
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
4. 考生必須保持答題卡的整潔。
一 聽力理解。(每小題2分,滿分30分)
1. Why does the woman look pale?
A. She is probably sick.
B. She feels bored with her work.
C. She works too hard with her new students.
2. How many foreign students does the woman have in her class?
A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.
3. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
A. Doctor and patient.B. Headmaster and teacher.C. Teacher and doctor.
4. What is the dialogue mainly about?
A. A foreign student wants to find a job.
B. Jobs are wanted in the library.
C. Foreign students are not allowed to work at college.
5. Where does the woman study?
A. In America.B. In Australia.C. In China.
6. How will she probably find a part-time job?
A. She will try it herself.
B. The man’s friends will help her.
C. The library will offer help.
7. What is the man doing?
A. Listening to the weather report on the radio.
B. Helping Emma with packing.
C. Planning to go somewhere.
10. How did the man feel?
A. Nervous.B. Upset.C. Sick.
11. What was the matter with the man?
A. He had a car accident.
B. He was knocked down by a car.
C. He drove into a car.
12. How did the accident happen?
A. There were many cars on the road.
B. The other driver was driving very fast.
C. Something was wrong with the driving mirror.
13. What do you know about the film?
A. It won the top award in the world.
B. It brought in two million dollars.
C. It is a British film.
14. How fast was Princess Anne driving when she was clocked?
A. 30 miles an hour.B. 93 miles an hour. C. 123 miles an hour.
15. What was Princess Anne thinking when she saw the police car?
A. The police car was passing her.
B. The police car would stop her.
C. The police car was sent to protect her.
二 完形填空(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)
In 1896, 17-year-old Einstein went to Zurich for the mathematics and physics program at the Polytechnic in Zurich. There he met Marits, a girl from Hungary and the only woman student in the school. They studied in the same class and the 16 interest in physics brought the two together and they became good friends. Over the next few years, their 17 developed into romance. In a letter to her, Einstein called Marits "a creature who is my equal and who is as strong and independent as I am." In January 1903, when Einstein was 24, he married Marits, who was 4 years older than he.
After their marriage, Einstein devoted himself to the 18 of the great theory of relativity. To give her husband more help, Matits 19 her own work, and became a good wife and 20 . She tried her best to encourage him whenever possible. She was sure that her husband would 21 . They often discussed the 22 while walking outside or sitting together in the room. They even did that in their letters when one of them was away from home.
In 1904, the Einsteins moved to Berlin and 23 there. At that time, Einstein's theory 24 to be correct and he became 25 all over the world. Marits was very 26 her husband with his success. But it was not long before the First World War 27 , Marits as well as her two sons, who were 28 in Switzerland, couldn't come back to 29 any longer. The war not only stopped Einstein's work but also broke up the warm, happy 30 . In 1919, Einstein and Marits had to get divorced, having lived apart for five years.
16. A. great B. special C. common D. especial
17. A. membership B. ownership C. relationship D. friendship
18. A. cause B. matter C. idea D. research
19. A. gave up B. held up C. gave in D. took off
20. A. mother B. cook C. servant D. assistant
21. A. agree B. practise C. succeed D. accept
22. A. plan B. program C. suggestion D. theory
23. A. put away B. lived C. settled down D. worked
24. A. seemed B. appeared C. looked D. proved
25. A. excited B. famous C. satisfied D. lucky
26. A. proud of B. admired for C. surprised at D. worried about
27. A. ended B. broke out C. finished D. took place
28. A. living B. working C. traveling D. performing
29. A. Berlin B. Munich C. Hungary D. Switzerland
30. A. life B. time C. home D. family
三 語法填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)
閱讀下面短文,按照句子結構的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,在空格處填人一個適當?shù)?br />詞或使用括號中詞語的正確形式填空,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為3l-40的相應位置上。
Thomas and Inger, who live in Sweden, are the happiest couple in the world. Two years ago, they were sailing 31 a boat a few kilometers from the beach. Thomas asked Inger to marry him and he gave her the 32 (nice) gold ring he could afford to buy. While putting the ring on Inger’s finger Thomas lost his balance, slipped over and sent the ring flying into the sea. 33 (see) the ring drop into the water, they were sure it was lost for ever.
