雙語(yǔ)閱讀 汪涵的成功來(lái)自于勤奮

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Wang Han’s Success Comes from Hard Work

As one of the most popular television hosts, Wang Han(汪涵) is evaluated to be worth 240 million RMB in terms of personal value(身價(jià)) .

It can be said that his success comes completely from hard work. Wang says, “I didn’t receive college education, so I like to go to the colleges. I graduated from a vocational school majoring in broadcasting(播音專業(yè)) . Later, I got a university diploma(大學(xué)文憑) through correspondence education(函授教育) . In Hunan TV Station(湖南電視臺(tái)) , I have moved up gradually from a worker to the backbone. I have done various jobs, including lighting engineer(燈光師) , photographer and field director(現(xiàn)場(chǎng)導(dǎo)演) .” After he became famous, it is not rare for him to go to three cities in a single day. Sometimes, he can sleep for only two or three hours. Nevertheless, he is still the most energetic man.

Wang is gifted in language. He can speak several dialects. When people say he is smart, he answers naughtily, “Smart? Maybe. At least I’m not stupid. Yes, I must admit that I am talented in language, but I’m not good at foreign languages. Wherever I go, it usually takes me only two or three days to communicate simply with local people in the local dialect. Perhaps I’m destined to make a living with my speech talent.”

whatever he says is full of fun. It is said that for several times the photographer working with him has laughed too heartily to work as usual, but Wang has shown a look of complete innocence. He says, “I’m really an honest man. But whenever people see me, they can’t help laughing. When I say ‘thanks’ after buying something, people say I am very funny and ask me how come I’m so funny.”




他的成功可以說(shuō)完全來(lái)自于他的勤奮。汪涵說(shuō):“我沒(méi)念過(guò)大學(xué),所以特別喜歡往大學(xué)跑。我只是播音專業(yè)的中專,之后又獲得了函授大學(xué)文憑。在湖南臺(tái),我是從 ‘抬桌子’慢慢到‘臺(tái)柱子’的。從最底層的場(chǎng)工做起,燈光、音控、攝影、現(xiàn)場(chǎng)導(dǎo)演樣樣涉足”。成名后一天跑三個(gè)城市對(duì)于汪涵來(lái)說(shuō)不是稀罕事,睡兩三個(gè)小時(shí),眼睛里血絲一片,卻仍是最精神的一個(gè)。



本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaozhong/205213.html
