Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it 教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網
Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?教案


?內容: Section A 1a, 1b,1c 2a2b2c
?詞匯與短語( words and expressions ):
Franklin Lake , noon, by noon At Franklin Lake On a bus At a party In an elevator
In a bookstore At a ball game At school

?句式與語法(sentences and grammar ):
1. 反意問句一般由“助動詞+人稱代詞”構成,用在句末,要求對方確認一些我們不敢肯定的事情,或要求對方表示贊同,含有“這是真的嗎?”或“你同意嗎?”的意思。
e.g It is very cold today, isn’t it?
We had much time, hadn’t we?
There is a little water in the cup, isn’t there?
There is little water in the cup, is there?
2. 陳述句的動詞若是肯定,反意問句的動詞要用否定,反之,就用肯定。
Mrs. Smith lives in Italy, doesn’t she?
She can hardly speak German, can she?
She has few friends in Germany, has (does) she?
There isn’t anybody at home, is there?
3. 陳述句與反意問句里的動詞時態(tài)要相同。
She had to go to France every spring, didn’t she?
There was little water in the cup, was there?
4. 陳述句與反意問句的主語必須指同一人或同一事物。
She needs to have it repaired, doesn’t she?
You had better go alone, hadn’t you?
5. 陳述句的主語不論屬于何種詞類,反意問句的主語一定要用人稱代詞。
Those are your friends, aren’t they?
She hasn’t finished her homework, has she?
6. 陳述句的動詞為 have, has, had, 但不作“有”解時, 反意問句的主語之前不可用have, has,had, 而改用 do, does, did.
You have nothing to say, do you?
You have John do the work, don’t you?
7. 含有seldom; hardly; few; little; never; rarely等詞的句子,被認為是否定句。
e.g. He seldom came here, did he?
Few people knew the answer, did they?
None of us knew the way, did we?
8. nobody, none, no one, anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone 等不定代詞作主語時,其反意問句通常用they作主語。e.g. Everybody came, didn’t they.
1.由let’s引出的祈使句,肯定的用shall we? 否定的用all right? 或O.K.?
e.g. Let’s start early, shall we?
Let’s not go fishing, all right (O.K.)?
-- Let’s go dancing , shall we? --All right.
2.肯定祈使句之后,表示“請求”,用 will you? 表“邀請,勸誘”用won’t you?
e.g. Let us have a look, will you?
--Pass me the dictionary, will you? --Yes, with pleasure.
Have some coffee, won’t you?
Be careful when you cross the road, won’t you?
3.否定祈使句之后,表示“請求,則只用will you?”
e.g. Don’t open the window , will you?
三, 情感目標
1.反意疑問句(Tag Question)也叫附加疑問句,是一種常用于口語的疑問句式,主要由“陳述句+附加疑問”構成,附加疑問部分的動詞一般要與陳述部分的動詞相對應,附加一聞部分的主語要與陳述部分的主語相對應,如果陳述部分的主語是名詞詞組,則附加疑問部分用相應的代詞表示。
a. 肯定的陳述句+否定的附加疑問句。
例如:That clock is slow, isn’t it?
b. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, is it?
c. 肯定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock is slow, is it?
d. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, isn’t it?
例如:Carry this box for me, will you?
Remember to buy some meat, won’t you?
一般現在時:Lily likes going shopping, doesn’t she?
They aren’t students, are they?
現在進行時:You’re going to the cinema, aren’t you?
She isn’t waiting for me, is she?
現在完成時:They have been to Singapore, haven’t they?
Jack hasn’t finished his homework, has he?
現在完成進行時:You have been living in Beijing all these years, haven’t you?
Denis hasn’t been watching TV, has she?
一般過去時:They had a good time at the party last Saturday, didn’t they?
Fanny didn’t go home last night, did she?
過去進行時:You were making dinner when I called, weren’t you?
She wasn’t sleeping at this time yesterday, was she?
一般將來時:We will have wonderful summer holidays, won’t we?
They won’t come back until midnight, will they?
a.當陳述部分的主語是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody等指人的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語在正式語體中通常 用he。
Everybody knows what he has to do, doesn’t he?
Nobody wants to go there, does he?
None of the boys can do it, can he?
例如:Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?
Everyone enjoyed the party, didn’t they?
Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, didn’t they?
但若陳述部分的主語是everything, anything, something, nothing等指物的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語只能用it。
例如:Nothing could stop them, could it?
Everything is ready, isn’t it?
?? 課前準備
?? 教師設計
教學步驟 建議和說明
? enjoy the song (the more we get together the happier we’ll be)
a. 教師播放錄音,師生一起吟唱并觀看。
b. Daily English:
How are you , today ? How is the weather ? It’ s a nice day, isn’t it ? what day is it , today? It’s Monday , isn’t ? what was the date yesterday ? It was …,wasn’t it ?
c. 請學生watch the screen進行問答。如:
Where are they ? What are doing ? what are they talking about ?
? 教學句型
“It’s a nice day ,isn’t it ?”
a.T: Do you like making friends ? Can you guess : “where are they ? What are they doing ?”
b.S1 : ….
T: what are they talking about ? Do you know?
S1: They ……..?
?請學生watch the screen進行問答。如:
Where are they ? What are doing ? what are they talking about ?
教學地點名詞Franklin Lake, shop ,museum, elevator 和時間名詞。在實際情景中會運用詢問和談論發(fā)生的或未發(fā)生的事情來進行交流。
a. T : Do you know what the students are talking in the bookstore?
Get Ss to watch the screen to teach the people in different places . ( the bookstore ,the platform , the museum , the train station )
b Task One--- Test your memory (3 minutes) (Pictures1a)
pairs work
S 1: He’s really good, isn’t he?
S 2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts.
S 1: Do you have his new CD?
S 2: Yes, I do.
?.Listening (5 minutes)
(Audio cassette, the recorder)
Have Ss listen to the tape and do the listening exercises on Page 76 1b. Encourage Ss to give the answers by having a competition among them
Conversation 1.
Girl 1: He’s really good, isn’t he?
Girl 2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts.
Girl 1: Do you have his new CD?
Girl 2: Yes, I do.

