
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

1.far(最高級)______ 2.wonder (形容詞)_____ 3.can(過去式)
4. 坐落于,位于_________ 5.趕上,跟上_________
6.It is necessary for us to _________(練習)speaking English every day.
7. We are learning the _________(二十)lesson.
8. It is not easy to ______________________( 打破世界紀錄)
9.At the Olypics , athletes copete for ________ 。 .
10. We can’t live w ________ a ir or water.
11 China is f ________ for the Great Wall in the world.
12.It is too heavy,I can’t l it. .
13. As a teacher, I do y best ____________(teach) the students well.
14. We often see Li ing __________ (carry) water for an old woan. How kind he is!
15. r. Black told us that he ____________ (visit) the Great Wall the next day.
16. Everyone wants to give the poor faily a hand,___________(include) e.
17. Go on working hard ,and you’ll be ?success?
18. Our school is uch________________(beautiful)than before.
19.-I’ getting fatter and fatter .What should I do?
You’d better eat ____ (little )food and take ____ (uch) exercise .
20. Our school held a sports eet last week .He won a bronze edal in ___(shoot)
D. 選出與劃線部分意思相同或相近的選項
( )21. Why don’t you join us in the gae?
A. What not B. Why not C. Why no D. How do
( )22. There are over 3,000 workers in this factory.
A. about B. less than C. ore than D. uch ore
( )23. Please try two ore ties.
A. another two B. two another C. other two D. the other
( )24. We all know that his father is able to swi well.
A. ust B. shall C. can D. ay
( )25. The old an had to stop his work because of his poor health.
A. give up B. put up C. look up D. turn up
( )26. ary won in the ____ race last week.
A. woan’s 400-etres B. woen’s 400-etre C. woan’s 400-etreD. woen’s 400-etres
( )27. —I won the high jup yesterday.— ____
A. It’s a sall thing. B. That’s all C. Good luck D. Congratulations to you!
( )28. Few of the hurt theselves in the accident last night, _________?
A. don’t they B. didn’t they C. did they D. do they
( )29.He was ___to hear the ___news.
A。aazing aazing B.aazed aazing C .aazed aazed D .aazing aazed
( )30. rs Sith is _____ woan.
A. a eighty-years-old B. a eight-year-old C. an eighty-years-old D. an eighty-year-old
( )31. I don’t know if he ____ toorrow . If he ___ , I’ll go swiing.
A. coes, coe B. will coe ,doesn’t coe
C. won’t coe ,doesn’t coe D. will coe , will coe
( )32. Why do you keep ___ all the tie?
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing
( )33. It will _________ you 15 hours to fly to England fro Hong Kong.
A spend B take C pay D cost
( )34. Lucy writes as_________ as Lily.
A careful B carefully C ore careful D the ost carefully
( )35. --Where is To? -- He _________hoe.
A has been to B has been in C has gone to D has gone
( )36. --- _________ is the price of the coat? ---200 yuan.
A How uch B How any C How D What
( )37. He prefers playing ____ football to playing ___ violin.
A. / , the B. the, the C. the , / D. / , /
( )38. I can’t believe ______ little girl can write _______ any books.
A. so, so B. such, such C. such a, so D. so a, such
( )39.____ you are ,_____ istakes you’ll ake .
A. The ore carefully ,the fewer B. ore careful, less
C. carefully , few D. The ore careful, the fewer
( )40. It’s very kind ________us .
A. for you to help B. of you to help C. for you helpin g D .of you helping
三、 完型(10分,每題1分)
Everyone in our school loves sports. Every orning 41 we get up, we do orning exercises.
After the second class we do exercises again. We only have 42 classes twice a week, but we do
physical training(鍛煉)at five every afternoon. The ost popular sport is basketball. The 43 enjoy
playing it and any of the girls like it , too. 44 popular sport is football and in every class there are 45 football fans. Volleyball is often played when the 46 is fine. We have school teas in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teas often 47 friendship atches with teas fro other schools. Where is a atch, 48 of us go to watch it and cheer our side. Besides(除……之外)ball gaes, soe of us like track-and-field events(田徑項目), 49 we often practise running, juping and throwing. Every ter we have tests in these events and once a year, we hold a 50 .
( )41. A. while B. when C. before D. after
( )42. A. English B. Chinese C. P.E. D. usic
( ?43. A. teacher B. boys C. students D. people
( )44. A. Soe other B. Other C. Another D. The other
( )45. A. a lot of B. few C. no D. a few
( )46. A. tea B. class C. weather D. eal
( )47. A. see B. have C. look at D. watch
( )48. A. several B. few C. a few D. any
( )49. A. because B. but C. or D. and
( )50. A. sports eet B. place C. gaeD. trip
Olypia, a beautiful sall town in the south of Greece, is well known all over the world for its first holding the Olypic Gaes as long as 776 BC. At that tie the Gaes were held once every four years. This custo lasted for about 1,170 years, but stopped with the rule of Roe in 394 AD.
