
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英  語
 本試卷共8頁,全卷滿分90分,考試時間為90分鐘。試卷包含選擇題和非選擇題。考生答題全部答在答卷紙上,答在本試卷上無效。
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1. On the reality show I Am a Singer 3, the 40-year-old singer-songwriter Li Jian has been praised ______ his singing ability.
  A. as              B. with              C. to               D. for
2. —______ can Tan Dun make music without any musical instrument?
  —By controlling the speed of water flow.
  A. Why         B. How             C. What           D. Where
3. — What’s the matter with you, David? You are very quiet today.
  —Nothing much. I ________ the trip of the coming weekend.
  A. think about       B. thought about     C. will think about   D. was thinking about
4. —Do you think yesterday’s physics problem difficult?
  —Yes. I could ________ work it out.
  A. hardly          B. easily            C. almost           D. finally
5. ______ we are tired out, we still keep working hard towards our dreams.
  A. If        B. Unless     C. Though          D. Because       
6. It’s reported that nine stations on Nanjing Metro Line 3 are decorated to ______ scenes from the Dream of Red Mansions (紅樓夢).
  A. require          B. reduce            C. remind           D. represent
7. —Can you share with us why you are so successful?
  —Nothing special. You just need to          new challenges and never give up.
  A. take up          B. take off         C. take on    D. take over
8. About 20 works from Pablo Picasso (畢加索) ______ to the public at the Nanjing International
Art Festival in September this year.
 A. was shown       B. were shown       C. are shown        D. will be shown
9. ______ weather it is today! We’d better stay at home to rest.
  A. How terrible     B. What terrible      C. What a terrible     D. How a terrible
10. —Must I finish writing the report today?
   —No. You _______ if you have something else to do.
  A. can't       B. couldn't      C. mustn't       D. don't have to
11. It’s widely accepted that every tourist should have good _________.
  A. methods       B. moods             C. minds          D. manners
12. Nick Vujicic has a strong mind. He proves that if one tries his best, ________ can prevent him.
   A. nothing        B. something         C. everything     D. anything
13. —Excuse me, could you tell me ________?
   —Sure, Bus No. 9 will take you right there.
   A. where is Nanjing Museum             B. how can I get to Nanjing Museum 
C. which bus I shall take to Nanjing Museum   D. how far it is from here to Nanjing Museum
14. —It is common for Chinese to forget Chinese characters (漢字) when they write, as they are used to typing characters on a computer screen.
   —____________. We must pay more attention to our writing.     
   A. I agree       B. My pleasure         C. I don’t think so     D. It doesn’t matter
15. —What are you going to do this weekend?
   —________. If my parents allow, I may go to the cinema to see Big Hero 6.
   A. Forget it      B. It depends         C. Don’t mention it   D. It doesn’t matter
Almost every day, you spend about one third of your time in one place. There, you study and have fun with your friends. There, you grow from a little kid   16   a young adult. This place is your classroom.
    The classroom is a key part of teaching. Some countries like the US are different from China. This   17   us a window to learn about their educational style.
    In China, most students stay in the same classrooms. Teachers take turns teaching in different classrooms. This way of teaching makes sure that the students learn the same level of knowledge.   18   students are not offered many choices. Whether you like a  19  or not, you need to learn it.
    In the US, students always change classrooms based on different subjects. Besides compulsory (必修的) classes including English and math, kids can choose to learn   20   they are interested in. Some kids may choose gardening or cooking class. This kind of way is more student-centered.
    Classroom arrangement also makes a difference. Chinese classrooms are traditional, with lines of desks and chairs   21   the blackboard. Teachers usually stand on a platform when teaching.   22  , they form a style of teaching from the textbook.
    However, in US classrooms, students’ seats are flexible (靈活的) according to different class activities.   23  , if students need to have a group discussion, two or three of them will move their desks to sit face to face. If they have drama or music class, they usually sit in a big circle. Sometimes, teachers also   24   the students. Children learn actively through talking and discussing with each other.
Of course, it is not   25   “good” or “bad” when judging an educational style. What you need to do is to find your own way to study.
