七年級英語下冊Unit 6學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

7B Unit 6課時導(dǎo)學(xué)案

Welcome to the unit

【自學(xué)探究】一、預(yù)習(xí)P92—P93,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。 1.把午飯拿給我 _______________________________ 2.你應(yīng)該得更加禮貌 __________________________________________ 3.一些寵物的照片 ___________________________ 4.我喜歡看金魚游來游去 _____________________________________________ 5.在我的膝上睡覺 ___________________________ 6.把它抓在我的手里 _________________________________ 7.和我的狗在公園里玩耍 ________________________________________ 8.教貓說話 __________________________________ 二、完成P93, Parts A、B練習(xí)。三、查找資料,了解更多的寵物的名稱。 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________ 【教案】

7B Unit 6 Welcome to the unit




1. To introduce students to the world of pets

2. To identify names of animals and typical features

3. To understand differences in animal features

1.To identify names of animals and typical features


bring sb sth be more polite swim around on one’s lap

hold sth in one’s hand feed sb sth teach sb to do sth

Task-based approach





Step I Leading-in

1.Guide students to recall the names of some animals that they learnt.

Ask students:

Do you like a What animals do you know? If you like an animal very much, you can keep it as a pet in your flat. What animal do you want to keep as a pet?

2.Students give the answers.

Step II Presentation

1 Present students some pictures, such as a cat, a dog, a rabbit, a goldfish, a mouse, a parrot, etc.

2 Talk with students:

1).T: What is it?

S: It is a rabbit.

T: Do you like it?

S: Yes, I like it very much.

T: Why do you like it?

S: Because it is lovely.It has two long ears.It often jumps and runs here and there.I can feed it carrots when it is hungry.That will be interesting.

2) T: What’s this?

S: It’s a parrot.

T: Why do you like it?

S: It can speak and sing like a person.That’s wonderful! I feel happy when it is with me.And I can teach it to speak.

3) T: What do you think about the mouse?

S: Oh, it is small and soft.

T: I can hold it in my hand.Maybe some people don’t like it,but I think it is smart and lovely

4) T: I like goldfish very much,and you?

S: I like watching it swim around.Its tail is so beautiful when it is swimming.How happy and free it is in water!

5) T:Girls usually like cats,but one of my friends doesn’t.


T:It often likes to sleep on her lap,so she can’t do anything.

3.Teach new words.

Step III Task

1.Encourage students to do the task in Part A on Page 93

2.Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to compare their answers and discuss any disagreements.

3.Students do Part B as a quiz. Students close their books. You read the sentences a-f and students have to guess the answer. The student who answers first gets a point.

4.Ask students to prepare a sentence about their favorite pet. Tell them to pretend that they have a pet if they do not own one.

5 .Ask students to share their sentences.

Step IV Presentation

1.Tell students

Eddie also has a pet—Hobo.Listen to their conversation and answer the following question:Is Hobo a good pet?

2.Play the tape for students to find the answer.

3.Play the tape again and ask

What does Eddie want? ( He wants his lunch.)

How does Hobo respond? (He tells Eddie to be more polite.)

Why is Hobo unhappy? ( Because Eddie was not polite.)

4.Play the tape for students to listen and repeat.

Step V Homework














1. 背誦本課的單詞與詞組 2. 完成《同步導(dǎo)學(xué)》上本課時的作業(yè) 3. 預(yù)習(xí)Reading,完成預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)
7B Unit 6 Welcome to the unit

cat sleep on my lap dog play with him in the park goldfish watch it swim around mouse hold it in my hand Pets parrot sing, teach it to sing Rabbit feed her carrots


A:Which p_______ do you like best?

B: Oh, I like parrot best.

A: Do you have one ?

B. Yes, it’s so clever. I usually t_________ it to speak. It can speak a little now.

A: Can it speak like a person?

B: Yes, it can. By the way, what’s your favourite pet?

A: Rabbit. It looks lovely. I like to h_________ it in my hands.

B: I hear that you have a cat. Do you like it?

A: No, I don’t like it very much. It often likes to sleep on my l_______. So I can’t do anything.

B: I agree. And I think it often m_____ lost of noise.


1) The little boy is watching the goldfish swim_________ in the tank.

A. to B. from C. around D. at

2) Who teaches you __________?

A. skate B. to skate C. to skating D. skates

3)—Are they watching the girls __________?

— Yes. And they watch the girls _________every day.

A. dance, to dance B. dancing, dance

C. to dance, dancing D. dancing, to dance

4) People hate all___________ except one ________ Mickey Mouse.

A. mouse, called B. mouses, called

D. mice, calling D. mice, called

5) It’s dangerous for children to play______ fire.

A. form B. On C. at D. with

6)—Don’t’ feed your dog at the table .


A. Yes, I will B. You’re welcome C. Sorry D. Yes, I won’t



You should ______ ______ ______to your classmates.

2) 好好照料你的寵物。

______ ______ ______your pets.

3)李老師叫我?guī)退盟畞怼?br />
Mr Li asked me ______ ______ _____some water.


My parrot is very smart and I often ______ ______ _____ _______.


I often _______ ______ _______ in the tree ______ ______ ______to school in the morning .



一、閱讀方法 1. 用30秒的時間看一下文章標題,猜測文章的大致內(nèi)容,想象一下事件發(fā)生的情景。這對快速理解和整體把握文章內(nèi)容以及推測出生詞的詞義范圍有積極的意義。

2. 在對文章的整體內(nèi)容有了基本認識的基礎(chǔ)上,再用3-5分鐘的時間把這篇文章讀兩遍,抓住這個事件發(fā)生前、中、后的所見、所聞和所感等,為把握文章的細節(jié)內(nèi)容做準備。 3. 用5分鐘的時間完成書后的習(xí)題,看自己是否真正理解了這個事件的來龍去脈。 4. 用1分鐘的時間思考一下,假如自己遇到這樣的問題,應(yīng)該如何處理,如用英語講應(yīng)該如何表述。二、關(guān)于英文詩歌的一些小常識【自學(xué)探究】一、預(yù)習(xí)P94—P96,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。 1.所有的動物當中最聰明的 2.眼睛睜得大大的 3.玩精彩的小把戲 4.用樹枝搭建帳篷 5喜歡打架 6.永遠照顧它 —P97, Parts B練習(xí)。三、預(yù)習(xí)課文完成下面的表格。





7BUnit 6 ReadingI




l. To learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poetry

2.To use new vocabulary to talk about pets

3.To read about animal behavior

To learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poetry

Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor





Step I Leading-in

1.talk with students

We talked about pets last time.Can we tell others about our pets using poem?what is a poem like? Show students the poem “Twinkle little star”?