The first odern Olypic Gaes were held in 1896 to proote(促進) the international understanding through players in Athens, Greece. The Olypic otto(箴言) is “ Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.Xu Hai feng ade history by winning the People’s Republic of China’s first gold edal after the country reentered(再進入) the Olypic Copetition in 1984.China ade a record of 28 gold, 16 silver and 15 bronze edals in the 2000 Sydney Gaes in Australia, oving fro the fourth rank(地位) in Atlanta to No.3 behind the U.S. and Russia. China ade a record of 32 gold, 17silver, 14 bronze edals in the 2004 Athens, Greece, oving fro the third rank in Sydney to No.2 behind the U.S. The 2008 Olypic Gaes will be held in Beijing.
( )51. The Olypic Gaes were naed after __________.
A. country of Greece B. a beautiful sall town of Greece Olypia
C. the nae of the capital city of Greece Olypia D. a an called Olypic
( )52. The city of Olypia has a history of ________.
A.776 years B. about 200 years C. 2008 years D. ore than 2770 years
( )53. China won the first gold edal in _______ in the odern Olypic Gaes.
A. 1170 B. 1896 C. 1984 D. 394 AD
( )54. China ade a record of 32 gold, 17 silver and 14 bronze in 2004 Olypic Gaes. It ranked the ______ on the list.
A. first B. second C. third D. fifth
( )55. The 2008 Olypic Gaes will be held in China in order to ______.
A. give players a good chance to get the edals
B. increase (增加) friendship aong players fro different countries
C. ake uch ore oney for China
D. find the difference in politics aong different nations
A woan cae out of her house and saw three old en sitting in her front yard. She invited the in to have soething to eat.
“We do not go into a house together,” they replied.
“Why is that?” she asked.
One of the old en pointed to his friends and explained: “His nae is Wealth (財富),” he said and pointed to the other an: “He is Success, and I a Love. Now go in and discuss with your faily which one of us you want in your hoe.”
The woan went in and told her husband what happened. Her husband was very happy . “How nice!” he said. “Let us invite Wealth. Let hi coe and fill our hoe with wealth!”
His wife disagreed. “y dear, why don’t we invite Success?”
Their daughter juped in with her idea: “Would it not be better to invite Love? Our hoe will then be filled with love!”
“That’s a good idea,” said the husband to his wife. “Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”
The woan went out and invited Love in. Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two old en also got up and followed hi. Surprised, the lady asked the: “I only invited Love. Why are you coing in?”
The old en replied together: “If you invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would stay outside. But since you invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with hi. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!”
56. The first tie the woan cae out, the three old en were ___________.
A. eating soething B. walking toward her house
C. sitting in her front yard D. asking for soething to drink
57. Who ade the introduction to the woan?
A. Love. B. Success. C. Wealth. D. Love’s friend.
58. We can learn fro the passage that _____________.
A. the an wanted to be successful B. the woan loved oney ost
C. there was no love in the faily D. the girl thought love was the ost iportant
59. When the other two en followed Love inside, the woan felt _________.
A. angry B. happy C. nervous D. surprised
60. What does the passage tell us?
A. You shouldn’t ask for ore besides love.
B. Love is the ost i portant thing in the world.
C. You can’t get everything you need at one tie.
D. The ore successful you are, the richer you’ll becoe.
61. other said to e, " Don't read in bed."
other _____ e____ ____ read in bed.
62. She said, "y parents are going to the party with e."
She said ____ her parents__going to the party with ____.
63. This sheep is 20 kilos, That one is 80 kilos.(同義句)
That sheep is___ ___ as ___as this one.
64.I want to see you as soon as possible.(同義句)
I want to see you as soon as_ __  __ _.
65. The building has thirty floors . (對劃線部分提問)
_______ _______ floors ______ the building ________?
Bob: Hi, Jack. What is this?
Jack: The hat I bought yesterday.
Bob: How nice! 66 .
Jack: Yes, it looks very cool, 67 .
Bob: Do you ind y__68 ____?
Jack: Not at all. It’s 58 dollars.
Bob: Then did you pay for it yourself?
Jack: Haha, luckily, I didn’t.
Bob: 69 ?
Jack: y uncle. He is on a visit here.
Bob: Really? Oh, it’s tie for supper. I will go hoe, bye!
Jack: _ 70 ____.
___________ __________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/92218.html
