
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 14 Shopping

本單元的中心話題是“購物”,所有的對話、課文及練習(xí)都是圍繞這一話題展開的。我們要能熟練運用有關(guān)“挑選物品、詢問價格、做出決定”的購物交際用語,同時還得學(xué)會通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)進行購物的方法和技巧!癝hopping on-line”給我們提供了典型的范例。本單元著重講述了過去完成時的基本概念、構(gòu)成以及它的肯定、否定和疑問句式及其簡略答語,區(qū)別了so that和so…that…的不同用法。結(jié)合自己的實際情況,參考Lesson 56,進行英文日記的寫作訓(xùn)練,也可以寫一篇自己經(jīng)歷過的shopping活動。
3.能完全區(qū)別so that和so…that的用法。
The first period(Lesson 53); The second period (Lesson 54); The third period (Lesson 55); The fourth period( Lesson 56); The fifth period(Grammar & Writing);
The sixth period(Test)
Lesson 53 Presentation:Today I want to buy a new pair of shoes. Do you know why? Because my leather shoes are old enough(they are made of leather), they are worn out, I can’t wear them to school or any other places. Now I want to go to the shop. What ideas would you like to give me? Let the students give some good advice (quality, color, price, style, etc). What do I have to do before I decide to take them. (You’d better try them on)
Lesson 54
Do you like going shopping? Maybe sometimes you haven’t enough time to go to the supermarkets or shopping malls. What shall we do? Now there’s a way to make shopping much easier---shopping online.Can you shop in this way? Suppose that you want to visit some places of interest, so a digital camera is necessary for you. Here are some ads(advertisement).Look at them carefully, and you can make a decision which one to buy. Then you can fill in the form with your personal information. By the way, you need to provide your credit card number as well. After all is done, you can get the camera successfully some time later. Today there’s a girl named Miyoko shopping on the net. Let’s see whether she is successful or not.
Lesson 55
Make up some examples: 1. Miyoko bought a camera so that she could take pictures in Beijing. 2. Tom got up early so that he could catch the early bus. Ask the students to pay attention to the structure. Let the students make up some sentences with so that....;
1.I am so angry that I can’t say a word. 2. The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him. Ask the students to pay attention to the structure. So + adj./ adv. + that + . . . Let them make up some sentences with it.
Ask students to have a competition to see who can make more sentences with them.
Lesson 56
Have you been to Beijing? Have you been to the Great wall?/the Great Hall of the People(It is a huge house.)/the Palace Museum, ? (showing a list of pictures).
Do you like pop songs? Maybe you know many famous singing stars. But can you enjoy Peking Opera? Do you know anything about it? It is really one of our traditional arts. More and more people like to learn and sing it.
Lesson 53
1.My leather tennis shoes are worn out. 我的皮網(wǎng)球鞋穿破了。
1)leather是名詞,表示“皮,皮革”,leather tennis shoes表示“皮網(wǎng)球鞋”。
I like that leather coat very much. 我非常喜歡那件皮大衣。
2)worn是動詞wear的過去分詞,在這里含有“穿,戴,佩帶”的意思,wear out是一個常用搭配,表示“穿破,(把……)用壞”。它通常用于被動語態(tài)中。
The trousers have been worn out.這條褲子被穿破了。
注意:be worn out 還可指“人精疲力竭”。如:
His brother is worn out. 他哥哥精疲力竭。
2.——Would you like me to look in the back?我去后面看看,行嗎?
—— Yes, do please. 當(dāng)然可以。
He does speak well.他的確說得好。
3.That’s a bit expensive.有點貴。
a bit用于肯定句中,修飾形容詞或副詞(= a little)。如:
This coat is a bit / a little small 這件衣服有點兒小。
a bit還可修飾不可數(shù)名詞,但必須加of再接名詞,表示“少量”、“一點兒”。如:
There is a bit of / a little orange in the glass. 玻璃杯里有一點兒桔子汁。
a bit用于否定句時,意思相反,not a bit譯為“一點兒也不”。如:
It's not a bit warm today. 今天一點兒也不暖和。
4. You'd better try them on first.你最好先試穿一下。
try on是一個固定搭配,表示“試穿,試戴(衣服、帽子、鞋子等)”。
Can I try on your new coat?我可以試穿一下你的新上衣嗎?