16. A. up          B. into           C. through        D. as
17. A. prefers      B. serves          C. offers          D. provides
18. A. But        B. So             C. If          D. Because
19. A. teacher      B. classroom       C. subject         D. student
20. A. that         B. which          C. what          D. where
21. A. looking      B. facing          C. pointing       D. noticing
22. A. Slowly      B. Simply         C. Strangely       D. Exactly
23. A. such as      B. after all         C. however       D. for example
24. A. enter      B. attend          C. join           D. take part in
25. A. directly       B. usually           C. simply        D. commonly
26. When can you write your homework in the club?
   A. Tuesday at 4:00 pm.                  B. Tuesday at 5:00 pm.
   C. Monday at 4: 30 pm.                 D. Friday at 5: 30 pm.
27. You can do the following EXCEPT______ at the club.
   A. communicate with new friends         B. enjoy yourself
   C. ask teachers for help                 D. take cooking courses
28. How many ways can you register (報名) for the club?
   A. 1.              B. 2.               C. 3.               D. 4.
You must think Hong Kong singer and actor Aarif Lee is a lucky guy. Only entering the business six years ago, the 28-year-old is already everywhere on our TV screens. Weeks ago he was an emperor in the TV drama The Empress of China (《武媚娘傳奇》). And now he travels with a group of actresses in the reality show Sister Over Flowers (《花樣姐姐》).
    But even the luckiest guys come across difficulties. Lee’s been through crises (危機) too.
    Lee found his love for music before he was 15. But instead of going for that, he chose to do physics at Imperial College London, one of the world’s top universities.
    In his high school in Hong Kong, Lee was a head boy and everything came easily to him. However, university in London was a world away from the comfortable environment of high school.
   “Compared with Hong Kong, Imperial was a war zone, where everyone was so competitive (好競爭的), pushing to get what they wanted,” he said. “It was the first time in my life that I thought I might fail at something.”
    He didn’t. Although for a time he really regretted his tough choice of subject. He warned his family he might have to leave university and choose a musical education. But he stayed on and came back home with a good grade.
    Lee said that university taught him the need to dig deep to make the most of his potential (潛力), a useful lesson that he applies (運用) every day in his show business career.
   “Even if you aren’t talented at something, you can work hard to overcome it. Once you make that leap, it’s like an addiction (上癮)—you’ll want more challenges.’
29. When did Aarif Lee enter entertainment industry?
   A. At 15.            B. At 28.            C. At 23.           D. At 22. 
30. What does the word “tough” mean in Chinese?
   A. 積極的          B. 艱難的          C. 容易的          D. 隨意的
31. From the story of Aarif Lee, we may know ____________.
   A. the early bird catches the worm         B. a good beginning is half done  
   C. where there is a will, there is a way      D. actions speak louder than words
32. You would most probably read this passage in a(n)_______.
A. novel         B. advertisement  C. IT magazine    D. newspaper

    I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago. Her husband died of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insights with us.
    The class was nearly over. She said, “Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you an important thought.”
    “Each of us is put here on Earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves. We must make the most out of every single day.”
    Her eyes began to water and she went on, “So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see ? it could be a good smell or the sound of the gentle wind.”
    “Please look for these things, and cherish them. They are what is in life. We must pay attention to noticing them, for at any time it can all be taken away.”
    Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we don’t notice.
    Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today. Walk along the beach at sunset. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we didn’t do.
33. In the author’s eyes, the high school teacher was ______.
   A. special          B. weak            C. happy          D. strict
34. The word “insight” in the first paragraph means ______.
   A. promise          B. thought          C. love            D. thing
35. The author’s teacher did NOT suggest ______.
   A. making the most out of every single day
   B. finding something beautiful to notice
   C. cherishing even very little things
   D. regretting anything that we did
36. The best title for the story is ______.
   A. My high school days                  B. Making a promise
   C. My insights of life                 D. My special teacher
  It is all about excitement, speed, and entertainment. It is the biggest international event in winter sports—the Winter Olympic Games. Guess which city will be the host in 2022? The two candidates, Beijing (jointly with Zhangjiakou in Hebei) and Almaty in Kazakhstan are waiting to find out who will win the bid.
    The International Olympic Committee Evaluation Commission (評估團) visited Beijing and Zhangjiakou from March 24 to 28 to see whether the two cities meet the standards for hosting the Games. The final host city will be announced on July 31 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    “Our visit shows that Beijing is able to host a successful 2022 Olympic Winter Games,” said Alexander Zhukov, the chief of the commission.
