
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

七年級   英語
(滿分 120分        時量 90分鐘)
I. 聽力技能(兩個部分,共20小題,計20分)
  第一節(jié)  對話理解  聽下面的對話,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案。聽每段對話前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作秀答時間。(共15小題,計15分)
(   ) 1. What are they talking about?
A.                     B.                     C.
(   ) 2. What fruit does Eric like?
A.                    B.                  C.
(   ) 3. What sport does Bob often play?
A.                   B.                    C.
(   ) when is Jack’s birthday?
A. It’s on October 26th.         B. It’s on November 26th.
C. It’s on November 16th.
(   ) 5. What’s in David’s bag?
A. His notebook.        B. His ruler.       C. His book.
(   ) 6. Who is in the photo?
A. Mary.        B. Jack.        C. Cindy.
(   ) 7. What is the telephone number?
A. 156-3207.        B. 165-3207.         C. 156-3027.
(   ) 8. Do they play computer games after class?
A. Yes, they do.        B. No, they don’t.         C. No, they aren’t.
(   ) 9. Who has a basketball?
A. Sam does.         B. Jenny does.        C. Mike does.
(   ) 10. How old is Alice?
A. She is 10.        B. She is 9.         C. She is 7.
(   ) 11. What color is Alice’s skirt?
A. Red.          B. Yellow.        C. Pink.
(   ) 12. How much is the skirt?
A. ¥29.         B. $29.          C. ₤29.
(   ) 13. Who teaches Alice Chinese?
A. Mr. Green.        B. Miss Green.         C. Mrs. Green.
(   ) 14. What is Jack’s favorite subject?
A. Chinese.         B. Math.          C. English.
(   ) 15. What sport does Mr. Green like best?
A. Baseball.          B. Soccer.         C. Basketball.
  第二節(jié)  筆錄要點  根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容,寫出下面表格中所缺的單詞,每空僅填一詞。聽材料前, 你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出15秒鐘的作答時間。(共5小題,計5分)
Mike’s Information
Nationality(國籍) He is from 16._______________
Age He is twelve and his 17._____________ is on July 29th.
Food He eats lots of fruit and 18.____________ every day.
Favorite sport He likes 19._____________ very much.
Favorite subject 20.___________ is his favorite subject and he thinks it’s fun.

