

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 幼兒園英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

  One day, he heard about the sudden death of the prince of the State of Guo when he was passing the country. He inquired about the case of the prince from an official. Then he decided the prince wasn"t dead, but was suffering a strange illness. He told the official he could save the prince and bring him back to life. He asked the official to take him to the capital. At first, the official rejected. But he was so insistent that the official aGREed to report it to the King. Since there was no any other way the King had to let Bian have a try. Bian used acupuncture therapy and the prince responded in no time. Then he continued to prescribe some medicine for a hot press. Immediately, the prince sat up. Before he left, Bian gave 20 doses of medicine to the prince. And the prince recovered pletely in 20 days.

  Later, people use the idiom to praise the excellent skill of a doctor.



  有一次,他經(jīng)過一個小國,聽說太子剛死。他就向一位官員打聽太子的病情,聽完以后,他斷定太子只是得了一種怪病,并沒有死。于是,他就告訴那位官員他能救活太子,讓他去告訴國王。官員起初不同意,后來在他的一再堅持下,那位官員就去向國王稟告了。國王此時已沒有別辦法,于是,就答應讓扁鵲一試。扁鵲進宮后,來到太子的身旁,拿出一些針刺在太子的穴位上,不一會兒,太子就蘇醒過來。接著他又給太子敷了一些藥,太子就坐起來了。后來,他給太子開了20 天的藥。20天后,太子就完全康復了。


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/youer/322291.html

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