
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
8A Unit1

課 題8A Unit1 Friends Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)掌握四會單詞,詞組和句型能力目標(biāo)1)學(xué)會用與“朋友”相關(guān)的單詞與詞組描述朋友的品質(zhì) 2)明確本單元的中心任務(wù)情感目標(biāo)1)通過學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)“朋友”品質(zhì)的表達(dá)來加深對朋友的認(rèn)識 2)通過小組間的有效活動激發(fā)學(xué)生對朋友的了解學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn) 學(xué)會用表示朋友品質(zhì)的單詞與詞組來描述自己的朋友學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn) 理解并正確運(yùn)用與朋友品質(zhì)相關(guān)的單詞與詞組  
一、 通過預(yù)習(xí),翻譯下列的英漢短語 1 be hungry 2 你真好 3 再來一些食物 4 分享我的快樂 5 be honest 6 keep secrets 7 make me happy 8 有問題 9 干凈且整潔 10 有趣的 11 音樂天賦的 12 我能喝點(diǎn)什么嗎?是的,可以。 13 There is nothing else in the fridge. 二、預(yù)習(xí)對話,回答下列問題 1.What does Hobo get from Eddie?

2.What is there in the fridge?

三、預(yù)習(xí)Welcome to the Unit Part B,根據(jù)實(shí)際情況回答。 1.What qualities are very important in a good friend?

2.What qualities are quite important in a good friend?

3.What qualities are not important in a good friend?

一.聽錄音,回答Comic strip問題 1 What does Eddie give Hobo? 2 Is there anything else in the fridge? 3 What does Hobo want? Why? 二、 朗讀對話,并且小組內(nèi)分工合作表演對話 三、 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,完成下面短文 Today Hobo was ________. Eddie gave him ___________ and some_______. Hobo wanted to have ____________ food. But there was ____________ in the fridge. At last, Eddie had to _________ the pizza with Hobo. 四、 小組討論, Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why? 五、 根據(jù)上面的討論,得出好朋友應(yīng)該具備的那些品質(zhì),展示預(yù)習(xí)檢測的第三題。 六、 完成Welcome 的A部分,并且收集重點(diǎn)詞組 Make sb +adj Have problems with sth Believe what he/she says= believe his/her words 七、 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,嘗試組內(nèi)編寫新的對話并作小組展示。 1. Who is your good friend? 2. Where is he/she from? 3. What does he /she like? 4. What do you think of your friend? 5. What made you become good friends? 
一、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子 1 My friend __________ (是誠實(shí)的). 2 I can ________ Amy ______________ (對……講任何事情). 3.There is not enough bread for supper. We need to _________ (再買一些). 4. — ____________________(有多少碗) are there in the cupboard? — There are four. 5 My best friend often _______________(讓我開心). 6 He always helps me when I __________(有困難). 二.單詞拼寫. 1. Peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h_______. 2.There’s n_______ in the bottle. It’s empty. 3.My friend often shares his ________ (歡樂) with me. 4. Don’t tell anything to her because she can’t keep s__________ for you . 5. We often borrow books and ____________(雜志) from our school library. 三.選擇。 ( )1.----Can I have ________? ---- Of course .Here you are.. A.some more cakes B.a few food C.quite a few food D. a little eggs ( )2.----_________ honest boy you are ! ----Thank you! A.What an B. What C. How an D.What a ( )3.---Which word can’t describe (描述)appearance(外貌? ---__________. A. Beautiful B. Helpful C. Pretty D.Good-looking ( )4.Millie is very_______,so we all want to make _______ with her. A. friends friendly B. friendly friends C. friendly friendly D. friends friends


課 題8A Unit1 Friends Reading(1)學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)初步理解與本單元主題相關(guān)詞匯能力目標(biāo)通過閱讀了解文中所出現(xiàn)的三個好友的基本情況;理解用形容詞來描述朋友外貌和個性品質(zhì)的語篇。情感目標(biāo)學(xué)會欣賞別人, 學(xué)會珍愛友誼。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn) 學(xué)會使用正確的閱讀技巧進(jìn)行文本解讀,獲取關(guān)于文中三個好友外貌與個 性特征的主要信息。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn) 學(xué)會使用正確的閱讀技巧進(jìn)行文本解讀,獲取關(guān)于文中三個好友外貌與個 性特征的主要信息。
一、 找出重要的語言知識點(diǎn)(單詞、短語、句型和語法),查詞典和有關(guān)資料解釋其意義及用法,舉例句或例題。 1.as slim as 2.be willing to do 3.be ready to do 4.gibe her seat to someone in need 5.want to be a singer 6.travel around the world 7.have poor eyesight 8.because of 9.make someone look smart 10.knock off

