
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
I. 重點(diǎn)詞匯
1. pension n. 養(yǎng)老金
2 plough n.犁,vt. 耕田
3. privilege n. 特權(quán),優(yōu)惠 vt 給特權(quán)
4 . profit n. vt.vi 利益,好處
5. psychological adj心理學(xué)的
6. qualify vi 具有資格
7. rectangular n.長(zhǎng)方形
8. relevant adj 密切相關(guān)的
9. revise vt 復(fù)查,修正
10. ridgen 山脊,屋脊
II. 重點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)
1.make a cause 停頓
2.pile up 堆積
3.plough up 用犁把 翻起
4. in preparation for ,make preparations for為 作準(zhǔn)備
5.make a purchase 買東西
6. criminal psychology犯罪心理學(xué)
7. be relevant to 與 密切相關(guān)
8. jump the queue 插隊(duì)
9. a routine report 例行報(bào)告
10. resign from a job 辭職
III. 佳句賞析
1.The facts are relevant to the case.
2.I hope to profit from your comments .
3.He has the right qualification for the job.
4.We want to make science more relevant to high school students .
IV. 詞匯練習(xí)
1.I'm not willing to but I have to_______(費(fèi)勁的閱讀) through that dull textbook .
2.They are busy making ________ for the wedding .
3 Ladies and gentlemen , I have the privilege ____ introducing our speaker for tonight .
A in B of C about D on
4 Usually a child's behaviour is a ___ of his family environment .
A recognition B reflection C return D record
V. 短語(yǔ)練習(xí)
1.It's required that the students __ mobile phones in their school ,so seldom ___ them using one .
A not use , will you see B should not use , you will see
C don't use , will you see D not use , you will see .
2.His son's excellent work _______ his rise in the company, while his daughter's laziness ___ her failure in the entrance exams .
A led in , resulted from B led in , resulted in C led in , resulted to D led for , resulted from
3.The old man should listen to the doctor 's recommendation that he ___ in bed .
A stay B stays C stayed D staying

IV. 詞匯練習(xí) 1. plough 2. preparations 3 B 4. B
V. 短語(yǔ)練習(xí) A BA

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/75341.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2012屆高考英語(yǔ)選修6 Unit 3頂尖復(fù)習(xí)教案