高一英語Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網

odule 6 Unexplained ysteries of the Natural World
本模塊以Unexplained ysteries of the Natural World為話題,介紹了天池怪物,中西化中的龍,尼斯水怪,喜瑪拉雅雪人,恐龍的滅絕等內容,旨在通過模塊使學生進一步認識我們所處的世界,培養(yǎng)他們不斷探索自然奧秘的精神。同時通過學習本模塊內容,學習搜集和區(qū)分信息等能力,利用所學詞匯,可以表達描述自然現象。
Introduction 部分通過四則小短描述四種神秘的怪物,并且結合短學習詞匯,引起學生對本模塊學習的興趣。
Reading and Vocabulary 部分通過《天池怪物》的學習,學會根據起始段落預測出處。學會提取主要信息,歸納的主旨大意。根據上下正確理解生詞含義。
Speaking 部分所給的信息,要求學生能學會采訪中的發(fā)問和應答。
Function 部分通過四個活動,練習“可能”、“不可能”這一交際功能的表達。
Listening and Vocabulary 部分同過聽“自然之謎——恐龍”的,訓練學生判斷信息正確與否的能力,培養(yǎng)學生熱愛自然生物的興趣。
Grammar部分復習并歸納may have done 或might have done的意義和用法,要求學生熟練應用這一結構。
Writing 部分要求學生能夠模仿“天池怪物”撰寫一篇描述想象中的一種怪物的短,開發(fā)學生想象力,進一步熟練使用本模塊詞匯。
Pronunciation 部分通過聽力的訓練,讓學生掌握語音中的失去爆破現象。
Everyday English 部分主要通過選擇題的形式使學生掌握back in the news, throw light on something等幾個日常英語的運用。
Cultural Corner部分是一篇學生很感興趣的,介紹了龍在不同化中的象征及其緣由,通過閱讀了解外國化,拓展學生的化背景知識,提高學生化底蘊和對外國化的感悟能力。并讓學生對比中外化,發(fā)現兩者之間的差異。
odule File部分有助于學生對本模塊學習內容進行歸納,對自己的學習進行總結和檢驗。
1. 教學重點
2. 教學難點
(3) 學會利用已知詞匯描寫介紹自然現象,動植物生活等自己感興趣的話題。
第一時:Introduction, Speaking,
第二時:Reading and Vocabulary, Writing
第三時:Vocabulary and Listening, Pronunciation, Everyday English
第四時:Grammar, Function
第五時:Cultural Corner, task, odule File
Period 1 Introduction, Speaking
Teaching Goals:
1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about mysterious things.
2. To get Ss to learn some words to describe mysteries of the nature.
3. To get Ss to know and describe some mysterious things in nature.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Introduction
Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about mysteries of the nature.
1. Pair work
(1) Ask Ss to look at the four pictures on page 51 and give some descriptions in their own words.
For your reference:
① A large foot which looks like a giant’s. It is similar to our human being’s but much bigger than it. Strangely it has only four toes.
② A huge monster like a gorilla, but looks taller and stronger than a gorilla. You may find the same creature in the film ing ong.
③ A kind of animal like a huge dragon in ancient Chinese legend. It lives in the water.
④ A terrible creature with long grey hair and face. It has long claws instead of hands.
(2) Let Ss read the four paragraphs and match them with the pictures.
Suggested Answers:
① b ② a ③ d ④ c
2. Individual work
Ask Ss to do Activity 2 on page 51 individually.
Suggested Answers:
(1) creature (2) monster (3) hairy (4) footprint (5) tail
(6) dinosaur (7) spirit (8) claw (9) attack
Step 2. Speaking
Purpose: To enable Ss to practice reporting mysteries of the nature.
1. Pair work
Ask Ss to suppose they are interviewed by a journalist to describe something about the monsters they sa Ask them to do the role-play in pairs. One acts the interviewer and the other acts the interviewee.
Ask them to describe the four creatures in Activity 1 of Introduction one by one according the information showed in the introduction. Show Ss two examples to guide them.