二、預(yù)習(xí)課文內(nèi)容,嘗試著判斷下面的幾句話是否正確 l Betty is generous to old people only. l Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world. l Max does a lot of computer work. l Max is very good at telling jokes. l May is a true friend. l May likes to tell others her friends’ secrets. 

二、小組討論下面的表格,用適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~填空 NameAppearance(外表)Qualities(品格)Betty

三、小組討論,回答下列問題 1 Why does the writer say Betty is generous? 2 Is Betty helpful? Why? 3 Why does Max wear glasses? 4 Does Max have a good sense of humour? Why? 5 May is a beautiful girl, isn’t she? 6 Is May a true and kind friend? Why?

四、全班展示,課文Page9 PartB1和B2

五、討論: Who would you like to make friends with, Betty, Max or May? Why? Who would you most like to make friends with in your class? Why?

六、嘗試找出重點(diǎn)的句子,做翻譯練習(xí) 1.She is willing to share things with her friends. 2.She is helpful and is ready to help people any time. 3.Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up. 4.He has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much . 5.He tells funny jokes and always makes me happy.

 課堂達(dá)標(biāo)檢測一、 用所給的單詞填空 helpful, short, travel, slim, generous, singer, willing

Betty She is a _____ girl with _____ hair. She is ______ to share things with others. She is ______ and _________. She wants to be a ______ and ______ around the world when she grows up. 二、根據(jù)首字母提示,完成短文 Max Max is very t___. He has p____ eyesight because of w______ on the computer too much at night. His small, round glasses make him look s_____. He has a good s____ of humour. He makes others feel happy with him. 三、根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容填空 May Betty is _______ than the writer. She has ________, shoulder-length hair. She is a _____ friend and she can keep a______. She is _____ and never says a bad word about anyone. 四、 同義句轉(zhuǎn)換。 1.Jack is smart, Tom is smart ,too. Jack is _______ _________ __________ Tom. 2.I have an uncle . His name is John. I have _______ uncle _________ John. 課 題8A Unit1 Friends Reading(2)學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)詞匯:學(xué)會運(yùn)用本課時的四會單詞和重點(diǎn)詞組 句型She is as slim as I am. He is the tallest boy in my class.能力目標(biāo)學(xué)會用本課所學(xué)的主要詞匯、句型介紹自己最好的朋友。情感目標(biāo)學(xué)會欣賞別人, 學(xué)會珍愛友誼。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn) 掌握并運(yùn)用本課時的四會單詞、 詞組和句型。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn) 掌握并運(yùn)用本課時的四會單詞、 詞組和句型。
一、閱讀課文,完成 Part B1 and B2。

二、翻譯下列詞組,并且熟記。 1.樂意去做某事 2.隨時準(zhǔn)備好去做某事 3.與某人分享某物 4.任何時候 5.需要幫助的 6.把某物撞離某物 7.使某人大笑 8.說某人壞話

三、閱讀文章,找出重要的知識點(diǎn)并且注釋,準(zhǔn)備課堂上展示。 1.tell …about 2.as slim as 3.be willing to 4.help with 5.grow up 6.because of 7.have a good sense of humor 8.share …….

四、討論: Which student do you want to make friends with, Betty , Max or May? 
一、、根據(jù)自己的記憶,回答下列問題 1、 What does May look like? 2、 What does Max look like? What is his special quality? 3、 What is Betty’s quality? What’s her future plan? 4、 What does Betty look like? 5、 What is May’s quality? 二、展示所翻譯的詞組。


四、在組內(nèi)和班內(nèi)展示討論題 Which student do you want to make friends with, Betty, Max or May?