2.Let students guess the pet that the teacher likes and why the teacher likes it.

Step II Presentation

1. Ask students to study the poems and pictures on page 94. Write the title ‘My Dog’ on the board and also the verb that are used in the poem: ‘chase’, ’catch’, ’hunts’, ’hide’, ’builds’, ‘bark’, ‘bite’, ‘fight’ and ‘look after’. Talk about their meanings by showing them some picture about dogs.

2 Say

Do you know why I would like a dog to be my pet? First dogs are lovely.They like to chase things so they can play with me outside. Second, they are so clever that they can do lots of wonderful trick . Third,they can help hunters hunt in the wild.If I have a dog,I'll tell him not to bite, not to fight and to hide himself when in danger.He will be my very best friend and 1 will look after him until the end.

Write down the underlined part and teach students to read.

1.Read ‘My Dog’ one like at a time and have students repeat after you.

2.Ask students to find the adjectives in the poem which tell us about its characteristics, e.g., ‘cleverest’. Work through the meaning of ‘wonderful tricks’. Then ask them to identify the verbs which describe the dog’s actions (‘chase’, ‘catch’, ‘hunts’, ‘builds’, ‘bark’, ‘bite’ and ‘fight’).

Ask students some general questions to elicit details about the dog’s actions to generate some of the key verbs, e.g., what does the dog do?

5.Play the tape and choose the right word to fill in the blanks

bite hunts tricks fight chase end

My dog is the cleverest animal of all?

He doesn’t just____ (chase) and catch a ball.

With eyes open wide,He ______ (hunts) when I hide

He does wonderful _____ (tricks)

Builds me camps out of sticks.

He’d never bark or _____(bite),

And he doesn’t like to ____(fight).

My dog is my very best friend,

And I'll look after him until the ____ (end).

6 Students complete the exercises in Part C, Page 96. check answers as a whole.

7.Play the tape and ask students to follow the tape,ask students to pay attention to ‘a(chǎn)ll’, ‘hide’, ‘stick’ and ‘friend’

8 Play the tape again and look for the rhyming pairs. Then finish the first five exercises in Part B1, Page 95

Step III Presentation

1.Present students the picture of goldfish , say

I also like goldfish very much. I know a lot about it.What about you? Would you like to answer some questions?

2 Discuss with students

Does a goldfish chase another fish?(Yes, maybe she sometimes chases small fish.)

Does a goldfish hide?(Yes,she hides herself when she is playing or when she sees a big fish.)

Does a goldfish bark?(Of course not.)

Does a goldfish fight?(Yes,I think she may fight for food.)

Does a goldfish bite?(Sure.)

Does a goldfish need a bed?(No,she doesn’t.)

Does a goldfish miaow? (No,she doesn’t.)

Does a goldfish eat much?(No,she doesn’t.She will die if she.eats too much?)

Does a goldfish need a rabbit hutch?(No,she doesn’t.I think a hutch is a place like a box or a cage for small animals.)

3.Say What a quiet goldfish! She doesn’t bark,she doesn’t miaow.She just bubbles,bubbles and bubbles.She is not any trouble.

Step IV Task

1.Read the poem ‘My Goldfish’ after the tape.

2.Read again, complete the exercises in Part C2, Page 96.

3.Listen again and find out the rhyming pairs, and then do the sixth in Part B1.

4.Listen and repeat the poem.



















4. 背誦詩歌My dog 5. 完成《同步導(dǎo)學(xué)》上本課時的作業(yè)
8A Unit 6 Reading

My Dog: chase, catch, hunt, does tricks, never bark or bite, dislike to fight My Goldfish: be not any trouble


1. The bottle is ______(空的). We have to buy some more juice .

2. We would like to go ______(露營)at the beach next week.

3. The dog _____(接住)the ball in it’s mouth.

4. He often sleeps with his eyes open ______(張大地).

5. Don’t ______(藏)behind the door .they will be you easily.

6. The policemen are ______(搜尋)the village for the robbers.

7. Don’t stand so near to the dog .It might ______(咬)you .

8. They plan to ______(建造)some more tall buildings for the poor.

9. The teacher _______(可能)be angry with us .we should say sorry to him.


1.I didn’t go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to

my little sister at home.

A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look like

2.It’s hard to keep the house with three kids.

A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean

3.You play with fire, Tom. .It’s dangerous.

A. needn’t B. may not C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t

4.There are many kinds of ___________ in the river. You can go _________ there.

A. fish; fishing B. fishes; fish C. fishes; fishing D. fish; to fish


Here is our pet, Mr. Hawkeye is seven years old, and we got him from our vet (獸醫(yī)). He takes in a lot of cats. Hawkeye is one of the eight cats at our home but is a real character. He receives his name because he is such a hawk(掠奪者) around food. If you are not looking, he will take a sandwich off your plate. He can smell the delicious food in the fridge from another floor in the house, and potato chips are his favourite thing to steal! This comes the name, Hawkeye. Hawkeye was a great animal at the vet. They thought he could bring good luck and he took care of all the new cats, giving them baths, etc. He does that at our house as well. Like I said, he is quite a character and very friendly. He always greets(問候) us when we come home. He has to check out all the bags to make sure if there’s food there for him----especially chips!

