
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

        英 語(yǔ) 試 題  2015.6
第I卷 (共100分)
第一節(jié)  (每小題 1.5分,共9分)
(   ) 1. A. Nice to meet you, too.    B. Many thanks.            C. The same to you.
(   ) 2. A. What do you do?        B. How do you do?            C. How  do you like him?
( ) 3. A. No problem.      B. Good luck.      C. Never mind.
( ) 4. A. For ten years.     B. In ten years.            C. Ten years ago.
( ) 5. A. I read some books.       B.I go to work.               C.I go to school.
( ) 6. A. I haven’t been there before.     
B. I’m sorry that I’m new  here.     
C. No, I had no time to tell you.
第二節(jié)  (每小題1.5分,共9分)
( ) 7. A. Cindy’s.                   B. Mr. Smith’s.            C. Mary’s.
( ) 8. A. Cloudy.                    B. Sunny.                  C. Rainy.
( ) 9. A.66434541.                  B. 88434541.               C.88434514.
( ) 10. A. It’s big and heavy.   B. It’s small but heavy.       C. It’s big but light. 
(   ) 11. A. She can’t speak English.    
B. She can’t write English stories.
C. She can’t write e-mails in English.
(   ) 12. A. It was wonderful.            
B. It was good.            
C. It was surprising.
第三節(jié)  (每小題1. 5分,共6分)
( ) 13. What are they going to do tonight?
A. Go shopping.             B. Have a big dinner outside.     C. Go to the movies. 
( ) 14. Why doesn’t the man want to go swimming tonight?   
A. Because he wants to do something different.     
B. Because he had a hard day and feels tired.          
C. Because he hopes to play wi th his friends.
(  ) 15. What is the man going to do?
A. clean the bedroom.               B. go for a walk.                   C. buy a birthday gift.
(  ) 16. When is Tom’s mother’s birthday?
A. Next Friday.                      B. Next Saturday.                  C. Next Sunday.

第四節(jié)  (每小題1. 5分,共6分)
(   ) 17. When you go hiking, you should take _________ for safety.
A. a map                     B. a medicine box          C. a sleeping bag
(   ) 18. You should never _________ when you are hiking.
A. stay in a group              B. take a map with you      C. go on your own    
(   ) 19. ________ is a good way to protect yourself from snakes.
A. Taking food and drinks       B. Wearing long trousers     C. Staying with others
(   ) 20. When you see a snake, you should_________.
A. keep quiet until it goes away
B. run away quickly
C. send for a doctor
II. 單項(xiàng)選擇。(每小題1分,共15分)
(   ) 21. I hope that you can have __________good time when you’re in Chongqing.  
        A. a     B. an     C. the     D. /
(   ) 22. My grandpa is in good health because he often exercises and eats much healthy___________.
        A. drinks    B. water     C. food     D. fruits
(   ) 23. ? Sorry, I forgot to bring my dictionary to school today.
        ? It doesn’t matter. You can use ___________.
        A. I     B. me     C. my     D. mine
(   ) 24. ? Look at the tall building over there. Can you tell me how many floors it has?
        ?At least ___________floors, I think.
        A. nine              B. ninth                  C. nineth                 D. the ninth
(   ) 25. ? How’s everything going?
        ?___________. I get on very well with my teachers and classmates at school. 
        A. Terrible   B. Too bad     C. Just so-so    D. Pretty good
(   ) 26. You’d better ____________ up whenever you meet the difficult problems. Keep on trying, and you can make it at last. 
        A. give         B. to give     C. not give    D. not to give
(   ) 27.Terra looked ________at her daughter while she was playing with the cute cat.
        A. happily      B. friendly    C.lively        D. lovely
(   ) 28. ? Dear, do you mind if I turn up the TV?
        ? ___________. Our son is working on his math problem.
        A. Of course not  B. Not at all    C.Better not    D. Certainly not 
(   ) 29. ? ___________ is it from the central park to the restaurant?
        ? Just 10 minutes’ walk.
        A. How far   B. How long    C. How soon    D. How often
(   ) 30._________of them knew about the plan because it was a secret.
        A. None          B. No one       C.Everyone     D.Every one
(   ) 31. The computer is one of ___________ inventions in modern society.
       A. useful                            B. more useful   
C. most useful                        D. the most useful
(   ) 32. It’s really nice ___________ your teacher to say such words about your progress.
