高考英語備考 閱讀簡答題答題技巧

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網




SHISHMAREF, an Eskimo village on an island off northwestern Alaska , is falling into the ocean. Giant storm waves have so hit the place—once well buffered by sea ice—that villagers voted in 2002 to leave their ancestral home for the mainland. They are being called one of the first refugees(難民)of global warming.

“We tend to describe climate change in terms that are abstract—a one degree rise in temperature, an increase in greenhouse gases—but when waves wash away a village, that’s concrete and very emotional,” says Igor Krupnik, an expert at the National Museum of Natural History. “When they lose a piece of their land, they aren’t just losing a certain number of square miles. They are losing part of their history and their memory. They are losing childhood events and grandparents’ tales.”

Before temperatures began to rise in Shishmaref about 30 years ago, 20 to 30 miles of hard sea ice protected the village from powerful fall storms. But the natives say the ice doesn’t freeze as solidly or as soon as it used to and now stretches only six or seven miles, leaving the community of 600 people more exposed. Storms have swept houses into the ocean.

The villagers’ plan is to move to Tin Creek, a site on the Alaska mainland 12 miles away, and they have received $180 million from the government. Residents hope that in their new community they’ll be able to maintain their close ties, continue hunting animals, and keep fishing, much as their ancestors have done for centuries. “People are asking why the government should be spending so much money on so few people,” said a government official. “But people in Alaska are like everyone else. We want to help keep their culture alive.”

73. Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word “buffered”.

74. according to the villagers’ saying, what do we know about the sea ice around Shishmaref in the past? (回答詞數(shù)不超過8個)

75. What is the villagers’ main purpose to rebuild their community? (回答詞數(shù)不超過6個)


1. 正確審題是答題基礎


2. 查找相關信息是答題的關鍵


3. 正確表達是答題的目的




1. 先題后文,有的放矢


2. 快速閱讀,找出信息


第73題的信息句為:Giant storm waves have so hit the place—once well buffered by sea ice 及20 to 30 miles of hard sea ice protected the village from powerful fall storms.。

第74題的信息句為20 to 30 miles of hard sea ice protected the village from powerful fall storms.和But the natives say the ice doesn’t freeze as solidly or as soon as it used to …

第75題的信息句為:Residents hope that in their new community they’ll be able to maintain their close ties, continue hunting animals, and keep fishing, much as their ancestors have done for centuries. 和We want to help keep their culture alive,…


3. 研究信息,正確作答


對于73題:首先根據(jù)信息句的語境Giant storm waves have so hit the place—once well buffered by sea ice 猜出單詞“buffered”的意思為“保護”,然后在從文章中找出含有“保護”意義單詞的句子“20 to 30 miles of hard sea ice protected the village from powerful fall storms.”,于是可得出答案:“protected”。

對于第74題:首先根據(jù)信息句:“But the natives say the ice doesn’t freeze as solidly or as soon as it used to”及“20 to 30 miles of hard sea ice protected the village from powerful fall storms.”進行推知原來海冰的情況:過去20至30英里堅硬的冰保護著村莊,使村莊不受暴風雨的襲擊;現(xiàn)在的冰沒有原來凍結得那么硬、那么快了。于是,我們可以知道海冰原來的情況為:原來海冰覆蓋了大片土地;過去的冰凍結得又快又硬。從而可以表達為:It froze more solidly and sooner或It covered a larger area.

對于第75題:首先根據(jù)信息句:“We want to help keep their culture alive.”和“Residents hope that in their new community they’ll be able to maintain their close ties, continue hunting animals, and keep fishing, much as their ancestors have done for centuries.”可知,村民們重建會社的目的有兩個:保護他們的文化;拯救他們的生活方式。于是可以表達為To keep their culture alive. 或To save their way of life.(from www.nmet168.com)

4. 對照檢查,確保無誤


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaozhong/242939.html