1 Mr. Hawkeye is _________.

A. our pet dog B. the owner of the pet C. a cat D. a vet

2 He receives his name Hawkeye because _________.

A. he is a hawk B. he can bring good luck

C. he is a real character D. he is quick at getting food

3 Our pet likes ________ best of all.

A. sandwiches B. potato chips C. potatoes D. new cats

4. The underlined word “character” mostly means________ here.

A. 有個性的寵物 B. 有個性的人 C. 主角 D. 英雄

5 What do you think of Mr Hawkeye?

A. He is very clever and friendly. B. He is very lucky.

C. He is a very good vet. D. He can do all the housework at home.

Reading 2


Reading 2




1. To learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poetry further

2. To train the students listening ablity.

3. To master the usages of some prepositions “ on , in” and the phrases in the poem.

The use of some new vocabulary: top of piano, on the edge, in the middle (of), want to sleep on my lap, ring the doorbell, make a lot of noise, be afraid of; They don’t care. etc.

Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor





Step 1 Lead-in

1. T say: Yesterday we learned the rhymes “My dog” and “My goldfish”. Today, I’ll tell you another pet I like. Can you guess what it is?

Make Ss guess the animal what the teacher also likes.

2. Show them the cat.

T say: We always think cats are lazy, because they like sleeping any time anywhere. Where can you find cats sleeping?

Get Ss to discuss in pairs, and share their answers later.

Step 2 Practice

Choose the right prepositions:

the table the chair the top of the piano the window edge

the middle of the edge of the open drawer the empty shoe

somebody’s lap the cardboard box the cupboard



on: _________________________________________________________


Step 3. Activities

1. Get Ss to listen to the tape, and order the phrases correctly.

in the cupboard( ) on the table ( )

on the window ledge ( ) in a cardboard box ( )

on the chair ( ) on the top of the piano ( )

on somebody’s lap ( ) in the middle ( )

in the empty shoe ( ) on the ledge ( )

in the open drawer ( )

2. Get Ss to read the poem “Cats” after the record.

3. Get Ss to read again and complete Part C3 on page 96.

4. 詩歌接龍比賽,背誦完整優(yōu)美的小組獲勝。

5. Get Ss to complete Part B2 on page 95. Then check the answers together.

Step 4. Consolidation

















6. 背誦本課中的三首小詩 7. 完成《同步導(dǎo)學(xué)》上本課時的作業(yè)
7B Unit 6 Reading

the top of piano

on the edge

open drawer

in the middle of

They don’t care.

make a lot of noise

ring the doorbell

be afraid of

當堂鞏固一、單項選擇。 1.My grandpa has poor eyesight. He has some trouble _______books without glasses. A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading 2. I looked for my pen _______,but I can’t find it . A. everywhere, anywhere B. anywhere, everywhere C. somewhere, everywhere D. everywhere, somewhere. 3. Nobody ______about the price. A. care B. careful C. cares D. carefully 4.Tom fights _______his brother_______ food sometimes . A. for, for B. with, with C. with, for D. for, with 5. He ________ finish his homework __________ his Dad came back.

A. not; until B. didn’t; until C. won’t; before D. isn’t; after

6. Who is ____________ student ____________ your class.

A. cleverest; of B. the cleverest; in C. clever; in D. more cleverer; of


“Well,we’reinournewhouse.Let’sgetanewpettogetalongwithit,”MrsBrownsaidtoherhusband. “Thatsoundslikeaprettygoodidea,”heanswered.“Doyouwanttoseetheadsinthenewspaper?”“Let’sgototheanimalshelter.Manypetsthereneedhomes.SincetomorrowisSaturday,wecanbothgo,”shesaid.

NextmorningtheBrownsmetMrSnowattheanimalshelter.“Wewanttobesurethatthepetsheregotogoodhomes,”MrSnowsaid,“SoIneedtoaskyousomequestions.” Aftertheytalkedforawhile,theBrownsdecided(決定) to get a small dog . It wouldn’t need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark and warm them ifsomeonetriedtobreakintotheirhouse.AfterMrSnowgavetheBrownsabookonpetcare,theychoseoneandwantedtotakeherhomerightaway.Buttheanimaldoctorhadn’tcheckedheryet.SoMrSnowtoldthemtoreturnonSunday.

OnSundayafternoontheBrownswenttotheanimalshelter.Theanimaldoctorsaid,“Shadowhashadallofhershots(預(yù)防針). She will be healthy.” The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.

1.Fromthereadingwelearnthat_______. A.theBrownshaveneverhadapetbefore. B.theBrownsknewaboutShadowfromthenewspaper. C.Shadowisasmallandhealthydog. D.MrBrowndidn’tquiteagreewithhiswife. 2.MrSnowaskedtheBrownssomequestionsto_______. A.seeiftheyhadmovedtoanewhouse B.findouthowrichtheBrownswere C.knowwherethey’dkeeptheirnewpet D.makesurethey’dtakecareofpets 3.TheBrownsthinksthatasmalldog_______.

A.doesn’tneedanyroomtokeep B.canhelpthemwatchtheirhouse C.eatslessfoodthanabiggerone D.usuallyhasabeautifulname


A.Shadowwillnotbeeasytogetill B.theBrownswerenotsatisfiedwithShadow C.MrSnowdidn’tcheckShadowatall D.Shadowlikesbarkingalot


【自學(xué)探究】一、預(yù)習(xí)P97,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。 1.看起來如此的漂亮 2.一個非常特殊的朋友 3.在陽光下 4.學(xué)會重復(fù)我說的話 5.回到家 6.快樂的唱歌二、完成課本P97, Parts A練習(xí) 【教案】

7BUnit6 Vocabulary




1.To recognize and identify a range of animal features

2.To differ features belonging to different animals

3.To learn to use appropriate nouns and verbs to describe the appearance and characteristics of animals

4.To train students’ ability of self-teaching.

1.Write an article about small animals using proper nouns and verbs.

2.to grasp the phrases : in the sun a very special friend Knock on the door

Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor





Step I Revision

Revise the last lesson by asking students some questions

What can a dog do?

How does a goldfish live?