       A. on     B. of     C. for     D. about
(   ) 33. When you ___________ the school bus, take your backpack with you. Don’t leave it on the bus.
       A. get over    B. get down    C. get on     D. get off
(   ) 34. No matter what problems he ___________, Frank can always put his heart into solving them.
       A. faces    B. face     C. will face    D. faced 
(   ) 35. ? Who’s that?
        ? It ___________ be Mr. Green. He has gone to London on business.
       A. mustn’t    B. couldn’t       C. shouldn’t      D. can’t
(   ) 36. ? Do you want to go to the new supermarket with me?
        ? Oh, you mean the one which has just been ___________ for two days? 
       A. opened    B. open     C. closed     D. close   
(   ) 37. ?Where are you going on your vacation?
 ?I haven’t decided ___________ .
   A. what to go    B. who to go    C. where to go    D. which to go 
(   ) 38. When she was young, Sophia was always made ___________ her homework first after school. And that helped her form a good habit. 
       A. finish    B. to finish    C. finishing    D. finishes
(   ) 39. He wants to know ____________.
       A. what’s the best way to learn a foreign language
       B. that he can go to the best university 3 years later
       C. if he has done a good job in the examination
       D. when did his father come back this morning 
(   ) 40. ? Sorry, I’m so busy at the moment that I can’t help you. 
   ? ___________
       A. I’m sorry to hear that.  B. It’s my pleasure.        C. What a pity!      D. Thank you all the same.
III. 完形填空。(每小題1.5分,共15分)
Studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular in China. But Li Maoyuan, an American-born Chinese girl, chose to be back to study in China. Earlier this year, the 13-year-old left the US and     41     a ninth-grader in Chongqing, Southwest China.
“I want to learn more about     42    culture in a real Chinese school,” said Li.
Before she came to China, Li had learned about 700 Chinese characters from    43    mother. However, while studying at Chongqing No. One High School, Li found that Chinese learning was much more    44    than she had thought. The hardest part was ancient Chinese poetry (詩(shī)歌). It seemed impossible to remember the characters.
So Li catches every possible moment to do her Chinese exercises. She keeps     45     questions after class and checking the dictionary many times a day. Now the girl is able to recite articles like Zhuge Liang’s Northern Expedition Memorial (《出師表》).
    46    Chinese learning, getting used to the learning environment is also a challenge for her. Li finds that Chinese students hardly have a chance to express themselves in class,    47    teachers speak most of the time. As an active student, it really made her upset. But she soon found a way out.
“Although I can’t talk    48    in class, teachers here are patient and nice. They can an swer your questions any time after class.”
As a native English speaker, Li also helps her     49     practice oral English. She suggests that they speak to her in English after class. It turned out to be a great idea. Now during the class break, Li is the most popular student because everybody wants to    50    her!
( ) 41. A. become          B. becomes            C. became         D. becoming
( ) 42. A. China            B. Chinese            C. America        D. American
( ) 43. A. he               B. her                C. hers           D. his
( ) 44. A. difficult          B. hard               C. harder          D. difficulty
( ) 45. A. doing           B. solving             C. answering       D. asking
( ) 46. A. Except           B. Expect             C. Besides         D. Beside
( ) 47. A. when            B. while              C. since            D. though
( ) 48. A. too much         B. much too           C. too many        D. many too
( ) 49. A. students          B. classmates          C. teachers         D. parents
( ) 50. A. talk to           B. talk about           C. speak to         D. tell about
IV. 閱讀理解。(每小題2分,共30分)
Many of us have had this experience: You are waiting at a bus station when someone nearby begins to smoke. You move away, but there isn’t much you can do about it.
In Beijing, a new law is set to fight ag ainst  smoking. It is regarded as “China’s toughest ever” tobacco control (控?zé)? rule. Smoking is not allowed in all indoor public places, including public transportation. People who break the rule will be fined (罰款) up to 200 yuan, 20 times as much as the present 10 yuan.
Smoking in schools is specifically mentioned in this rule. Teachers cannot smoke in front of students in primary and middle schools. Schools should also help students drop smoking and tell them about the harmful results.
To get everybody to join in the movement, Beijing has set up a report hotline (12320) and WeChat account (Smoke-free Beijing). People can send photos to report smokers.
China is not the only country fighting smoking. In March 2004 Ireland became the first country to prevent people from smoking by law in workplaces and public areas. Many countries, including England and the US, then followed.
