
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Unit 3 of odule I Celebration Period One Lesson 1 & 2

一. 內(nèi)容: Unit 3 of odule I Celebration Period One Lesson 1 & 2

二. 本目標(biāo)與要求:


詞 匯


include v. 包含,包括

destroy vt. 破壞,毀壞

salary n. 薪水

apply vi. &vt. 應(yīng)用,申請(qǐng),請(qǐng)求

congratulation n. 祝賀

請(qǐng)認(rèn)真掌握其分詞 included 和 including 的用法。

請(qǐng)注意區(qū)別 destroy, damage 和 ruin 。

請(qǐng)注意 salary, wage, pay, income 和 fee 的區(qū)別。

請(qǐng)牢記 apply 與不同介詞搭配時(shí)的不同含義。







Happy Birthday! 生日快樂!Congratulations! 恭喜!


三. 重難點(diǎn)詞匯講解:

1、nowadays adv. 現(xiàn)今,現(xiàn)在

nowadays 常置于句首或句末。

Nowadays, children often prefer watching TV to reading. 如今,兒童常愛看電視而不愛看書。


_____(今天),mobile phones are more and more popular.

2、include vt. 包括,包含

The United ingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales. 聯(lián)合王國(guó)包括北愛爾蘭和威爾士。

(1)派生詞:inclusion n. 包含,包括;including prep. 包括(某人/某事物)在內(nèi)。

(2)include 的現(xiàn)在分詞 including, 可以看作是介詞,including 可以與過去分詞 included互相轉(zhuǎn)換。如:

We all went, me /myself included. =We all went, including me/myself.

I bought six books, including a story-book. =I bought six books, a story-book included.

(3)include 表示一個(gè)整體有幾個(gè)內(nèi)容,側(cè)重“內(nèi)有”的意思。包括:作為一部分、成分或成員而包括;含有:作為次要的、附屬的成分而包含;放入,算進(jìn)去:納入或包括進(jìn)一個(gè)組織、階層或整體.

contain 表示包含或擁有(物質(zhì)/含量)以作為整體的一部分或某一成份:包含,容納,容忍。

This drawer contains all the cutlery we own. 這個(gè)抽屜里盛放著我們所有的刀叉餐具。

The book contains some amusing passages. 這本書里有一些有趣的節(jié)。

①The band played many songs, _____some of my favourites.

A. includes B. included C. including D. to include

②The whole book_____12 units, ______two main revisions.

A. includes; containing B. contains; including

C. contains; containing D. includes; included

3、destroy vt. 破壞,毀壞

In crowded populations, poverty destroys the possibility of cleanliness. (George Bernard Shaw)


(1)同義詞:damage v. 招致?lián)p害,ruin v. 毀滅;反義詞:establish 創(chuàng)立

(2)辨析:destroy,damage 和 ruin

destroy 指徹底的摧毀、毀壞;

damage 指部分損壞;



They have _____all the evidence which would do harm to them.

A. destroyed B. damaged C. ruined D. housed

4、decorate vt. 裝飾,布置

They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.


(1)派生詞:decoration n. 裝飾

(2)搭配:decorate 不接雙賓語(yǔ),而用decorate sth. with sth. 的結(jié)構(gòu)。

漢譯英: 孩子們正在用彩燈裝飾圣誕樹。

5、serve v. 招待,侍候,服務(wù)

serve(v. 招待,侍候,服務(wù))→deserve (vt. 應(yīng)受(獎(jiǎng)賞,特殊待遇等),值得)

They served the guest a wonderful dinner.


ake the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.


(1)serve 的名詞是 service。

(2)搭配:要表達(dá)“為……服務(wù)”時(shí),不要受漢語(yǔ)影響用 serve for sb. ,而應(yīng)使用serve sb.。


He _____the company for fifty years,first as office boy and eventually as managing director.

A. served B. is serving C. had served D. has served

6、retire vi. 退休

巧記提示 re-(回)+tire(adj. 累)→累回家中→退休。

He retired from the business when he was 60.