課堂達(dá)標(biāo)檢測一、 完成下列句子 1. 我們都喜歡歷史老師因?yàn)樗苡杏哪小?We all like our history teacher because he _____________________. 2. 這本書很乏味,它讓我覺得無聊。 This book is ______ and it makes me _____. 3. 當(dāng)你經(jīng)過我的桌子時,請別撞掉我的杯子。 Don’t _______ my cup ______ the table when you ___________ 4. 長長的直發(fā)使她看上去很漂亮。 The straight long hair ________________________. 5. 我?guī)缀鹾臀腋赣H一樣高。 I am ___________________ my father. 6.由于打電腦游戲太多,他眼睛很差。 He _____________________________ playing computer games too much. 7.我長大了想周游世界。 I want to ______________________ when I ____________. 二.動詞填空 1. My friend is always willing __________(share ) things and help others. 2. Max ________(not do ) any computer work after school every day. 3. ---Is Jack good at ________(tell) jokes ? ---No, he’s honest. 4. The man puts on his hat and ________(go ) away. 5. ---What about __________(drink) some tea ? 課 題8A Unit1 Friends Vocabulary學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)掌握有關(guān)描述外貌的四會單詞能力目標(biāo)1)學(xué)會用適當(dāng)?shù)男稳菰~來描述人的外貌特征 2)學(xué)會用適當(dāng)?shù)男稳菰~來描述男生與女生的外貌

情感目標(biāo)通過學(xué)習(xí)與描述外貌特征的形容詞深對朋友的印象以及對朋友的了解學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn) 理解并正確運(yùn)用這些形容詞對人物外貌進(jìn)行準(zhǔn)確描述 學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn) 理解并正確運(yùn)用這些形容詞對人物外貌進(jìn)行準(zhǔn)確描述
一、 根據(jù)所提供的形容詞,完成下面的表格 tall, long legs , small, short hair, slim, straight, shoulder-length hair Appearance形容詞Build(身材)



Hair style(式樣)

Hair length(長度)

二、 回憶Reading部分的內(nèi)容,回答下列問題。 1. What does May look like? 2.What does Max look like? 3.What does Betty look like? 收集描述這些同學(xué)的形容詞。 Max: May: Betty: 
一、 使用圖片來學(xué)習(xí)一些形容詞 這些形容詞分類為: Build(身材):_____________ ______________ Height(身高):____________ _____________ Face:________________ ___________________ Eyes:______________ _________________ 完成A部分的內(nèi)容,并且記憶 二、 根據(jù)圖片,學(xué)習(xí)去描述人的外貌 Build: She is_____________ Eyes: She has _____________eyes. Face: She has a ____________face Hair: She has ________________________hair. (補(bǔ)充:齊肩的 shoulder-length)
三、 小組討論 What do they look like?

四、 完成課本 B部分內(nèi)容 找出描述 男孩和女孩的不同形容詞

課堂達(dá)標(biāo)檢測一、 用所給的形容詞來完成短文 eyesight square handsome tall smiling strong

Mr Tang, our monitor, is very ________ . He is _____—almost 1.80m tall. He is thin,but he is ______. He has a _____ face. His _______is very poor so he needs to wear glasses. Students love him very much because of his _______ eyes. 二、分別寫出一些描寫男、女生的詞。 Boys: _________ __________ __________ ____________ Girls: _________ __________ __________ ___________ 三、單詞拼寫。 1.My cat ,Mimi looks l_______ ,I like it very much. 2.Many visitors come to Tian’anmen S_______ every day. 3.---I don’t think Liu Dehua is ________(英俊)。 —I really don’t agree with you. 4.My daughter has a __________(圓的) face like an apple. 5.I’m sure she is just _________ (適合)for the job.   四、選詞填空。(用適當(dāng)形式,每詞限用一次) like help look like with long black hair make

Mrs Smith is my neighbour. She is a short woman ____1_____. She works at a big office and meets a lot of people every day. She is generous and___2_____. She is over fifty years old,but she always_____3___ herself. She___4____ a movie star. She___5___ rings,sunglasses,colourful clothes and so on. She thinks the old people still can be beautiful. People all like her very much..

1.___________ 2.__________ 3.___________ 4.____________ 5.__________

 課 題8A Unit1 Grammar(A&B)學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)1)掌握形容詞在名詞前作定語和系動詞后作表語的用法。 2)掌握形容詞的比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成和基本用法。能力目標(biāo)1)能夠運(yùn)用形容詞恰當(dāng)?shù)孛枋鋈嘶蚴挛铩?
2)能夠初步運(yùn)用形容詞的比較等級來比較人或事物。情感目標(biāo)學(xué)會欣賞別人, 學(xué)會珍愛友誼。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn) 1.形容詞的基本用法。 2.形容詞比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成及基本用法。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn)1.形容詞的基本用法。 2.形容詞比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成及基本用法。
一、 朗讀下面的短文,并在形容詞的下面劃線。 This is my favorite film star. She has long black hair and big black eyes. She also has a long face, a big mouth and white teeth. She is tall and slim. I think she is very beautiful.

