九年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Module 5 同步教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
九年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Module 5 同步教案
知識(shí)目標(biāo):能正確使用Module 5中的單詞和短語;

重點(diǎn):1. 應(yīng)用本模塊交際用語,如:No shouting!; No wonder it…等;
2. 掌握下列短語pay attention to, as well, work out, try out, above all, drop in, as…as…的用法;
3. 能使用祈使句禁止某種行為;能初步了解復(fù)合詞。
難點(diǎn):1. either, also, too與as well的區(qū)別;
2. be familiar with和be familiar to的辨析;
3. 表示禁止某種行為的祈使句以及合成詞的構(gòu)成。

1. familiar
【用法】adj. 熟悉的
be familiar with和be familiar to的區(qū)別:
be familiar with 對(duì)……熟悉
be familiar to (主語)被……所熟悉
【例句】(1) We are familiar with Liu Dehua.
(2) Liu Dehua is familiar to us.
—Is this name familiar ________ you? —Yes, I’m very familiar ________ it.
A. to, at B. to, with C. of, at D. with, to
解題思路:此題考查familiar的用法,第一個(gè)人問的是“這個(gè)名字被你所熟悉嗎”,因此用be familiar to,從而排除C和D,第二個(gè)人回答的是“我非常熟悉它”,因此用be familiar with,故選B。
2. either
【例句】You can park on either side of the street.
如:Either you or Tom has done it.(連接并列主語)
You may either stay at home or go there with us.(連接并列謂語)
Either you or he has made the mistake. 不是你就是他犯了這個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。
Either he or you have made the mistake. 不是他就是你犯了這個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。
【用法2】adv. “也(不)”(放在否定句的句末)
【例句】 Peter can’t go and I can’t, either.
Either you or he _________ leave here.
A. are going to B. is going to C. go to D. were going to
解題思路:此題考查either …or…的用法,由于最靠近謂語的主語是he,因此謂語動(dòng)詞要用單數(shù)形式,故選B。
It doesn’t matter. I think __________ way is fine with me.
A. both B. neither C. either
② If you don’t go to the meeting tomorrow, _________________.
A. he will, too B. he won’t, either C. he does, too D. he doesn’t, either
I ___________________________ this neighborhood.
This neighborhood ______________________________ me.

