2012年高考英語(yǔ)選修六Module 4知識(shí)點(diǎn)單元總復(fù)習(xí)教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2012年高考英語(yǔ)選修六odule 4知識(shí)點(diǎn)單元總復(fù)習(xí)教案
2012屆高考英語(yǔ)一輪單元總復(fù)習(xí)講義精品薈萃外研版選修六odule 4
1bine v. 結(jié)合,聯(lián)合
(回歸本P45)The pipa sounds and the pauses combine to make a poetry of sound.
①(牛津P320)Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
②(朗P354)Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon.
③Internet companies have been working with Chinese TV makers like Changhong and Haier to combine Internet services with traditional TV sets.
④The two countries combined against their enemy.
⑤She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family.她成功地兼顧了事業(yè)和撫養(yǎng)子女。
①She mixed the two paints together.
②Beijing opera combines music,art,literature along with colourful costumes and make-up into one performance on the stage.
1.He designed the first great suspension bridge,using an idea that ________ beauty and function perfectly.
A.gathers       B.joins
C.combines D.connects
2.honour n. 尊敬;崇敬;榮譽(yù),讓人引以為榮的事
v. 授予榮譽(yù),尊敬,敬重
(回歸本P53)The group honours its musical heritage and shows a genuine love for all styles of music...
①I(mǎi) feel highly honoured by your trust.
②ay I have the honour of this dance?
③He graduated from the university with honours.
④The citizens held a memorial in honour of those who died for the liberation.
⑤Will you do me the honour of dining with me?
2.The city dedicated a monument ________ those killed in battle.
A.with respect to     B.in line with
C.in answer to D.in honour of
解析:選D。句意:這個(gè)城市修建了一座紀(jì)念碑為了紀(jì)念戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中死去的人們。in honour of為紀(jì)念……;with respect to關(guān)于,談到;in line with與……一致(符合);in answer to回答(問(wèn)題)。
3.(東濰坊一模)She became the first woman to enter the school but withdrew after a few days ________ stress.
A.because of B.in spite of
C.instead of D.in honour of
解析:選A。句意:她是第一位考入這所學(xué)校的女生,但由于壓力很大幾天后就退學(xué)了。because of由于;in spite of盡管;instead of取代,而不是;in honour of向……表示敬意。
3.regarding prep. 關(guān)于,對(duì)于
(回歸教材P45)What is her ambition regarding Chinese music?
①(牛津P1671)Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.工作方面如果有什么問(wèn)題就給我打電話(huà)。
②(牛津P1670)She has said nothing regarding your request.
③(朗P1654)All our proposals were rejected regardless of their merits.
④(朗P1654)As regards environmental issues,the government will enforce existing regulations.
⑤(牛津P1670)The company’s position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.
4.Scientific discoveries and inventions do not always influence the language ________ their importance.
A.in the name of      
B.in proportion of
C.on top of
D.with regard to
解析:選D。in the name of無(wú)此搭配;in proportion of意為按照;on top of=in addition to意為除此之外,另加,還有;with regard to意為至于,關(guān)于,符合句意。
5.He ________ as a national hero for winning the first gold medal for his country in the Olympics.
A.regarded B.was regarded
C.has regarded D.had been regarded
解析:選B。regard sb.as“把某人看作”。句意:由于為自己的國(guó)家贏(yíng)得第一枚奧運(yùn)金牌,他被看作國(guó)家的英雄。he與動(dòng)詞regard存在邏輯上的被動(dòng)關(guān)系,故用被動(dòng)式,且強(qiáng)調(diào)過(guò)去的事實(shí),故選B。
4.(be) true of/for 與……情況相同;對(duì)……適用
(回歸本P44)The same is true of my second instrument,the guzheng.
①The teachers need a lot of practice and this is particularly true of students.教師需要大量的練習(xí),學(xué)生尤其如此。
②(朗P2151)He remains true to the traditions of his profession.他一直忠實(shí)于他這一行業(yè)的傳統(tǒng)。
③(朗P2151)By 1975 the worst economic predictions had come true.
6.Babies need a lot of sleep and this is particularly ________ newborns.
A.sure about       B.sure of
C.true of D.true about
解析:選C。句意:嬰兒需要大量的睡眠,新生兒尤其如此。be true of/for...與……情況相同;be sure about/of...對(duì)……有把握。
5.draw upon/on 利用,憑借,依賴(lài),臨近
(回歸本P53)Drawing upon more than 1,500 years of Chinese music,Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical,folk and contemporary sounds.
①Writers often draw upon/on their imagination and experiences for the plot.
②(朗P570)I had to draw on my savings to pay for the repairs.我得動(dòng)用存款支付修理費(fèi)。
7.He ________ his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.
A.turns on        B.works on
C.draws on D.tries on
【教材原句】 It’s the same with classical Chinese music.(P45)
【句法分析】 It is the same with...“也”“與……情況相同”,表示前面的情況也適合后者,相當(dāng)于“So it is with...”。
①Tom likes singing,but he doesn’t enjoy dancing.It is the same with ary.
②He is a Southerner and he likes rice very much.It is the same with me.他是南方人,特別喜歡吃米飯。我也是。
3)so it+be+with+另一個(gè)主語(yǔ)
③She didn’t come.So it was with her sister.(=Neither/Nor did her sister.)她沒(méi)有,她妹妹也沒(méi)有。
④John’s father is a model worker and has done a lot of good deeds all his life.So it is with Bob’s.
(4)當(dāng)前面的句子有兩個(gè)謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,分別為肯定形式和否定形式,用so或neither(nor)均無(wú)法解決時(shí),只能用It is the same with...句型。
⑤Wei Fang is a Chinese girl,and China is her homeland.So it is with Zhou Lan.
所說(shuō)的情況或事實(shí)。表示看法、意見(jiàn)等的動(dòng)詞主要有:think,believe,expect,suppose,imagine,guess,say,hope,fear,be afraid等。
⑥—Peter is an honest man.彼得是個(gè)誠(chéng)實(shí)的人。
—I think so.(=I think that Peter is an honest man.)
⑦—Will you be able to help us?你能幫助我們嗎?
—I hope so.(=I hope that I will be able to help you.)
⑧—Have they put off the match?他們已推遲比賽了嗎?
—I’m afraid so.(=I’m afraid that they have put off the match.)恐怕是這樣。
8.These children are polite and never speak loudly in class.________.
A.So are you     
B.So you are
C.Neither do you
D.It is the same with you
9.y mother didn’t go to the movies.Her ticket was given to a friend of hers.________.
A.So it was with me
B.So it was with mine
C.So was it with me
D.So was it with mine
解析:選A。So it is/was with...表示“……也是如此”。句意:我媽媽沒(méi)有去看電影,她的票給了她的一個(gè)朋友。我也是如此。

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/45625.html

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