Where does a cat sleep?

Step II Task

1.Ask students to read the new words of this lesson to check their pronunciations and correct their pronunciations.

2.Present students the pictures of the animals in Part A, Page 97.

Ask students to tell the body features.

3.Ask students to finish Part B on their own.

Then ask two students to read this passage, check answers together.

4.Ask students some questions to check their understanding about Part B.

(1).What colour is the cat’s tail?

What does she like to chase?

Where does she sleep?

What does she do when she is hungry?

(2).What colour is the parrot?

What does he do when his master comes home?

Does he knock on the cage when he is full?

Step III Writing

1.Ask students to read the passages again and try to find out what does each passage talk about.

a, appearance ( colour, paw, tail, feather, etc.)

b, characteristic ( what they eat/drink, what they do, etc.)

2.Divide the students who wants to write the same kind of animal into one group. In groups, students talk about what they want to write about.

3.Ask students to write their compositions. They have to write at least ten sentences, including the appearance and characteristics of this kind of animal.

4. Students write their passages. If they don’t know the words they want, they can use a dictionary or ask the teacher for help.

5.Ask several students to show their compositions for the class.

6.Set an evaluation on students’ work. Encourage them to write their own passages.

Step IV Homework











8. 背誦本課的單詞與詞組 9. 完成《同步導(dǎo)學(xué)》上本課時的作業(yè)



1. The old need special c______, so we should look after them well.

2. -----Does the snake b______? ------Yes, so don’t go near it .

3. Parrots are very clear. They can r______ people’s words.

4. The drawer is _______(with nothing in side )

5. Tom is good at Maths. He doesn’t have any t_____ solving the Maths problem.

6. The two dog are _______(打架)for bones.

7. When hearing a strange sound, he looked ______(在------周圍)but saw nothing unusual.

8. Look! The parrot is knocking on the c______ door. It must be hungry.


We see many animals, like rabbits, bees, birds, sheep and so on, but do you know __1__ these animals say things? First, let’s see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees something __2__ it runs away at once. When it runs, its tail moves up and __3__. When other rabbits see this, they run __4__.

Many other animals use this kind of __5__. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home. It cannot tell __6__ bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. They may tell other bees __7__ the food is.

Some animals say things by making sounds like a man does. __8__, a dog barks when a stranger comes near. Some birds can make several __9__ sounds, each with its own meaning. In a word, every animal has its __10__ language.

( ) 1. A. how B. when C. why D. where

( ) 2. A. interesting B. dangerous C. near it D. had

( ) 3. A. up B. again C. down D. on

( ) 4. A. quickly B. away C. too D. back

( ) 5. A. way B. moving C. language D. running

( ) 6. A. the other B. small C. all the D. many

( ) 7. A. what B. how C. where D. whose

( ) 8. A. For example B. Very often C. As usual D. At first

( ) 9. A. strange B. interesting C. useful D. different

( ) 10.A. real B. own C. easy D. old 三)請根據(jù)漢語句子意思,完成英語句子,每空一詞。

1. 他的羽毛在陽光下看上去非常漂亮。

His feathers ________so _______ _______ ________ ________.

1. 我的貓有一條黑白相間的尾巴。

My cat has a_______ _______ ________tail.

2. 她累了就在椅子里睡覺。

She sleeps in the chair when she _______ _______.

3. 他吃飽了就高興地唱歌。

He______ _______when he ______ _______.

4. 我一回到家他就向我打招呼。

He _______ ______to me when I ______ _______ _____


【自學(xué)探究】一、預(yù)習(xí)P98—P99,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯. 1.遛狗 2.照顧我的金魚 3.追趕貓 4.拽兔子的耳朵 5.清理金魚缸 6.安靜 7.嚇唬貓 8.梳理狗毛 9.給狗洗淋浴 10.給它保暖 【教案】

7BUnit 6 Grammar A



1.To use positive and negative imperatives when giving orders and instructions.

2.To learn how to use imperatives appropriately.


1.To use positive and negative imperatives when giving orders and instructions.

2. To master Phrases:

take...for a walk keep...warm Be quiet


Task-based approach,Scene b and Teaching with humor







Step I Presentation

1.Tell students

One of my friends will leave home for some time.So he asked me to look after his dog.I don’t know how to look after a dog.My friend gave me

some instructions.Can you help me take some notes? Please take out your

notebooks and write down the following instructions.

(1)Give him enough food every day.

(2)Give him clean water.

(3)Brush his fur every morning.

(4)Take him out for a walk at least once a day.

(5)Play with him for some time every day.

(6)Keep him warm at night.

(7)Don’t pull his tail.

(8)Don’t kick him.

2.Let students read these sentences and find out the differences with the ones we use.

3 .Explain that

We start a sentence with the base form of a verb when we want to tell people to do something.We add ‘don’t’ in front of the verb when we want to tell people not to do something.Imperative sentences do not normally include a subject, because the subject ‘you’ is implied. However, a noun or pronoun can sometimes be used to identify the person receiving an order or instruction, e.g., the speaker wants to attract Mary’s attention and so he/she says, ‘Mary, don’t push.’ / ‘Don’t push, Mary.’. To be polite,we always use ‘please’ with the instructions.

Please don’t push, Mary.’.

Step II Task

Write some instructions on the board. Then ask them about the situations in which we use them. Ask classes to create a list of different instructions and then write the different situations as titles above it, e.g.,


Sit down.

Open the door.

Be quiet.

Stop talking.

Work with a partner.

Please close the window.

On the bus

Don’t push.

Take good care of your wallet.

Step III Task

1.Go through the explanations and grammar table on page 98 to clarify the rules for using imperatives when giving positive and negative instructions.

2.Ask students to study the pictures in Part A1. Check their understanding of the situations presented in the pictures.

3.Ask less able students to work in pairs to select the correct word to fill in each gap, then match the pictures with the instructions. When they have finished, ask them to read each instruction to their partner.

4.Explain the rubric in Part A2, making sure students understand the exercise. Students rearrange the words to make positive and negative instructions.