二、 根據(jù)下面的幾個句型,試著總結(jié)下面的規(guī)則 1.She has short hair. Her hair is short. 2.A lazy cat is sleeping. The cat is lazy. Conclusion We use adjectives to describe someone or something. We can put an adjective ______ a noun (名詞) or ______ a linking verb (系動詞). 我們使用形容詞來描述人或物我們是把形容詞放在名次前面還是后面了,是放在系動詞的前面還是后面了?

三、 談到系動詞,你能試著總結(jié)一些嗎?記住他們 be become feel get grow keep look seem smell sound taste turn ‘ 聯(lián)系動詞后面接的都是形容詞。比如: 翻譯下面的句子: Tom 看起來很酷。_____________________________ 天變冷了。 __________________________________

四、 寫出下列形容詞的比較級和最高級 1、tall 2.nice 3.pretty 4.big 5.beautiful 6.good 課堂交流展示一、 根據(jù)預(yù)習(xí),展示Grammar A 部分的連詞成句。 1.___________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________________ 5._____________________________________________________ 二、 根據(jù)下面的圖片,討論形容詞的比較 Linda is__________ than Nancy. Nancy is __________than Linda. Linda Nancy

The black bag the white bag The green bag is ____________ the white one. The white bag is ____________________ the green one. Linda nancy Kate Linda is the _________girl of the three. Kate is the ____________girl of the three. 使用身邊的實(shí)物,展示形容詞的比較級和最高級

三、 總結(jié)形容詞的比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成 完成13頁的 B1,并且小組討論正確答案

四、 寫出下列形容詞的比較級和最高級 1 small _______ ________ 2 thin ______ ________ 3 early _______ ________ 4 slim _______ ________ 5 healthy ______ _______ 6 ill _______ ________ 7 exciting _______ ________ 8 fine _______ _______ 9 smart _______ _______ 10 careful _______ ______ 11 hungry _______ _______ 12 dangerous _______ ________ 13 large ________ ________14 slowly _______ ________ 
Ⅰ.寫出下列各詞的比較級和最高級形式。 1. fat ________ _____________ 6.slim ___________ _____________ 2. lazy _______ _____________ 7.big ____________ ____________ 3. much _________ __________ 8.difficult __________ ____________ 4. good _________ ___________ 9. ill __________ ___________ 5. little _________ ____________ 10.well __________ ___________

Ⅱ.用所給單詞適當(dāng)形式填空。 1.David is _________, Duff is _________than David, Diff is ________ of the three. (thin) 2.Who’s the _________(slim), Lucy or Lily? 3.David is as _________(tall) as Daniel. 4.Which is ____________(close) to the sun, the earth or the moon? 5.I think your bag is smaller than _________ (me).

Ⅲ. 同義句轉(zhuǎn)換。 1.Li Lei is the tallest boy in his class. Li Lei is ________ than _______ ________ _______ in his class. 2.Jack is shorter than Mike. Jack _________ __________ __________ ___________ Mike. 3.This is Amy’s favourite story. Amy ________ this story _________. 

課 題8A Unit1 Grammar(C)學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)1)熟練運(yùn)用形容詞的比較級和最高級。 2)運(yùn)用(not) as+形容詞+as的結(jié)構(gòu)比較人或事物。能力目標(biāo)1)運(yùn)用本課時所學(xué)語法結(jié)構(gòu)比較不同的人或事物、談?wù)搶栴}的看法。 2)能夠收集信息、分析信息并運(yùn)用其解決實(shí)際問題。情感目標(biāo)在運(yùn)用所學(xué)語法結(jié)構(gòu)談?wù)撊撕褪挛锏倪^程中,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生尊重客觀事實(shí)、尊重他人的想法。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)運(yùn)用(not) as +形容詞+as的結(jié)構(gòu)比較人或事物。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn)運(yùn)用(not) as +形容詞+as的結(jié)構(gòu)比較人或事物。
一、 完成下面的表格,寫出下面形容詞的比較級和最高級 Tall
二、 寫出形容詞比較級和最高級的規(guī)則 *We put ‘than’ ________(before, after) the comparatives. *We put ‘the’ ________ (before, after) the superlatives. 三、用所給形容詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1 Jane is _______(tall) than Amy. 2 Carl is _________(heavy) than Jack. 3 I am __________(fat) child in my family. 4 The pie is _______(good) than the cake. 5 This story is much _______________ (interesting) than that one. 四、根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容填空 1 The boy is _________ (tall) the girl.