try on是一個“動副”詞組,表示試穿,如果對象是名詞,既可放在中間,也可放在后面;如果對象是代詞,則只能放在中間。如:
Please try the T-shirt on. 請試穿這件T恤。
Please try on the T-shirt. 請試穿這件T恤。
Please try it on. 請試穿它。That's a bit expensive, 那稍有點兒貴。
類似的詞組還有:write down, put on, take off, turn on/off, put…away, give…back, look up etc
5.Even though they’re a little expensive, I’ll take them.即使鞋有點兒貴,我也將買它們。
句中even though相當(dāng)于even if,意思是“縱使;即使……也”。常引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句:
  I’ll help you, even if I don’t sleep for a night. 即使我一夜不睡覺,也還要幫助你。
even if引導(dǎo)的從句內(nèi)容是假定性的;even though 引導(dǎo)的從句內(nèi)容往往是較真實的。如:
Even though I went there late, she wasn’t angry with me.
Lesson 54
1.After he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision.當(dāng)他看了各種不同相機的資料后,他認為女兒做了一個很好的決定。
1)check out表示“查證,核實”。
He is checking out the letter to his teacher.他正在核實給老師的信件。
2)decision是動詞decide的名詞形式,make a decision表示“做決定”。
2.This camera seemed to offer the most at the best price. 這個相機看上去物美價廉。
at the best price意思是“以最優(yōu)惠的價格”,注意,price前面一般用介詞at。
He always sells books to students at the best price. 他總是以最優(yōu)惠的價格把書賣給學(xué)生。
at + 形+ speed以……的速度,如:at high speed以高速、at full speed以全速。
at +價錢以多少錢,如:buy the coat at ¥ 80 以80元之價買這件大衣。
3.Then a screen came up that read…然后,屏幕上出現(xiàn)了……
come up出現(xiàn),挺身而出;come in進來;come out出來,開花;
come on過來,加油;come along隨同,跟隨;come here到這兒來;
come this way走這邊。如:
4.She decided to buy a digital camera on line…
decide to do sth. 表示“決定做某事”。近義詞組是make up one’s mind to do sth, set one’s mind to do sth.如:
I decided to go to see my grandma in hospital.
decide + that從句表示“決定……”。如:
He decided that he would not become a sailor.
buy…on line指在線購物,或網(wǎng)上購物。如:
Yesterday I bought the book Harry Potter on line. 我昨天在網(wǎng)上買到了《哈利?波特》那本書。
Lesson 55
1.I went over what I had written again and again so that I wouldn't make any mistakes. 我一遍又一遍地仔細檢查我寫的東西,以防出錯。
1)go over是一個固定搭配,表示“仔細檢查,審查”。
Please go over your composition after you have finished it.寫完后請仔細檢查。
另外,go over還可以表示“復(fù)習(xí),溫習(xí)”。
Please go over the text you have just learned after class in time.請課后及時復(fù)習(xí)剛學(xué)完的課文。
2)again and again表示“一遍又一遍,一次又一次”。
3)mistake是名詞,表示“錯誤”,make a mistake表示“犯錯誤,出錯”。
2.The cupboard cost so little that he bought it。這個櫥柜非常便宜,于是他買了下來。
注意so that和 so…that 之間的區(qū)別。
Lesson 56
1.We went to the hotel by taxi and dropped off our things. 我們乘出租車到了賓館,并卸下我們的東西。
drop sth. / sb. off (at…)將某人(某物)送到(某處)。如:
I dropped him off at the post office.
He went to his office to drop off the things after doing some shopping and then went to the park with his friends.
drop off減少。如:
His friends dropped off one by one. 他的朋友一個個地棄他而去。
2.…it was close to our hotel. 它離我們旅館近。
be close to… 離……近。此處close 作形容詞。如:
The bus-stop is close to my school. 在學(xué)校附近有個公共汽車站。
Liu Ying is my closest friend. 劉鶯是我最親密的朋友。
3.We had our pictures taken in the middle of the square.我們在廣場中央拍了照。
have something done是一個固定搭配,表示“使人或安排人做某事”。
I had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天去理了發(fā)。
4.I'm in a hurry now. 我正忙著。
in a hurry匆忙地,此處hurry作名詞。
hurry to… 匆忙到某地,此處hurry作動詞。
He was in a hurry to leave. 他急著要離去。
I had a hurried meal. 我匆忙吃了頓飯。
Don't hurry to the station, there's much time.