    Although Zhukov said the same thing about Almaty during his visit to the city earlier, “it seems that Beijing has a bigger chance”, commented Xinhua. If Beijing wins, it will be the first city in history to organize both summer and winter Olympic Games.
    The nearly perfect organization of the 2008 Summer Games proved the city’s abilities, according to the report. The city would make use of venues (比賽地點) and infrastructures (基本設(shè)施) constructed back then for the Winter Games, showing a spirit of sustainable (可持續(xù)的) development. Beijing plans to host most of the ice events, including figure skating, speed skating and ice hockey, in six existing venues including the Water Cube aquatics center.
Snow events will be held in Chongli County in Zhangjiakou. The county, about an hour’s ride from Beijing, has over four months’ snowfall a year, which would provide enough snow for the competitions. The high forest coverage makes snow remain easier. Moreover, the average winter temperature there is suitable for the Winter Olympic Games.   
But a problem may get in the way—smog (霧霾). It will be a disadvantage for Beijing.
    Competition for holding the Olympics is always strong, because it influences the host city and its people deeply.
    “If Beijing wins, it will help improve transportation infrastructure in the two cities and reduce Beijing’s air pollution,” said Beijing mayor Wang Anshun. Around 600,000 more jobs will be created. The events will also encourage more young people to take part in winter sports.
37. Where will snow events be probably held according to the report?
   A. In Beijing.       B. In Almaty.      C. In Zhangjiakou.     D. In Kazakhstan.
38. What is the biggest challenge for Beijing to host the Winter Olympic Games?
   A. Venues and infrastructures.          B. Experience.
   C. People’s support.                  D. pollution.
39. What will the Winter Olympic Games NOT bring to Beijing?
   A. More and more people will have chances to find jobs.
B. More and more teenagers will be interested in winter sports.
   C. Beijing still needs to build more venues and infrastructures for the Games.
   D. The traffic situation between Beijing and Zhangjiakou will be greatly improved.
40. Which of the following is TRUE?
   A. It takes about one hour to ride a bike to Chongli from Beijing.
B. Winning the Olympic bid won’t influence local people’s lives.
   C. Beijing will be the only city which hosts the Olympic Games twice.
   D. The city for hosting the 2022 Winter Olympic Games hasn’t been decided.
41. Too    ▲    (多) homework often leads us to studying late into night.
42. Surprisingly, new research shows that most people are more    ▲    (相似)  to their fathers.
43. As the old saying goes,    ▲    (三月) is the best time to visit Yangzhou.
44. Qingtuan is a traditional Qingming snack for people living    ▲    (南方) of the Yangtze
45. Your room is always in a    ▲    (混亂) , Bennie. Why not clean it right now?
46. After three    ▲    (year) hard work, all the students in our class will realize their dreams.
47. The toy I like most is a toy bear I got on my    ▲    (eight) birthday. It was from my best friend Judy.
48. Liu Xiang, one of    ▲    (good) athletes in the world, announced his retirement (退役) several days ago.
49. Over forty countries around the world are expecting    ▲    (join) the Asian Infrastructure
      Investment Bank (AIIB) (亞投行).
50. It is    ▲    (correct) for the Japanese government to turn away from the facts in the war.


Tired of puzzling over a problem? Sleep on it! Research by a group of German scientists shows that getting enough sleep makes people better    51    solvers.
They found that people    52    sleep for at least eight hours each night are better at solving problems and thinking creatively. For their research study, the scientists    53    106 people into groups. The group that got eight hours of sleep was twice as likely to find a shortcut for solving a math problem than the group that had stayed awake all night.
Skimping on sleep has become a bad habit for many American kids.    54    a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 51% of kids ages 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 P.M. or later on school nights.
This is important information for parents and for kids. Getting enough sleep can    55   
a kid’s performance at school.

Benjamin Franklin is one of the greatest miracles in American history. Although he never received a formal education, he made important contributions in many fields, including literature, journalism, science, diplomacy and education.