2.The boy is ______________(happy) the girl. 五、嘗試著翻譯下面的句子 1、Tom和Jack一樣高。 2、Amy和Peter一樣苗條。 3、游泳和滑雪一樣有趣!≌n堂交流展示一、 完成課本14頁的B2.小組內(nèi)互相核對答案。并且討論規(guī)則。 二、 全班同學(xué)展示預(yù)習(xí)檢測的翻譯題部分,并且總結(jié)規(guī)則 三、 完成課本15頁的C1.小組展示 四、 翻譯下面的句子 1.Millie 的英語比Jenny好.




 課堂達(dá)標(biāo)檢測一、 用所給形容詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1 These flowers are __________ (beautiful)than those ones. 2 Bob is as _______ (clever) as his brother. 3 Nancy isn’t as _______ (tall) as Kitty. 4 Linda’s handwriting is _______(good) in her class. 5 Diving is ____than swimming. But it is not as ______ as skiing. (dangerous) 二、同意句轉(zhuǎn)化 1 Simon is taller than Kitty. Kitty is _______ ________ Simon. 2 My English is worse than David’s. David’s English is ______ _______ ______. 3 Tom is the fattest boy in his class. Nobody else is ________ _______ Tom in his class. 4 Diving is not as exciting as hiking. Hiking is ______ ______ ______ diving. 三、翻譯句子 1 誰是你們班游泳游得最快的?Who is ______ ______ ______ in yourclass? 2 她比我要重。She _______ _______ _______ I. 3 我認(rèn)為野營和騎車一樣有趣。I think ____ is ____ ____ ____ ____. 4 滑雪沒有潛水危險。 Skiing is ______ ________ _______ _______ diving. 

課 題8A Unit1 Integrated Skills學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)1)掌握和運(yùn)用本課時的四會單詞。 2)掌握本課表達(dá)個人未來打算的句型: I would like to…/I want to…I hope to…能力目標(biāo)利用“Millie和Sandy表達(dá)對未來打算” 的信息材料充分開 “聽”、“說”、“讀”、“寫” 活動,提高學(xué)生的綜合運(yùn)用語言的能力。情感目標(biāo)根據(jù)所學(xué)內(nèi)容,激發(fā)學(xué)生樹立遠(yuǎn)大的理想學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)1) 通過聽力的訓(xùn)練獲取米莉和桑迪表達(dá)個人打算的信息。 2) 學(xué)會談?wù)摵门笥鸦蜃约何磥淼拇蛩。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn)1) 通過聽力的訓(xùn)練獲取米莉和桑迪表達(dá)個人打算的信息。 2) 學(xué)會談?wù)摵门笥鸦蜃约何磥淼拇蛩。課前自學(xué)一、 需要預(yù)習(xí)的單詞和詞組 solve problems make friends with try to be kind to people
try one’s best to do sth. next to

二、使用一些形容詞來描述影星成龍 Can you describe ChengLong?

( )

He is a Social Worker.(漢語意思:_______________)


1、為人們歌唱 2、聽取別人的問題

3、解決問題 4、交朋友

5、環(huán)游世界 6、盡力做某事

7、長大 8、看起來愛好體育的


 課堂交流展示一、 聽錄音Listen about Millie’s future plans Find out what Millie would like to do in the future 二、核對答案 三、小組討論 What is Millie like? What does she want to do?