Unitil last week, they got the ring again. Several days earlier Mr Carlsson, 34 is the 34 (own) of a fish shop, was preparing a fresh load of fish 36 (sell) at his shop. When he was cutting open one of the fish he discovered it contained 37 beautiful gold ring. Inside the ring he read the words ‘To Inger, All my love, Thomas’ and was curious to know 38 it came from. Mr Carlon visited all the jewelers in town until he found the 39 who had made the ring. After learning the address of the rightful owners, Mr Carlson was able to return the ring.
Meanwhile Thomas had bought Inger a replacement ring. Inger now loves both her wedding rings 40 thinks the one the fish ate is the better one.
四、閱讀理解 (共20 小題;每小題2分,滿分40 分)
第—節(jié) 閱瀆理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)
In today’s world English is the most wildly used language. It is our duty to learn English in the new situation of the reform and opening (改革開放) to the outside world. How can we master the English language ? I’d like to give you some good advice.
Second, practice makes perfect. Many people study English very hard, but they are very shy to speak it in public, for they are afraid of making mistakes. Remember you have to make a mistake before you can correct it. A native English speaker makes mistakes sometimes, too.
Third, the beginners should be encouraged to pay attention to idioms. The English language has many idioms. For example, you should say “ He is as strong as a cow.”
41. The writer wants to tell us ____________.
A. the importance of learning English
B. the new situation of the reform and opening to the outside world
C. some good ideas on how to master English
D. the wide use of the English language
42. If we want to learn English, we must first __________.
A. show interest in it B. enjoy listening to it
C. watch English programmes on TV D. practice speaking it
43. When we are learning English, ____________.
A. remember the mistakes and correct them B. try not to make any mistakes
C. avoid mistakes before making them D. don’t be afraid of making mistakes
44. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means “_______________.”
A. Remember to make a mistake before you can correct it
B. You are sure to make a mistake before you can correct it
C. Remember you have to make a mistake and then correct it
D. You’ll make a mistake after you can correct it
45. According to the writer, what is the most important in learning English ?
A. Practising, listening and speaking as much as possible.
B. Paying attention to idioms.
C. Not being shy to speak in public
D. Watching English programs
Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet, but what is it, do you know? The Internet is a network. It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world.
Maybe that doesn’t sound very interesting. But when you’ve joined to the Internet, there are lots and lots of things you can do. You can send E-mails to your friends, and they can get them in a few seconds. You can also do with all kinds of information on the World Wide Web (WWW).
Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. It is possible for you to work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information you need. You can buy or sell whatever you want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information on the Internet is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?
46. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Internet. B. Information.
C. Computers. D. E-mails.
47. Which is the quickest and cheapest way to send messages to your friends?
A. By post. B. By E-mail.
C. By telephone. D. By satellite.
48. Which may be the most possible place for people to work in tomorrow?
A. In the office. B. At school.
C. At home. D. In the company.
49. Who is the owner of the Internet?
A. The headmaster. B. The officer.
C. The user. D. No one.
50. What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?
A. English is important in using the Internet.
B. the Internet is more and more popular.
C. Most of the information is in English.
D. Every computer must have the Internet.
“Some day, there’ll be no Americans left in the NBA,” said 12-year-old Xing Tao, who joined his school team two weeks ago after watching Yao Ming in a televised NBA game, “The players will all be Chinese, like Yao.”
To China, Yao is a home-grown superstar who helped make the world’s first basketball league closer to Chinese players. To the NBA, the 2.23-meter center offers an opening of a different sort into the world’s largest new market. Yao’s NBA first appearance against the Indiana Pacers in October reached 287 million families in the US. That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao’s fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds(籃板) and got no points. Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10rebounds. “This was one of the most exciting games I’ve had,” Yao said after Houston’s 95-83 victory. The NBA has to be excited about his on-count success. In all his games, he’s averaging 12.7 points and 7.7 rebounds, quite good for a new star. “Yao Ming has brought the NBA closer to the Chinese,” said NBA spokeswoman Cheong Sau Ching, “That makes the dream seem practical for other people in China and proud to be Chinese.”
The 22-year-old Yao is not the country’s first player in the NBA: Wang Zhizhi broke down the Dallas Mavericks in November 2003. But Yao’s combination of modesty and skills make him a favorite back home.
51. What’s the direct reason for Xing Tao to join the school basketball team?
A. He watched an NBA game.B. He liked basketball.
C. He hoped to play for the NBA.
D. He had dream that he would become a basketball star.
52. How many points did Yao Ming win in his first game in the NBA?
A. zero B. two C. 29 D. 10
53. What does the word “l(fā)etdown” in line 6, paragraph 2 mean?
A. failure B. surprise C. disappointment D. sadness.
54. Why does Yao Ming win more popularity than Wang Zhizhi at home?
A. He has performed excellently. B. He is modest
C. More and more Chinese people like to watch his games.D. A&B
55. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A. Middle school students want to play basketball.