5.Ask students to read out the instructions they formed.

Step IV Homework












Give me some water. (Do…結(jié)構(gòu))

Don’t push ( Don’t …結(jié)構(gòu))

Please give me some water/ Please don’t make much noise.(be more polite 結(jié)構(gòu))




1. My parrot has beautiful f____________.

2.How often should we clean the fish t_________?

3. We should keep our classroom ___________ (干凈) and tidy.

4.How many __________ (刷子) do you have?

5.The cat is afraid of people. Don’t ____________ (嚇) him.


5. The tomato soup smells ______.I want to taste it.

A. well B. good C. bad D. badly.

2. I think the dog is ______animal in the world.

A. very kind B. kinder C. the kindest D. cleverest

3. Uncle Sam has ______children and he lives ________.

A. none; alone B. not many; lonely C. any; alone D. no; alone

4.-----Do you need some food?

------No, thank you. There’s______ food left in the fridge.

A. enough B. few C .little D. no.

5.You can’t play with your pet_____ you finish doing your homework..

A. until B. after C. because D. if.


1 He doesn’t like dogs because they often make a lot of noise. (對劃線部分提問)


2 You mustn’t chase each other in the street. (改為同義句)

________ _________ each other in the street.

3 I must finish my homework before 10 p.m. (改為一般疑問句并做否定回答)



Do you know that fish come out of eggs when they were born? After the baby fish comes out of the eggs, it eats the food in the eggs. When it is big enough, it leaves the egg. It swims in the water. You can see the eyes and the nose. Its ears are hidden (藏) in the head.

Some fish eat other fish. The fish that eat plants have smaller mouths and teeth. The fish that eat other fish need larger mouths and strong teeth.

Fish are usually dark on the top and light on the bottom..

( ) 1 Fish starts as __________.

A. eggs B. fish C. food D. plants

( ) 2 Fish leave eggs when___________.

A. their mothers tell them to B. they know how to swim

C. they are big enough D. they are still very small

( ) 3 While fish are swimming in the water, you cannot see their__________.

A. tops B. heads C. eyes D. ears

( ) 4 The fish with larger mouths and strong teeth are _________.

A. dark on the top and light on the bottom. B. light on the top and light on the bottom.

C. Fish eaters. D. plants eater.

7B Unit 6 導(dǎo)學(xué)案

Grammar B

【自學(xué)探究】一、預(yù)習(xí)P99—P101,翻譯下列詞組和句子。 1想要某人健康 2 遍及 3 發(fā)出太多的噪音 4至少 5 給她足夠的水 6 不要拉她的尾巴 7 做某事是個好主意 8 我整天忙于工作 9 她有足夠吃的。 10 不做某事很重要的。 11做某事是必要的。 12你不需要帶他們散步二、完成課本P100—P101, PartB練習(xí)。三、情態(tài)動詞must 和 should 。先自學(xué)下列內(nèi)容,然后完成練習(xí)。 (1) should, should not/ shouldn’t強調(diào)建議別人最好做某事,意為“應(yīng)該”(the best or right thing to do)例.You should be polite to your teachers. 你對老師應(yīng)該有禮貌。 (2) must, must not/mustn’t A.表示義務(wù),意為“必須”,強調(diào)建議別人去做很有必要或很重要的事情(necessary or very important things to do) --Must we hand in our exercise—books now? 我們現(xiàn)在就要交練習(xí)本嗎?
--Yes, you must. 是的,必須交。 --No, you needn’t. / No, you don’t have to. 不必。(不用mustn’t) B.must not/mustn’t表示“不允許”“不準” You mustn’t swim in this river. It’s too dangerous! 不準在這河里游泳,太危險了!練習(xí): ( )1.You _____ feed your dog at the table.
A. should B. should not to C. should not D. should to not
( )2.________ I finish my homework now? No, you _______.
A. Must, needn’tB. Must, mustn’t C. May, may not D. May, needn’t 【教案】

Grammar B




Learn to use the modals ‘must’and ‘should’ to talk about duties and responsibilities


To use different modals to talk about a situation


學(xué)生已經(jīng)初步了解must 和should一些用法,但如何在具體場合使用這兩個詞會產(chǎn)生混淆。









Step 1 1 In part B1,the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students give instructions about looking after pets. Each point of the notes on the left describes the degree of necessity for the instruction next to it on the right. Ask students to read the four letters in part B2 carefully. Make sure that they understand the messages well. Ask them remember and to check the words in their dictionaries.

Step 2

3. In Part B3, students can read some of the answers which give advice to the writer of each letter.

A representative from another group responds by reading his/her advice. You could turn this into a competition. If the sentence is correct ,the group wins a point .If not ,the chance goes to the next group. Students correct their own sentence.

Explain the use of ‘must’ and ‘should’ by showing them examples. Ask through the examples of negative sentences. Write some sample sentences on the board. Explain to students that ‘must’ is the strongest word , expressing the sense that something is a absolutely necessary .

Read the notes to the class . Then divide the class into pairs and ask students to complete the instruction on the right. Encourage students to check the example sentence on pages 98 and 99 to identify the correct modal word to fit each instruction . . Use class feedback to identify any misunderstanding ,as they involve the use of negative forms. . Divide the class into groups of four .one group comes to the front of the class and each member reads one letter at a time
Finish off Part B1

Finish off Part3

students check answer s with a partner.


1. Reciting the phrases and sentences.

2. Writing five sentences with ‘must’ and ‘should’


You should clean the fish tank three times a week.

You shouldn’t leave your pets at home alone for too long.

You must look after your pet.

You mustn’t bring your pet to school.



