
Unit6 Planning for the weekend教案

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit6 Planning for the weekend教案
Teaching Ais:
1, Students can understand, read, say and write the neords :
plan, picnic, play, take part in.. still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing,
Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting.
2, Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What are you going to do...? We're going to ...
Is that Gao Shan?
Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are
3, Students can say the sound:
4, Students can sing the song: Would you like to join us?
Period One
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part B,C
Ⅱ. Teaching Ais:
1.Students can understand, read, say and write the neords and phrases:
plan, picnic, play, take part in.. still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing,
Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting.
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What are you going to do...? We're going to ...
Is that Gao Shan?
Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
1.Students can aster the neords and phrases.
2.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, coputer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1.War up
1) Listen to a rhye: Seasons.
2)Everyday English(S→Ss)
2.Free talk ---師生自由交談,
T: Good orning, boys and girls.
  Ss: Good orning,
  T: Nice to see you again.
  Ss: Nice to see you, too.
  T: What day is it today?
  Ss: It's ....
  T: What date is it today?
  S1: It's ... of ....
  T: What's the weather like today?
3.Revision 以“Seasons”為主題,做一個對話表演或編一個小短。
Step2 Presentation and practice
2. T: Here are soe pictures of soe weekend activities. Look at the carefully. What are
3.they doing? What is he/she doing?
讓學生在小組中自學picnic, play, take part in.,concert, outing, Beijing opera show,
4. singing contest, sports eeting.,然后搞一個“Little Teacher”活動,
5.Say it:
What are you going to do this weekend?
I a going to have a picnic. I a going to ....
Step3 Practice and consolidation
1.活動:Look and act---
2.游戲:Look and guess---
What are you going to do?或Who is going to...?
1, Copy the words
2, Recite the neords.

Period Two
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part A
Ⅱ. Teaching Ais:
2.Students can understand, read, say and write the neords and phrases:
plan, picnic, play, take part in.. still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing,
Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting.
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What are you going to do...? We're going to ...
Is that Gao Shan?
Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
3.Students can aster the neords and phrases.
4.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, coputer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1.War up
2.1)學唱歌曲: Will you join e?
3. 2)Everyday English(S→Ss)
2.Free talk: A telephone call
Is that ...?
Yes, speaking.
Do you like...? Can you ...?
What do you do on ...? Do you like volleyball? Can you swi? What do you do onSunday afternoon?做好準備。在師生自由交談中,引出打電話形式,學習Is that ...?的答句Yes, speaking.并適時運用一般將時。如:
T: Do you like basketball?
S: Yes, I do.
T: I like basketball, too. I' going to play basketball this afternoon.
Step2 Presentation and practice
1)第一部分重點了解David和 Gao Shan周六下午的活動安排。
Where is David doing?
What are they going to do?
Where will they eet?教師通過提問What are they going to do?引導學生有目的地聽課的前半段錄音,然后學習詞匯still.最后通過填表格完成本部分的學習任務。
2)第二部分重點了解David和 Gao Shan明天的活動安排。
教師將課圖片設計成David和 Gao Shan各自單獨的圖片,讓學生聽錄音看圖片,了解對話內(nèi)容。
Step3 Consolidation
1.Listen and read
2. .Planning for the weekend:
1. read and act。
2. recite and write the words

Period Three
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: PartC,D
Ⅱ. Teaching Ais:
3.Students can understand, read, say and write the neords and phrases:
plan, picnic, play, take part in.. still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing,
Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting.
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What are you going to do...? We're going to ...
Is that Gao Shan?
Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
5.Students can aster the neords and phrases.
6.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, coputer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1.War up
1)Sing a song: Will you join e?可邊唱邊表演。
2)Everyday English(S→Ss)
2.Free talk: Planning for the weekend
1)Play a gae: Bingo。教師將班級學生分組,通過游戲達到鞏固、檢查單詞的目的。
2) A部分對話表演賽:可通過分角色朗讀、分角色表演,改編對話等形式鞏固、操練A
Step2 : ask and answer
1. What are you going to do...?
We're going to ...
Step3 Practice and Consolidation
1.Guessing gae: 教師課前準備一些關于周末活動的圖片(可使用B部分的教學圖片),讓一學生到臺前選擇自己最喜歡的一件,其它同學用What are you going to do...?句型猜他(她)將要做什么。猜對最多的同學即為優(yōu)勝者,可以積分卡上記5分。
2.小組競賽:用What are you going to do...? 及其回答We're going to ...句型造句,看看哪個小組說得最多,獲勝的小組每位成員可在積分卡上加2分。
1.ake a dialogue

Period Four
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part E,F,G
Ⅱ. Teaching Ais:
4.Students can understand, read, say and write the neords and phrases:
plan, picnic, play, take part in.. still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing,
Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting.
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What are you going to do...? We're going to ...
Is that Gao Shan?
Yes, speaking. xkb1
By the way, what are
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
7.Students can aster the neords and phrases.
8.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, coputer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1.War up
1) Sing a song: Will you join e?可邊唱邊表演。
2.2) Everyday English(S→Ss)
3. 2.Revision
4.1) 利用圖片進行師生問答練習。
如:What are you going to do...? I a / We're going to ...
Step2 Presentation(Part D)
1. Today is Friday. David and Liu Tao are talking about what they are going to do after school.
2.Listen and finish
Step3 Practice and Consolidation(Part F)
1.play a gae
3.1. Review Unit6
4.2 .Do WB

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/39665.html

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