Example (1):
Student A: Where and when you saw the Bigfoot?
Student B: I was cutting the firewood in the mountainous forests that evening. About 6 o’clock, when I wanted to go home, it appeared in the woods 20 yards from me.
Student A: What is it like?
Student B: It looks like a very large monkey—tall and hairy with big arms and legs.
Student A: Did you feel frightened then?
Student B: Yes, very. I thought it would attack me. I was frightened to death.

Example (2)
Student A: Can you describe the scene when you met the monster like The Yeti?
Student B: yeah. It’s about two meters tall and has powerful arms and legs. Its head is very big and its eyes opened wide. It approached me slowly as if it wanted to attack me. I was very frightened but I didn’t dare to cry for help…
Student A: It’s really exciting and risky. But what happened last?
Student B: ….
2. Individual work
Ask Ss to say the imaginary creatures and scene in details according the dialogue they made. Then report in individuals.
Step 3. Homework
1. Ask Ss to revise the passages in the Introduction.
2. Ask Ss to practise making dialogue to say the monsters..
3. Ask Ss to preview Reading and Vocabulary in the module.
Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary, Writing
Teaching Goals:
1. To let Ss master how to get useful information from a passage.
2. To let Ss master some words and phrases.
3. To get Ss to talk something about a monster.
4. To help Ss write a story about another monster.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision:
Purpose: To check whether Ss master what they’ve learnt in the last period or not.
Ask Ss to answer the following questions.
(1) What will the Yeti do when it gets angry?
(2) What does the Bigfoot look like?
(3) Where does the Grey man live?
(4) What’s the Loch Ness onster like?
Suggested Answers:
(1) It will attack anyone who goes close to it.
(2) It looks like a very large monkey ? tall and hairy with big arms and legs.
(3) The Grey man lives on mountains in Scotland.
(4) It has a small head and a long tail and some people believe it is a dinosaur.
Step 2. Leading-in
Purpose: To let Ss have a discussion about the onster of Lake Tianchi.
1. Group work
Show four pictures and ask Ss to say something about the Lake Tianchi and the monster.

2. Group work
Let Ss reported their discussions to the class and collect them. Then give a simple introduction to lead in the reading.
For your reference:
Lake Tianchi is located in the north-eastern Jilin province near the border of North orea, in China. The lake is 1,243 feet deep and has had some volcanic activity in the last 300 years. Tianchi is honoured as the deepest mountain lake and the largest crater lake in China.
There have been more than 30 reported sightings by tourists from home and abroad over the past 20 years. They said that they saw the great monster in the lake. There are quite a few pictures and videos of this creature, but none is clear enough to give a good appearance of it. Some persons made the picture with computer images of it based on interviews. Someone drew a picture to show its shape, but it remains unconfirmed.
Step 3. Reading
Purpose: To improve Ss’ reading skills.
1. Skimming
Ask Ss to read the beginning of the passage and finish Activity 1 on page 52.
Suggested Answers:
A newspaper.
2. Scanning
(1) Ask Ss to read the first paragraph quickly and answer the two questions.
① According to the text, what did the monster look like?
② How many people saw it?
Suggested Answers:
① Black in color; jumped like a seal; its head looked like a horse.
② About 200
(2) Ask Ss to read the second paragraph and answer the questions:
① Who else saw the animal?
② What were they doing?
③ What did it look like?
Suggested Answers:
① A group of soldiers
② They were walking along the side of the lake.
③ It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10cm horns.
(3) Ask Ss to read the third and fourth paragraph and answer the questions.
① What did Li Xiaohe see?
② Why could they see the animal clearly?
③ How long was the history of reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi?
④ What do many people think?
⑤ What do the scientists think?
Suggested Answers:
① A round black creature moving quickly through the water. After 300 or 400 meters it dived into the water.
② The weather was fine and the lake was calm.
③ Since the beginning of the last century.
④ The monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.
⑤ The low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.