(   ) 51. According to the new law in Beijing, people can’t smoke ___________.
A. anywhere  
B. in all public places   
C.in all indoor places  
D. in all indoor public places
(   ) 52. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Teachers cannot smoke with students around in primary and middle school.
B. Schools are supposed to help students stop smoking.
C. People can call the police to report smokers.
D. Besides China, many other countries fight smoking.
(   ) 53. ___________ is the first country to set a law to stop people from smoking in workplace
A. China         B. Ireland   C. England  D. The US
We often praise the world of science. It explains the world and  makes our lives easier with technology. One of the most exciting fields in science is artificial intelligence (人工智能 AI). This is an area where scientists are working on making machines that think like humans.
However, Professor Stephen Hawking, a well-known British scientist, is not for this kind of technology. “The development of artificial intelligence could spell(預(yù)言) the end of human”. He said so just after using the machine made for him. As Hawking has a serious illness called ALS, he needs an AI computer to communicate. The computer learns how Hawking thinks and suggests the words he may want to use next.
This kind of AI is very useful, but Hawking fears the possibility of making machines that can be smarter than humans. And it’s easy to imagine how terrible things may be. We can see on TV some big killer machines that are far cleverer than us. “Humans can’t compete because of their slow biological evolution (生物進(jìn)化)” said Hawking. But no everyone holds the same idea towards AI technology. “I believe we can make good use of the technology for a long time. It will help us to solve many problems in the future.” said Rollo Carpenter, CEO of Cleverbot in the UK.
In which way do you think AI is heading? Should we be hopeful or fearful?
(   )54. According to the passage, AI machines can  ___________ nowadays.
 A. make our lives easier      B. think like human beings
 C. be much smarter than humans    D. have nothing to do with humans
(   )55. The underlined word “this” means ___________.
 A. A big killer machine      B. A serious illness called ALS
 C. The AI computer Hawking uses       D. The AI technology scientists work on
(   )56. Which of the following is TRUE?
 A. Hawking’s AI computer fully knows what he thinks about.
 B. The AI technology is cleverer than humans now.
 C. Hawking thinks humans might die out because of the development of AI.
 D. Hawking is a famous British scientist and against human intelligence.
(   )57.The best title for this passage may be ___________.
 A. The Development of AI
 B. AI:a Friend or an Enemy?
 C. The Future of Human Beings
 D. The Fight between Humans and AI
Lots of us have dreams of doing big business when we grow up. However, Moziah Bridges, a young boy in the US, says that we can just start now!
Bridges is now the CEO of his Mo’s Bows company. He has sold $200,000 (1.24 million yuan) worth of handmade bow ties (領(lǐng)結(jié)) and other men’s fashion accessories (飾品). The boy designs all the bow ties together with seven other workers in his company, including his mother and grandmother.
“Mo is the CEO of the company, but I’m the CEO of Mo,” Bridges’ grandma said.
About four years ago, when Bridges went shopping for bow ties, he found they were only in “ugly” black and red. He wanted a change. So he asked his grandma to teach him how to make a tie, and finally developed the talent of creating bow ties. However, his very first bow tie didn’t look nice.
“It’s like someth ing that nobody would wear,” he said. But Mo kept on practicing. He used colorful cloth with different pictures. And his parents and friends started to like his works. He tried to sell them online to several stores in the south. Mo’s Bows soon became popular. Bridges met his first investor, Daymond John, CEO of the famous US clothes brand FUBU. John not only put money in Mo’s Bows, but he also introduced Bridges to other important businessmen in the fashion circle. Now the young boy’s business is doing great. As Bridges’ mother said, “You don’t have to wait until you’re older. If you have a dream, go for it.”
(   ) 58. There are ___________ people in Mo’s company.
A. 7          B. 8         C.9         D.10
(   ) 59. Mo wanted to create bow ties four years ago because ___________.
A. he wanted to run a big company
B. his grandma wanted to teach him to how to make one
C. he found that bow ties in shops were ugly
D. he was a boy who had a big dream
(   ) 60.Mo’s Bows soon became popular after___________.
A. his family and relatives started to like his bow ties
B. John put money in Mo’s Bows
C. he left school and ran his company
D. he tried to sell them online
(   ) 61. The underlined word “investor” probably means ___________in Chinese.
