非?释
He was desperate for money to save his little daughter. 為了救小女兒他急需錢。
I was desperate to see the manager and tell him what he had seen.
The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to escape.囚犯們會不顧一切地想逃跑。
He was desperate when he lost all his money. 當(dāng)他丟了所有的錢時,他絕望了。
desperately adv. desperation n.
6. adopt 收養(yǎng), 采納
Mr. King adopted the orphan as his own son. 金先生將那孤兒收養(yǎng)為自己的兒子。
They are not my real parents, I’m adopted.
We are willing to adopt your plan. 我們愿意采用你的計劃。
More and more people are adopting western forms of dress.
Adopter 養(yǎng)父母 adoptee 被收養(yǎng)者
7. ahead adv.
I saw a lake ahead. Look ahead when driving.
Think ahead before taking action.
Ahead of ---- 在----之前 ahead of time 提前
Ahead of us was a river.
Get ahead of----- 比---好
By working hard she got ahead of the rest of the class.
8. deliver
接生,分娩 delivery n.
They delivered the woman. 他們給這位婦女接生了。
The doctor agreed to deliver her baby at home.
She was delivered of a healthy baby. 她產(chǎn)下了一個健康的嬰兒。
The mother had an easy/ a difficult delivery. 那個母親順產(chǎn)/難產(chǎn)。
釋放,解放, 常與介詞from連用 They delivered him from danger.
投遞,傳遞 The postman delivers letters twice a day.
They can deliver goods to your door. 他們可送貨上門。
發(fā)表,表達(dá) He delivered a speech at the meeting. 他在會上作了演講。
Mr Li delivered the opening speech.
9. benefit vt./ vi./ n.
The new hospital benefited us. This medicine will benefit you.
I benefited from my father’s advice. He has benefited from this experience.
I got a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language.
That experience was of benefit to me.= That experience was beneficial to me.
For the benefit of sb. = for one’s benefit 為了誰的利益
10. consequence
I’m willing to accept the consequences. 我愿意承擔(dān)后果。
His headache is the consequence of overwork. 他的頭疼是過度勞累的結(jié)果。
He is a man of great consequence. 他是一個很重要的人。
Take the consequences of---- 為----結(jié)果負(fù)責(zé),自作自受
You should take the consequences of what you did.
In consequence = as a consequence = as a result 因此,結(jié)果
I didn’t take his advice, and in consequence I failed.
I overslept, and in consequence I was late for school.
In (as a ) consequence of ---- = because of 由于,
As a consequence of his illness, he didn’t go to school.
I failed to pass the exam in consequence of my laziness.
11. advance n. / vt./ vi.
This invention is a great advance. 該發(fā)明是一項巨大進(jìn)步。
The enemy’s advance was halted by a heavy storm. 一場大雪阻止了敵軍前進(jìn)。
In advance 事先,預(yù)先 in advance of---- 勝過,在前面
It’s impossible to know what will happen in advance.
He is in advance of his class. 他在班上遙遙領(lǐng)先。
The troops advanced toward the town. 部隊向鎮(zhèn)上前進(jìn)。
This will advance the friendly relations between the two countries. 這將促進(jìn)兩國的友好關(guān)系
We are advancing along the socialist road. 我們正沿著社會主義道路前進(jìn)
Advanced adj. advanced workers 先進(jìn)工作者
Advanced maths 高等數(shù)學(xué)
12. figure n. 體形,大人物,數(shù)字
v. I figure the manager will be back soon. 我估計經(jīng)理很快會回來。
Figure out
It didn’t take the children long to figure out the correct answer.孩子們沒有花多長時間就算出了正確的答案。
He is trying to figure out a way to solve this problem.他正努力想辦法解決這個問題
I can’t figure out why he is absent. 我不理解他為什么缺席
The boy can’t figure out the algebra problem. 男孩算不出這道代數(shù)題
13. judgement n. pass /give judgement on sb. 對某人判決
Judge n. He will act as a judge at the singing competition.在唱歌比賽中他將當(dāng)裁判。
v. 判斷,認(rèn)為,估計,斷定
He was judged to be guilty. 他被判有罪
We judge it no use trying again. 我們認(rèn)為再試一次也沒用
Judge by/ from -- 根據(jù)---來判斷
Don’t judge a person by / from his appearance. 不要以貌取人
Judging from her dress, she may be an actress.
