
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
36. for several reasons 由于一些原因
37. all through the year = all the year round 一年四季
throughout the year
38. rise by 63 meters 上升了63 米
by 表示“相差程度”
39. as a result /consequence of 由于…的結(jié)果
40. date from = date back to 追溯于; 始建于
This temple dates from the Song Dynasty.
The temple, dating back to the Song Dynasty, will be pull down.
41. in danger 處于危險(xiǎn)中; out of danger 脫離危險(xiǎn)
42. be carved in rock 被刻在巖石上
43. make a plan for 為…制訂計(jì)劃
44. stone by stone 一塊石頭一塊石頭地
one by one
45. in all = in total =altogether 總共
46. be marked with 被標(biāo)上…記號(hào)
47. Three Gorges Dam 三峽大壩
48. The Temple of Heaven 天壇
Unit 8 必會(huì)習(xí)語(yǔ)
1. the Olympic Games 奧運(yùn)會(huì)
2. stand for 代表;容忍;支持/擁護(hù);為...候選人
區(qū)分:represent 和 stand for
3. the Olympic Torch Relay 奧運(yùn)火炬接力
4. the host city 主辦城市
5. be worth + n. 值… sth.+ be worth doing …值得做
be worthy of + n.
be worthy of being done
be worthy to be done
It is worth while to do sth / doing sth
6. score 20 points 得20分 (v.)
a score of people 20人 two score of people 40人
three score and ten of people 70人
scores of people 許多人
注意:a dozen eggs 十二個(gè)雞蛋 two dozen eggs
a dozen of these eggs 一打這種雞蛋
dozens of eggs 許多雞蛋
7. every four years 每四年;每隔三年
every fourth year 每第四年
every other year 每隔一年
every few years 每隔幾年
8. take part in = join in = participate in 參加
attend 出席 join sb (in doing sth) 和某人一起做某事
9. compete in 參加(競(jìng)賽)
compete against/with 與…相對(duì)抗
compete for 為…而競(jìng)爭(zhēng)
10. allow /permit/forbid sb to do sth 允許/禁止某人做某事
allow/permit/forbid doing sth 允許/禁止做某事
Nothing is permitted; everything is allowed.
11. in modern times 在現(xiàn)代 in ancient times 在古代
12. do /try one's best to do sth 盡力做某事
13. rank third/high/low 位居第三/排名高(低)
She ranks first in English study in our class.
people of all ranks 各個(gè)階層的人
14. host the Olympic games 主辦奧運(yùn)會(huì)
15. light the torch 點(diǎn)燃火炬 (lit—lit; lighted—lighted)
He lit a candle and the lighted candle lit up the room.
16. in preparation for 為…做準(zhǔn)備
prepare for 為…做準(zhǔn)備
make preparations for 為...作準(zhǔn)備
17. have a good / bad effect on …對(duì)…有好/壞影響=affect
have influence on=influence
18. tens of thousands of 成千上萬(wàn)
19. pay …( to sb) for sth 付錢給…買…
20. at the opening /closing (ceremony) of 在…開(kāi)/閉幕式上
21. by hand 手工 with one’s hands
22. spend…on sth 在…花費(fèi)(錢;時(shí)間)
spend….(in) doing sth 花 (錢;時(shí)間) 做某事
spend (time) +a place 在某地度過(guò)(一段時(shí)間)
23. more than = not only 不僅
More than fifty people attended the conference.
He dressed more than simply. 他穿著極為樸素。
We were more than pleased to hear of her coming.
He is more than a teacher to me.
She more than smiled, but laughed. (豈止是微笑,簡(jiǎn)直是大笑)
He is more brave than wise. (有勇無(wú)謀)
more than不僅 no more than = only 僅僅
Yao Ming has more than just size; he also has great skill and speed and he is a team player. (不僅)
He has no more than handsome look; he is neither wise nor polite. (僅僅)
not more than = less than 不超過(guò);至多
no more than = only 僅僅
There is no more than ten yuan in my pocket. (只有)
There is not more than ten yuan in my pocket. (不到)
He is no taller/no more careful than me. (并不比...更)
He is not taller/more careful than me. (不如)
24. live one's dream =try to realize one's dream 努力實(shí)現(xiàn)夢(mèng)想
25. set /give a good example to sb 為…樹(shù)立好榜樣
copy / follow the example of 學(xué)習(xí)/效仿...的榜樣
26. the International Olympic Committee 國(guó)際奧委會(huì)
27. the spirit of the Olympic Games 奧林匹克精神
28. care about 關(guān)心
29. take up 占去(空間); 開(kāi)始從事;拿起;
30. put on weight = gain weight 體重增加
lose weight 減肥
31. as follows 如下
32. even if 即使
33. hear about/of 聽(tīng)說(shuō)
hear from sb 收到某人來(lái)信
hear that... 聽(tīng)說(shuō)
34. I wish +從句 (虛擬語(yǔ)氣;時(shí)態(tài)倒退一步)
I wish I were twenty years younger.