一、 用情態(tài)動詞改寫下列句子。 1 It is very important to finish your homework. You finish your homework. 2 Don’t play at the Internet café. You play at the Internet café.. 3 It is a good idea to clean your parrot’s cage twice a week . You clean your parrot’s cage twice a week . 4 It is not right to pull the cat’s tail. You pull the cat’s tail. 二、翻譯下列句子。 1 當別人遇到危險時,我們應(yīng)該幫助他們。 2 你不應(yīng)該花很多時間看電視。 3不要浪費時間,你必須在睡覺前完成這些題目。 4小心點,你不應(yīng)該在馬路上騎快車。 5每天陪你的小狗玩一會兒是很有必要的。 你應(yīng)該至少每天陪它走一個小時 __________________
7B Unit 6 導(dǎo)學(xué)案

Integrated skills and Pronunciation

【自學(xué)探究】 —P103,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。 1. 把扇尾金魚放在陽光下 2. 每周換水 3. 確保水不要太冷或是太熱 4 . 放一些石頭在魚缸的底部 5. 經(jīng)常給它們喂食 6. 發(fā)出一些聲音 7. 看起來一樣 8. 把……從水里取出來

9. 看起來有點不同

10. 一條扇尾魚重大約四千克。 11. 扇尾魚很容易照看 12. 我們知道了它們是如何生活和怎樣照看它們 13. 這條扇尾魚和其它的不一樣嗎? 14. 缸里的水一定要很干凈。 15. Peter 對金魚很癡迷。 練習(xí)。【教案】

7B Unit 6 Integrated skills




1.To listen for detail and extract specific information. 2.To use knowledge presented in written text to infer general meaning and context. 3.To listen for specific information to complete a conversation.





Task-based method, practice method, situational method


A tape recorder, a computer,some objects or pictures.





Step I Presentation

1. Create an interest in the situation .Bring a picture of a goldfish to class and ask students to make comments about it. Why do people like fish as a pet? Elicit information from students about the fantail goldfish .

2.Discuss the following questions with students

Can you put a goldfish in the sun?

Is a goldfish heavy?

Does a goldfish weigh several kilograms?

Is the body of a goldfish like a banana or an egg?

Does it need clean water?

Can you take it out of the water?

Does it need special fish food?

Is it very difficult to look after a goldfish?

Is a goldfish very expensive?

Step II Task

1.Tell students that they will listen to a talk giving information about fantail goldfish in partA1.Before playing the recording ,ask students to read the list of notes that that Peter is making while he is listening .Encourage students to guess the veracity of the statements ,based upon their own knowledge. Ask students to write their guesses in pencil before listening.

2.Play the recording and ask students to confirm or change their initial responses. Check answers with the whole class.

3.Ask the students with strong ability to correct the false sentences.

Step III Task

1.Ask students to read the leaflet in part A2 about how to look after a fantail fish. Students check the meanings of the statements.

2.Ask students to make three positive instructions and three negative instructions using the information in the leaflet. Tell them that they should refer to the table on page 102 for help in choosing the correct modal verb for each sentence.

3.Ask six students to read out one sentence each .Have another six students write the answers on the board.

Step IV Task

1.Ask students to read the phone conversation in part A3 between Amy and Peter. Tell students to use their own knowledge gathered so far to guess which words best fit the gaps before playing the recording .Tell them to write their guesses on a piece of paper or in the margin.

2.play the recording again so that students can check their initial choice of words . While listening ,they can confirm or change their initial responses.

3.Ask students to form pairs and read the conversation to another pair .Each pair checks the correct choice of words . If there are disagreements ,students should make notes and discuss after the conversation is completed.

Step V Homework






1. 復(fù)習(xí)本課的短語句子

2. 讀103 A3 部分的對話


nottoo cold Chang the water should / must do the water isn’t too hot or too hot put some stones at the bottom at the The way to look after the goldfish tank give it too much food Shouldn’t /mustn’t do put your goldfish in the sun Take it out of the water


一、用所給動詞的適當形式填空。 1. You should _________(put) it there. 2. The cats are easy _____________(look) after. 3. We don’t know how____________(take) care of them. 4. Why not __________(like) the dogs? 5. Lily, ___________(not take) it out of the water. 6. A fantail goldfish weighs about four _______(kilogram).

7. Do I need _______ (feed)them often?

8. You should feed them ________(one) a day.

9. Look at the ____________ (feather) of my parrot. They are very nice.

10. While the train was coming nearer, the boy was too ____________ (frighten) to move.


1. Fantail goldfish are easy to look after. (改為同義句)

________ ________ _________ to look after fantail goldfish.

2. This is not a good idea. Put your fish in the sun. (合并為一個句子)

________ not a good idea ________ _________ your fish in the sun.

3. I think fantail goldfish are expensive. (改為否定句)

I _________ think fantail goldfish __________ expensive.

4.I’ll look after my grandfather until the end. (改為同義句)

I’ll _________ _________ _________ my grandmother until the end.


1. You shouldn’t read under the sun. _____________

2. Don’t let the water too hot and too cold. _____________

3. You mustn’t take the goldfish out the water. _____________

4. The goldfish are easy for look after. _____________


There is a mouse trap in the room. Some fish is on it. A rat comes out . He sees the fish. A cat is in the room. He sees the rat. He comes at the rat.”Don’t eat me,” says the rat to the cat .”You like fish. I have nice fish for you. Look, there it is.” The cat lets the rat go .He comes up to the fish. Oh, the trap catches one of his paws. What does the underlined part (劃線部分in this story mean (意思是) ? It means ____________.

A 抓住了一只爪子 B 夾住了一只爪子

C 碰住了一只爪子 D 接住了一只爪子

7B Unit 6 Pronunciation導(dǎo)學(xué)案



我們知道,重音的其中一個語義功能是可以通過重音進行強調(diào), 就是說,具有語句重音的詞通常是說話人想強調(diào)的詞。換句話說,單詞之所以重讀,是因為說話的人表達特定信息的需要。因此,正確地選擇重讀音節(jié),將重讀音節(jié)與非重讀音節(jié)自然流暢地連接起來,是實現(xiàn)語言交際的需要。英語重音的一般規(guī)律是:實義詞通常重讀,虛詞通常不重讀.