1. pay attention to
【例句】Tom asked his mother what he should pay attention to when he cooked fish.
I wish everyone could pay attention to _______________ the environment.
A. protect B. protecting C. destroying
解題思路:此題考查pay attention to的用法,此句的意思是“我希望每個(gè)人都能注意保護(hù)環(huán)境”,由于to是介詞,后跟v-ing形式,故選B。
2. as well
【例句】He is an inventor as well.
【考查點(diǎn)】either, also, too與as well的區(qū)別以及as well as 的用法。
(1)either, also, too與as well的區(qū)別: 都有“也”的意思
either:“也(不)”,放在否定句的句末。如:He isn’t a worker, either.
如:He is also a worker. He can also swim. He also likes swimming.
如:He can swim, too.
as well:多用于口語,只用于句尾。如:He can swim as well.
(2)as well 與as well as用法的區(qū)別:都有“也,還有,而且”的意思
as well:相當(dāng)于too,是副詞短語,一般放于句末。
as well as:用來連接兩個(gè)相同的成分,通常不位于句首。此外,as well as連接的雖然是兩個(gè)并列成分,但強(qiáng)調(diào)的重點(diǎn)在前面,不在后面,意為“不但……而且……”“除了……之外,還有……”,翻譯時(shí)要先譯后面,再譯前面。
Living things need air and light as well as water.
【易錯(cuò)點(diǎn)】either, also, too與as well易混淆以及as well as的翻譯。
She studies French _____________.
A. too B. either C. as well D. also
解題思路:此題考查either, also, too與as well的辨析,由于此句是肯定句,因此排除B;由于是在句尾,所以排除D;又由于沒有逗號(hào)隔開,所以排除A選C。
3. work out
【例句】Can you tell me the answer to the problem? I can’t work it out myself.
Don’t worry. Things will ___________.
A. work themselves out B. work out themselves C. work out them.
解題思路:此題考查work out的用法,由于work out 接代詞時(shí),代詞需要放在短語中間,故選A。
4. try out
【例句】I really want you to try out this new product.
The idea sounds fine, but we need to _______________________ in practice.
答案:try it out。
解題思路:此題考查的是try out的用法,在這里要翻譯的是“檢驗(yàn)一下”,是指檢驗(yàn)一下這個(gè)主意,用代詞it代替即可,由于try out 接代詞時(shí),代詞需要放在短語中間,故填try it out。
5. above all
The children who have suffered from the earthquake need plenty of help, but above all, they need love.
【易錯(cuò)點(diǎn)】不明確above all的意思。
Don’t waste anything, and _____________, you can’t waste your time.
A. in all B. after all C. above all
解題思路:此題考查的是由all構(gòu)成的短語的辨析,此句意為“不要浪費(fèi)任何東西,最重要的是,不要浪費(fèi)你的時(shí)間!眎n all意為“總共,共計(jì)”,after all意為“畢竟”,故選C。
6. drop in
【用法】“順便來訪,到……家來”,常構(gòu)成“drop in at a place (順便走訪某地) ”, “drop in on sb.(順便拜訪某人)”。
They dropped in on us as they were passing through the town.
Would you __________________ my home when you are in town?
A. drop in at B. drop in on C. drop in to
解題思路:此題考查drop in后的介詞的用法,此句意為“你到城里來時(shí)順便來我家玩好嗎?”,drop in 后接地點(diǎn)時(shí)要用介詞at,故選A。
7. as…as
He runs as fast as I.
He speaks English as _________ as I do.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
解題思路:此題考查的是as … as 的用法,此句意為“他英語講得和我一樣好。”由于修飾的是動(dòng)詞speak,要用副詞,排除A;而as…as中間要用原形,故選B。
1. Don’t just believe the advertisement. That kind of camera is _______________ it says.
A. as good as B. not as good as C. not as well as
2. The digital camera looks nice. Can I _______________ and see whether it works.
A. try out it B. try it out C. try out
3. ____________, I want to thank all my fans for their support.
A. Above all B. After all C. First all
4. Can we _____________ Uncle Matt on our way to New York?
A. drop in B. drop in on C. drop in at
5. Miss Li asked us to pay attention ____________________ the word.
A. to spell B. to spelling C. for spelling
6. —Excuse me, but do you know the way to the hospital, please?
—Sorry, I don’t know, ________.
A. too B. as well C. either
7. We have ______________ a plan for our holiday.
A. worked out B. tried out C. found out

1. No shouting!
【用法】“不要喧嘩”(相當(dāng)于Don’t shout!)
【例句】No photos! 禁止拍照!
No parking! 禁止停車!
No smoking! 禁止吸煙!
【考題鏈接】—May I put my bike here?
—Sorry, you mustn’t. Please look at the sign. It says, “__________________”.
解題思路:NO PHOTOS意為“禁止拍照”,DANGER 意為“危險(xiǎn)”,SLOW DOWN意為“減速”,NO PARKING意為“禁止停車”,根據(jù)上文應(yīng)選D。
2. No wonder it…
No wonder“難怪,怪不得”,有時(shí)也說It’s no wonder…,后接由that引導(dǎo)的從句。
【例句】No wonder you are so experienced. 難怪你這么有經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
【考查點(diǎn)】No wonder的意思。
【易錯(cuò)點(diǎn)】不理解No wonder的意思。
【考題鏈接】_____________ you are tired, you’ve been walking for hours.
A. I don’t thinkB. No wonderC. I am sorry
3. 語法:合成詞構(gòu)詞法
①合成名詞:一般由“名詞+名詞”合并而成。如:homework, football 等。
②合成形容詞:一般由“名詞+形容詞”或“形容詞+名詞”合并而成。如:home-made (家里制作的),deep-sea(深海的)等。
I bought some ____________________(明信片) for my family and my friends.
1. The ________________(藍(lán)眼睛的)baby is very cute.
2. Don’t go _______________(樓上), Daddy is sleeping there.
3. We often ________________(下載)music from the Internet.
4. Don’t set off _______________(煙花)here.
5. Please ____________ look outside. Look at the blackboard.
A. don’t B. aren’t C. can’t
6. It’s _______________ you are so angry. He broke your favourite bike.
A. OK B. a wonder C. no wonder


