
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1. Our school is more beautiful than ________.
A. they          B. Their         C. theirs       D. them
2. —  When does your first class begin?    — ________ 8 o’clock.
       A. In            B. On           C. For         D. At
3. — There ________ a wonderful concert in our school this weekend.
  — Let’s go together.
      A. is             B. are           C. was         D. will be
4.  Hurry up, __________ we’ll be late for class.
     A. but            B. or            C. and         D. so
5. — _________ I finish the work today?
    — No, you needn’t. You can finish it tomorrow.
      A. May          B. Must          C. Need        D.  Can
6. — I’m a little thirsty. Please give me __________ to drink.
  — Here’s a bottle of water.
A. something    B. anything      C. nothing       D. everything
7. — ________ jacket is yours, the blue one or the yellow one?
 — The blue one.
      A. Which        B. What         C.  Whose         D. Who
8. Zhang Fang’s parents are both teachers. They are always busy ________ into deep night.
    A. work           B. working        C.  worked         D. to work
9. Mike is 1.8 meters tall. He is _________ boy in his class.
   A. tall             B. taller           C. tallest          D. the tallest
10. Look! Susan ________ her mother with the housework.
  A. helps            B. will help       C. is helping         D. helped
11. — I ____________ this time yesterday.
    —Me, too.
  A. will cook        B. is cooking       C. cooked         D. was cooking
12. My father started to work in the factory when he was 17 years old. He ____ for 30 years in it.
  A. has worked      B. worked         C. works         D. will work
13. Look at the beautiful bridge. It ________ of all kinds of stones long ago.
   A. makes         B. is made         C. made          D. was made
14. It’s not right for teachers to make students ________ words when they make spelling mistakes .
  A. copy         B. to copy         C. copying         D. copied
15. — Please tell us _________.
   — Write down your names on the paper.
     A. What shall we do next         B. What we shall do next
     C. What did we do next          D. What we did next

答案  1--5CDDBB     6---10 AABDC  11---15 DADAB

1. —Hi, Jim. Can you lend ______ your ruler?
   —Sorry, I’m using it.
A. my       B. I           C. me       D. mine
2. —Do you agree______ her, Mike?
    —Of course.
A. to            B. in        C. at            D. with
3. — I called you last night, but_______ answered the phone.   — Sorry, I was out last night.
       A. somebody     B. nobody     C. anybody    D. everybody
4. — Did you buy the skirt yesterday?    — No. It’s very expensive, _____ I didn’t buy it.
       A. but          B. or           C. so         D. since
5. The doctor looked over the boy carefully after he_____ to the hospital.
A. takes      B. is taken        C. took       D. was taken
6. — _____ did you have the party last Wednesday?
   — In Frank’s house.
A. When        B. Where         C. What         D. Why
7. Why not go to the zoo with me? I’m sure you ______a good time there.
       A. have had  B. had     C. will have   D. have
8. —What’s on the plate?
—There ______some bread on it.
A. is              B. are        C. has      D. be
9. Don’t be late again. You_____ be here on time.
        A. may    B. need     C. must  D. can
10. He will go to the Great Wall if it ______ next Friday.
A. didn’t rain              B. doesn’t rain       
C. won’t rain               D. isn’t raining
11. —Is Tom ____ student in your class?       —Sure.
A. strong       B. stronger      C. the strongest   D. strongest
12. —Are you free now?       —No. I have a lot of things_______ .
A. do          B. did        C. doing         D. to do
13. Mr. Green ______in Guangzhou for about 7 years. He has lots of Chinese friends now.
   A. has lived  B. is living  C. lived        D. lives 
14. —Do you know ___________?        —Next month.
A. when will they come      B. when did they come 
C. when they came        D. when they will come
15. — Could you help me carry the heavy box, young man?
—        .
A. My favorite  B. With pleasure   C. You are right   D. Don’t worry