B. Yao Ming makes NBA closer to China.
C. There’ll be no Americans left in the NBA.
D. There are many new stars from China in the NBA.
This weekend, we were at a party in a faraway village. She borrowed my cellphone. As it
was cold outside, I let her take it outside without opening it. Now it’s broken because she didn’t open it properly. I wouldn’t be so mad, but over the weekend she also borrowed my car and never offered to pay for the gas, which made me very angry. She should have offered to pay for the gas. As I have mentioned, she’s the type to help out others when and where she can. Perhaps because of that, she thinks others should also do the same for her. Something I just think she is very childish. I don’t want to hurt her, but I do want to let her know that not everyone can accept that. What should I do to let her know that?
56. What is Lily’s purpose in writing this letter?
A. To advise us to be careful when making friends.
B. To tell others what kind of person Mary is.
C. To tell Mary what she thinks of her.
D. To ask for advice from an editor.
57. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that ______________
A. Mary doesn’t have a cellphone.
B. Mary doesn’t have any good habits.
C. Lily is sometimes not pleased with Mary’s behavior.
D. Lily has asked Mary to change her way.
58. What happened at the weekend party?
A. Mary lost Lily’s chain.
B. Mary left before the party was over.
C. Lily’s cellphone was broken.
D. Lily had a quarrel with Mary.
59. Why is Lily angry at Mary’s borrowing her car?
A. Because Mary is not good at driving.
B. Because Mary never offers to pay for the gas.
C. Because Mary often makes phone calls while driving.
D. Because Mary doesn’t care whether Lily will use it or not.
60 What kind of person is Mary?
A. Friendly and beautiful.
B. Kind and careful.
C. Careful but childish.
D. Warm-hearted but childish.
第二節(jié) 信息匹配(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)
A. Fashion Shop
There are all kinds of fashionable clothes, caps, bags, shoes and so on that come from France, China, America and Britain for girls. We have special clothes for your girl’s birthday. We make sure that your girl will get more beautiful if you buy her any commodity (商品) in our shop. Why not come in and have a look?
B. Souvenir (紀念品) Shop
We have thousands of autograph books, commemorative envelops (紀念信封) and commemorative stamps (紀念郵票) in our shop. All of these goods have special meanings for those who have them. The shop is the largest souvenir shop in our city and the prices are not high.
C. Music Instrument Shop
Music instuments are for music talents! If you love music and want to buy music instruments, we will provide all kinds of instruments for you. Every music instrument in our shop comes from France. We can meet any of your needs and transport what you choose from our shop to your house.
D. The Latest Book Shop
You will find the latest published books and best-selling books for children in our small book shop. Though it is small, the shop is popular with the children in our community. Boys and girls, don’t hesitate (猶豫)! Low price but big pleasure.
E. Delicious Snack Shop
Children need snacks! There are candies, chocolates, fruit, biscuits, moon cakes and other delicious snacks for your kids. Want your children to be much happier? Our idea is: Buying them snacks!
F. New Life Shop
Move into a new house? Why not throw away your old furniture and buy something new? Famous furniture shop will provide a new feeling for you. We are sure that our furniture will make your room more beautiful.
61. Mrs. Smith’s son, Tony will be 18 years old tomorrow. She plans to give her son an excellent commemorative birthday gift. She has decided to buy some commemorative stamps for him.
62. Mrs. White’s daughter is ten years old. She loves reading books very much. On her coming eleventh birthday, Mrs. White plans to buy her a newly-published book.
63. Mrs. Washington loves her 3-year-old son Mike very much. Mike often asks his mother to buy him candies and chocolates. With Mike’s birthday drawing near, Mrs. Washington wants to meet her son’s need in order to make him happy.
64. Mrs. Green’s daughter is a lovely girl who is 17 years old. She loves beautiful, fashionable clothes. On her 18th birthday, Mrs. Green plans to hold a birthday party for her at home. She wants to dress up her daughter in beautiful clothes like a princess.
65. Mrs. Johnson’s son, Tom, will be 10 years old a few days away. He loves playing the piano and has made great progress. He won the first prize in a piano competition in his school. Mrs. Johnson plans to buy him a piano as a present for his birthday.
