
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
j.Co M
I. 重點(diǎn)詞匯
boom n.繁榮;隆隆聲
booming adj.發(fā)隆隆聲
boundary n.界限;邊界
boycott vt/vi.抵制
breathlessly adv.呼吸急促的
brewery n.釀酒廠
bride n.新娘
bridegroom n.新郎
brief adj.簡(jiǎn)短的
brotherhood n.兄弟般的關(guān)系
bungalow n. 平房
burden n. 擔(dān)子;精神負(fù)擔(dān)
burglar n.夜賊
cab n. 出租汽車;
caption n.(文章)標(biāo)題
cash n. 現(xiàn)款
cassette n.盒子
caution n.謹(jǐn)慎;小心
centigrade adj.攝氏
chain n.鏈子
changeable adj. 多變化的
chaos n.混亂
cheerfully adv.高興的
chef n.廚師
II. 重點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)
1.breathless from effort因用力而氣喘吁吁
2.in brief 總而言之
3.be burdened with tasks負(fù)擔(dān)很多工種
4.care for照顧;喜歡;關(guān)心
5.buy sth. for cash 用現(xiàn)金買某物
6.run out of cash 現(xiàn)金缺陷
7.for caution’s sake 為慎重起見
8.give sb. a caution 告誡某人
9.in chains 戴著鐐銬;在囚禁中
10.shake off chains 擺脫枷鎖
III. 佳句賞析
1.Music born in Hong Kong is booming.
2.The burden of government sits heavily on my shoulders.
3.I received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet.
IV. 詞匯練習(xí)
1. The river is the (邊界)between the two countries.
2.The (釀酒廠)in Oldtown makes better beer than the one in our town.
3.He could not carry the (擔(dān)子)alone.
V. 短語(yǔ)練習(xí)
1.Mr Smith, of the speech, started to read a novel.
A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring
2.He was a investor who studied the market before buying.
A. careless B. hasty C. cautions D. impatient
3. I will not you with a lengthy account of what happened.
A. off B. give C. put D. burden

IV. 1. boundary 2. brewery 3. burden
V. 1. A 2.C 3.D

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/62211.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2012屆高考英語(yǔ)選修6 Unit 3頂尖復(fù)習(xí)教案