(4) Ask Ss to read the last paragraph and give the following information about Lake Tianchi:
Height: ① Area: ② Depth: ③
Suggested Answers:
① 2189 m ② 10 km2 ③ 370 m deep in some places
4. Post-reading
Ask Ss to do Activity 4 on page 53. Then check their answers.
Suggested Answers:
(1) a (2) a (3) a (4) b (5) c (6)a (7) a (8) c (9) c (10) b
Step 4. Language Points
Purpose: To let Ss understand the passage well.
1.Group work
Ask Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points in groups.
(1) It often gets angry and will attack anyone who goes close to it. (Page 51)
attack vt & vi 襲擊
Eg ① A girl was attacked and robbed by two strong men.
② The enemy attacked during the night.
◆ attack vt 抨擊
attack sb / sth for sth 為某事抨擊某人
Eg He was attacked for his corruption.
◆ attack n
launch / make an attack (on sb / sth) 攻擊某人或者某物
Eg They launched an attack on racism.
(2) He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. (Page 52)
claim vt宣稱,聲稱(后可跟that從句或動詞不定式)
Eg ① I don’t claim to be an expert.
② He claimed he should be given a fairer opportunity.
◆ vt 要求,認領
Eg Has anyone claimed this watch?
◆ vt索賠,索取
Eg Did you claim the insurance after your car accident?
◆ vt 注意,思考
Eg The matter claims our attention.
(3) It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometers. (Page 52)
cover an area of意為“占有……空間”,也可以只用cover表示此意。
Eg The town covers (an area of) 5 square miles.
cover 的其他意思還有:
◆ vt 覆蓋
Eg The mountain is covered with snow all the year round.
◆ vt包含,涉及
Eg The lecture covers many aspects of business.
◆ vt走完(一段路程)
Eg I can cover the distance on foot in two hours.
◆ vt報道
Eg The reporters are covering the fire for a newspaper.
(4) They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. (Page 52)他們說,溫度低的湖中不可能存活如此大的生物。
◆ be (un)likely to do… (不)可能做……
Eg You’re likely to catch a cold if you go out no
It’s likely that… 有可能……
Eg It’s likely that he will be late. = He is likely to be late.
2. Individual work
Ask Ss to fill the blanks of the summary according to the passage.
The “onster” of Lake Tianchi, the highest __(1)__ lake in the world, is __(2)__ after several recent sightings. But no one has ever got a clear look at the __(3)__ creature. In one sighting, as is __(4)__ by the director of a local tourist office, it is black and __(5)__ the water like a seal. In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers watched it __(6)__ for about 2 minutes. A third report came from a family who __(7)__ to __(8)__ a round black creature __(9)__ quickly through the water and then __(10)__the water. any people think the monster may be a __(11)__cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. Scientists, however, are __(12)__, because the low-temperature lake is __(13)__ to be able to __(14)__ such a large __(15)__ creature.
Suggested Answers:
(1) volcanic (2) back in the news (3) mysterious (4) claimed(5) jumped out of
(6) swimming (7) claimed (8) have seen (9) moving(10) diving into
(11) distant(12) sceptical (13) unlikely (14) support (15) living
Step 5. Writing
Purpose: To enable Ss to learn how to write a passage to say about another monster.
1. Group work
Ask Ss to read the passage on page 52 and answer the questions in Activity 1 on page 57.
Suggested Answers:
(1) Several groups of people saw a kind of “ monster”.
(2) In Lake Tianchi in the Changbai ountains in Jilin Province
(3) It lived in the water, was black or greenish-black, and some people said it had a roundhead and body with 10-cm horns on the head, while others said it had a horse’s head.
(4) The weather or large food supply to the monster.
2. Group work
Ask Ss to write a passage using the words and sentences in Activity1.
Step 6. Homework
1. Ask Ss to finish Reading exercises in the Workbook on pages 99~101.
2. Ask Ss to prepare for the Listening class.
Period 3 Vocabulary and Listening, Pronunciation,
Everyday English
Teaching Goals:
1. To enable Ss to know some skills of listening.
2. To study some daily expressions.
3. To learn the intonation in exclamations.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check the answers to the Reading exercises in the Workbook.