1. search / search for / search…for…
search 作及物動詞時意為“搜查”,賓語一般是被搜查的處所。
search也可用作不及物動詞,構(gòu)成短語search for,表示“尋找、搜尋”的意思,相當(dāng)于look for,它的賓語是要找的東西或人。
They searched the house.
The enemy searched the village for the Red Army man.
He is searching for a lost ball.
他在找一個丟失的球。…that和so that表示的狀語從句
so…that引導(dǎo)的是結(jié)果狀語從句,常用來說明其后的形容詞或副詞達到“如此”程度,以至于產(chǎn)生了某種結(jié)果。so that引導(dǎo)的是目的狀語從句,其謂語動詞中常含有can, could, may. might等情態(tài)動詞。
The digital camera cost so much that I can't afford it.這個數(shù)碼相機太貴了,我買不起。
I took a taxi so that I could get there earlier.我乘出租車,為的是早點兒到。
so that引導(dǎo)的狀語從句也可表示結(jié)果,這時句中沒有情態(tài)動詞,如:
She sat behind me so that I did not see her.
注意:so…that “如此…以致…”, 引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句時與too…to…, …enough to do, such…that…進行轉(zhuǎn)換。
3. expensive與high, cheap與low
這四個詞在談?wù)摰絻r格的高低時,要注意使用。expensive與high涉及到價格“高”,而cheap 與low涉及到價格“低”。
  This watch is expensive. 這只表很貴。
  These glass-products are not expensive. 這些玻璃制品不是很值錢。
  The cheap table was bought from him. 這張便宜的桌子是他賣給我們的。
  This cloth doll is very cheap. 這只布娃娃很便宜。
  The price of this watch is very high. 這只表的價格太高了。
  The price of this book is not low for me. 這本書的價格對我來說是不低。

Can I help you? What can I do for you? Which would you like? How many/much do you want? Is that all? Do you like…? What about …? Which one/colour/… do you like? What size do you want/need? Is this one better? OK/Certainly. Here you are. No hurry. Please take your time! I'm afraid we haven't got any… in that size at the moment. I'm sorry. We've sold out the… in your size. But we'vegot some… ones.
I want to buy (some)… (for…). Thankyou./Yes, please. I want… of …, please. I would like… of…, please. I'd like… for…. And some …, please. I want some…. About… (數(shù)量), please. We'll/I'll have a look at the…. Thank you. I like the colour, but it's/they're too…. No, the colour's too…. It's great, but it's not… enough. / They are great, but they're not… enough. I prefer…, but this… is too…!That's too…. That's just right. Have you got any other kind/colour/size? That looks nice/great. Can/May I try them/it on, please? Have you got anything cheaper?
談?wù)搩r格并做決定時,顧客可以說:How much does it cost? / How much do they cost? How much are these things? That's (much) too expensive, I'm afraid. That's (quite) cheap/ dear. That's a bit expensive. I like it, but it costs too much. /I like them, but they cost too much. I can't decide. I'll take it. I'll just buy….
售貨員可說: Let me see. … (價格),please. … yuan/dollars. You haven't paid for it yet. That's the cheapest/most expensive… we have, I'm afraid.
Situation 1: You are going to attend the sports meet of your school. You need a pair of new sports shoes. Your mother and you go shopping.
Situation 2: Next Sunday is your brother's birthday. You want to buy a pencil-box for him.
Situation 3: Suppose you are a shopkeeper. One day you find a girl is looking for something in your shop. So you offer your help to her.
S1: I'd like to know something about shopping online.
S2: What would you like to know?
S1: Have you ever bought anything online?
S2: Never.
S1: Why?
S2: The disadvantage is that I can't see the goods before I buy them. And I can't touch the goods and I can't talk to the salespersons. In a word, I feel uncomfortable.
S1: (To S3) Do you like shopping online?
S3: Yes.
S1: Why?
S3: Because it's interesting. It saves a lot of time and I needn't leave home to buy things. I just click the mouse to order what I like.
S1: Have you ever done shopping online?
S3: Yes. I bought a car online last year. It was very nice. I had just chosen the type, the brand I like. Then they sent it to my home. I was glad that I had just got what I wanted in half an hour.
That's great.
  1) She had searched the Internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digital camera.
  2) After she had found more information,. . .
  3) After he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision.
4) A week later Miyoko received the camera she had ordered.