14. alternative n. / adj.
You have the alternative of going or staying. 你可以在去留之間作出選擇。
There are several alternatives besides your plan.
Have no alternative but to do sth. 除做某事外別無選擇
I am afraid I have no alternative but to stay at home.
Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有沒有其他的建議?
We have two alternative courses, surrender or death. 我們只有兩條路,投降或死亡
Alternatively adv. We can go there by ship or alternatively by air.
15. involve 涉及,牽連,包含
Don’t involve me in your quarrel. 別把我卷入他們的爭吵
We are all involved, whether we like it or not. 不管喜歡不喜歡,這與我們都有關(guān)
What does the job of editing involve? 編輯工作包含些什么?
Winning the game involves both skill and fortune. 要贏得比賽,既要技巧也要運氣
Be involved in 使?fàn)砍哆M(jìn)來,使陷入,卷入,與--有密切聯(lián)系,
I was involved in the quarrel between Tom and Jack. 我卷入到湯姆與杰克的爭吵中
He was involved in a heated argument.
Don’t involve you with those people. 別與那些人混在一起。
16. conduct
The manager conducted his business carefully. 經(jīng)理處理業(yè)務(wù)小心翼翼。
Conduct the experiment 做實驗 conduct oneself badly/well 行為舉止壞/好
Conduct the orchestra 指揮管弦樂隊
He conducted me around the museum. 他領(lǐng)我參觀了博物館
Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do.銅的導(dǎo)電性能比其他材料好
17. majority
The majority is/ are for the plan.
The majority of + 名詞,當(dāng)用作主語時,要注意主謂一致的問題。取決于of后的名詞
The majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health.
The majority of the damage is easy to repair.
18. advocate + n./ v-ing
Many people advocate building more hospitals. 許多人主張增設(shè)醫(yī)院
Do you advocate banning cars in the city center?
They are advocates of free trade. 他們是自由貿(mào)易的倡導(dǎo)者。
19. conclude vt./vi.
We concluded our meeting at 9 o’clock. 我們九點鐘結(jié)束了會議
He concludes that everything on earth depends on the sun.
The story concluded with the hero’s death. 故事以主人公的死亡而結(jié)束
Conclusion n.
Arrive at / come to / reach / draw a conclusion. 得出結(jié)論
In conclusion 最后,總之 (常作插入語)
To conclude 最后, 常作插入語,用在結(jié)束語中
20. urge
urge sb to do sth. Urge that + 從句 (should) 虛擬語氣
Vt. The teacher urged us to hand in our exercises.老師催促我們交作業(yè)
They urge me to go out at once. Parents urge me to study hard.
He urged that I should go to Japan. 他力勸我去日本。
vi.urge sth on sb. 向某人強(qiáng)調(diào)---
The teacher urges on her students the importance of working hard.
n.They have a strong urge to communicate. 他們極想與人交流。
22. seek
Seek advice/ happiness / wealth / help / friendship 尋求
Seek to do sth = try to do sth. 企圖做某事 seek after/ for 尋找,追求
It was no use seeking to persuade him to give up smoking.
23. favor
do sb a favor = do a favor for sb. 幫某人一個忙
do sb a favor to do sth = do sb a favor by doing sth 請人幫忙做某事
ask a favor of sb 請某人幫忙
May I ask a favor of you ?
Will you do me a favor to carry the box? = Will you do me a favor by carrying the box?
I am in favor of going to the theatre.
Vt. A teacher can’t favor any of his students. 老師不應(yīng)偏愛任何學(xué)生。
I favor the idea of going to the theatre.
The wind favors their sailing. 風(fēng)有利于他們的航行
24. turn out
Turn out (to be ) + adj./ n. it turn out + that 從句
This factory can turn out 200 cars a day. (生產(chǎn))
The party turned out to be a success./ successful.
= It turned out that the party was a success.
The plan turned out to be a failure.
It turned out that she had known him when they were children.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/59122.html

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