Step 2. Vocabulary study
Purpose: To get Ss to learn some neords.
1. Group work
Ask Ss to match the words with their definitions.
(1) dinosaur(a) A bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser
(2) carnivore (b) a large extinct reptile living on earth ever.
(3) meteorite (c) a stony or metallic mass that has fallen to the earth's surface from outer space
(4) mammal(d) the act or process of radiating
(5) radiation(e) A flesh-eating animal
(6) galaxy(f) a warm-blooded milk-producing animal like human being
(7) crater(g) A sudden, often violent outburst
(8) eruption (h) numerous stars, gas, and dustcontaining large amount of solar masses
Suggested Answers:
(1) b(2) e (3) c  (4) f (5) d (6) h (7) a (8) g
2. Individual work
Let Ss do Activity 1 on page 55 and check the answers.
Suggested Answers:
(1) climate(2) extinct(3) disappear(4) survive (5) adapt (6) evolve
Step 3. Listening
● To get the main information in the listening part;
● To develop Ss’ listening ability.
1. Pre-listening
Let Ss do Activity 2 on page 56 to know something about dinosaurs.
2. While-listening
(1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check the answers to Activity 2 on page 56
Suggested Answers:
① c ② c ③ c ④ a
(2) Ask Ss to listen again and fill the missing words in the listening passage
Good afternoon, and welcome to this week’s ① of ysteries of Nature. Today’s topic is a ② one--- it’s ③ , those strange creatures which ④ the earth for no less than two hundred million years, some of them were ⑤ eaters, others were like the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex, carnivores who lived off meat and who ⑥ the more peaceful plant ⑦ dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurs were big --- some were the ⑧ of chickens, and in fact the ⑨ things to dinosaurs living today are actually birds. But the ⑩ we are going to talk about today is why the dinosaurs suddenly __(11)__ exactly 66 million year ago, and to __(12)__ light on the subject we’ve invited one of the world’s foremost __(13)__ on the subject, from the Pitt Rivers useum in Oxford, Dr Roger Binfield.
Suggested Answers:
① edition ② big ③ dinosaurs ④ ruled ⑤ plant ⑥ attacked ⑦ eating
⑧ size ⑨ closest ⑩ mystery (11) disappeared (12) throw (13) experts
(3) Listen to the second part and do Activity 4 and 5 on page 56.
Suggested Answers to Activity 4:
① A meteorite hit the earth. ② They stopped evolving. ③ They killed each other
④ A volcanic eruption ⑤ Cancer caused by radiation
Suggested Answers to Activity 5:
(4) Listen to the second part again and do Activity 6 on page 56.
Suggested Answers:
① F ② T③ F ④ F ⑤T ⑥ F ⑦ F⑧ T
3. Post-listening
Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss which theory they think is most likely and why.
Step 4. Pronunciation — Consonants disappearing
Purpose: To enable Ss to know the words which consonants disappear.
1. Pair work
Show the sentences in the Pronunciation Activity 1 on the screen and ask Ss to read them out.
(1) I’ll come straight to the point.
(2) The most widely accepted theory.
(3) I think it’s the most likely explanation.
2. Individual work
Ask Ss to listen to the tape. Let them pay attention to the elides. Give them the right pronunciation.
Suggested Answers:
(1) straight to = / / (2) most widely=/ / (3) most likely=/ /
3. Pair work
Ask Ss to listen to the sentences in Activity 2 and repeat the elides. Then ask them to practise more.
Suggested Answers:
(1) went to= / / (2) most fantastic= / / (3) didn’t take= / /
Step 5. Everyday English
Ask Ss to choose the correct answers to Everyday English exercises and try to grasp the meaning of these expressions on page 58.
Suggested Answers:
(1) a (2) b(3) a (4) a (5) b (6) a (7) b
Step 6. Homework
1. Ask Ss to finish Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on pages 98~99.
2. Ask Ss to preview Grammar and Function.
Period 4 Function, Grammar
Teaching Goals:
1. To enable Ss to know about the way to express possibility and improbability.
2. To enable Ss to master the usage of “may”, “might”, and “l(fā)ikely”.
3. To help Ss learn how to use modal verbs “may” and “might” to express conjecture.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check the answers to the Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook.