I often surf the Internet. I do a lot of things online such as chatting, shopping, visiting cool websites and so on. I find it interesting to be online. I can buy things without having to go to shops and I can make friends online. I can even set up my own web page. But some people say it is not good to be online, for it is easy to be cheated online and chatting too much and being online too long is not only a waste of time, but also hurting our eyes. Is that so?
當(dāng)然我們也可以要求學(xué)生寫一篇日記。老師擬好一份日記范文, 或只有開頭提示的短文, 讓學(xué)生模仿協(xié)作。如下所示:
Monday, Oct. 27
Today is ______________.
My classmates and I went to ___________________________.
At _________, we got together at school. Then we went by___________.
We __________ …….

Windows98視窗98 DOS磁盤操作系統(tǒng) homepage主頁
  web網(wǎng) Central Processor Unit (簡稱CPU)中央處理器
  Pentium奔騰 Read Only Memory (簡稱ROM)只讀存儲器
  Random Access Memory (簡稱RAM)隨機存儲器 CD—ROM只讀光盤驅(qū)動器
  select選取 Shopping cart購物筐 check out  結(jié)算
  discount折扣 delivery交貨,送貨 handling charge手續(xù)費
total price總價格 catalogue目錄 bargain sale大減價 clearance sale清倉大甩賣 discount store free gift贈品 carriage free 運費免付

I. 詞匯:
1.He had s____ the Internet for two minutes when he found the report.
2.Can you see the words on the television s____?
3.Mr. Li bought a s____ of clothes in that shop.
4.I shall remember that happy day f____.
5.Everybody was e____ by the news of victory.
6.He cut his finger so ________ that he had to see the doctor. (bad)
7.She put on the skirt and looked at ________ in a mirror. (she)
8.By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I ________ the dinner already. (cook)
9.David wants ________ a new tie. (buy)
10.That's a little small. Have you got anything ________? (big)
( )1.Did he make sure ________ the gold ring?
A.where Alice had put   B.where had Alice put
C.where Alice has put D.where has Alice put
( )2.When I was at college I ________ three foreign languages, but I ________ all except a few words of each.
A.spoke, had forgottenB.spoke, have forgotten
C.had spoken, had forgottenD.had spoken, have forgotten
( )3.—Where ________ the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.
—I ________ it right here. But now it's gone!
A.did you put, have you B.have you put, put
C.had you put, was putting D.were you putting, have put
( )4.By the time my father came back home last night, I ________ my work.
A.finished   B.had finished
C.would finish  D.have finished
( )5.—Let's hurry. The president is coming.
—Oh, I was afraid that we ________.
A.a(chǎn)lready miss him  B.had already missed him
C.will miss him already   D.have already missed him
( )6.I ________ this day all my life.
A.have remembered B.will have remembered
C.shall rememberD.had remembered
( )7.You letter came just as I ________ my office.
A.was leaving  B.would leave
C.had left   D.left
( )8.I hoped he is getting welt now. I hear he ________ a bad cold all the month.
A.has had  B.had had
C.was having   D.has
( )9.I ________ hard when I was young. B.studied
C.had studied   D.shall study
( )10.She said that she would never forget what you ________ her.
A.had told  B.just told
C.have just told D.will tell
( )11.They have just decided that they ________ the job.
A.have taken   B.will take
C.would take   D.a(chǎn)re taking
( )12.I ________ my keys; I cannot remember where I last saw them.
A.was losing B.lost
C.had lost D.have lost
( )13.The clock was working well yesterday since he ________ it for me.
A.had fixed B.has fixed
C.fixes  D.fixed
( )14.I don't like that man and I ________ him.
A.didn't helpB.haven't helped
C.would not helpD.will not help
( )15.Nobody knew where the teacher ________.
A.has gone B.would have gone
C.had gone D.would be gone
John:He11o, Jim, May I come in?
Jim:Oh, hello, John, Yes, come in, please
John:You don't look very well. What's the matter?
Jim: 1
John:Oh dear! Why don't you go to bed for a rest?
Jim: 2
John:Shall I call him and tell him you're ill?
Jim: 3
John:OK. I'll do that. I'm going to the shops now. Can I get you some medicine?
Jim: 4
John:Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?
Jim: 5
John:See you later then. Take care!
A.Oh, yes, please. His number is in the phone book.
