
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第一部分 聽力 (共兩節(jié),滿分30分)
第一節(jié)(共5小題, 每小題2分,滿分10分)
1. When does the movie start?
A. At 7:10.   B. At 7:30.   C. At 7:45.
2. How did Helen go to San Francisco this time?
A. By train.   B. By plane.   C. By subway.
3. What does Tom think he will be in ten years?
A. An astronaut.        B. A pilot.          C. A scientist.
4. Who has longer hair?
A. Linda.    B. Lisa.    C. Lily.
5. What are they mainly talking about?
A. The environment.     B. The road.      C. The people.
第二節(jié)(共10小題, 每小題2分,滿分20分)
6. What is NOT talked about in the conversation?
A. American dollars.   B. British pounds.         C. Russian Rouble(盧布).
7. Peter thinks people will get things from the store ________.
A. with more money        B. with no money      C. with less money
8. What are they mainly talking about?
A. Schools in the future    B. Life in the future        C. Stores in the future
9. What will Tom make today?
A. A hamburger.     B. A sandwich.   C. A cake.
10. How much bread does he need?
A. One piece.  B. Two pieces.   C. Three pieces.
11. What else does he need?
A. Meat and vegetables. B. Chicken and fish.  C. Butter and milk.
12. Can we put chocolate on the popcorn?
A. Yes, we can.           B. No, we can’t.      C. It doesn’t say.
13. When do we turn on the popcorn machine?
A. Before we put in the corns.    B. After we pour out the corns.
C. After we put in the sweet ingredients (材料).
14. How long does the popcorn machine need to work?
A. Fifteen minutes.        B. Ten minutes.     C. Five minutes.
15. How many steps(步驟) do we need to make pop corns before we eat them?
A. Five.              B. Three.           C. Four.
第二部分 閱讀理解 (共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng) (A、B、C和D) 中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。
A change in seasons can mean a change in your life. For example, the start of fall means back to school for many kids. Animals’ lives change with the seasons, too. Many animals migrate, or move, from one area to another at different times of the year.
The wildebeest (角馬) is one example. This grass-eating animal moves from place to place, looking for food and water. Some animals like the lions and the cheetahs(印度豹) follow the wildebeests or they’ll lose their food. So the wildebeests travel in large groups. Look at the map to learn about the wildebeest’s yearly journey.
16. What does the underlined word "migrate" mean in English?
A. Move.        B. Eat.    C. Play.          D. Run.
17. The wildebeests live in the ________ of Africa.
A. northwest    B. southwest  C. southeast     D. northeast
18. When the dry season begins, the wildebeests leave because ________.
A. many kids go back to school  B. lions and cheetahs want to follow them
C. they love moving from place to place D. they want to look for food and water
19. The Smiths are planning an April trip to see the wildebeests. Where should they go?
A. To Uganda.               B. To Kenya.
C. To Serengeti National Park.  D. To Masai Mara Game Reserve.
More and more people around the world are joining in dangerous sports. Some people climbed the highest mountains; some traveled into unknown parts of the world; some sailed small boats

across the largest sea. Now some people begin to look for new excitement.
Bungee jumping and motorcycle racing are quite dangerous sports. Bungee jumping only lasts for a few minutes or even seconds. You jump from a high place, about 200 meters above the ground, and there is a rubber band (橡膠帶子) tied to your legs. When you jump down, the rubber band pulls you up. About 2,000,000 people around the world have tried bungee jumping.
Why do people join in these dangerous sports? Some scientists say that it is because modern life has become safe and it is not interesting. In the past, people lived in danger. They had to go out and look for food, and life was like a fight but was interesting.
Many people think that there is little excitement in life. They live and work in safe places, buy food in shops, and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill.
20. ________ is not a dangerous sport.
