The Internet and Telecommunications教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

odule 6 Cultral Corner
1.Guide the students to know about text messages and emoticons and introduce the rules of shortening words by reading comprehension; Besides, make sure the students can use what they’ve learnt to communicate with persons by sending text messages;
2.Encourage the students to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of these kinds of words and emoticons by comparing the changes of Chinese character and English words.
1.Get the students to know something about text messages.
2.Get the students to master the important points in the passage.
新授教學基本環(huán)節(jié):預習檢查 總結(jié)疑惑; 情景導入 展示目標;合作探究 精講點撥;反思總結(jié) 當堂檢測;發(fā)導學案 布置預習。
1 學生的前準備:預習,初步理解,查閱資料,嘗試練習。
2 教師的教學準備:多媒體制作,前預習學案,后延伸拓展學案,分好小組。
七、時安排 四十分鐘
Step 1 Review some words, let students be familiar with the words.
Step 2 Guess the meaning of these words, then here is a discussion.
Direction: Guide the students to work in groups to solve the problems together.
ore examples to show to the students about the special ways of text messages.
LOL ---- laughing out loud
IOW --- in other words
Then tell the students there is another way of communication --- abbreviation with more examples.
Students’ show time ? to show their own text message with the ways of shortening the words with emoticons , shorthand, and abbreviation after reading.
Step 3 Read the whole passage , and do the following questions to fix up their basic ability and get the details about the passage.
Step 4 Point out some important points and sentence patterns.
Step 5 Extension
Encourage the students to find out whether the Chinese mobile phone users use this similar way of text messages or not, and list some examples in the form of discussion.
Encourage the students to discuss in groups about the advantages and disadvantages of using this kind of way to communicate with others.
Step 8 Homework
Write an argumentative composition which should be well organized:
Para 1: Put forward the topic of the composition;
Para2: Some think ……
Para3: However, others think / disagree … …
Para4: Your point of view … …
1.AF---- away from keyboard
2.ATB----all the best
3.BBL----be back later
4.BRB----be right back
5.CCN----can’t chat now
6.JA----just a minute
7.LTNS---long time no see
8.PG ----preety good



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