Step 2. Function
Purpose: To let Ss know how to talk about possibility and improbability.
1. Pair work
Ask Ss to do Activity 1 on page 54 and then call back the answers.
Suggested Answers:
(1) a, b(2) c (3) unlikely
2. Group work
Ask Ss to identify the creatures in the pictures in Activity 4 on page 55, by using “may” or “might”. Arouse their interest in talking about possibility.
3. Individual work
Ask Ss to do Activity 2 on page 54 individually. Then check their answers.
Suggested Answers:
(1)There might still be dinosaurs somewhere.
(2)Don’t go near the water. It may be very deep.
(3)We are unlikely to see the monster.
(4)There may be an underground river from Loch Ness to the sea.
(5)We must help him ? he may not be able to swim.
(6)There are likely to be lots of strange creatures in that lake.
Step 3. Grammar
Purpose: To enable Ss to know how to use modal verbs “may” and “might” to express conjecture.
1.Group work
Ask Ss to discuss the two sentences in Activity 1 of Grammar on page 57, and then ask them to choose the best answer.
Suggested Answers:
We use may have or might have (with the past participle) to talk about something which happened in the past—perhaps.
2. Explanation
Explain how to use modal verbs to talk about something which happened in the past—perhaps.
(1) 對過去的事情進行猜測,但把握較小時,肯定形式一般用may have done,否定形式一般用may not have done。如:
He may have gone back home, because he didn’t say he would take part in her birthday party.
He may not have paid for the bill, because he had lost his job.
(2) 對過去的事情進行猜測,但把握更小時,肯定形式一般用might have done,否定形式用might not have done。如:
They helped send her bat to the hospital; otherwise, she thought, the baby might have died.
She might not have left home when I got to school.
(3) 對過去的事情進行猜測,并且可能性較大時,肯定形式一般用must have done,否定形式一般用can’t have done。如:
Your score is the highest; you must have studied very hard.
You can’t have seen her in her office last Friday; she’s been out of town for two weeks.
3. Practice
Ask Ss to do Activity 2 on page 57. Then call back the answers and correct them.
Suggested Answers:
(1) might have caused
(2) may have cut off
(3) may have survived
(4) might have been killed
4. Supplements
Explain how to use modal verbs to talk about something which happened at present—perhaps.
用表猜測的情態(tài)動詞有:must, can, may等,但它們所表示可能性是不同的。
(1) 對現在的事情進行猜測,并且可能性較大時,肯定形式一般用must加動詞原形,此時,must不再表示“必須”,而是表示“肯定”;否定形式一般用can’t加動詞原形,此時,can不再表示“能夠”,而是表示“肯定不……”。如:
I saw him go out just no He can’t be in his own room.
It must be Linda in the classroom, because she is on duty today.
(2) 對現在的事情進行猜測,但把握較小時,肯定形式一般用may加動詞原形,此時,may不再表示“可以”,而是表示“可能”;否定形式一般用may not加動詞原形。如:
He may tell the truth to his father.
She may not angry because she is good-tempered.
(3) 對現在的事情進行猜測,但把握更小時,肯定形式一般用might加動詞原形;否定形式一般用might not加動詞原形。如:
She might not be angry because she usually is very patient.
He might be at home now, but I’m not sure.
(4) 情態(tài)動詞+動詞現在進行時,表示對現在或將正在進行的情況進行推測。如:
At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers.
Doctor Wang isn’t here. He might be giving a lecture in the hall.
(5) 情態(tài)動詞+動詞的現在完成進行時,表示對過去正在發(fā)生事情的推測。如:
Your mother must have been looking for you.
The light was on the whole night. He may have been doing his homework all the time.
5. Consolidation
Ask Ss to translate the following sentences.