A. Climbing the highest mountains  B. Playing table tennis
C. Traveling into unknown parts of the world D. Sailing small boats across the largest sea
21. In bungee jumping, you ________.
A. jump up as high as you can       B. jump down with a rubber band tied to your legs
C. jump down without a rubber band      D. jump to the ground
22. People like to join in dangerous sports because ________.
A. they have a lot of free time        B. they can go to the hospital if they are hurt
C. they need excitement             D. they don’t need to look for food
23. Which of the following statements is Not true?
A. In the past, people lived in danger because the living condition was poor.
B. In the past, people’s lives were more interesting because they love fighting.
C. Now many people believe their lives are safe but not interesting.   
D. Now people can see the doctor when they hurt or become ill.

24. Andy likes to relax on the beach, he can surf ________.
A. www.D’Armor.uk.com   B. hotel.wec-net.com
C. www.heliostravel.co.uk    D. www.africanadven.co.uk
25. If Sam wants to visit some old streets and buildings, how much does he have to pay for his one-week holiday there?
A. £ 699.   B. £ 650 .   C.£ 450.   D. £ 1,350.
26. Rod from Canada wants to enjoy delicious food with less money, which is the best one?
A. Come to Courchevel.      B. Oludeniz.
C. Visit Africa.        D. Pelion Penisula.
I was at the airport. It was two hours before I went through security(安檢) to catch my flight. I decided it was the perfect time and place to look for an act of kindness to do.
Outside security there was a girl having flowers for sale. I told her that I would like to buy flowers for someone else, and she could decide who to give them to. She was unable to understand it, so I suggested that perhaps she could give them to someone who looked a little sad. That was because he or she might need some cheering up.
At first, the girl answered, “That’s crazy.” But then I explained a little more about the idea of doing something kind for a stranger, and she understood.
“I’ll never know how it turns out,” I said, “but you will have the chance to make someone’s good day. Whatever good we give out comes back to us.” At that time, she started to seem excited about it.
She went to take the flowers out of the water they were sitting in, and I explained, “It’s fine to leave them there until the person who you want to give them comes.”
At that point, I think she was between surprised and happy. Because it might be her first time to meet a customer like me. I paid for the flowers, said goodbye, and joined in the security line.
What a nice day I had!
27. What did the writer decide to do at the airport?
A. To buy some flowers for himself/herself.  B. To do an act of kindness.
C. To look for a place to eat.        D. To find someone to talk to.
28. Why did the writer buy the flowers?
A. The flowers smelt sweet.           B. The girl was very poor.
C. To make some sad people happy.     D. To send them to his or her good friends.
29. Why did the girl say “That’s crazy” at first ?
A. She thought the writer was very kind. B. She thought the writer would miss his flight.
C. She didn’t understand what the writer meant.
D. She didn’t know if the writer had enough money.
30. What is the right order of the story?
a. I decided to look for an act of kindness to do.
b. The girl went to take the flowers out of the water.
c. I paid for the flowers and joined in the security line.
d. I told the girl that I would like to buy flowers for someone.
A. a-b-c-d     B. b-a-c-d   C. a-d-b-c      D. d-a-c-b
31. Mary lives in town. She likes wearing new coats. But she doesn’t have much money.
32. Listening to the radio can give you a different feeling from watching TV. Many people still like listening to the radio. Xiaoming is one of them. He wants to find a good radio program.
33. Jack is the monitor of his class. He wants the whole class to have a meal after graduation. Now he is looking for a restaurant.
34. My mother says that she doesn’t want to go shopping in the supermarket near our home, because there are only a few kinds of goods (商品) to choose from.
35. Lana likes dancing very much. Her dance often makes us excited. We believe she is the most talented dancer in our school.
A. Do you want to have a meal? Welcome to our restaurant! The dishes here are very delicious and our service is very good. Don’t worry about the price. It’s very cheap.
B. If you like dancing, you can come to us. There are many dance lovers in our club. We can help you dance better. Please call at 0765332.
C. The Miller’s is pretty bad. The clothes there are not good enough. And they are quite expensive. I will never go to buy clothes there.