也就是說,我們可以將英語的單詞分為兩大類:實義詞和虛詞。所謂實義詞,是指名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞、數(shù)詞等表示“誰”“什么”、 “何時”、“何地”、“為什么”、“怎么樣”等信息的詞,也叫做信息詞。這些詞擔(dān)負著表達信息的重要任務(wù),因此通常是句中的重讀單詞。虛詞亦稱功能詞,含冠詞、代詞、介詞、助動詞、連詞等。這些詞將信息詞連接起來,形成符合語法的句子。

但是,英語重音的一般規(guī)律并不是一成不變的。為了表達的需要,一些通常接受句子重音的詞,可能失去句子重音;而另一些通常不接受句子重音的詞又可能獲得句子重音。以實義詞為例, 實義詞通常是句中重讀的單詞,但如果在本句或前面一句已出現(xiàn)過,不再含有重要的信息,此時一般不再重讀: The truck was hit by aÍnother truck. ? How many times have you seen the film? ? ÍThree times. 再來看看功能詞。功能詞通常是句中的非重讀單詞,但由于信息表達的需要亦完全可以以重讀的形式出現(xiàn)。-- Did you say “bread”? Here you are. ? I said “bread Íand butter”. "and” 在句中通常不重讀,此處重讀明顯地是為了強調(diào)?梢,為了信息表達的需要,句中幾乎每個單詞都可以有句子重音。


回答問題:1.英語中哪些詞要重讀: 2.英語句子中的單詞重讀規(guī)則是什么?二、聽磁帶跟讀,注意句中黑體字的讀音。三、試著用鉛筆標出B部分的重讀單詞!窘贪浮

7Bu6 pronunciation




1). To make the ss understand the ideas of sentence stress . 2.) To identify and recognize typical stress

To identify and recognize typical stress






Step 1. Warming-up Ask the students some questions like: What’s the weather like today? How do you go to school?Why were you late for school?... Check the preparation Step 2. Presentation 1.Play the recording. Ask students to read the sentences in part A as they are listening .confirm that the important words that convey key meaning are in bold and are stressed .Ask students to repeat the sentence in chorus. 2.Divide the class into pairs .Ask students to choose some sentences from the list and practice presenting them, paying attention to stressing the words in bold. 3.Ask students to read the sentences in part B and circle the words which they think they should be stressed. Students listen to the recording and check the words which they have circled before listening and see if their answers are correct. Then tell students to underline all the stressed words. Step 3. Practice 1.Divide the class into two groups. Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence. Ask the groups to alternate reading and imitating the sentence. 2.For weaker classes, students may have difficulties identifying all the stressed words. Do not push them too hard. The main purpose of this section is to make students aware of the pronunciation differences between Chinese and English. 3.Ask students, in pairs, to read the sentences in part B, checking each other’s sentence stress. Step 4 Summarization Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson. Step 5.Exercises Do some exercises in class. Step 6. Homework Finshi the exercises.







10. 朗讀句子。 11. 完成《同步導(dǎo)學(xué)》上本課時的作業(yè)
7Bu6 pronunciation



1.睡覺多 2.各種各樣的蔬菜 3.又一些魚食

4.be interested in 5.keep the fish tank clean


1).She ________(have) a dog _________(call) Eddie.

2).I spend a lot of time _________(help) him.

3).There _________(be) some fish food.

4)._________(not give) any money to her.

5).You ought to _________(be) more polite.


( )1.You’d better keep your mouth ______and your eyes _____.

A. close; open B. closed; open C. closed; opened D. close; opened

( )2.That mountain looks ______ an elephant’s trunk..

A. like B. as C. for D. at

( )3.He is interested _____dancing and singing.

A .to B. in C. for D. behind

( )4.My cat often plays ______ my dog.

A. with B. to C. at D. and

( )5.English is difficult ________.

A. to learn B to learn it C for me learning D. for him to speak it


1.Give the goldfish some fish food.(否定句)

______ give the goldfish _______ fish food.

2. Peter likes goldfish very much.(同義句)

Peter _______ _______ ________ goldfish.

3. She has a dog, its name is Eddie.(同義句)

She has a dog_______ Eddie.

4. My dog is cleverer than the other animals.(同義句)

My dog is________ ________ of all the animals.

5. I have lots of bread.(同義句)

I eat ________ ________ __________ / __________ bread.

7B Unit 6 導(dǎo)學(xué)案

Main task

【自學(xué)探究】一、預(yù)習(xí)P105—P106,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。 1. 屬于我 2. 重約兩千克 3. 對------友好 4 嚇唬她 5. 喜歡睡在籃子里 6. 玩球 7. 喂貓 8. 擔(dān)心某人 9. 照顧好某人 10. 一條細繩 二、完成課本P105, Part A練習(xí)。三、根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給的漢語或英語單詞的適當形式填空。

1. Don’t f________ the cat or pull her tail. 2. I don’t think goldfish are easy to k____________. 3. Daniel is a s________ boy. He’s afraid to see the strangers. 4. This basketball is mine. I’m the o__________ of the basketball. 5. My cat likes to play with balls and pieces of s____________. 6. Amy b_____________ her cat’s fur every day.

8. The cat is a little n______________.


7B Unit 6 Main task




1. To learn and use some new words 2. To present factual information in writing 3. To describe characteristics and personalities of pets 4. To describe pets’ lifestyles, including feeding habits, homes, likes and dislikes

To use the information to write a presentation on their own favourite pet.










Step1. Leading in and presentation

1). Tell students that your teacher asks you to do a presentation of your favorite pet. Look at Amy’s writing about her cat first.

2). Ask them: Who does she belong to? How old is she

3) Listen to the tape, Think of words to describe its appearance: size eyes colour fur

4) Read Part B and Think about : its personality , its food , its home

What does it like / dislike ?

5) Group work : Fill in a table

Step2. Presentation

Show them a table of a parrot., a rabbit ,a goldfish , and a dog

Let students say something about their appearance, personality, lifestyle and how to look after them.

Step 3. Writing

1. Write your own article. These useful expressions may help you.

I love/like my…very much.

Its name is…

It is always very friendly.