B.No, I'll be all right. Thanks for your help.
C.My head hurts and I feel really hot.
D.Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin (阿司匹林), please?
E.It doesn't hurt very much.
F.I can't. I will play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.
G.Do you think it's a good idea?
Once there was a clever farmer. Though he was poor, he decided one day to take the king a roast goose(烤鵝) as a present. He had not had 1 to eat that day, and soon the 2 of the roast goose became too much for him as(當(dāng)……時) he 3 it to the king, so he ate one of its legs. When he came before the king and gave him the goose, the king 4 saw that it had only one leg.
Now, the king 5 was born with one bad leg, so he had never been able to 6 properly(正常地). When he saw the goose with only one leg, he thought the farmer had 7 this to laugh at him. Of course he was very 8 . The farmer was told that if anybody laughed at the king, he would be 9 at once.
“Where is 10 leg of the goose?” the king asked.
“All the geese(goose的復(fù)數(shù)) in this 11 of the country have one leg only,” the farmer answered.
“Do you think I'm a fool(傻瓜)?” the king ,shouted.
“ 12 ,” said the farmer, “if you look out of the window, you will see geese with one leg by the 13 .”
The king looked, and there the geese were 14 on one leg beside the water. The king at once told one of his men to 15 them with a big stick, and of course, they 16 their other legs and ran away.
“There,” said the king. “You were lying(說謊). That 17 that the geese here have two legs, like all other 18 in the country. ”
“But it doesn't show anything,” answered the farmer, “if your men threw a big stick like that at me, I would grow two 19 legs myself to help me to run away 20 .”
1.( )A.less  B.a(chǎn)ll C.little D.much
2.( )A.heard B.neck C.smell D.temperature
3.( )A.returned B.carried C.sent D.handed
4.( )A.a(chǎn)t once B.a(chǎn)t last then D.on time
5.( )A.once B.really C.himself D.yet
6.( )A.come B.walk C.see
7.( )A.kept B.done C.made D.found
8.( )A.sorry B.worried C.sad D.a(chǎn)ngry
9.( )A.helped B.killed C.saved D.covered
10.( )A.other B.a(chǎn)nother C.that D.the other
11.( ) B.village D.part
12.( )A.Certainly not B.Of course
C.That's nothing D.Never mind
13.( )A.hole B.forest C.lake
14.( )A.swimming B.resting C.flyingD.lying
15.( )A.fill   B.lock C.hit  D.keep
16.( )A.sent up B.put down C.did withD.moved away
17.( )A.shows B.talks C.sees D.knows
18.( )A.geese B.a(chǎn)nimals C.legs
19.( )A.slower B.fasterC.less D.more
20.( )A.more slowly  B.more carefully
C.faster D.earlier
Our village carpenter(木匠), John Bill, came one day and made a dining table for my wife. He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows. When I got home that evening, John was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill(賬單) for the job.
My wife said to me, quietly,“That's his ninth cup of tea today.”But she said, in a loud voice, “It's a beautiful table, dear, isn't it?”
“I'll decide about that when I see the bill,” I said.
One dining table 10 November 1999
Cost(成本) of wood $ 17.00
Paint $ 1.50
Work, 8 hours ( $ 1 an hour) $ 8. 00
Total(合計) $ 36. 50
When I was looking at the bill, John said. “It's been a fine day, hasn't it? Quite sunny. ”
“Yes,” I said, “I'm glad it's only the 10th of November. ”
“Me, too, ”said John.“You wait-it'll be a lot colder by the end of the month. ”
“Yes. Colder-and more expensive! Dining tables will be $ 20 more expensive on November 30th, won't they, John?”
John looked hard at me for half a minute. Was there a little smile in his two blue eyes? I gave his bill back to him.
“If it isn't too much trouble, John, ”I said, “please add it up again. You can forget the date-”
I paid him $ 26. 50 and he was happy to get it.
( )1.Why did John talk about the weather when the writer was looking at the bill?
A.Because he didn't want the writer to go through the bill carefully.
B.Because it was really a fine day.
C.Because he wanted the writer to check the bill carefully.
D.Because he wanted to tell the writer what the weather was like.
( )2.Why did the writer say that dining tables would be 20 more expensive on November 30th?
A.Because it was difficult to make dining tables in cold weather.
B.Because paint would be more expensive.
C.Because the cost of wood would be more expensive.