(1) 他們也許錯過了那班飛機。
(2) 快點!他們正在機場等我們。
(3) Tom是個誠實的孩子。他今晚可能會把真相告訴他父親。
(4) 他五年前看過我,他也許不費勁就能找到我的住處。
Suggested Answers:
(1) They may have missed the plane.
(2) Let’s hurry! They may be waiting for us at the airport.
(3) Tom is an honest boy. He may tell his father about the truth this evening.
(4) He came to see me five years ago. He might find my house without any difficulty.
Step 4. Homework
1. Ask Ss to review Grammar.
2. Ask Ss to finish Grammar exercises in the Workbook pages 97~98.
Period 5 Cultural Corner, task, odule File
Teaching Goals:
1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the differences of the dragon in different countries.
2. To make Ss develop the patriotic feeling.
3. To let Ss learn how to write a mystery of China.
4. To help Ss reviehat we have learnt in this module;
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check the workbook grammar exercises on pages 97~98.
Step 2. Cultural Corner
Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the differences of the dragon in different countries.
1.Group work
Show two pictures of Chinese dragon and western dragon. Ask Ss to discuss the differences and tell something about them.

For your reference:
Western dragons were typically bad creatures which had to be killed. But in China they were generous and wise, and associated with the royal family to show power and strength.
2. Individual work
Ask Ss to read the passage and fill in the blanks by using the key words from the passage.
People talk about (1) almost everywhere in the world but have _(2)_ opinions. In _(3)_ culture, dragons are generous and _(4)_.The dragon was closely _(5)_ to the royal family. According to popular belief, _(6)_you were born in the year of the dragon, you are _(7)_, brave and a natural leader.
But in the west, most people think _(8)_of the dragon. It is said that in an old English story a man kills a _(9)_ dragon and the man is called by people a_(10)_.
The reason _(11)_ westerners dislike dragons is that the idea of the dragon came from the_(12)_, an animal which people _(13)_and were afraid of. But the idea of the dragon in China came from alligator, an animal which is a good _(14)_for agriculture, so the Chinese people think dragons can bring good _(15)_ to them.
Suggested Answers:
(1) dragons (2) different (3) Chinese (4) wise (5) connected
(6) if (7) intelligent (8) poorly (9) dangerous (10) hero
(11) why (12) snake (13) hated (14) sign (15) fortune
Step 3. odule File
Purpose: To enable Ss to make a conclusion of this module and deepen what they have learned in the module.
Ask Ss to look at odule File on P60 and try to recall what they have learnt in the module. Then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they don’t kno
Help Ss to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing points.
Step 4. Homework
1. Ask Ss to review odule 6.
2. Ask Ss to finish the rest of the exercises in the Workbook.
V. 補充練習
1. Don’t get _____ the animal. It might attack you.
A. close withB. closely withC. close to D. closely to
2. ----Did you get a clear look at the monster?
----No, but it seemed to be red_______.
A. in colourB. in the colourC. with colourD. with the colour
3.Something unusual was floating _____ surface of the lake.
A. in theB. overC. onD. on the
4.----Has anyone _____ be responsible for the accident?
----Not yet.
A. claiming toB. claimed toC. been claimed toD. being claimed to
5.He has been _____ the research in monsters ever since.
A. diving intoB. dived intoC. diving toD. dived to
6. ---Will Yao ing take part in the Spring Festival Party?
--- Sorry, he _____ appear there.
A. is likely to B. should likely toC. is unlikely toD. is unlike to
7.Though without any evidence, the police thought the accident_____ caused on purpose.
A. might beB. might have beenC. should have beenD. might have
8.The factory_____ area of 50 square kilometers.
A. coversB. covers anC. takes anD. takes
9. ----Why should we study mathematics while we are in the Physics Department?
----You know, physics _____ mathematics closely.
A. related toB. related withC. is related toD. is relating to
10.His kind of animal may_____ thousands of years ago.
A. die outB. die awayC. have died awayD. have died out
11.he soldiers were trained to be able to _____ any difficult conditions.