Conversation 2.
Girl 3: This line is moving slowly, isn’t it?
Woman: Yes, it is. We’ve been here for 20 minutes already.
Girl 3: I hope the movie is good.
Woman: So do I. Do you think it’s going to rain?
Girl 3: I hope not.
Woman: Me, too.

Conversation 3.
Boy: The train is late, isn’t it?
Man: No, today is Sunday. The trains only run twice an hour on Sunday.
Boy : Oh, I didn’t know that. I usually take the train on weekdays.
Man: Oh, do you take the train to school?
Boy: Yes, I do.
? . Interview (10 minutes)
(Photos, the projector)
situation 1:
This line is moving slowly, isn’t it?
Do you think it’s going to rain?
(…h(huán)ave been waiting for twenty minutes already, forgot to bring umbrella…)
situation 2:
It is snowing heavily, isn’t it?
The bus is always late, isn’t it?
situation 2 3:
These books are really great, aren’t they?
situation 2 4:
It’s really exiting, isn’t it?
You love basketball, don’t you?
? 完成相應的練習(詳參考棵件的)
( ) 1. Dick got up into a tree ___ he saw the bear.
A.while B.as soon as
C.until D.if
( ) 2. It’s a fine day, ___ it?
A.is B.does
C.doesn’t’t D.isn’t
( ) 3. Peter has taught ___ English for two years.
A.him B.his
C.himself D.he
( ) 4. There is little water in the bottle, _____?
A.is there B.isn’t there
C.there is D.there isn’t
( ) 5. Don’t open the door, ___ ?
A.shall we B.will you
C.do you D.don’t you

在動畫片中調動學生情感,營造氛圍,導入主題。讓學生通過watch and answer來培養(yǎng)學生的語言能力和聽力能力并有意識地復習前面學過一般過去發(fā)生的事情。使學生在完成任務的同時能有效地復習了前面學過的動詞。

Students like new challenge, so testing their memory will arouse their interest. And this task provides speaking practice using the target language “Were there …?” “Did you see …?”

真實的環(huán)境,激起了孩子們說的欲望;難度適中的任務,使大部分孩子有體驗成功的機會。因此也容易進入新課的教學。Students are curious to know the places their classmates traveled, so this task gives them the chances to use the target language “Did you go …?”






