新目標(biāo)八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit6 Section B導(dǎo)學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?
(Section B)
教師寄語(yǔ):Custom makes all things easy.有個(gè)好習(xí)慣,事事皆不難。
1) 單詞與短語(yǔ)stamp, kite, monster, globe, anyone, store, cake, particularly, collector, common, run out of, by the way
2)目標(biāo)句型:1. What do you collect?
2. When did you start?
3. How many do you have? 
4. What do you like to collect in the future?  
   5. What is the most common/unusual/interesting hobby?
3) 語(yǔ)法 現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)。
1. 組長(zhǎng)帶領(lǐng)組員復(fù)習(xí)現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)。
2. 組長(zhǎng)帶領(lǐng)組員通讀本from page 47 to 48,理解其含義并完成表格。
3. 組長(zhǎng)帶領(lǐng)組員熟讀3a,并指定堂朗讀人選。
4. 組長(zhǎng)帶領(lǐng)組員找出本(from page 47 to 48)的重要短語(yǔ)、句子。 并指定堂展示人選。
5. Language points:
1) I'd like to collect stamps because they are interesting.
 (1)would like to do表示“想要做某事”。
 Would you like to come to join my birthday party?
 I like collecting all kinds Of Chinese stamps very much.
2)Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster.
 (1)thanks for…相當(dāng)于thank you for…意為“為……感謝你”,后多跟名詞短語(yǔ)或動(dòng)名詞。
 Thanks for your last letter. 謝謝你的上封信。
 (2)send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb. 表示“送給某人某物”
 He sent me a present for my birthday.
  He sent a present to me for my birthday.我過(guò)生日他送了我一禮物。
 3)By the way,what's your hobby? 順便提一下,你的個(gè)人愛(ài)好是什么?
  by the way在句中作插入語(yǔ)。介詞短語(yǔ)by the way意思是“且說(shuō),順便提一下,還有”,常用介紹一般性的話題,或在腦子里突然想起的事情。
  By the way,have you seen her lately? 順便問(wèn)一下,你近見(jiàn)過(guò)她嗎?
 4) run out vi.用盡,物作主語(yǔ),The money is running out.(快用完了)
Our time is running out.
run out of + 賓語(yǔ),人作主語(yǔ),We are running out of money.
5) with, (with + n. +介詞短語(yǔ)/adv./adj./分詞)
①后置定語(yǔ),globes with animals, a girl with curly hair,
The woman with a baby in her arms is Lily’s mother.
I like mooncakes with nuts in it.
②伴隨狀語(yǔ),She left with tears in her eyes.
She fell asleep with the light on.
6)room U
空間,地方=space, There is only standing room in the bus.
The piano takes up a lot of room.
make room for……, 給……騰出地方 Please make room for me.
1. The child has been crying __________ her mother left.
2. We have been playing tennis__________five years.
3. The girl skated ____________ two hours.
4. It has been raining ____________ a whole day.
5. We have known each other__________ we were children.
Ⅱ. 根據(jù)所給句子的意思和首字母寫(xiě)單詞
1. d_________say what sb./sth. is like
2. r _________bring or collect sth. together
3. c__________the person who collects thing as hobbies and so on
4. s_________ give a part of sth. to others
5. f _________the person from another country
( )1. This kind of illness is ____________ these days.
A. many B. much C. most D. common
( )2. I’ve____________here all afternoon.
A. sat B. sit C. sitting D. been sitting
( )3. He has been____________for his credit card for an hour.
A. looks B. looked. C. looking D. to look
( ) 4. ike learns a lot about internet , and____________.
A. I don’t ,either B. so do I C. so am I D. I am ,too
( ) 5. Do you know if __________back next week? If he__________ back ,please let me kno
A. he comes , will come B. will he come , comes
C. he will come , comes D. will he come , will come
( ) 6. Every day I spend two hours my homework.
A. finishing to do B. finishing doing
C. to finish to do D. to finish doing
( ) 7. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 ________ Christmas Day.
A. is B. was C. has been D. will be
( ) 8. y mom says___________I have to stop , because we have run out of room to store them.
A. that B. where C. if D. what
( ) 9. He has been watching English movies about two months.
A. since B. for C. in D. during
( ) 10. y aunt arrived here _____________ a warm spring morning.
A. in B. at C. on D. by
( ) 11. Hurry up ,___________ you’ll be late for class.
A. but B. or C. and D.if
( ) 12. It’s time for supper no Let’s________it.
A. stop having B. stop to have
C. to stop to have D. stopping to have
( ) 13. There are many tall green trees on ________ side of the street.
A. either B. both C. all D. every
( ) 14——ust I go with them tomorrow?
——No , you___________
A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. can’t
( ) 15. I’ll do my__________ to help him finish the work.
A. good B. well C. best D. better
start , leave , have , bring , spend , play , laugh , make , good , interest
1. Bill ________ to play with computers at the age of 13.
He________with computers for around one and a half years.
2. His father is very ________ in playing bridge(打橋牌).
3. He said he was sure he could make him___________.
4. In a few days he’ll ___________for London.
5. He __________ half an hour on his homework at home every day.
6. She isn’t so __________ at math as you are.
7. Did you finish __________ the kite yesterday? I want __________ a look.
8. In England your food ________ to you on your own plate.
Ⅴ. 閱讀理解
  Water is the “l(fā)ife”of our earth. It is in every living thing. It is in the air. It runs through mountains and valleys. It forms lakes and oceans. Water is everywhere.
  Nature has a great water system(系統(tǒng)). Rainwater finds its way to streams(溪) and rivers. Rivers lead to the ocean. At mouths of rivers, fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean.
  Thick water steam in the air becomes clouds and clouds bring us rain. Plants and animal's life depends on water. Where there is water,there is life. We have to clean our streams and rivers and do something against pollution(污染) because pollution does harm to the life.
1. We say water is the “l(fā)ife”of our earth because _______.
 A. water is in the air  B. water can run everywhere
 C. there are living things in the water  D. where there is water,there is life
2. Which of the following is exactly the same as what the article says?
3. According to(按照) the article,which of the following is correct?
 A. Water is in every living thing.  B. Water is everything.
 C. Water forms everything.   D. Water runs through everything.
4. According to the article,fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean _____.
 A. in the valleys B. in the mountains C. at mouths of rivers D. at mouths of oceans
5. What does this article say we have to do against pollution?
 A. Clean the steam.   B. Stop air pollution.
 C. Prevent the fresh water from joining the salt water.D. Clean our streams and rivers.
八、布置作業(yè): 《同步練習(xí)冊(cè)》SectionB

Ⅱ. 根據(jù)所給句子的意思和首字母寫(xiě)單詞
1. describe  2. raise 3. collector 4. share 5. foreigner 
(started, has been playing, interested, laugh, leave, spends, good, making, to have, is brought

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/36845.html

相關(guān)閱讀:新目標(biāo)八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)復(fù)習(xí)提綱(全套) 1