I wish I could make as much money as Michael Jordan.
I wish I had seen my favuorite movie star the other day.
35.deal with 對(duì)付;應(yīng)付;處理;涉及;做生意
How did you deal with the rubbish?
What did you do with the rubbish?
36. shoot the ball into the other team's goal 把球踢入對(duì)方球門
Unit 9 必會(huì)習(xí)語(yǔ)
1.be used for 被用于… be used as 被用作…
2. It depends. 要看情況而定。
3. live life on the go 過(guò)著忙碌的生活
4. on the go 忙忙碌碌的; 四處奔走
5. make it possible for sb to do sth 使得某人做某事成為可能
6. throughout the world 遍及世界
7. more than 不僅, 多于;
no more than 僅僅; 只不過(guò)
not more than 少于, 不足
8. add to 增添;增加 add…to… 給…增加…
add up 加起來(lái) add up to 加起來(lái)總共是
9. remind sb of/about sth 提醒某人某事
remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事
remind sb of doing sth 提醒某人已做過(guò)某事
remind that...
10.have an appointment with sb. 和…有預(yù)約
keep /break one's appointment 守約/違約
make an appointment with sb. 和…約定
by appointment 按約定
11. obey /break the rules 遵守/違反規(guī)定
12. agree (not) to do sth
agree that sb can/will do sth
agree with; agree to; agree on
13. dare not do = don't dare to do 不敢作…(同need)
14. take sth/sb away from… 把….從….帶/拿走
14. stay/keep in touch with sb.; /keep track of
be in touch with 與…保持聯(lián)系
get in touch with 與…取得聯(lián)系
lose touch with 與…失去聯(lián)系
be out of touch with
15. call for help 求救
16. in case (of an emergency) 萬(wàn)一; 以免
in case +從句 萬(wàn)一
17. do whatever he wants to do 想干什么就干什么
whatever 和 no matter what 區(qū)分
18. according to 根據(jù)
19. the negative/positive effect of ….的負(fù)面/正面影響
20. take over 接管
21. (in) the way that/in which… …的方法
The few surviving human beings are being used (in) the way (that) we use machines today.
22. break down 出故障
23. dream of/ about 夢(mèng)見(jiàn);夢(mèng)想
24. fail to do sth; fail in doing sth 沒(méi)能做到…
succeed in doing sth 成功的做某事
be successful in doing sth
25. force sb to do sth 強(qiáng)迫某人做某事 oblige sb to do sth
by force 靠武力
26. come up with 想到; 提出
27. take steps /measures/action to do sth 采取措施
28. look up the words in the dictionary 在字典上查單詞
29. go for a job interview 去面試找工作
30. unite as one 團(tuán)結(jié)一致
31. hand in one's homework 交作業(yè)
32. suffer a serious defeat 遭慘敗
33. be based on 以…為基礎(chǔ)
34. take …apart 把…分解 =separate
35. on the way 在路上 on one’s way to 在去...的路上
in the way 妨礙;擋道 in a way 在某種程度上
by the way 順便問(wèn)一下 (in)this/that way 這樣
in the same way 用同樣的方法
in different ways 用不同的方法
in no way 決不;一點(diǎn)也不
the way to do/of doing sth 做...的方法
the way (that/in which)定語(yǔ)從句
make one’s way to 朝...走去
all the way 一路上;從頭至尾
by way of 經(jīng)由;通過(guò)...的方法
way of life 生活方式
36. so far 到目前為止
37. We are still a long way from being able to do sth.
=It will take us a long time to be able to do sth.
38. It is possible (for sb) to do sth
It is likely/possible/probable that...
Sb is likely to do sth.
39. The more we know, the more we can imagine.
越..., 就越....