D. I think 97.9 AM is pretty good. The DJs choose beautiful songs. So it’s the most popular radio
   station among young people.
E. Do you need a new coat ? Do you need a sweater? Welcome to the Best Clothes store and they are very cheap. And you’ll get good service here.
F. Welcome to our supermarket! Our supermarket is new. We have many different kinds of goods with reasonable (合理的) prices. And we will offer you the finest goods and best service.
第三部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用 (共兩節(jié),滿分25分)
“Be proud of what you do,” my father always told me, “whether (是否) you are a boss or a (an) 36.” When I was 15, I got a summer job   37  . My work was to wash the dishes and 38. I smiled and   39   Dad’s words.
Even though my job was the lowest, it made me feel   40  . It was my first job so I saw it 41 a challenge. I learned to be on time and tried to do   42  well. 43, I was respected (尊重) by doctors, nurses and patients. Each morning I thought that the 44 dishes would make patients sicker if I were not there to wash them clean. After   45  , I started sweeping the floors of all patients rooms and cleaning toilets.   46   I was tired, I wanted the job to be done well. People would say, “That young boy really does a   47   job.” That made me happy and excited.
Working in the hospital taught me that being proud of one’s   48   is important. I have swept floors, and I have been a boss.   49    every job I have ever had, my father’s words have always stayed with me. I think   50   is proud of me.
36. A. engineer  B. cleaner  C. doctor  D. nurse
37. A. in a hospital B. in a school  C. in a factory  D. in a company
38. A. clean windows    B. cook dinner
C. sweep floors    C. help doctors
39. A. forgot  B. remembered  C. believed  D. shared
40. A. excited  B. unhappy  C. serious  D. creative
41. A. as  B. like   C. for   D. to
42. A. something  B. everything  C. nothing   D. none
43. A. In return  B. At the beginning C. Unluckily  D. So far
44. A. old  B. clean   C. new   D. dirty
45. A. lunch  B. breakfast  C. supper  D. dinner
46. A. Because  B. However  C. Though   D. But
47. A. bad  B. dirty   C. good   D. boring
48. A. activity  B. saying  C. grade   D. job
49. A. Through  B. During   C. For   D. Inside
50. A. the patient B. the doctor   C. Mom   D. Dad
第二節(jié):語法填空 (共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)
閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個(gè)單詞) 或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。將答案填寫在答題卷的相應(yīng)位置。
Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. When you laugh, you will open your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier your teeth are, the   51  ( happy) you feel. Why is that?
That’s   52   your teeth are important in many ways. Take care of them, and they will help to take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you   53  (grow). They also help you speak 54 (clear). You can take care of your teeth by doing like these: Brush your teeth   55  (two) a day, after getting up and before bedtime. And brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time   56   the teeth along the sides and in the back. Spend at   57  (little) three minutes each time you brush. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parents   58  (help) you get a new toothbrush every three months.   59  (brush) keeps your teeth healthy. You also need to care about what you eat and drink.
Do you want to have whiter and   60  (health) teeth? Please brush your teeth.
第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)
第一節(jié):?jiǎn)卧~拼寫 (共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)
根據(jù)下列句子及所給的首字母,在答題卷上按題號(hào)寫出各單詞的正確、完全形式 (每空限填一詞)。
61. It’s i________ that he will come to the party because he has to look after his mother.
62. Jiaozi is a kind of t________ food in China, especially in Northern China.
63. This math problem is so difficult that n________ of my classmate can work it out.
64. If you study hard and get three more p________, you can pass the test.
65. If you make a p________ to yourself, you should try your best to keep it.
66. I f________ off the bike yesterday, but luckily I didn’t hurt myself.
67. Keeping d________ is a good way to remember something important.
68. Thanksgiving is always on the fourth Thursday in N________ in the United States.
69. A good friend t________ cares about you.
70. Yesterday, I met my old friend at the t________. And I even watched the same movie at the same house with her.
以下表格內(nèi)容是你對(duì)自己15年后未來的設(shè)想,部分內(nèi)容請(qǐng)補(bǔ)全。請(qǐng)你以“My Future”為題寫一篇短文,介紹15年后的你。
In 15 years
Job Appearance Place Sports Family
... tall, short straight Hangzhou swimming, table tennis ...