A. 介紹人  B. 投資者  C.導(dǎo)師      D. 經(jīng)紀(jì)人
It’s a scene in many homes around the world: tired-eyed teens wake to the sound of their alarm clock. Another school day begins, and we all wish we could have just one extra hour of sleep.
For lucky high school students in England, they’re now going to reset their alarm and get an extra hour of sleep. Instead of starting school at 9 am, students will begin the academic day at 10 am.
This is part of a huge study by Oxford University. The experiment will see whether later classes can improve exam results.
More than 100 schools across England will join the four-year experiment, which includes tens of thousands of students. It is based on scientific evidence that teenagers are out of step with traditional school hours.
“We know that something funny happens when you’re a teenager,” lead sleep researcher Colin Epsie told The Telegraph. “Your parents think it’s because you’re lazy and everything would be OK if you could get to sleep earlier. But science is telling us that teenagers need to sleep more in the mornings.”
A similar experiment in 2009 saw an improvement of 19 percent in exam scores for major subjects ? such as math and science.
Teenagers’ sleep cycles, on average, begin two hours after adults. Neuroscientists (神經(jīng)科學(xué)家) say tee ns have a built-in clock, which makes them more likely to go to sleep around midnight. As well as  not feeling fully awake until between 9 am and 10 am. This body clock stays until the age of 19 for females and 21 for males.
Schools are places for learning, as well as education laboratories ? finding out the best ways to learn and increase knowledge. Yet we’ll have to wait until 2018 to find out these exciting results!
(   )62. England high school students usually start school ___________.
A. at 7 am      B. at 8 am      C. at 9 am      D. at 10 am
(   )63. Teenagers struggle to get up early because ___________.
A. they are too lazy to get up early               
B. they stay up studying late at night   
C. their sleep cycles are later than adults
D. their body clock won’t start to work until 9 am
(   )64. The aim of the experiment in 2009 was to ___________.
A. find out whether later classes can improve exam results
B. test how students’ body clocks work
C. compare teenagers’ and adults’ sleeping patterns
D. help teachers to find the best way  to teach
(   )65. The article is focused on the topic that ___________.
A. teenagers need more sleep than adults
B. students might need more hours’ sleep in the morning
C. boys need more sleep in the morning than girls
D. it is important to do more experiments on education                                   
V. 口語(yǔ)運(yùn)用。(每小題1分,共5分)
A. What about making it a little earlier?
B. Let’s share them together.
C. I have no idea.
D. Thank you all the same.
E. Do you want to watch it?
F. When and where shall we meet?
G. It doesn’t matter.

A: What do you plan to do in your summer holiday?
B:        66       
A: I hear there’s going to be a football match between Chongqing Lifan and Guangzhou Fuli on June 20th. Tom and I are going to watch it.        67       
B: Of course. Football is my favorite, but I have no ticket for the match. What a pity!
A: You’re lucky. I have some free tickets.        68       
B: Great!        69       
A: Let’s meet at the subway station at half past five.
B: I think there must be a big crowd of people there.        70       
A: OK. See you at five o’clock.
B: See you.
第II卷 (共50分)
VI. 任務(wù)型閱讀。(每小題2分,共8分)
Language is always changing and developing. This may not be a bad thing. If English hadn’t changed for a long time, we wouldn’t have words to describe telephones, washing machines, computers or some other new things.
Language changes for several reasons. First, it changes because the needs of its speaker change. New technologies, new products, and new experiences need new words to express them clearly. Another reason for change is that different people have different language experiences. People who have different ages, jobs, education levels(水平) may use different sets of words and expressions.
How does language develop then? On the one hand, many of the languages changes begin with young people. When young people communicate with others of their own age, their language grows in grammar, words and expressions that are different from the older people’s. Some have a short lifetime but others can influence the language for long. On the other hand, we get new words in many different ways. We borrow them from other languages, we create them by making words shorter or combining words and we make them out of proper names.
Languages that don’t change over time are considered dead languages. The fact that English changes so much shows that it is alive and well.
71. Is the changing of language a bad thing?
72. Why do people use different sets of words and expressions according to the passage?
73. How many reasons for language change are mentioned in this passage?
74. What are considered dead languages according to the passage?
VII. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)
75. The big house cost him 500,000 dollars. (改為否定句)
   The big house ____________ ___________ him 500,000 dollars.
76. Jenny will go for a picnic in the afternoon. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
   ____________ ____ ________ Jenny go for a picnic?
77. The ice is too thin. We can’t skate on it. (合并為一句話)
   The ice isn’t ____________ ____________for us to skate on.