The more you listen to English, the easier it will become.
The longer you live in this place, the less you will like it.
Unit 10 習(xí)語(yǔ)必會(huì)
1.no longer; no more
1. There be… left 有…剩下
2. hunt animals for food 為得到…而捕獵…
hunt for 搜尋
hunt animals 狩獵
3. know of/about 對(duì)…了解
4. in danger 處于危險(xiǎn)中 out of danger 脫離危險(xiǎn)
in danger of 面臨...的危險(xiǎn)
endanger vt. 使...瀕危;危害
endangered animals 瀕危動(dòng)物 become endangered
5. die out 滅絕; 消失
die away ; die off; die of; die from; die down
be dying for 渴望;很想
6. It follows that… 由此得出…; 可見(jiàn)…
People get sick because of air pollution. It follows that we must do something about it.
7. lead to 導(dǎo)致
8. take turns to do sth/ doing sth 輪流做某事
do sth in turn/by turns
9. act as 扮演 play a role of
10. an environmental expert 一位環(huán)境專家
11. keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth 阻止…做…
keep sb doing sth 使...一直做...
keep (on) doing sth 堅(jiān)持做某事
protect...from/against 保護(hù)...免受...
12. we don't do as we say. 我們言行不一。
13. ( take sb ) on a tour of... (帶某人)游覽...
14. have a bright future 用有一個(gè)燦爛的未來(lái)
15. harm sb/ do harm to sb/ do sb harm/ be harmful to sb
傷害某人;對(duì)...有害=be bad for
do good to sb/do sb good/ be good for/
benefit sb./be of benefit to 對(duì)...有好處/益
16. take measures/steps/action 采取措施
17. be used to sth/ doing sth 習(xí)慣于…
18. adapt to (改變以)適應(yīng) adapt oneself to 使自己適應(yīng)于
adjust to (調(diào)整以)適應(yīng)
19. become endangered 頻臨危險(xiǎn)
20. the original species 原有的物種 species (單復(fù)數(shù)相同)
21. first of all 首先 at first; above all
22. make a big difference 大改觀;影響大
23.If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures before it is too late. 如果我們能更多地了解致使生物瀕危的原因,就能及時(shí)采取補(bǔ)救措施。
?They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up. 他們正在考慮趁房?jī)r(jià)未漲時(shí)把房子買下來(lái)。
?If you don’t like the present job, I suggest you look for another one before it is too late.
?He hung up before I could say a word.
24. devote oneself to sth/doing sth 致力于…
be devoted to sth/doing sth 投身于
a devoted friend / wife
25. at present 目前 at the present time
be present at 出席
26. explain sth to sb 向某人解釋…=explain to sb sth
27. set…free 釋放 =free
28. in the wild 處于野生狀態(tài)
29.be careful with 細(xì)心;認(rèn)真
be careful of/about 注意;留意
30. throw away 扔掉;throw about 四處亂扔
31. care about 關(guān)心 care for 喜歡;
32. go on a tour to 去…觀光/游覽
33. a large amount of (money) 許多(錢)
34. (translate) word for word 逐字地
answer point for point 逐點(diǎn)答復(fù)
對(duì)比:one by one; little by little
35. up to (1)正在做;從事于(2)大約; 多達(dá)
?What’s he up to? 他在干什么? (常用作貶義)
?I guess the fellow is up to no good.
?The little boy can count up to twenty.
?The students are allowed up to two hours to finish the test. 學(xué)生們有長(zhǎng)達(dá)兩小時(shí)的時(shí)間來(lái)完成試題。
?It’s up to you to decide what to do next.
?The success of this project is up to us.
36. become extinct = die out
37. keep…as a pet 把…當(dāng)寵物養(yǎng)
38.common adj. 常見(jiàn)的; 共同的; 普遍的(側(cè)重指共性;強(qiáng)調(diào)“非特殊性,非優(yōu)秀性” 或 "不足為奇的"
usual adj 通常的;尋常的;慣常的 (多指”習(xí)慣性的,遵循常規(guī)的,一貫如此的" 強(qiáng)調(diào)時(shí)間角度。
ordinary 通常的;普通的, 也指普遍的,但不是因?yàn)榇蠹宜灿卸毡槌R?jiàn), 而是因?yàn)榉鲜挛锏恼7▌t及一般規(guī)律而十分普遍; 也可帶貶義,指低于一般標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的事物或人。
popular 普及的;通俗的, 指為廣大群眾所接受或深受喜愛(ài)的
general 一般的;普通的; 指屬于大部分人或大部分事物的屬性, 因此是一般的,普通的,可能也包括了一些極少數(shù)的例外。
Unit 11 習(xí)語(yǔ)必會(huì)