D.Because he thought John would almost certainly add the date to the cost of the dining table.
( )3.The writer thought John would ask for ________ if he made a dining table on the last day of November.
A.$ 20.00 B.$ 46.50 C.$ 56.50 D.$ 26.50
( )4.When the writer gave him the money, John was happy because ________
A.he got what he should get for his work
B.he got much more money for his work
C.he got the money easily
D.he didn't have to add up the costs again
( )5.From the story we know that ________
A.John made a mistake in the bill
B.John tried to fool the writer in order to get more money for his work
C.John had written out the bill before the writer got home
D.John still wanted to get ¥ 36.50 for his work in the end
Mrs. Brown was having a lot of trouble with her skin (皮膚) , so she went to her doctor about it. He could not find anything wrong about her, so he sent her to the hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the result of the tests to Mrs. Brown's doctor. The next morning he telephoned her to give her a list (名單) of things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.
Mrs. Brown carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper. She then left it beside the telephone while she went out to a party. When she got back home two hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big basket full of things beside him, and when he saw her, he said, “Hello, dear. I have done all your shopping for you. ”
“Done all my shopping? ”she asked in surprise. “But how did you know what I wanted?”
“Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone, ” answered her husband, “so I went down the shops and bought everything you had written down. ”
( )1.Mrs. Brown's doctor sent her to the hospital for some tests because ________
A.he could do nothing more about her illness.
B.he thought she had nothing wrong about her at all.
C.he wanted to know more about her physical condition.
D.he decided to give her up.
( )2.Mrs. Brown's doctor made a telephone call and ________
A.told Mrs. Brown to eat something good to her
B.told Mrs. Brown to eat the things on the piece of paper.
C.told Mrs. Brown what she should not eat
D.gave her a piece of paper with a list of things on it
( )3.Mrs. Brown carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, why?
A.Because she was going to attend a party.
B.Because she wanted to show her husband what to buy for her.
C.Because she wanted to buy them herself.
D.Because she didn't want to buy or eat them by mistake.
( )4.When Mrs. Brown heard what her husband said________
A.she was surprised. B.she was angry.
C.she was very pleased. D.she was excited'.
( )5.Which of the following is not true to the story?
A.Some food may be no good to some people.
B.Mrs Brown had skin trouble because she liked to have the things in the list.
C.One of the doctor's medical care was to tell her the names of some food.
D.The husband was good enough to buy all the things in the list for his wife.
An old pair of trousers

Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign (招牌) outside. “Secondhand (舊的) clothes bought and sold.”He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, “How much will you give me for these?”The man looked at them and then said, “Two dollars.”
“What!” said Tom. “I had guessed they were worth at least (至少) five.”
“No,” said the man. “they aren't worth a cent (美分) more than two dollars.”
“Well,” said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket, “here's your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price (定價) of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth.”
Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to say.
51.At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom ________.
A.was trying to fool him
B.was trying to steal the trousers
C.wanted to sell the trousers
D.wanted to buy the trousers
52.The owner of the shop ________ for the old trousers.
A.would give Tom two dollars
B.would pay three dollars
C.would pay five dollars
D.would give Tom six dollars and a half
53.The shop owner insisted that the trousers were worth only two dollars because ________.
A.he wanted to sell them cheaply
B.he wanted to buy them cheaply
C.he didn't like the trousers
D.they were old and dirty
54.In fact, the trousers ________
A.were hanging inside the shop
B.were stolen by Tom from the shop
C.had been the shop owner's
D.had been Tom's
55.From the story we know that ________ cheaper than the list price.
A.the owner sold the trousers two dollars
B.Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half
C.the owner bought the trousers three dollars
D.Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half
This pair of glasses ________ ________ ________ expensive.
You ________ ________ try it on first.
She ________ ________ buy a camera on line ________ ________ she could often ________ some photos.
I the ________ ________ Internet for three hours when I found an ad for the Simens mobile-phone.
Please ________ ________ your ________ information.
設(shè)定人物:售貨員(A) 學(xué)生Jim(B)
I.1. searched 2. set 3. suit 4. forever 5. excited
6.badly 7.herself 8.had cooked buy 10.bigger
II. 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.C
III. 1-5 C F A D B
IV.A) 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A
B) 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B
C) 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B
V. a bit/is a little
2.had better
3.decided to, so that, take
4.had searched
5.fill in, personal
VI. 略