第一部分 聽力
1. M: Hello, Mary!Can you go to the movie with me?
W: Sure, I’d love to. When shall we meet there?
M: At seven ten. It starts at seven thirty.
2. W: I went to San Francisco with my parents last month.
  M: Did you have a good journey, Helen?
  W: Yes, it was crowded on the train last time. So we flew to San Francisco this time.
3. W: Tom, what do you think you will be in ten years?
  M: Well, my father wants me to be a scientist. My P.E. teacher tells me I can be an astronaut.
But I think I’ll be a pilot.
4. W: Look! Is that Lily?
  M: No, that’s Linda. Lily is taller and has longer hair than Linda.
  W: Yes. Both of them wear the same sweater today.
5. M: I think there will be less pollution in the future.
  W: I agree with you. Though there will be more people, people will plant more trees on the sides of the road and will drive cars less.
  M: Yeah, everyone should play a part in saving the earth.
W: Excuse me, Peter, what do you think people will use to buy things in the future?
M: Well, Linda, I don’t think people will use American dollars, British pounds or Renminbi.
W: What do you think people will use to buy things?
M: Wow, money won’t be necessary. Everything will be free.
W: Yes, I also think kids will stay at home and study on computers and there won’t be any schools.
M: Oh, I disagree.
W: You do?
M: Yeah, there will always be schools and students will discuss in groups about their difficulties before they are taught.
W: Oh, that means everybody will be good at learning.
W: Tom, what shall we make today?
M: En, how about a sandwich or a hamburger?
W: Sandwiches are my favorite. Let’s make some for lunch.
M: Great! So let’s get everything ready before we start.
W: OK. How much bread do we need?
M: Two pieces.
W: Then, what else do we need? Do we need some chicken or butter?
M: No, just some meat and vegetables. Let’s do it now!
Do you like to eat sweet pop corns? Well, let's learn to make sweet pop corns. First we pour a bowl of corn into the popcorn machine. Next put some honey or sugar. How much honey or sugar do we need? It all depends on how sweet you like. Usually I put one spoon of sugar. If you like other dessert you can put some ice cream or chocolate. Then, turn on the popcorn machine for five minutes. After that, pour out the pop corns in a bowl. Finally, eat them.

第一部分  聽力 (共兩節(jié),15小題,滿分30分)
1-5 BBBCA    6-11 CBB BBA     12-15 ACCC
第二部分 閱讀理解 (共20小題,滿分40分)
16-20 ACDCB    21-25BCBCB      26-30 DBCCC    31-35 EDAFB  
第三部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用 (共25小題,滿分25分)
第一節(jié) 完形填空 (共15小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)
36-40 BACBA   41-45 ABADB    46-50 CCDAD
第二節(jié) 語法填空 (共10小題,計(jì)10分)
51-55 happier; because; grow/to grow; clearly; twice    
56-60 on; least; to help; Brushing; healthier
第四部分:寫作(共二節(jié), 滿分25分)
第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫 (共10小題,計(jì)10分)
61-65 impossible; traditional; none; points; promise;         
66-70 fell; diaries; November; truly; theatre/theater;
第二節(jié)  書面表達(dá)(共1題, 滿分15分)
One possible version:
  In fifteen years, I think I’ll be a magazine reporter. I will live and work in Hangzhou, the most beautiful city in China.
  I will grow taller and stronger because I do a lot of sports in my free time. Swimming and table tennis are my favorite sports. As you know, being a reporter will be very busy, so I’ll probably keep short straight hair.
   My parents will move to Hangzhou to live with me. And we’ll keep a dog as our pet.
第二檔(較差):(6分一4 分)未能恰當(dāng)完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1159074.html