(1)retire 的過去分詞 retired 可以作定語(yǔ),相當(dāng)于形容詞,


(2)搭配:retire from… 從……(職位等)退休。


After he _____office,Rogers took up painting for a while,but soon lost interest.

A. retired from B. retired in C. took from D. took in

7、salary n. 薪水

巧記提示 sal(e)(n. 賣)+-ary(名詞詞尾)

He gets a good salary,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.


易混辨析:salary,wage,pay,income 和 fee


wage 按星期(有時(shí)按日)發(fā)放,一般指臨時(shí)工作的收入,通常為現(xiàn)款。

pay 一般用以指雇主定期付給的工資。

income 是最普通用詞,可指掙的收入,也可指并非掙的收入。

fee 是對(duì)職業(yè)性的服務(wù)所支付的報(bào)酬,如付給律師、醫(yī)生等的報(bào)酬。


Professional people and those who work in offices receive a______.

A. salary B. wage C. fee D. income

8、apply vi& vt. 應(yīng)用,申請(qǐng);請(qǐng)求

apply(申請(qǐng))→apple(n. 蘋果),申請(qǐng)得到一個(gè)蘋果。

The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology.


You should apply immediately,in person or by letter.


(1)派生詞;application n. 申請(qǐng),應(yīng)用;applicant n. 申請(qǐng)人;

applicable adj. 可適用的,合適的;applied adj. 應(yīng)用的,適用的。

(2)apply 的兩個(gè)義項(xiàng)的搭配也不同:

apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申請(qǐng)……

apply sth. to sth. 把……應(yīng)用于……


In order to apply his new discovery _____the products

he applied _____his boss _____a sum of money.


9、opportunity n. 機(jī)會(huì)

Let me take this opportunity to say a feords. 請(qǐng)讓我趁此機(jī)會(huì)講幾句話。

(1)搭配:opportunity for /of doing sth. =opportunity to do sth. 做某事的機(jī)會(huì)。

(2)辨析:opportunity 和 chance

opportunity 是對(duì)機(jī)遇的一種比較正式的說(shuō)法,而且一般情況下是人為造成的機(jī)遇,表達(dá)的是一種有利的狀態(tài)或合適的時(shí)機(jī)。


用 opportunity 和 chance 填空

①Don’t throw this _____away; it won’t come around again.

②If you prepare yourself,you will be able to grasp_____for broader experience when it appears.

10、congratulation n. 祝賀

congratulat(e)(v. 祝賀)+-ion(名詞詞尾)

Congratulations on winning the race. 恭賀你比賽獲勝。

(1)congratulation 是 congratulate 的名詞形式,常用復(fù)數(shù),可以單獨(dú)使用,也可以與介詞on 或to 搭配。

congratulations to sb. 表示“向某人表示祝賀”,congratulation on sth. 表示“祝賀……”。





選擇<1>The three sisters decided to hold a family party to_____ their parents’silver wedding.

A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulate D. welcome

<2>We offered our congratulations _____his passing the college entrance exams.

A. at B. on C. for D. of

11、burn down 燒毀

In 1666 almost all of London burned down. 在1666年,差不多整個(gè)倫敦都被燒毀了。

(1)burn down 還有“火勢(shì)減弱”的意思。

(2)與 burn 相關(guān)的常見詞組有:burn out 燒光,熄滅,burn up 燒光,燒起

12、take part in 參與,參加

In early days only male athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games.


(1)同義詞組:join in 加入;participated in參加某事;分享某事;

participated in the festivities 參加慶;顒(dòng)

If only I could participate in your good fortune. 要是我能分享你的好運(yùn)就好了。

(2)同義詞組辨析:attend, participate, take part in和join in的區(qū)別


participate 指在感情、觀念或行為方面與他人共同參加某一活動(dòng)。常與介詞in連用。

join 既可指參加一群人的活動(dòng),也可以指加入某個(gè)組織,常見搭配為:join the army (club, Party), join sb., join sb. in (doing)sth.。表示參加某一活動(dòng)時(shí)常用join in sth. 。如join in a game (discussion, conversation)。

take part in指參加某一活動(dòng)并發(fā)揮作用。

(3)與 part 相關(guān)的常見詞組有:play a part/role in 在……中起作用。

用take part in, join, join in, attend 的合適形式填空

①I hope you’ll ______the discussion.