   第二節(jié)  單項填空  從A、B、C三個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。(共15小題,計15分)
(   ) 21. — Jack, let’s go now.
        — OK. We’ll be there in ________ hour.
A. a          B. an          C. the
(   ) 22. Anna doesn’t eat ice-cream ________ she doesn’t want to be fat.
A. but         C. because         C. so
(   ) 23. Are these _________ radios?
A. Mike and Jane’s       B. Mike’s and Jane        C. Mike’s and Jane’s
(   ) 24. The boy is ________. Today is his ________ birthday.
A. ten; ten         B. ten; tenth         C. tenth; ten
(   ) 25. — _________do your parents play sports?
        — In the morning.
A. Where         B. When         C. Why
(   ) 26. ________ Bill _________ an English Day this term?
A. Is; have          B. Do; have         C. Does; have
(   ) 27. — Mom, where’s my hat?
        — It’s _________ your head.
A. on         B. in         C. under
(   ) 28. Mom, my clothes _________ old. I want some new ones.
A. are         B. is         C. am
(   ) 29. That fruit salad _________ good. I want to eat it now.
A. sees        B. looks         C. watches
(   ) 30. We have some _______ and _______ every morning.
    A. milks; eggs        B. milks; egg         C. milk; eggs
(   ) 31. I don’t like this game. It’s ________.
A. boring          B. fun         C. great
(   ) 32. — Is your map on your desk?
        — _________. It’s on my sofa.
A. No, it isn’t        B. No, they aren’t         C. Yes, it is
(   ) 33. This is ________ friend Eric. ________ last name is Miller.
A. I; His         B. my; He         C. my; His
(   ) 34. —Jenny, let’s _________ Tom for the tape player.
        — OK.
A. to ask         B. ask         C. asking
(   ) 35. — Happy birthday, Jack.
        — __________.
A. You, too         B. I’m fine        C. Thank you
   第二節(jié)  完形填空  通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出一個最佳答案。(共10小題,計10分)
Look at this picture. It’s a   36   of my family. You can see   37   people in the photo — my father, my mother, my brother and I. I   38   have uncles, aunts or sisters. My father is an office worker(辦公室人員). He   39   in an office. He likes his work very much. His favorite   40   is blue. Chicken and vegetables are his favorite food. My mother   41   English in a school. She likes   42   , too. Fish and bread are her favorite food. My brother and I   43   students. We are in the same school. Our mother is our English teacher. We can   44   much English. We like fruit and vegetables, because they are good   45   us.
(   ) 36. A. map         B. photo         C. letter
(   ) 37. A. three        B. five           C. four
(   ) 38. A. don’t        B. not           C. doesn’t
(   ) 39. A. eats         B. lives          C. works
(   ) 40. A. color        B. food          C. book
(   ) 41. A. teach        B. teaches        C. teachs
(   ) 42. A. red          B. green         C. blue
(   ) 43. A. am          B. are           C. is
(   ) 44. A. speak        B. listen         C. like
(   ) 45. A. at           B. for           C. with
 III. 閱讀技能(兩個部分,共20小題,計40分)
   第一節(jié)  閱讀選擇  閱讀下面的材料,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中,選出最佳答案回答問題或完成句子。(共15小題,計30分)
I’m Sue. I’m 13. I have a good friend. She comes from England. Her English name is Betty. She is 14 years old.
Betty’s birthday is on September 22nd. My birthday is on that day, too.
Betty likes math very much. She thinks it is very interesting. But I don’t like it. I like science. I think it is useful. Betty has math on Monday and Wednesday. I have math on Thursday and Friday.
Betty’s mother is Chinese. Her birthday is on December 22nd. She teaches Betty to speak Chinese. So Betty can speak English and Chinese.
(   ) 46. How old is Betty?
A. 12.          B. 13.          C. 14.
(   ) 47. Sue’s birthday is on ________.
A. September 12th       B. September 22nd         C. December 12th
(   ) 48. 劃線單詞“it”指代的是“__________”.
A. math          B. science         C. English
(   ) 49. Betty can speak ________ language(語言).
A. 2          B. 3         C. 4
(   ) 50. 下面哪項陳述是正確的?
A. Betty comes from the USA.        B. Betty and Sue are classmates.
C. Betty thinks math is great fun.

Hi, boys and girls! Nice T-shirts, trousers, shorts and shoes are on sale at Jingle Store. We have an eight-day sale and today is the first day. We have T-shirts in many colors, red, white, blue, purple, green, black and yellow. Our trousers are very trendy(時髦的). They are brown, yellow, blue or white. We also have blue shorts and green shorts. Our nice shoes are black, blue or white.
Well, how much are they? One T-shirt is only $42. A pair of trousers is $30! A pair of shorts is just $28 and a pair of shoes is $66. Please come to our store and buy your clothes and shoes at a very good price.
(   ) 51. How long is the sale in the store?
A. 7 days.         B. 8 days.         C. 9 days.
(   ) 52. Jingle Store is a ________.
A. clothes store        B. bookstore        C. restaurant
(   ) 53. We can find _______ in the store.
A. green T-shirts        B. red trousers        C. white shorts
(   ) 54. We can buy all the tings in _______ in the store.
A. white         B. black         C. blue
(   ) 55. How much are two pairs of trousers and two pairs of shorts?
A. $108.         B. $116.         C. $130.

Do you like sports? Do you only watch sports on TV? Please join(加入) our school sports clubs(俱樂部). Let’s play sports and have fun!
Soccer Club
The sport is fun.
Only for boys.
Call Mr. Smith at 400-6562. Tennis Club
A great tennis collection. Many tennis bats and tennis balls.
For boys and girls.
Call Mrs. Brown at 401-2424.
Baseball Club
An interesting ball game.
For boys and girls.
Call Miss Green at 402-6607. Volleyball Club
A relaxing sport.
For girls only.
Call Mr. Black at 422-7474.