II. Blackboard design
Unit 10 It’s a nice day , isn’t it?
I. places II. Sentence patterns
At Franklin Lake It’s a nice day , isn’t it?
On a bus Yes , it is . No , it isn’t .
At a party You love his music ,don’t you ?
In an elevator Yes, I do. / No, I don’t .
In a bookstore There were not many people, were there?
At a ball game Yes, there were. /No, there weren’t.
At school
III. Competition
Group 1 Group 2 Group3 Group 4

?教學內容: Section A 3a-4
?詞匯與短語( words and expressions ):
Sandy alone elevator cross bookstore
?句式與語法(sentences and grammar ):
It is very cold today, isn’t it?
DengYaping is short,isn’t she?
Liu Xiang runs fast,doesn’he?
LiYundi was born in 1982,wasn’t he?
There isn’t anybody at home, is there?
She had to go to France every spring, didn’t she?
There was little water in the cup, was there?
She needs to have it repaired, doesn’t she?
You had better go alone, hadn’t you?
None of us knew the way, did we?
We hadn’t much time, had we?
We could hardly hear what she said, could we?
We seldom see them now, do we?
One can’t be too careful, can one?
Be careful when you cross the road, won’t you?
三, 情感目標
1.反意疑問句(Tag Question)也叫附加疑問句,是一種常用于口語的疑問句式,主要由“陳述句+附加疑問”構成,附加疑問部分的動詞一般要與陳述部分的動詞相對應,附加一聞部分的主語要與陳述部分的主語相對應,如果陳述部分的主語是名詞詞組,則附加疑問部分用相應的代詞表示。
a. 肯定的陳述句+否定的附加疑問句。
例如:That clock is slow, isn’t it?
b. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, is it?
c. 肯定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock is slow, is it?
d. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, isn’t it?
例如:Carry this box for me, will you?
Remember to buy some meat, won’t you?
一般現在時:Lily likes going shopping, doesn’t she?
They aren’t students, are they?
現在進行時:You’re going to the cinema, aren’t you?
She isn’t waiting for me, is she?
現在完成時:They have been to Singapore, haven’t they?
Jack hasn’t finished his homework, has he?
現在完成進行時:You have been living in Beijing all these years, haven’t you?
Denis hasn’t been watching TV, has she?
一般過去時:They had a good time at the party last Saturday, didn’t they?
Fanny didn’t go home last night, did she?
過去進行時:You were making dinner when I called, weren’t you?
She wasn’t sleeping at this time yesterday, was she?
一般將來時:We will have wonderful summer holidays, won’t we?
They won’t come back until midnight, will they?
a.當陳述部分的主語是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody等指人的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語在正式語體中通常 用he。
Everybody knows what he has to do, doesn’t he?
Nobody wants to go there, does he?
None of the boys can do it, can he?
Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?
Everyone enjoyed the party, didn’t they?
Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, didn’t they?
但若陳述部分的主語是everything, anything, something, nothing等指物的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語只能用it。
Nothing could stop them, could it?
Everything is ready, isn’t it?
?? 課前準備
?? 教師設計
教學步驟 建議和說明
? enjoy the song
a. 教師播放錄音,師生一起吟唱并觀看。
b. Daily English:
How are you , today ? How is the weather ? It’ s a nice day, isn’t it ? what day is it , today? It’s Monday , isn’t ? what was the date yesterday ? It was …,wasn’t it ?
c. 請學生watch the screen進行問答。如:
Where are they ? What are they doing ? what are they talking about ?
?practise the sentence form
a“It’s a nice day ,isn’t it ?”: ….
b…..Deng Yaping is short isn’t she?
C zhao ruirui is tall isn’t she?
D Liu Xiang runs fast, doesn’t he?


Where are they ? What are doing ? what are they talking about ?
教學地點名詞Franklin Lake, shop ,museum, elevator 和時間名詞。在實際情景中會運用詢問和談論發(fā)生的或未發(fā)生的事情來進行交流。
a.T : Do you know what the students are talking and complete the conversation.

Let Ss listen to the tape and complete it.

b )pairs work
Let Ss practice the dialogue and make their own dialogue.