②Will you ______us ______the English evening?

③I ______the school basketball team last term.

④He often _______a social gathering in the school.

⑤Every four years,many athletes from different countries _______the Olympic Games.

13、depend on 根據(jù),依據(jù)

How much is produced depends on how hard we work.


(1)depend on 除表示“依據(jù)、根據(jù)”外,還可譯成“依靠、信賴”。

(2)depend 指條或可能性,其后通常跟on 或 upon。在非正式口語(yǔ)中,通常省略介詞。


It depends on who is in charge. 這取決于誰(shuí)是負(fù)責(zé)人。

— Will you go out for a hiking with your friends?

—That depends.


—What time will you arrive?

—I don’t kno It ______the traffic.

A. depends on B. relies on C. asks for D. deals with

14、on time 準(zhǔn)時(shí)

The train often arrives on time.


(1)易混詞組辨析:on time 和in time

on time 是“準(zhǔn)時(shí)、按時(shí)”之意,就是正好在預(yù)定的時(shí)間。

in time 有“及時(shí)、遲早”的意思,意指正趕上時(shí)候或恰在需要的時(shí)候。

(2)與 time 有關(guān)的常用習(xí)語(yǔ):

all the time 一直;始終 at times 有時(shí)(相當(dāng)于sometimes)

in time及時(shí) once upon a time 從前(相當(dāng)于long ago)

some time 將某時(shí) from time to time 時(shí)不時(shí)地

this /next/ last time 這次/下次/上次

(3)sometime, sometimes, some time, some times.

sometime adv. 某個(gè)時(shí)間(在某個(gè)不確定或未說(shuō)明的時(shí)間);


I’ll meet you sometime this afternoon. 我今天下午某個(gè)時(shí)候見你。

Let’s get together sometime. 讓我們?nèi)蘸笤傧嗑邸?p>

some time 相當(dāng)長(zhǎng)的一段時(shí)間

It took me some time to digest what I had heard.


用 on time 和 in time 填空

①Facing with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task______.

②There is much chance that Bill will recover from his injury ______for the race.

③Progress so far has been very good. Therefore, the project will be completed ______.

四. 重點(diǎn)句式分析與拓展:

1. Traditional moon cake are usually made with bean paste, but nowadays, there are different kinds of moon cakes including fruit, coffee, chocolate and even ice-cream moon cakes.


(1)這是一個(gè)并列句。兩個(gè)分句由表示轉(zhuǎn)折的 but 連接。

(2)第二個(gè)分句中包含有一個(gè)現(xiàn)在分詞短語(yǔ) including…cakes,這個(gè)短語(yǔ)在句中作后置定語(yǔ),修飾其前面的 moon cakes。

2. The (Water)Festival marks the Dai New Year and is related to Buddhist traditions. Over three days, Buddha statues are washed, dragon boats are raced and rockets are launched in celebration.





1、It is said that his health by years of hard working.

A. is affecting B. is broken C. is destroyed D. is decorating

2、—Could you do me a favour?

—It ______what it is.

A. puts on B. depends on C. relies on D. take on

3、Our teacher told us that in that way we could better theory we learned to practice.

A. apply B. use C. asks for D. deals with

4、Do you know how countries the final in the World Cup?

A. join in B. join C. take part in D. are participated in

5、I do believe we will see each other .

A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times

6、The boss ordered that the work should be done .

A. on time B. in times C. at times D. with time

7、This kind of plant _____lots of vitamin C.

A. includes B. holds C. contains D. takes

8、She has the family faithfully for thirty years.

A. serve for B. been served C. serves D. served

9、The house in half an hour.

A. burnt down B. has burned down

C. was burnt down D. burns down

10、I’d like to take this to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.

A. money B. time C. opportunity D. occasion


Since many of you are planning to study at a college or university in this country, you may want to knohat you usually do in a typical week, how you can get along with your classmates, and so on. These are the questions I want to discuss with you today.