上冊(cè) Module 6 Save our world

重點(diǎn)單詞:waste, environment, product
重點(diǎn)短語:throw away, instead of, do harm to, make a difference to
重點(diǎn)句型:It’s+adj.+to do sth.

思考問題一:for example, such as 與like的區(qū)別?
思考問題二:instead of 和rather than的區(qū)別?


1. ( ) The children are still upstairs. Go and get them to come __________ for breakfast.
A. to downstairs B. from downstairs C. downstairs
2. ( ) You mustn’t take pictures here. Look at the sign “_____________”.
3. ( ) Be polite. You ____________ talk to the old like that.
A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t
4. ( ) -The classroom is _______ clean ______ it was yesterday. -Sorry. I forgot to clean it.
A. as, as B. so, as C. not so, as
5. ( ) You can buy everything that you want, _______________, that’s your money.
A. above all B. after all C. all together
*6. ( ) Speak _________________ so that everyone can hear.
A. as loudly as possibleB. much loudly C. as more loudly as you can
7. ( ) I don’t know much about computer, ___________.
A. too B. neither C. either
8. ( ) Liu Xiang is familiar __________ us.
A. to B. with C. by
9. ( ) We are familiar _____ computers.
A. with B. for C. to
10. ( ) No _____. It’s against the rule.
A. talk B. to talk C. talking
11. ( ) She was paying attention to _____ TV.
A. watch B. watching C. watched
12. ( ) Don’t _____ the door. It’s cold outside.
A. open B. to open C. opening
13. ( ) —What would you like, tea or milk? —I don’t mind. ___is OK.
A. Either B. Neither C. Both
14. ( ) You can find Chinese works ________ foreign works.
A. as well B. also C. as well as
15. ( ) Pollution problem is very serious. Can we _____________?
A. work out B. work out it C. work it out

Everyone needs friends. We all like to 1 close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and to do things with. 2 , sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people 3 . But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.
No two people are just the same. Friends 4 don’t get on well. It doesn’t mean that they no longer 5 each other. Most of the time they will make up(重歸于好)and become friends again.
Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very 6 . We miss them very much, but we can 7 them and write to them. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out __8__ we like new people when we get to know them.
There is more good 9 for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t, Why? It 10 be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could just know that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.
( ) 1. A. watch B. feel C. look D. see
( ) 2. A. Nearly B. Hardly C. Certainly D. Suddenly
( ) 3. A. around B. alone C. away D. above
( ) 4. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. usually
( ) 5. A. know B. think C. hate D. like
( ) 6. A. angry B. sad C. happy D. surprised
( ) 7. A. ask B. call C. tell D. order
( ) 8. A. how much B. how long C. how many D. how often
( ) 9. A. confidence B. thought C. knowledge D. news
( ) 10. A. must B. should C. could D. need

Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子)and takes good of it.
It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. King likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends’ help he got a ticket a few days ago. After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he hardly got on. There were plenty of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓。゛ back of the chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He was short and couldn’t grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy hardly fell to the floor. He looked around and saw Mr. King’s beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out, “Let go of(松開)my beard, boy!”
“Are you going to get off, sir?” asked the boy.
1. Mr. King is a ___.
A. player B. runner C. teacher D. driver
2. Mr. King was going to watch the match because ___.
A .he teaches P.E. in a middle school B. he likes football very much
C. he had already got a ticket D. he didn’t go to work yesterday
3. It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because ___.
A. he had drunk too much B. the bus was too small
C .he got on the bus too late D. it was very crowded in the bus
4. The boy gripped Mr. King’s beard because ___.
A. he was afraid to fall again
B. he wanted to make the man angry
C. he hoped the man to find a seat for him
D. he hoped the man to get off soon
5. Mr. King was afraid ___, so he shouted at him.
A. the boy would pull him down B. the boy would hurt his beard
C. the boy could be hurt again D. the boy would borrow his ticket

There was little rain in some place for two years and a lot of people died of hunger. So a man reported a famine(饑荒)to an official(官員). The official asked, “How much wheat have you harvested?”
“Thirty percent of the normal yield(正常產(chǎn)量的30%),” the man replied.
“How much cotton?”
“Twenty percent.”
“How much rice?”
“Twenty percent.”
The official got mad, “You’ve already had seventy percent of the harvest, how dare(敢)you trump up(謊報(bào))famine then?”
The man said, “I’ve never seen such a terrible famine in my life of a hundred and several scores of years.”
“How could you have lived so long?” asked the official.
“Look, I’m over seventy years old. My eldest son is over forty and my second son is over thirty. The total(總數(shù))is a hundred and several scores of years.” All the people hearing this had a good laugh over that.
6. A great ______ happened in the place.
A. flood B. disease C. drought D. war
7. The man said ______.
A. people had a bad harvest B. some of the crops were bad
C. people lost their farms D. people had little food
8. The word “mad” in the story means ______.
A. sad B. angry C. happy D. excited
9. The official didn’t think ______.
A. the people were hungry B. the drought was serious enough
C. the people had to be helped D. the famine was terrible enough
10. Hearing the clever answer, people laughed at ______.
A. the old man B. the official
C. the hungry people D. the policemen nearby the road

1. There are many trees on e________________ side of the road.
2. To keep the company safe, the soldier was on g_____________ all night.
3. He looks so f_______________ but I can’t remember his name.
4. Stop here. Look at the sign “No e__________”.
5. You can see many ice s___________ in the city of Harbin in winter.
6. —Where are the painting room and the living room, please?
—The painting room is u___________ and the living room is d________________.
7. Soldiers have to o___________ orders.
8. The students always do e______________ in the chemistry class.
9. He pays a lot of a____________ to the details.
10. It’s quite u_________________ for it to be cool here in summer.

1. 題目太難了,算不出來。
The problem can’t __________________________ because it’s too hard.
2. 最重要的是,科學(xué)博物館是免費(fèi)的。
____________, the Science Museum is free.
3. 下次來佛山時(shí),順便來看看我們。
___________________ and see us when you’re in Foshan next time.
4. 數(shù)學(xué)和英語同樣重要。
Maths is ____________________________________ English.
5. 他們正在檢驗(yàn)火箭。
They are ________________________________.
6. 箱子里全都是書,怪不得這么重。
The whole box __________________ book. __________________ it’s so heavy.
7. 他會(huì)說英語也會(huì)說法語。
He can speak French _________________ English.


一、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. A 解析:此題考查as …as possible的用法,as…as possible意為“盡可能……”,也可以寫為as…as sb. can, 由于as…as中間要用原形,所以排除C;much后要跟比較級(jí),應(yīng)為much more loudly, 所以選A。
7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. C
二、1~5 BCACD 6~10 BBADC
三、1~5 CBDAB 6~10 CABDB
四、1. either 2. guard 3. familiar 4. entry 5. sculptures 6. upstairs, downstairs
7. obey 8. experiments 9. attention 10. unusual
五、1. be worked out 2. Above all 3. Drop in 4. as important as

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/54742.html