? . Interview (10 minutes)
(Photos, the projector)
situation 1:
This line is moving slowly, isn’t it?
Do you think it’s going to rain?
(…h(huán)ave been waiting for twenty minutes already, forgot to bring umbrella…)
situation 2:
It is snowing heavily, isn’t it?
The bus is always late, isn’t it?
situation 2 3:
These books are really great, aren’t they?
situation 2 4:
It’s really exiting, isn’t it?
You love basketball, don’t you?
? 完成相應的練習(詳參考件課件)
( ) 6. Have some tea, ___?
A.will you B.won’t you
C.shall we D.have you
( ) 7. She needs to have the bike repaired, ___?
A.does she B.doesn’t she
C.need she D.needn’t she
( ) 8. Let’s go dancing, ___?
A.shall we B.will you
C.won’t you D.don’t we
( ) 9. I really can’t agree ___ you.
A.to B.of
C.with D.for
( ) 10. I prefer tea ___ coffee.
A.to B.than
C.without D.out

在歌聲中調動學生情感,營造氛圍,導入主題。讓學生通過watch and answer來培養(yǎng)學生的語言能力和聽力能力。
通過daily English有效的培養(yǎng)學生的聽說
真實的環(huán)境,激起了孩子們說的欲望;難度適中的任務,使大部分孩子有體驗成功的機會。因此也容易進入新課的教學。Students are curious to know the places their classmates traveled, so this task gives them the chances to use the target language “Did you go …?”






II. Blackboard design
Unit 10 It’s a nice day , isn’t it?
Sandy Beach Yaping is short, isn’t she?
zhao ruirui is tall, isn’t she?
Elevator Liu Xiang runs fast, doesn’t he?


?教學內容: Section B1a ?2c,4
?詞匯與短語( words and expressions ):
?句式與語法(sentences and grammar ):
e.g:It is very cold today, isn’t it?
We had much time, hadn’t we?
There is little water in the cup, is there?
Mrs. Smith lives in Italy, doesn’t she?
She can hardly speak German, can she?
She has few friends in Germany, has (does) she?
There isn’t anybody at home, is there?
You have nothing to say, do you?
You have John do the work, don’t you?
--Pass me the dictionary, will you? --Yes, with pleasure.
Have some coffee, won’t you?
Be careful when you cross the road, won’t you?
三, 情感目標
1.反意疑問句(Tag Question)也叫附加疑問句,是一種常用于口語的疑問句式,主要由“陳述句+附加疑問”構成,附加疑問部分的動詞一般要與陳述部分的動詞相對應,附加一聞部分的主語要與陳述部分的主語相對應,如果陳述部分的主語是名詞詞組,則附加疑問部分用相應的代詞表示。
a. 肯定的陳述句+否定的附加疑問句。
例如:That clock is slow, isn’t it?
b. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, is it?
c. 肯定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock is slow, is it?
d. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, isn’t it?
例如:Carry this box for me, will you?
Remember to buy some meat, won’t you?
一般現在時:Lily likes going shopping, doesn’t she?
They aren’t students, are they?
現在進行時:You’re going to the cinema, aren’t you?
She isn’t waiting for me, is she?
現在完成時:They have been to Singapore, haven’t they?
Jack hasn’t finished his homework, has he?
現在完成進行時:You have been living in Beijing all these years, haven’t you?
Denis hasn’t been watching TV, has she?
一般過去時:They had a good time at the party last Saturday, didn’t they?
Fanny didn’t go home last night, did she?
過去進行時:You were making dinner when I called, weren’t you?
She wasn’t sleeping at this time yesterday, was she?
一般將來時:We will have wonderful summer holidays, won’t we?
They won’t come back until midnight, will they?
a.當陳述部分的主語是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody等指人的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語在正式語體中通常 用he。
Everybody knows what he has to do, doesn’t he?
Nobody wants to go there, does he?
None of the boys can do it, can he?
例如:Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?
Everyone enjoyed the party, didn’t they?
Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, didn’t they?
但若陳述部分的主語是everything, anything, something, nothing等指物的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語只能用it。例如:Nothing could stop them, could it?
Everything is ready, isn’t it?
?? 課前準備
?? 教師設計
教學步驟 建議和說明
? Enjoy the song (The mouse loves the rice.)
a. 教師播放錄音,師生一起吟唱并觀看。
b. According to the song, ask: The mouse likes rice, doesn’t it?