四、完成下面的短文 Dear Editor My name is Millie. I am a Grade 8 student. I always try to be _________to people. I have many friends in my class. I feel unhappy when my friends are sad. I try my best to help them. I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. Then I can ___________ to people’s problems and help them solve their ____________. I will be happy if I can make people _________ again. Millie 五、Millie would like to be a social worker to make people happy, Sandy also wants to make others happy. 聽錄音,完成下面短文 Dear Editor I am really happy to tell you about my future plans. I like singing and I want to be a singer. It is great to ____________ for people. I’d like to make people ___________ . My favourite ___________ is Britney Spears. I want to be as ______________ as she is when I grow up. I hope to become a famous singer and ____________ around the world in the future. 六、Speak Up:talking about friends

聽錄音,回答問題:1 What is Peter like?

2 What would Peter like to be when he grows up?

3 Does Peter look sporty?


 課堂達(dá)標(biāo)檢測一、根據(jù)漢語意思,完成句子 1 他們想今天完成這個工作。 They ______________________today. 2 他認(rèn)為幫助別人是好事。 He thinks____________________________. 3 姚明看上去是愛好運(yùn)動的。 Yao Ming __________________________. 4 他想和劉翔一樣受歡迎。 He wants to_____________________ Liu Xiang. 5 我希望買一個帶花園的房子。 I hope __________________________________. 二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1 I think he is right. (改為否定句)

2 She is more famous than any other star in China. (用最高級改寫句子) 3 Helping others in need is great. (改為同義句)

4 My favorite subject is English.(改為同義句)

5 He is polite and helpful.(對劃線部分提問)

三、 單詞拼寫。 1. ---How long did you spend s________ this problem ? ---About half an hour. 2. ---I want to be a doctor in the _________(將來)。---So do I .(我也是) 3. Your idea is great, I_________ (同意) with you. 4. Jim is the _________ (高) one of the twin brothers. 5. China is f_____ for the Great Wall. Would you like to go there with me ? 

課 題8A Unit1 Study Skills學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)熟悉和掌握本課時的四會單詞。能力目標(biāo)通過確定關(guān)鍵詞和關(guān)鍵句來幫助學(xué)生 進(jìn)行閱讀理解,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的閱讀能力。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)在閱讀中如何通過確認(rèn)關(guān)鍵詞和關(guān)鍵句來幫助學(xué)生理解和記憶一段文章。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn)在閱讀中如何通過確認(rèn)關(guān)鍵詞和關(guān)鍵句來幫助學(xué)生理解和記憶一段文章。課前自學(xué)一、 翻譯下列詞組 1、你雜志的讀者 2、有……問題 3、沒有朋友 4、回答問題 5、感到不舒服 6、感到害羞 7、交朋友 8、我不知道做什么 9、給我一些建議 10、獨(dú)自站在操場 二、閱讀18頁A部分的短文 回答下列的問題: 1、 Who writes the letter?

2、 Why does she write the letter to the editor?
3、 Does she know how to do with her new classmates?
 課堂交流展示一、 自由討論《喜羊羊與灰太狼》,回答下列問題 1、 What is it about? 2、 Where does it happen?

3、 Why does it happen?


1、What is it about?

2、Who is it about?

3、What happened?

4、When and where did it happen?

5、How did it happen?

6、Why did it happen?


What — problems with a new school

Who — a Grade 8 student

What — changed to … unhappy…

Where — Sunshine Town …

Why — doesn’t have friends…

 課堂達(dá)標(biāo)檢測一、 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 一、

1. My best friend has a good sense of _________(humorous) 2. Betty is _________(friend) to old people only. 3. We have _______(little) snowfall this year than last year. 4. I think Mary is __________(good) girl in our class. 5. Peter is __________(heavy) than Mille. 6. Millie’s drawing is ________________(beautiful) than other six students. 7. What do I have to do if I want to be _________?(thin) 8. She want to be a _________(sing) when she grows up.

二、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。(每空一詞) 1. 當(dāng)他長大后想成為一名醫(yī)生。 He’d like __________ _________ a doctor ________ he _________ ___________. 2. ---他為人怎么樣?---他友善且樂于助人。 ---________ he _________? ---He’s__________ and ___________. 3. 它比我原來學(xué)校大。 It’s _________ __________ my old school. 4.老師經(jīng)常給我們學(xué)好英語的建議。 Our teacher often ________ us __________ ________ on _________ English well. 5.我的確想和我新同桌交朋友。 I _________ want to ___________ ____________ __________ my new deskmates. 三、 選詞填空。(用適當(dāng)形式,每詞限用一次)

player friend his after play very also doesn’t like American like

Sam and Li Lei are in the same class. They are good___1____. They often play football ____2____school. Today is Sunday .They are going to _____3_____ a football game.It’s scoer. Li Lei __4____ it very much. This kind of football is very popular in China. Li Lei is a good ____5___ .He is ____6______ good at it . Sam ____7____ it best. But he is _____8_____ good at it .He usually plays ___9____ football with ____10____ American boys. 1.__________2._____________3._____________4._____________5.____________