(   ) 56. Girls can’t join ______ Club.
A. Tennis         B. Soccer         C. Volleyball
(   ) 57. _________ Club has a great collection.
A. Baseball         B. Soccer        C. Tennis
(   ) 58. Students can call ________ to join Baseball Club.
A. Miss Green        B. Mr. Black        C. Mr. Smith
(   ) 59. Grace and Julie want to join Volleyball Club. They can call_______.
A. 401-2424          B. 400-6565         C. 422-7474
(   ) 60. How many clubs are for both boys and girls?
A. Two.         B. Three.        C. Four.

第二節(jié)  回答問題  閱讀短文,然后根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容簡要回答問題。
My name is Steven. I’m from America. Now I’m in China with my parents. I like China, and I like Chinese food, too. Every day I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥) for breakfast. I don’t like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at the school. The lunch in our school is good. I can eat many kinds of food, like noodles, rice, dumplings(餃子), hamburgers and vegetables, I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes(有時) we eat out. We all like beef(牛肉) and fish. Chinese food is good but I don’t like to use chopsticks(筷子). It is difficult for me to get food with them.
61. Where is Steven now?
62. Who does Steven have dinner with?
63. Does Steven like milk?
64. Why does Steven have lunch at the school?
65. What food do Steven and his parents all like?
IV. 寫作技能(三個部分,共11小題,計35分)
第一節(jié)  完成對話  通讀下面的對話,然后根據(jù)上下文補全對話。(共5小題,計10分)
A: Can I help you?
B: (66) __________________. I want to buy a hat for my daughter.
A: OK. (67)__________________________?
B: She likes yellow.
A: Look at this yellow one.
B: It’s nice. (68)______________________?
A: 60 yuan.
B: Oh, it’s expensive(昂貴的).
A: (69)_______________________? It’s only 30 yuan.
B: Good. I’ll buy it.
A: (70)_____________________.
B: Thank you.
第二節(jié)  英漢互譯  閱讀下面的短文,將畫線部分的句子譯成漢語或英語。(共5小題,計10分)
71. It is Sunday today. I go to the sports club with my cousin, Paul. We are both 14 years old. We are in the same class. Paul likes English very much but he doesn’t like math. 72. He thinks it is very difficult. Our English teacher is John Smith. John is Paul’s father and 他是我叔叔. My uncle has a sports collection. 74. He has nine tennis bats, four soccer balls, five basketballs and two volleyballs. He likes tennis and plays it every day. But I don’t like it. 75. 我喜歡踢足球.
第三節(jié)  情境作文(計15分)
要點:1. Susan,英國女孩,13歲,生日是5月11日。
      2. 最喜歡的學(xué)科是音樂,喜歡唱歌,不喜歡數(shù)學(xué),覺得又難又枯燥。
      3. 喜歡紅色,總是穿紅色的衣服。
      4. 喜歡運動,常和朋友一起打乒乓球。
      5. 喜歡周六和周日,不用上學(xué),可以在家看電視、聽音樂。
要求:1. 60詞左右。
      2. 文中不得出現(xiàn)考生真實信息,如真名、校名等。
____________________________________________________________________ _________


1-5 ACBBA       6-10 CABAA       11-15 CBABC
16.England     17. birthday     18. vegetables     19. baseball    20. Science
21-25 BBCBB      26-30 CAABC      31-35 AACBC
36-40 BCACA      41-45 BCBAB
46-50 CBAAC      51-55 BAACB      56-60 BCACA
61. He is in China now.          62. His parents.      63. No, he doesn’t.
64. Because he has no time to go home for lunch.        65. Beef and fish.
66. Yes, please.        67. What color does she like?
68. How much is it?      69. What ? How about this one?     70. Here you are.
71. 今天是星期天。       72. 他認(rèn)為(數(shù)學(xué))很難。
73. he is my uncle       74. 他有九個網(wǎng)球拍,四個足球,五個籃球和兩個排球。
75. I like playing / to play soccer.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1154748.html