The monkeys like bananas, don’t they?
The rabbits don’t like carrots, do they?
The bear can jump high, can’t it?
And ask students to answer .
Use some exercises to consolidate the pattern.
1.You are a farmer, ____________?
2.The weather isn’t fine, __________?
3.Kate came here last month,___________?
4.I don’t think Tom is at home,___________?
5.There weren’t enough nuts,__________?
6.There’s a pen in the pencil case,___________?
7.The man had bread for lunch,___________?
8.Mary can speak little English,___________?
9.Nothing is wrong with the watch,________?
Fill in the blanks:
1.The boy is Japanese ,___________?
2.The book isn't interesting,__________?
3.He knows a lot about English names, _________?
4.The girl doesn’t like apples,___________?
5.There are two birds in the tree,________?
6.Gina came to China last month,_____________?
Where did she visit in China?
Ask Ss to guess with: She visited_________, didn't she?
She visited Beijing.
She visited Xidan Store.
What did she buy?
?Practicethis pattern:
A:She bought_________, didn’t she?
A: How much did it/ they cost?
B: It/ They cost….
Shoes: ¥55 socks: ¥2o
watch: ¥255 Video tapes: ¥70

Does she like thrillers?
No, she likes thrillers.
Work on 1a Check questions you think are good for polite small talk with people you don’t know well.
______ a.Do you like thrills?
______ b.How much did that shirt cost?
_______ c.You are Anna’s brother, aren’t you?
_______d.How big is your apartment?
_______ e. You are 35 years old, aren’t you?
_______ f. You get ¥2000 every month, don’t you?
Work on 1b.
(Audio cassette, the recorder)
Have Ss listen to the tape and do the listening exercises on page79. Encourage Ss to give the answers by having a competition among them
Conversation 1.
Woman 1: You're Jenny's friend, aren't you?
Girl 1: Yes, I am. My name is Rita. And you're Jenny's mom, aren't you
Woman 1: That's right. So tell me about yourself, Rita. Do you play any sports?
Girl 1: Yes I do. I like sports. I play tennis and ping-pong. And I love swimming.
Woman 1: That's great. Would you like something do drink?
Girl 1: Yes, please. I'd love some lemonade.
Conversation 2
Boy 1: You're new here, aren't you?
Boy 2: Yes, I am. My name's Bill. You're Tony, aren't you?
Boy 1: That's right. What do you think of the school?
Boy 2: It' great. Have you always gone to this school?
Boy 1: No, I haven't. I started here last year.
Conversation 3
Boy 3: It's really crowed, isn't it?
Boy 4: Yes, it is. Are you a ball game fan?
Boy 3: Yes, I am. Say, did you see the game on TV Friday night?
Boy 4: Yeah! It was really exciting, wasn’t it?
2c PAIRWORK Role play a small talk conversation. You can choose one of the openers below.
1. Hi! You’re new here, aren’t you?
2. This is a great party, isn’t it?
3. Hi! My name’s Andy. I’m Karen’s brother.
4. You love baseball games, don’t you?

A: This is a great party, isn’t it?
B: Yes, it is.
Homework1.Finish off the workbook.
2Surf the internet, and find out how the
Chinese and the westerner begin small


Guessing game 能激起同學爭強好勝的心理,同時可以鞏固反意疑問句。

How much did it/ they cost?此時知識的適當拓展對學生來說容易接受有不覺得突然。

II. Blackboard design
Unit 10 It’s a nice day , isn’t it?
II. Sentence patterns

How much did it / they cost?
It / They cost….


