
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高三英語 山東惠民縣第二中學(xué)高三英語備課組

●Learning aims
① 理解英語寫作的意義;
② 有效運用寫作為高考服務(wù)。
Learning important points英語寫作的基本步驟與方法。
Learning difficult points有效運用所學(xué)方法付諸實踐。
Leaning method合作探究、自主歸納。

Step 1 表語
練習(xí):請找出下列句子的表語并指出表語是由什么來充當(dāng)?shù)?名詞、數(shù)詞、形容詞、介詞, 不定式, 分詞, 還是表語從句)。
1My wallet is on the desk. ( _____________________ )
2. The book isn’t mine. ( _____________________ )
3. The leaves turn yellow in fall. ( ______________________ )
4. He has become a police officer. ( ______________________ )
5. My suggestion is that we should start at once. ( ________________________ )
6. My suggestion is to leave at once. ( _____________________________ )
7. His speech was boring. ( _________________ )
8. The whole class got excited at the good news. ( _________________ )
Step2 謂語

1. The beautiful sight attracts many tourists every year.( __________________________ )
2. The wallet on the desk is mine. ( ____________________ )
3. The demanding boss wasn’t satisfied with my work.( __________________________ )
4. That building being repaired is our library.( __________________________ )

5. He is one of the students that have been late.( _____________________________ )
6. The excited boys burst into cheers. ( _______________________ )
7. A woman police officer was praised for her good work. ( _______________________ )
Step 3 賓語
1. He did his homework carefully at home. ( ________________________________ )
2. Her mother goes out to do some shopping on Sunday. ( ________________________________ )
3. When I grow up, I am going to be a teacher. ( ______________________________ )
4. Feeling tired, he went to bed without supper. ( ______________________________ )
5. He lost his job due to his lack of patience.( ________________________________ )
6. Brought up in the country, he finds it hard to adjust himself to city life. ( _____________________ )
Step 4補(bǔ)足語
1. They elected John monitor. ( __________________ )
2. He treated his mistake as a joke. ( __________________ )
3. We heard her singing a song. ( _________________________________ )
4. He told me to make my own decision.( _________________________________ )
5. I think it wrong of him to decline my offer. ( ____________________________ )

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/75976.html