78. 他們及時(shí)地意識(shí)到了他們的錯(cuò)誤。(完成譯句)  
They realized their mistakes _____________ _____________.
79. 這個(gè)問(wèn)題沒(méi)有你想象的那么難。(完成譯句)
   This problem is _____________ so difficult _____________ you imagine. 
VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)
Weeks ago, students at Beijing No. 4 High School saw the launch (啟動(dòng)) of a special activity at their school. It is called “Looking for Good Boys and Good Girls”. What are “good boys” and “good girls”?     80    to teachers at the school, they should be active, optimistic (樂(lè)觀的), honest and study hard. While the school is still searching for their “good kids”, many students are excited to express their views toward the    81    .The followings are some of the answers to it.
Zhang Zeyu, 14, from Shanghai, thinks his classmate Wang Jiahao is a good boy because Wang is very responsible (負(fù)責(zé)任的). As the monitor of Zhang’s class, Wang takes care of everybody. Once Zhang broke his leg and didn’t go to school for a week. When Zhang was     82    about his study, it was Wang who brought him class notes every day. “I was deeply moved,” said Zhang. “If he is not a good boy, then     83    is?”
For Liu Shen from  Nantong, Jiangsu, a good girl is someone people can learn    84    . The 14-year-old used to be crazy about playing computer games    85    she met her new deskmate Zhang Qunhao. Zhang is quiet and likes reading. She often shares good books with Liu. Now Liu said she has stopped playing games and has made up her mind to become a student like Zhang.
In Lin Runxin’s mind, however, she     86    is a good girl. The 14-year-old from Taiyuan, Shanxi, said she didn’t always get good marks in tests. But her parents never blamed (責(zé)怪) her.
“I tell them I have     87    my best and they believe me,” she said. “Everyone has shortages (不足) in different sides. Those who leave no effort whether in study or life should be regarded as ‘good’.” What do you think a “good” student is?
80. __________      81._________      82.________      83.___________
84. __________      85._________      86.________      87.___________
IX. 書(shū)面表達(dá)。(16分)
常懷感恩之心,并懂得一些表達(dá)感恩的方式,會(huì)使你和周圍的人更有愛(ài)、更快樂(lè)、更幸福。初中生活即將結(jié)束,你想用哪些方式來(lái)感謝你的父母、老師或同學(xué)呢?現(xiàn)我市某微信公眾平臺(tái)正在舉辦“Learn to Be thankful”的主題演講比賽。假設(shè)你叫Li Lei,請(qǐng)根據(jù)要點(diǎn)提示寫(xiě)一篇演講稿,談?wù)勀愕南敕,希望大家學(xué)會(huì)感恩,懂得感恩。
1. 學(xué)會(huì)感恩的重要性;
2. 你最想感恩的對(duì)象和原由;
3. 表達(dá)感恩的方式(寫(xiě)感謝信,贈(zèng)送小禮物,……);
4. 你的想法和倡議。
1. 要點(diǎn)全面,層次清晰,書(shū)寫(xiě)規(guī)范;
2. 詞數(shù)80詞左右,開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);
3. 不能出現(xiàn)自己的真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校等相關(guān)信息。
                                   Learn to Be Thankful
   Good morning, everyone. Today the topic of m y speech is “Learn to be thankful”.________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
   Thanks for your listening.                          
                                          命題:李英華  譚璐  肖娟  何乙?     審題:李英華
二 單選
21-25 ACDAD 26-30   CACAA  31-35  DBDAD  36-40  BCBCD
三 完形填空
41-45 CBBAD     46-50CCABA
四 閱讀理解
 51-53   CBC    54-57   ADCB    58-61  BCDD  62-65 DCAB  
五 口語(yǔ)運(yùn)用
 66-70  CEBFA
六 任務(wù)閱讀
71. No.  /No, it isn’t.
72. Because people have different ages,jobs, education levels.
73. Two.
74. languages don’t changed over time.
75. didn’t cost    76. When will     77.  thick enough 78.  in time  79  not   as
80. According    81.  teachers /school  82.  worried /worrying 
83 who   84. from  85. before   86. still /also  87tried / done

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/309330.html

相關(guān)閱讀:新目標(biāo)九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)Unit3 Section B(2c-Self Check)習(xí)題(帶答案