答案 1-5  CDBCD   6-10 BCACB       11-15 CDADB

1. It isn’t          cell phone. I left it at home.
A. mine          B. me     C. I          D. my
2.—When did Hong Kong return to our motherland.'?       —         1997.
A. On             B. In         C. At       D. For
3.—         is your new teacher?     — The one standing with a dictionary in his hand.
A. Who        B. What        C. Where       D. Which
4. — Listen, what’s the noise?
— My father          the programme of the World Cup.
A. watches     B. has watched    C. is watching    D. will watch
5. Li Ming has the key to our class, and he often comes to school           .
A. early        B. earliest  C. much earlier     D. earlier
6.—Lucy, what about going camping if it          tomorrow?
—Sounds great!
A. didn’t rain   B. hasn’t rained   C. won’t rain    D. doesn’t rain
7.—What was the weather like in Guangxi Province this spring?
—There          very little rain.
A. has             B. have         C. is            D. was
8.—It’s very important to save water.
— I agree with you. I hope ________ can realize that.
A. somebody      B. nobody   C. everybody    D. anybody
9. The teachers ask us not _________ in class.
A. to sleep    B. sleep    C. sleeping    D. sleeps
10.—How long         Mr. Li          you English, Daming?
— For three years.
A. does; teach   B. did; teach  C. has; taught    D. are; teaching
11. The students _________ their homework when the teacher came into the classroom.
A. do         B. will do      C. did          D. were doing
12. The players kept on training          it rained heavily.
A. since        B. though      C. because       D. for
13. — May I copy your homework?        —Sorry, you        .
A. may not      B. needn’t     C. mustn’t    D. won’t 
14.The workers are building a school. I hope it          before August this year.
A. finishes  B. will finish   C. is finished    D. will be finished
15. — Do you know         ? I’m going to see him.
— Sorry, I don’t know.
 A. where he lives  B. where does he live
 C. where did he live D. where he lived
答案 1-5 DBACB  6-10 DDCAC  11-15 DBCDA 
1. My mother is a manager, and __________ works in Lenovo in Zhongguancun.
A. she    B. he    C. her    D. him
2. ? Where is the library?     ? It’s __________ the 2nd floor.
A. at     B. for    C. on    D. in
3. ? Must I stay here with you?
? No, you __________. Just do your own business.
A. mustn’t    B. needn’t   C. can’t    D. may not
4. ? __________ do you want to be when you grow up?
? A teacher. Because I love children very much.
A. What     B. Why        C. How    D. When
5. ? Daming is going to have a good rest when he___________ the exam.
? So is Lingling.
   A. will finish   B. finishes   C. finished   D. is finishing
6. ? What were you doing at eight yesterday morning?    ? I ______ mom with the housework.
   A. helped    B. will help   C. am helping   D. was helping
7. I’m not only growing older and taller, but also __________than before.
A. clever    B. cleverer   C. cleverest   D. the cleverest
8. ? Tom, you look sad today.     ? Yeah, I have made __________ mistakes in the exam.
A. few    B. a few    C. little    D. a little
9. ? Is your father at home?     ? No. He __________ to Shanghai on business.
A. goes    B. went    C. has been   D. has gone
10. ? John, why do you come to Beijing?     ? I come here __________ a good job.
A. looking for   B. look for      C. to look for   D. looked for
11. ? Mom, you are a wonderful cook. The food tastes really __________.
   ? You have a sweet voice, dear.
A. good       B. well          C. bad    D. badly
12. Excuse me, could you tell me __________?
A. how I can get to Beijing Zoo     B. how can I get to Beijing Zoo
C. where is Beijing Zoo      D. where Beijing Zoo was
13. ? Mrs. Zhang, your daughter is excellent. She is beautiful both inside and outside.
   ? __________.
A. Not at all  B. All right   C. Thank you   D. You’re welcome
14. The whole China __________ to tears by Cairen Danzhou (才仁旦舟), the youngest volunteer and hero in Yushu, Qinghai Province.
A. move    B. moves    C. is moving    D. is moved
15. ? Dad, I’m afraid that I can’t do it.
? Take it easy, dear. You’ll never know it __________ you try.
A. after    B. since    C. when    D. until
答案 1 — 5 ACBAB    6 — 10 DBBDC  11 — 15 AACDD

1. Zhang Yining is ______ favorite table tennis player.
A. I       B. me       C. my       D. mine
2. — ______ did you go to the park yesterday?     — I went there by bus.
A. What      B. How       C. Why       D. Who
3. — When will Mr Black come to Beijing?    — ______ September 5.
    A. In      B. At      C. Of      D. On
4. Little Helen is very young, ______ she knows a lot of things.
       A. because     B. or       C. but       D. so
5. — Shall we leave now?    — Don’t worry. We still have ______ time left.
    A. little      B. few      C. a few      D. a little
6. — Can you stay here for the party? — Sorry, I ______. I have to go to a meeting.
        A. can’t      B. mustn’t     C. needn’t        D. shouldn’t
7. — Who sings ______, Lily or Jane?     — Jane, of course.
A. well         B. better          C. best          D. the best
8. — Alice, turn down the TV, please. I ______ on the phone now.     — Oh, sorry.
A. talk         B. talked          C. am talking     D. will talk
9. I got up early this morning ______ the first bus.
A. to catch      B. catching        C. catch          D. caught
10. The price of this computer is ______ of the three.
A. high         B. higher          C. highest        D. the highest
11. Mother ______ me a nice present on my next birthday.
        A. gives        B. gave         C. will give  D. has given 
12. — Can I help you?    — Yes. I ______ this watch here yesterday, but it doesn’t work.
A. buy       B. bought         C. will buy     D. have bought
13. — Did you go to Jim’s birthday party yesterday?  — No, I ______.
A. haven’t invited                  B. am not invited  
C. didn’t invite                    D. wasn’t invited
14.  I will call you if I ______ the ticket to the football match.
A. get         B. got            C. will get       D. have got
15. — Could you tell me ______ John?
— At 10:00 tomorrow morning.
A. when will you meet              B. when did you meet    
C. when you met                    D. when you will meet

答案 1- 5 CBDCD   6-10 ABCAD   11-15 CBDAD

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/311574.html

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