
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

預(yù)備程Unit 1 時1Welcome to the unit Listening Speaking
Hi , Andy. Good morning/afternoon , iss Fang . Goodbye!
How are you? I’m fine , thank you . Annd you ? Im fine , too .
Hello! Wh at’s youur name ? I’m illie ./y name is illie .
You are Jill, right ? Yes , Iam ./No , I’m Peter .
3.按順序記住Aa---Nn ,讀寫規(guī)范正確。
_______Ee_______ _______Hh______ ______k_____
_______Cc_______ _______m_____ ______Jj______
( )1. A. AaB. EeC. HhD. Jj
( )2. A. BbB. DdC. EeD. Ff
( )3. A. kB. LlC. mD. Nn
( )4. A. AaB. CcB. DdD. Ee
( )5. A. IiB. HhC. Jj D. k
A) 根據(jù)句意及漢語提示,拼寫單詞。
1. How are you___________(今天)?
2. I think your answer(答案)is ___________(正確的).
3. I like watching TV in the ____________(晚上).
4. ________(喂), this is r. Green speaking.
5. ________(什么)can you see in the picture?
B) 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示,補全單詞。
6. _______ Green is r. Green’s wife (妻子).
7. Good m___________, S imon. Let’s go to school.
8. —Wha t’s your n_________? —illie.
9. G____________, r. Lu. See you tomorro
10. —Are you Daniel? —Y______, I am.
1. —Good afternoon! — ___________!
A. Good nightB. Good morning C. Good afternoon
2. — Hi, Nick. — _________, Andy. A. O B. Fine C. Hi
3. Which(哪個) is a girl’s name? ____. A. Nick. B. illie. C.Andy.
4. —You are Jill, right? — _________.
A. Yes, I’m NickB. No, I’m, NickC. I am Peter
5. — __________? —Nick.
A. What’s your name B. How are you C. You are Nick, right
6. — Are you iss Fang? — ___________.
A. Yes, I’mB. Yes, you are C. Yes, I am
7. It’s polite (禮貌) to say “________” to your parents (父母) when you leave
(離) home for school.
A. GoodbyeB. HelloC. Good morning
8. —How are you?—__________,
A. How are youB. Fine, thank you C. Thank you.
9. —You’re Peter, right? —____. I’m Nick.
A. Yes B. Not C. No
10. —How are you, iss Wang? —____.
A. Hello B. Fine, thank you C. Yes, I’m Wang Pi ng.


預(yù)備程Unit 1 時2 Reading ,The alphabet ,Task
情景交際 。從B欄中選出與A欄相對應(yīng)的句子。
()1. Let’s play a game.A. Yes, I am.
()2. What’s your name?B. Nick.
()3. You’re Lily, right?C. I’m fine.
()4. How are you?D. Nice to meet you, too.
()5. How do you do?E. O.
()6. Nice to meet you!F. That’s O.
() 7. Thank you. G. Goo dbye.
()8. Goodbye.H. They are my classmates.
()9. Is she your mother?I. How do you do?
()10. Who are they?J. No, she isn’t.
1.I’m illie. (否定句)
I _________ __________illie.
2.I’m fine today. (一般疑問句)
________ ________ fine today?
3. y name is Simon. (對劃線部分提問) _____ ____ your name?
4.I am a student. (改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)
_______ ________ a student? _______, I _________.
5. I’m fine. (對劃線部分提問) _________ ________ you?
Andy and Lily are students of No.27 iddle School. Nick is ne (Andy=ALily=LNick=N)
A: Hello! Lily!
L: __1__! Andy.
A: How are you?
L: Fine, than you. ___2__?
A: I’m fine, __3__.
L: Look at the boy over there with(帶)a box, who __4__ he?
A: Let’s go and say (說) __5__ to him.
L: __6__, I’m Lily, This is Andy, What’s your name?
N: y name is __7__, Nice to meet you.
A&L: __8__ to meet you!
A: Let me help you carry (搬) the __9__.
N: __10__!
( ) 1. A. Goodbye B. See you C. hello D. Hello
( ) 2. A. And youB. Are you C. Am ID. Is he
( ) 3. A. two B. TooC. tooD. Two
( ) 4. A. am B. is C. areD. be
( ) 5. A. good nightB. hello C. goodbye D. good evening
( ) 6. A. hi B. Hi C. NoD. hello
( ) 7. A. Nick B. AndyC. LucyD. Lily
( ) 8. A. good B. NiceC. niceD. Nick
( ) 9. A. books B. treeC. boxD. water
( ) 10. A. Goodbye B. ByeC. ThankD. Thank you
(4)教與學(xué)反思(教師與學(xué)生分 別從不同角度)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/40374.html

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