課 題8A Unit1 Main task學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)1)詞匯:理解并運(yùn)用本單元的四會 單詞。 2)詞組:dark brown, wear a smile on one’s face 3)句型:I like her bright, smiling eyes. I believe…… 能力目標(biāo)1)能用形容詞來描述一個朋友的相貌和品質(zhì)。 2)能根據(jù)寫作要求構(gòu)思文章,了解文章的組成:介紹、主體和結(jié)論。情感目標(biāo)學(xué)會交朋友,善于發(fā)現(xiàn)朋友的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)運(yùn)用本單元的語言知識寫一篇關(guān)于朋友的文章。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn)運(yùn)用本單元的語言知識寫一篇關(guān)于朋友的文章。
一、 翻譯下列詞組 1、 既是我的好朋友也是鄰居 2、 一方臉 3、笑臉

4、幫助某人做某事 5、講有趣的笑話 6、長大


1.Introduction 介紹


2.Main body 主體


3.Conclusion 總結(jié)


一、 小組內(nèi)交流,討論好朋友 What’s his/her name?

What’s he/she like?

What’s his/her quality of a good friend (personality)?

What does he/she like doing?

What would he/she like to do in the future?

一、 討論20頁Daniel的文章,嘗試著用下面的關(guān)鍵詞去理解







一、 繼續(xù)回答下列問題


1.Who is Daniel’s best friend?


2.What does she look like?


3.What is she like?


4.What would she like to be when she grows up?(future plan)


Introduction name

appearance (general, hair, eyes, nose, …)

Main body personality

other information

( ability, hobbies, activities…)

Conclusion future plans

寫作 寫一篇關(guān)于好朋友的文章 一、 完成19頁B部分的內(nèi)容 二、 嘗試用自己提供的材料寫作,不少于60字 三、 課堂展示 ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 

課 題8A Unit1 Checkout學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)1) 掌握與本單元描述人物特征話題有關(guān)的詞匯及句型。 2) 掌握并能熟練運(yùn)用形容詞的比較級和最高級。能力目標(biāo)1) 能知道如何描述人的外貌。 2) 能用形容詞來描述人物或事物。 3) 能掌握形容詞的比較級和最高級。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)鞏固、理解并熟練運(yùn)用與本單元話題有關(guān)的語言點(diǎn)和語法。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn)鞏固、加深理解并熟練運(yùn)用與本單元話題有關(guān)的語言點(diǎn)和語法。
一、 復(fù)習(xí)形容詞比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成,寫出下面形容詞的比較級和最高級 1.tall 2.small 3.nice 4.fine 5.pretty 6.easy 7.slim 8.big 9.beautiful 10.important 二、根據(jù)預(yù)習(xí)和復(fù)習(xí),寫出系列重點(diǎn)短語的漢語意思 1. tell funny stories

2. as slim as I

3. knock over our books

4. make sb do sth

5. think ofa social worker

6. worry me

7. straight and

8. shoulder-length hair

9. walk past our desk

10. have problems with study

11. has a sense of humour

12. keep secrets

13. feel bored / nervous

14. be popular with sb

15. because of too much

16. computer work

17. travel around the world

18. say a bad word about sb

19. give advice

20. wear a smile on one’s face

一、 復(fù)習(xí)形容詞比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成和用法,并展示預(yù)習(xí)檢測的第一題。 二、完成21頁的A部分,并小組交流展示。 三、復(fù)習(xí)詞組和重點(diǎn)單詞,完成預(yù)習(xí)檢測的第二部分 四、完成21頁B部分的選詞填空,小組展示 五、小組合作,翻譯下列句子 1.他長得怎樣? 2.Jim是一個慷慨大方的人,他總是樂于助人.


4.Amy很有幽默感. 5.我能告訴她任何事,因?yàn)樗鼙J孛孛?