1. a piece of music 一支曲子
2. Can you help me to decide what to buy?
3. What do you have in mind? 你有什么主意?
4. dance to (a song/music) 伴著(歌曲/音樂(lè))跳舞
5. What can/do you suggest?
suggest sth
suggest (sb) doing sth
suggest that...
suggest +虛擬語(yǔ)氣 (建議) insist +虛擬 (堅(jiān)決要求)
suggest + 陳述語(yǔ)氣 (表示) insist +陳述 (堅(jiān)決認(rèn)為)
6. Have you considered doing...? 你考慮過(guò)...嗎?
consider...(as/to be)... 認(rèn)為...是...
consider sb to have done sth 認(rèn)為...做過(guò)某事
5. a musical instrument 樂(lè)器
6. musical styles 音樂(lè)風(fēng)格
in style 流行的 out of style 過(guò)時(shí)的
7. have much/nothing in common with
8. along with 和…一起
9. a variety of 各種各樣的 varieties of = various
10. pick out 挑出 choose; select
pick up; pick on; pick
11. The style is the man. 文如其人
12. the key to the classroom 教室的鑰匙
the answer to the question 問(wèn)題的答案
the solution to the problem 問(wèn)題的解決辦法
the entrance to the station 車站的入口
13. give/put on a performance 表演/上演節(jié)目
14. golden pen 金筆 gold necklace 金項(xiàng)鏈
15. a two-room house 一個(gè)兩室的房子
a four-storey building = a building of four storeys/stories
16. make a record 錄制唱片 set a record 創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄
record a song 錄一首歌
17. turn into 變成; 譯成 turn...into; turn to
18. become more and more similar 變得越來(lái)越相似
19. make music one's career 把音樂(lè)當(dāng)事業(yè)
20. on the other hand 另一方面
20. satisfy sb. 使得某人滿意
be satisfied with 對(duì)…感到滿意
be pleased with; be content with
satisfactory = satisfying; satisfaction
21. satisfy one’s inner desire 滿足某人的內(nèi)心欲望
21. make people feel easy 讓人們感覺(jué)輕松/悠閑
22. forget about 忘記了
23. have a hit 風(fēng)靡一時(shí)
24. over the past twenty years 經(jīng)過(guò)了過(guò)去的20年
25.be common for 對(duì)...很普通的
25. think…to be…. 認(rèn)為…是
26. turn to 轉(zhuǎn)向; 求助于;翻到
turn writer 成為作家 turn 20 過(guò)了20歲
27. think well of (be well thought of)
=think highly of =speak highly of
= sing high praise for 對(duì)…評(píng)價(jià)很高
28. make fun of 取笑; 拿某人取樂(lè)
29. bring in 帶來(lái)(收入); 引進(jìn)(技術(shù))
30. on their travels 在旅行時(shí)
31, in the open air 在戶外
31. for free 免費(fèi)
a free meal
He is free with his money.
All these books are given away (for) free/free of charge.
The old woman has never been free from pain.
You are free to do anything you like, within the law.
Unit 12 必會(huì)習(xí)語(yǔ)
Warming up & Speaking
1. match…with… 把….和….相配
2. action film 動(dòng)作片
3. romantic comedy 浪漫喜劇
4. shootings and fights 槍戰(zhàn)
5. at the art festival 在藝術(shù)節(jié)上/期間
6. magical power 魔力
7. magic tricks 魔術(shù)技巧
8. welcome to + n. 歡迎到…. Welcome home!
give sb a warm welcome 熱烈歡迎
9. a world of magic and wonders 充滿魔力和神奇的世界
10. a series of 一系列的
11. seem like =look like 看起來(lái)像
12. treat sb to sth 請(qǐng)某人(吃…) treat sb badly 虐待
treat ...as/like...
13. in trouble 在困境中
get into trouble 陷入困境
ask for trouble 自找麻煩 make trouble 搗亂
put sb to trouble 給人添麻煩

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/74019.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 17-18單元專題復(fù)習(xí)教案