五 書面表達(共2節(jié),滿分25分)
第一節(jié) 詞匯。(共10小題,每題1分,滿分10分)
1.All men are born equal, so everyone hopes to be treated __________ because equality is the essential demand.(equal)
2.With the help of government, children in the poor area can be ________ in all kinds of schools now. (educate)
3.Fifty people got killed in the accident, ___________ two children.(include)
4.Where there is a will, there is a way. He often helps others _______like Lei Feng(willing)
5.It would be unreasonable to demand of a person who is lack of power of reasoning to become a detective. That’s one of the _______ why I think he is more suitable to be a worker. (reason)
6.The two    claimed to be born in Germany, and that they knew no other language but German. (German)
7.After some _________,we’ve decided to sell the house.(consider)
8.Students should know the _________ differences of English—speaking countries.(culture)
9.It is said that the beautiful dress was designed by a famous __________( design)
10.My father likes things made of wood very much, such as ________furniture, houses,toys and so on.( wood)
第二節(jié) 基礎寫作。(共1小題,滿分15分)
寫作?容: 你(王偉)的好友(李磊)最近經常和一些朋友去網(wǎng)吧、游戲廳玩,有時甚至曠課。請你根據(jù)下面要點進行勸戒。
1. 朋友在人的一生中起著重要作用;
2. 真正的朋友不會讓你去做壞事;
3. 所以我們要明辨是非,慎重交友。
1. 只能使用5個句子表達全部內容;
2. 文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學校名稱;
3. 開頭與結尾已經給出。
參考詞匯:網(wǎng)吧the Internet Bar 游戲廳the Game Centre
Dear Li Lei,
第一節(jié)I’m writing to you because I think I have something really serious to communicate with you. ______________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope you will make a wise decision soon.
Wang Wei
一 聽力理解。(每小題2分,滿分30分)
1—5 CBBAA 6—10 BCACB 11---15 ABCBC
三 語法填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)
31.on 32. nicest 33. Having seen/ Seeing 34. who 35. owner
36. to sell/ to be sold 37.a 38. where 39. one 40. but
第二節(jié) 基礎寫作。(共1小題,滿分15分)
Text 6
M: Are you all right? You look off color.
W: I’m OK. I feel a bit tired. That’s all.
M: That is because you work too hard, I suppose.
W: I guess so. Do you remember the new student in my class?
M: The boy from Pakistan?
W: Yes, he is having a hard time communicating since he doesn’t speak much English.
M: Do you have any other students from immigrant families in your class?
W: Oh, yes. This year we have a Korean, a Japanese and a Chinese student. I spend a lot of time with them so that they can catch up.
M: I know. It’s very kind of you to help them with their studies.
W: But it’s really rewarding to see them make progress and fit well into the group.
M: That’s true.
W: I know that. That's my problem. I know I have the right to work for the university. That's legal. But they don't have a job for me. And it's illegal for me to get a job elsewhere.
M: Anyway, there must be some solution. I have an idea.
W: What?
M: Since you're Chinese, maybe you can find part-time work in Chinatown.
W: I already had that idea.
M: Well, why don't you go and look down there?
W: But I don't know what I would do.
M: I will ask my friends for you. Maybe someone knows a company that needs part-time people.
W: Thank you very much.
Text 8
W: Alex, I’ll help Emma with her packing.
M: The packing? No, no. Don’t worry. We may have to change our plan.
W: Why?
M: We may not go to Scotland; we may go to Wales or England. We can decide after the weather forecast.
W: OK. Is it time to watch the forecast for tomorrow on TV?
M: Yes, listen. Northern Scotland will be cold, and there may be snow over high ground.
W: In the north of England it will be a wet day and rain will move into Wales during the afternoon.
M: Eastern England will be generally dry, and it will be a bright clear day with sunshine, but it may rain during the evening.
W: In the southwest of England it may be foggy during the morning, but the afternoon will be clear. It may be windy later in the day.
M: Now, where are we going?
W: It’s up to you.
Text 9
W: Hi, David, you look awful. What’s the trouble?
M: Well, believe it or not, I had an accident in the car this morning. Someone drove into the back of my car.
W: No! How did it happen?
M: I was just turning into my drive when another car came round the corner and drove into the back of mine.
W: Didn’t you see him?
M: No, I didn’t, I looked in my driving mirror and there was no one coming. Not only that, I also looked in the big mirror on the other side of the road.
W: So he must have been coming very fast if you didn’t see him.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/73283.html

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