Early Years
Franklin, one of seventeen children, was born in Boston on January 6, 1706. After leaving school at the age of ten, he spent two years working for his father before learning printing from his elder brother. When he was seventeen, Franklin left Boston and traveled to Philadelphia, hoping to open his own print shop. Once he worked as a printer, Franklin began producing a newspaper and an annual magazine called Poor Richard's Almanack. It was very popular and people considered him as a talented writer.
Man of science
When Franklin was forty-two, he left his printing business to devote himself to science. He proved to be successful again. During his lifetime, Franklin invented the lightning rod (避雷針) and a new type of stove, confirmed the laws of electricity and contributed to the scientific understanding of earthquakes. With all these achievements, Franklin is best remembered for his career in politics.
Statesman and Diplomat
Franklin played an important role in drafting (起草) the Declaration of Independence《獨立宣言》, won French support during the War and drafted the United States Constitution (憲法). In his later years, he was ambassador (大使) first to England and then to France. Even before President Washington, Franklin was considered "The father of his country".
Franklin wrote the first part of The Autobiography in 1771 at the age of sixty-five. Though never completed, his Autobiography, full of his own opinions and suggestions, provides not only a record of his achievements but also an understanding of his character.
Benjamin Franklin made one of the greatest miracles in American history.
In the early years He was born in Boston on January 6, 1706 in a family of    56    children.
He was never    57    formally and left school at ten.
He learned to be a    58    and produced his own newspaper.
His later
achievements In literature He was    59    a talented writer because of his magazine Poor Richard's Almanack. 
His Autobiography is   60   with his own opinions and suggestions.
 In    61     He    62    himself to science at the age of 42.
He was the    63    of the lightning rod and a new type of stove.
He    64    the laws of electricity.
He contributed to the understanding of earthquakes.
 In politics He drafted the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.
He won support from   65   during the War.
He served as an ambassador to England and France.

B) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母提示,填寫所缺單詞,并將答案填寫在答卷紙標(biāo)號為66-75的相應(yīng)位置。 
Have you ever thought, “Why do I have to learn math? I’m never going to use it!” Sometimes students think math is (66)j_______ something to bore them, and that it has no practical
(67)v______ at all. Is it true?
Math is the tool and language of economics, engineering and other sciences. It is (68)u______ in almost every field of the world. When workers build buildings with perfectly square corners, the Pythagorean Theorem (勾股定理) is (69)h______. When you want to know what scores you need to get on a final exam to become the top 10 percent of your grade, math can help you. Even your HDTV (高
清電視) relies on mathematics, too.
Moreover, math provides us (70)w________ a lot of skills in problem solving. When (71)s_______ a math problem, we need to define the problem, think of ways and use a certain method to get the results. In this way, you (72)d_______ your ability to make complex (復(fù)雜的) decisions down the road. Besides, math teaches us logic (邏輯) and order. When we want to get a certain result in math, we must (73)f_______ exact steps. The training of mind that children
achieve in math class can carry over into everyday life.
(74)T_______ math, we can also learn some thinking skills. For example, when students are required to explain (75)h_______ they get to a way of a complex problem or to describe the ideas behind a formula, they are in fact using a way of thinking.
    You may never need to use the quadratic equation (二次方程) in your adult life, but the process of learning it may improve you in certain ways you may never think about.
六、書面表達 (滿分15分)
 1. 簡單介紹自己的學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣;   2. 給予適當(dāng)評價;
 3. 為提高自己,今后會做的努力;  4. 注意:在文中不要提及真實的校名和姓名。
My self-assessment

1-5 DBDAC  6-10 DCDBD  11-15 DACAB
16-20 BCACC   21-25 BADCC
26-28 BDC   29-32 DBCD   33-36 ABDD  37-40 CDCD
41. much   42.similar   43.March   44.south  45. mess
46. years’  47. eighth   48. the best   49. to join   50. incorrect
51. problem   52. who    53. divided    54. According to   55. improve
56. seventeen/17    57. educated     58.printer    59. considered   60.filled
61. science      62. devoted      63. inventor    64. confirmed   65. France
B) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母提示,填寫所缺單詞,并將答案填寫在答卷紙標(biāo)號為66-75的相應(yīng)位置。
66. just   67. value     68. used     69. helpful    70. with
71. solving  72. develop   73. follow    74. Through   75. how
六、書面表達 (滿分15分)(略)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/309890.html