First, let’s talk about what your weekly timetable (時(shí)間表)will look like. No matter what your major(專業(yè))may be, you must spend between four and six hours a week for each class going lectures (去聽講座). Lectures are usually in very large rooms because some courses(程)such as introduction to sociology(社會(huì)學(xué))or economics(經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué))often have as many as two or three hundred students, especially at large universities. In lectures, it’s very important for you to take notes(作筆記)on what the professor says because the information of a lecture is often different from the information in your textbooks. Also, you can get some exam questions from the lectures. So it isn’t enough to just read your textbooks; you have to attend lectures as well. In a typical week you will also have a few hours of discussion for every class you take. The discussion time is a small group meeting usually with fewer than thirty students where you can ask questions about the lectures, the reading and the homework. In large universities, graduate students(研究生), called teaching assistants(助教), usually help discussion time.

If your major is chemistry, or physics, or another science, you’ll also have to spend several hours a week in the lab, doing experiments. This means that science majors spend more time in the classroom than non-science majors(非理科)do. On the other hand, people who major in subjects like literature (學(xué))or history usually have to read and write more than science majors do.

1. The main idea of this text is .

A. to help the students to learn about university life

B. to persuade (勸說(shuō))the students to attend lectures(上).

C. to encourage (鼓勵(lì))the students to take part in discussions

D. to advise the students to choose right majors

2. We can learn from the text that university professors .

A. spend about 5 hours on lectures each week

B. must join the students in the discussion sections

C. like to use textbooks in their lectures

D. ask the students to read beyond the textbooks

3. A discussion time does NOT include .

A. working under the guidance of university professors

B. talking over what the students have read about the courses

C. discussing the problems related to the students’ homework

D. raising (提出)questions about what a professor has said in a lecture

4. According to the author, science majors .

A. have to work harder than non-science majors

B. spend less time on their studies than non-science majors

C. consider experiments more important than discussions

D. read and write less than non-science majors

5. The underline phrase In the typical week means .

A. In a special week.

B. In a kind of week.

C. In a whole week of learning.

D. In a complete week.

【試題答案】 一、單項(xiàng)選擇

1、C。 他的身體被數(shù)年的艱辛勞作而摧毀,所以本題應(yīng)該用被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。

2、B。 A. puts on意思是:穿上,把……放在上面,裝出,假裝,增加,欺騙,添上,使靠……維持生命 B. depends on意思是: 依靠,取決于,隨……而定 C. relies on依靠(信賴)。D. take on披上,呈現(xiàn),具有,雇用,承擔(dān),盛氣凌人,接納,流行

3、A. 把所學(xué)的理論應(yīng)用于實(shí)踐。

4、C. take part in指參加某一活動(dòng)并發(fā)揮作用。

5、B. 指將某個(gè)時(shí)間我們會(huì)見面。

6、A. 老板要求按時(shí)完成工作,所以選on time“按時(shí)”。C. at times 有時(shí),相當(dāng)于sometimes. 無(wú)B. in times和D. with time 的用法。

7、C. 這種植物含有豐富的維生素C,應(yīng)選contains。

8、D. 她忠誠(chéng)地為這個(gè)家庭奉獻(xiàn)了30年。 “服務(wù)家庭”應(yīng)該用及物動(dòng)詞serve 的過去時(shí)態(tài)。

9、A. burnt down 房屋、工廠燒毀不用被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。

10、C. take this opportunity to do sth. 借此機(jī)會(huì)做某事。


1. A;從整篇的內(nèi)容看,這是一篇幫助學(xué)生在校學(xué)習(xí)的。

2. D;從該句可找出答案So it isn’t enough to just read your textbooks; you have to attend lectures as well.

3. A;“討論在大學(xué)教授的指導(dǎo)下開展”沒有提及。仔細(xì)閱讀這句話:The discussion time is a small group meeting usually with fewer than thirty students where you can ask questions about the lectures。

4. D;最后一句話告訴我們,學(xué)科(比如學(xué)和歷史等專業(yè))的學(xué)生要比學(xué)理科的學(xué)生讀得多,寫得多。

5. C;劃線部分in a typical week的意思是:典型的一周學(xué)習(xí)

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/49354.html