6.Max 很有幽默感.他講有趣的笑話,總使我發(fā)笑. Max ______________________. He tells _________and always _____________. 7.當(dāng)我讀到你的廣告時,我想起了我的好朋友May. I _________ my great friend May when I_______________. 
一、根據(jù)所給中文提示完成句子。 1 Please keep a _______ (秘密). This is only between us. 2 She looks as _____ (苗條的) as I. 3 I think ________ (登山) is more ________(令人興奮的) than skiing. 4.My cousin always w__________ a smile on his face and looks happy. 5.I feel really u_________ when I sit on the old sofa. 6.---I am very n__________ when I speak in class. (緊張的,不安的) ---There’s no need to be afraid next time. 7.Xiao Li is a top student. He always answers the questions ______( 正確)。 二、選用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 。 1 I think English is __________ (easy) of all subjects. 2 He will never forget the ________ (help) girl. 3 What is the _______ (high) of Yao Ming? 4 The funny boy often makes us ______ (laugh). 三、 選詞填空。(用適當(dāng)形式,每詞限用一次) smart call sense as never much good tell strong wear I have a wonderful friend ____1_____Max. He is as tall ___2___ I am. He has poor eyesight because of too _____3_____ computer work at night. He ____4___ a pair of glasses and they make him look _____5___.Max has a good ______6____of humour. I ___7_____ feel bored or unhappy when he is with me . He likes______8___ funny jokes and always makes me laugh. Max’s legs are very long and he walks fast. He is one of the ____9____boys in our class. Max is my _____10____friend. He is very funny. 1.__________2._____________3._____________4._____________5.____________ 6.__________7._____________8._____________9.______________10.__________ 

8A 導(dǎo)學(xué)案參考答案

8A Unit1 Welcome 一、1.is honest 2.tell everything 3.buy some more 4.How many bowls 5.make me happy 6.have problems 二、1.honest 2.nothing 3.joy 4.secrets 5.magazines 三、1-5 AADBC 6-7 CD

Reading(1) 一、 slim short willing helpful generous singer travels 二、 tall , poor , working smart sense 三、 shorter straight true secret kind 四、 1.as smart as 2. an called

Reading (2) 一、1.has a good sense of humour 2.boring , feel bored 3.knock off, walk past my desk 4.make her look smart 5.almost as tall as 6.has poor eyesignt 7.travel around the world, grow up 二、1.to share 2.doesn’t do 3.telling 4.goes 5.drinking

Vocabulary 一、handsome tall strong square eyesight smiling 二、1.strong smart handsome 2.pretty lovely beautiful 三、1.lovely 2.square 3.handsome 4.round 5.suitable 四、1.with long black hair 2.helpful 3.likes 4.looks like 5.makes
Grammar A&B 一、1.fatter , fattest 2.lazier laziest 3.more most 4.better best 5.less least 6.slimmer slimmest 7.bigger biggest 8.more difficult , most difficult 9.worse worst 10.better best 二、1.thin thinner thinnest 2.slimmer 3.tall 4.closer 5.mine 三、1.taller any other boy 2.isn’t as tll as 3.likes best
Grammar C 一、1.more beautiful 2.clever 3.tall 4.the best 5.more dangerous, dangerous 二、1.shorter than 2.better than mine 3.fatter than 4.more exciting than 三、1.the fastest swimmer 2.is heavier than 3.camping as interesting as riding 4.not as dangerous as

Integrated Skills

一、1.want to finish the work today 2.it is good to help others 3.looks sporty 4.be as popular as 5.to buy a house with a garden 二、1.I don’t think he is right. 2.She is the most famous star in China. 3.It is great to help others 4.I like English best . 5.How is he? 三、1.solving 2.future 3.agree 4.tallest 5.famous

Study skills 一、1.humous 2.friendly 3.less 4.the best 5.heavier 6.more beautiful 7.thinner 8.singer 二、1.to be when grows up 2.What’s like helpful kind 3.bigger than 4.give us some advice learning 三、1.friends 2.after 3.play 4.likes 5.player 6.very 7.doesn’t like 8.also 9.American 10.his
Main task 作文
Checkout 一、1.secret 2.slim 3.climbing exciting 4.wears 5.uncomfortable 6.nervous 7.correctly 二、1.the easiest 2.helpful 3.height 4.laugh 三、1.called 2.as 3.much 4.wears 5.smart 6.sense 7.never 8.telling 9.strongest 10.best

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/76719.html