My pet is…

My…looks like…

It usually sits/lies on the bed/ floor.

It likes/does not like…

It lives in a cage/basket/box.

It needs/must have…

We should/should not…

We must/must not

2. Read your articles.

3.Sample writing

Step 4. Homework

Finish writing your artile.




















introduction : what kind of animal its appearance A pet main body its qualities its food, home, likes and dislikes the ways to look after it conclusion the reason that the pet is special



1.There are some _________(兔子) in the hunches.

2.Don’t _________(嚇唬)my cat because it is shy.

3.He _________ (刷) his teeth three times a day.

4.He weighs 100 k__________, he’s too fat.

5.My lovely cat never w_________ because we can take good of her.

6.The dog is very hungry, so he walks very s_________.

7.I can’t finish it well, I have some t__________.


1.He uses sticks to build a camp.

He builds a camp _______ _______sticks.

2.My dog is cleverer than any other animal .

My dong is _______ _______animal of all.

3.He hunts when I hide . He_______ _______for me when I hide.

4.My cat has very long fur . My______ fur _______very long.

5.She weighs about 1 kilograms. She _______ about 1kilograms_______.

6.Walk the dog at 7a.m. _______ the dog _______a walk at 7a.m.

7.It is very important for you not to give them too much food.

You _______ give too much food _______ them .


1.She is usually very _______(friend) and quiet.

2.If she _______(be) hungry , she will miaow.

3.She likes playing with_______(piece) of string .

4.I am a shell. I move very _______(slow).

5.You should not do eye exercises with your eye _______(open).

6.I often watch some children _______(fly) kites in the park .

7.Thomas Edison was very _______(interest ) in science when he was a child.


書面表達。根據(jù)所給漢語提示,以My Favourite__________為題,用英文寫一段話,不少于60個單詞,內(nèi)容必須包括以下提示中的三項要點。 1、 最喜歡之物的外貌特征、性格; 2、 何時何地何原因喜歡上它的; 3、 你是如何照看它的。
My Favourite__________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7B Unit 6 導(dǎo)學(xué)案


【自學(xué)探究】一、預(yù)習(xí)P107,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。 1、我喜歡去公園玩球。 2、這條狗喜歡對著人大叫。 3、烏龜移動的非常慢。 4、你必須用繩子牽著她。 5、兔子喜歡吃大量的蔬菜。二、完成課本P107, Parts A、B練習(xí)。三、根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給的漢語或英語單詞的適當形式填空.

1.There is no milk in the bottle. It’s__________.

2.My little brother often makes ________。ㄔ幱嫞゛t school.

3. In the match, the tortoise moved __________ (慢) . But he got the first prize at last.

4.Jack didn’t work hard at English. So he f___________ in the English exam.

5.I know where he lives, so I don’t have any t_________ in finding his house.

6.My grandfather likes pet a lot. He spends much time f_______ his pets every day.

7. Look at the bird’s _____________ (羽毛). They are so beautiful.

8. Sam’s cat caught a mouse with its ________ (牙齒).


7B Unit 6 Checkout




1.To review the imperatives and modal verbs when expressing instructions, duty and responsibility。

2.To describe the characters and habits of animals. 3.To review the words , expressions and grmmars in this unit.

1. 復(fù)習(xí)有關(guān)寵物的詞匯和本單元的語法。

2. 學(xué)會正確使用祈使句和情態(tài)動詞表達指令。











Step 1 Play a guessing game:

Could you guess which animals they are? Eg: I live in the forest. I’m very big and strong. I have a big nose, a long tail and four legs. I like to eat meat. I have sharp teeth. My fur is orange and black. If you meet me in the forest, you have to run away! (tiger) (cat, bee, man) Step 2 Part B

Can you guess the other animals? Please complete the crossword puzzle on Page 107. The answers are: a goldfish, a tortoise, a dog, a parrot, a rabbit, a cat Step 3. Part A

1. Do you still remember these? Daniel likes his_______because it can sing .He wants to ______ it to ______. Sandy likes her _____ because it’s very small and ______ and she can ______it in her hand. Peter likes his _______ because he likes watching it _____ _____. Etc. 2. At last,Simon decided to buy this dog called Lulu. Must Simon keep Lulu on a lead? Why? 2. Read the conversation between him and Millie to find what they say,but first you must rearrange the words.Check the answers. Step 4 Discussion

What do you think of the pets? How do we protect the animals? Step 5 Exercises.

1.Fill in the blanks using the right form of the words given. 2.Choose the right answers. 3. Translate some sentences. Step 5 Homework












學(xué)生進行小組操練,表演。鞏固了Part A的內(nèi)容。








1. 鞏固記憶本單元的重點詞匯結(jié)構(gòu)。 2. 完成相關(guān)練習(xí)。

Unit 6 Check out

Pets Modals

goldfish should

cat must

tortoise need


dog parrot



三、選擇填空 ( )1. You don’t_______ take it for a walk every morning.

A. can B. have to C. may D. must

( )2. Please_____ the pets on the table.

A. not to feed B. don’t feed C. not feed D. not feeding

( )3. Must they go to bed at 9:00 p.m? No, they_______.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. don’t have to D. B and C

( )4. The baby girl______ 4.5 kg at birth so people call her Jiujin girl.

A. weigh B. weight C. weighs D. weights

( )5. Miss Green______ home for supper now.

A. needs go B. need goes C. need go D. need to go

( )6. You _________ play with fire, Jill ?

A. ought not to B. ought to not C. not ought to D. ought not

( )7. This book _______ Lucy’s . Look! Her name is on the book cover.

A. must be B. may be C. can’t be D. mustn’t be

( )28. If you have a cat as pet. You should play with your pet for ____ every day .

A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times

( )9. _________ the bird is singing!

A. How beautiful B. How beautifully C. What beautiful D. What beautifully

( )10. Mum won’t let me play football _________ I finish my homework.

A. or B. and C. for D. until

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/56793.html

相關(guān)閱讀:七年級英語Wheres your pen pal from教案