?教學內容: SectionB 3a-3c,selfcheck
?詞匯與短語( words and expressions)
be friendly to feel like get along have one’s 90th bithday thank-you note
?句式與語法(sentences and grammar ):
1. 反意問句一般由“助動詞+人稱代詞”構成,用在句末,要求對方確認一些我們不敢肯定的事情,或要求對方表示贊同,含有“這是真的嗎?”或“你同意嗎?”的意思。
2. 陳述句的動詞若是肯定,反意問句的動詞要用否定,反之,就用肯定。
3. 陳述句與反意問句里的動詞時態(tài)要相同。
4. 陳述句與反意問句的主語必須指同一人或同一事物。
5. 陳述句的主語不論屬于何種詞類,反意問句的主語一定要用人稱代詞。
6. 陳述句的動詞為 have, has, had, 但不作“有”解時, 反意問句的主語之前不可用have, has,had,
7. 含有seldom; hardly; few; little; never; rarely等詞的句子,被認為是否定句。
8. nobody, none, no one, anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone 等不定代詞作主語時,其反意問句通常用they作主語。
1.由let’s引出的祈使句,肯定的用shall we? 否定的用all right? 或O.K.?
2.肯定祈使句之后,表示“請求”,用 will you? 表“邀請,勸誘”用won’t you?
3.否定祈使句之后,表示“請求,則只用will you?”
三, 情感目標
1.反意疑問句(Tag Question)也叫附加疑問句,是一種常用于口語的疑問句式,主要由“陳述句+附加疑問”構成,附加疑問部分的動詞一般要與陳述部分的動詞相對應,附加一聞部分的主語要與陳述部分的主語相對應,如果陳述部分的主語是名詞詞組,則附加疑問部分用相應的代詞表示。
a. 肯定的陳述句+否定的附加疑問句。
例如:That clock is slow, isn’t it?
b. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, is it?
c. 肯定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock is slow, is it?
d. 否定的陳述句+肯定的附加疑問句。
例如: That clock isn’t slow, isn’t it?
例如:Carry this box for me, will you?
Remember to buy some meat, won’t you?
一般現在時:Lily likes going shopping, doesn’t she?
They aren’t students, are they?
現在進行時:You’re going to the cinema, aren’t you?
She isn’t waiting for me, is she?
現在完成時:They have been to Singapore, haven’t they?
Jack hasn’t finished his homework, has he?
現在完成進行時:You have been living in Beijing all these years, haven’t you?
Denis hasn’t been watching TV, has she?
一般過去時:They had a good time at the party last Saturday, didn’t they?
Fanny didn’t go home last night, did she?
過去進行時:You were making dinner when I called, weren’t you?
She wasn’t sleeping at this time yesterday, was she?
一般將來時:We will have wonderful summer holidays, won’t we?
They won’t come back until midnight, will they?
a.當陳述部分的主語是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody等指人的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語在正式語體中通常 用he。
Everybody knows what he has to do, doesn’t he?
Nobody wants to go there, does he?
None of the boys can do it, can he?
Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?
Everyone enjoyed the party, didn’t they?
Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, didn’t they?
但若陳述部分的主語是everything, anything, something, nothing等指物的合成詞時,反意疑問句的附加部分的主語只能用it。
Nothing could stop them, could it?
Everything is ready, isn’t it?
?? 課前準備
?? 教師設計
教學步驟 建議和說明
You are an actor,aren’t you?
He is a good boy, isn’t he?
It was fine yesterday, wasn’t it?
She is going to visit me ,isn’t she?

Step1 Rsvision
Show them some pictures to revise some sentences
T: The boy is young,isn’t he ?
S1: Yes,he is .
T: His grandpa is old ,isn’t he?
S2: Yes, he is .
Then let Ss talk about some famous people.

Step2 Bresentation

T: Today is Monday, isn’t it?
S1:Yes it is .
T: The day before yesterday was Satursay, wasn’t it?
S2: Yes, it was.
T: Last Saturday night, my friend Kim invited me to a party. I had a wonderful time there .And Igot well along with my new friends. So I wrote a thank ?you note to him . Do you want to know how to write a thank-you note?
S3: Yes .
T: OK, Let’s reaf the note.

Step3 Reading
Get Ss read the three notesquickly. Then match each note with the correct situation.
Let Ss read the three notes again.
Ask them some questions about the three notes . then ask Ss to retell the notes.

Step4 Work on 3b
Fill in the blanks in the thank-you note .
Give students 2 minutes to do it .
Ask some students to read it.

Step5 Writing a thank-you note

T: Now please write your own thank-you note.

Step6 Selfcheck

Finish Selfcheck

1.Recite 3a in Section B and copy new words.
2.Go on writing a thank-you note.

利用Chant 來營造氛圍,導入主題。


回答問題及復述課文 是提高學生的閱讀能力的重要手段


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/54009.html

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