A. adapt to B. adapt withC. be adapted toD. adapt for
12.It is generally believed that good health_____ healthy diet.
A. is different fromB. is connected withC. is connected fromD. connected to
13.He failed to catch the first bus______ the bad weather.
A. due to B. being due toC. due forD. being due for
14.---- The math problem is quite difficult.
---- Ask Tom for help and he might _____ it.
A. throw light toB. give light forC. throw light toD. give out light to
15.I’m afraid our money in hand will be useless because the price is_____.
A. going sharpB. becoming sharpC. becoming sharplyD. going up sharply
16.Such large creatures can’t be able to _____ in this lake.
A. supportB. be supportedC. catchD. be lived
17.The “ onster of Lake Tianchi” is back _____ the news _____ several recent sightings.
A. on; beforeB. to; onC. in; afterD. with; to
18.The soldier watched the creature _____ for about two minutes in the lake.
A. to swimB. to walkC. walkingD. swimming
19.They were able to see the monster_____ because the lake was______.
A. clear; calmB. clearly; calmly C. clearly; calmD. clear; calmly
20._____ have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi_____ the beginning of the last century.
A. There; sinceB. it; atC. That; inD. What; before
1、They ____ the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reasons.
A. can have lost B. may have lost
C. can have missed D. may have missed
2、 ----I need a dictionary at present time.
----Jack____. He bought a new dictionary last week.
A. may lend you one B. might lend one
C. may lend this D. might be lending you
3、When we got to the airport, they ____ home.
A. may have just left B. may just leave
C. might be leaving D. might leave
4、Sorry. I am late. I ______ have turned of the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again..
A. should B. can C. will D. might
5、 ----Excuse me. Is this the right way to the post office?
----Sorry, I am not sure. But it _____ be.
A. will B. might C. must D. can
6、---- Is Tom coming by train?
---- He should, but he ____ not. He likes driving his car.
A. must B. can C. need D. may
7、Johnny, you_____ play with the knife, you ____ hurt yourself..
A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; shouldn’t
8、----Are you coming to Jeff’s party?
---- I’m not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead.
A. must B. would C. should D. might
9、----Who is the man over there? Is he our headmaster?
---- It ____be him. He has just gone to Shanghai.
A. might not B. can’t C. isn’t D. shouldn’t
10、The dinosaurs _____ because the climate changed.
A. are disappearing B. will have disappeared
C. may have disappeared D. might be disappearing
閱讀下面短,用所給詞填空。(creature ,famous, lakes, legends, neck, Scotland ,sightings, mysterious , clear, exists )
The lakes of North America also have their share of __(1)__ creatures. There have been __(2)__ of curious creatures in most big__(3)__. None of these monsters are as __(4)__ as Nessie who lives in Loch Ness in __(5)__ but some have become local __(6)__. For nearly four hundred years, here have been sightings of a strange__(7)__ living in Lake Champolion. It is said to have a long __(8)__ and a very small head. All the photographs of this monster are not __(9)__, so no one knows if it really __(10)__.
1、You are easy to be _______ (攻擊) when you are in red in the forest.
2、The man claimed to be able to tell my _______ (命運) by looking at my hands.
3、When moving to Europe together, the children ________ (適應) to the changes quickly.
4、There is something _______ (神秘) in what he said.
5、His answer _______ (暗示) that I could leave.
6、y suggestion is to try to remain c_______ before he interviewer.
7、There are probably lots of strange c_______ in that lake.
8、These animals d_______ mysteriously millions of years ago.
9、Without protection, some animals will be d______ in the near future.
10、He managed to cross the b_______ into Germany.
一、1~5 CADBA 6~10 CBBCD 11~15 ABACD 16~20 BCDC
二、1~5 DAADB 6~10 DBDBC
三、1.mysterious 2. sightings 3.lakes 4. famous 5. Scotland
6. legends 7.creature 8. neck 9. clear 10. exists
四、1.attacked 2.fortune 3. adapted 4. mysterious 5. indicated
6. calm 7.creatures 8.disappeared 9. distinct 10. border

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/49581.html

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