He said I was hard-working

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

【題】:Unit 4 He said I was hard-working . Section A (1a-2c)
【勵(lì)志小木屋】:Every man is his own worst enemy .人最大的敵人就是自己。
【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】:知識(shí)目標(biāo) 1.識(shí)記P26-27單詞、短語(yǔ)
2. 句型 ---What did he say ?
---He said he went to the beach every Sunday.
【學(xué)習(xí)重難點(diǎn)】:重點(diǎn):如何轉(zhuǎn)述他人話(huà)語(yǔ) 難點(diǎn):直接引語(yǔ)與間接引語(yǔ)的轉(zhuǎn)換
肥皂劇_______________ 舉行驚喜聚會(huì)____________________ 生某人的氣
__________________ 在星期五晚上______________
2.重點(diǎn)句型體驗(yàn) 將下列句子變成間接引語(yǔ)
1)(Tony) I go camping every week .
Tony said __________________________________.
2) (Linda) I am upset at my report card.
Linda said ______________________.
3) (Lana) I am learning to speak English.
Lana told me __________________________.
4) (Scott) I will go to Sam’s house on Friday night.
Scott said ________________________________.
1.He said that ary _____(be) clever.
2.He told me _______ (will) call me the next day.
3.I am sorry ______ (hear) that your father had a cold.
4.I am good at reading and _____ ( write) .
5.She said she _____ (forget) to do homework.
6.I said I________ ( can not ) hear him.
(三)預(yù)習(xí)反思 Do you have any questions ?
Step 1 預(yù)習(xí)交流------精講點(diǎn)撥
Lana said she wasn’t mad at arcia anymore .
1). be mad at /with sb. 意為“對(duì)某人生氣、惱火”be angry at/ with sb.
be mad on /about sth. / sb. 意為“對(duì)某物/某人感興趣或很入迷”
2)not... more 也可表達(dá)為 not ... any more 意為“不再”, 與no more 同義,表示數(shù)量或程度,句中動(dòng)詞一般為非延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞。
The baby didn’t cyr any more. = The baby no more cried .
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in Step4 Pairwork
Step 5 拓展延伸: 選詞填空
bring, surprise, anymore, call, soap opera
1.y mother likes watching ______ like FangNu .
2. Jim doesn’t play computer games ______ because he wants to study better.
3. Please _____ your dictionary to school tomorro
4. Next Saturday is Tony’s birthday . Let’s have a ___________ party for him.
5. I _______ you yesterday, but no one answered.
Step 6 系統(tǒng)
三、限時(shí)作業(yè) 滿(mǎn)分 10 分 得分 ________
1. What are some soap o_____ he knows ?
2. We are going to have a s________ party for her .
3.You should dress yourself, Tom. You are not a child a_______ .
4. Tom b______ my CD player and didn’t return it to me.
5. You are late again. Our teacher will be m_____ at you.
6. ----What did rs Gao say ?
---- She said that she was having a surprise party ______ her son _____ Sunday night. (介詞填空)
7. The man got really mad ____ me . (介詞填空)
8. Lana said she _____ to arcia’s house .
A. would go B. would went C. will go D. is giong to
9. y teacher said in the class the earth ________ around the sun.
A. go B. went C. goes
10. I told her I _______ ( will, would ) go to her house on Sunday afternoon.
Homework: (一) 將直接引語(yǔ)變成間接引語(yǔ)
1.He said , “English is my favorite subject.” He said ______________________
2. She said, “I can play the piano very well.”
She said ___________________________________________.
3. ary said, “ I will call again after lunch.”
ary said ___________________________________________.
4. He said, “y name is Jim”
He said ______________________________________
5.y brother said, “I want to go the Great Wall .”
y brother said___________________________________________
(二)完成句子 1. arcia said she ______ _______ (正在做) her homework.
2. Alice said she ______ ______ ________ (去購(gòu)物) after school.
3. Lana said she _____ _______ _____ _____ ______ (將帶一些書(shū)回家).
4. Do you often ______ ______ _________ (觀看肥皂劇) ?
5.He doesn’t do his homework . He ___ _____ ____ (沉迷于) computer games.
6. He told Lana that he _____ ______ _______ ______ _____ for his classmates. (將舉行一個(gè)令人驚奇的聚會(huì))
7. The Chinese people ______ _______ (勤勞) . They ______ ______ _______ ( 正在努力工作)to make our country richer and stronger.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/43477.html

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