牛津英語七年級下冊Unit 4 教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

To know some features of amazing animals

To finish the exercises correctly after listening the tape.

To know the way of writing a thank-you letter

To talk about amazing animals


Task 1

1. Get Ss to look at the pictures in Part A and talk about what they are and what other things Ss know about them. Then get them to write the correct names under the pictures.

2. Get Ss to talk about what Mr. Wu and Suzy are doing in the picture of Part A2 first. Play the tape for the students to listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Then listen again and correct the answers with the whole class.

3. language points

a. talk to sb.

talk with sb.

b. be afraid of sth.

be afraid to do sth.

e.g.) I am afraid of the snakes

I am afraid to jump into the water..

I am afraid that Xiao Wang isn’t here.

c. some photos of different animals

d. in its long neck

e. live up to ------

e.g.) I am surprised that his grandpa lives up to 110 years old.

f. as well as / as -----as ------

e.g.) as beautiful as flowers

as busy as a bee
Task B

1. Get Ss to scan the thank-you letter in Part A3 (p67) and make sure the idea and if they can fill in the blanks without looking at Part A2 (p66)

2. Ask Ss to finish the letter with the help of Part A2, and correct the answer together.

3. Language points

a. thank you for your help

thank sb. for sth.

b. I understand more about--------

Learn more about

c. It is really amazing .

d. Up to

e.g.) I can’t understand the film up to now.

The water in the swimming is up to my neck.

Task C

1. Get Ss to talk about the picture in Part B(p67) and ask a pair of students to present kitty and Amy’s conversation

2. Read the conversation together, so that they can act out the conversation.

3. Language points

a. remember things for three seconds

b. what happened to them three seconds age

c. during our lives

d. the weight of about six elephants

what’s your weight?

A weight of 10 grams

4. Ask Ss to do the class exercising paper and check the answers.


1. There are ____________bags . Give the bags to them, please.

A. Tom and Mike’s B. Tom ‘s and Mike C. Tom and Mike D. Tom and Mike’s

2. That boy is a student of_______________.

A. my father’s B. my father C. mine father D. mine father’s

3. Look, that room is beautiful . It’s ________________.

A. Millie’s and Kitty’s B. Millie’s and Kitty C. Millie and Kitty’s D. Millie and Kitty

4. These are __________T-shirts. Those are old ____________ clothes.

A. boys people B. boys’ peoples’ C. boy’s peoples’ D. boys’ peoples’

Kitty: Is there _________ _________ animals in the book?

Amy: Yes, there is. It __________ that goldfish can only remember things ___________ ____________ ___________ . They don’t know what __________ _______them three seconds ago.

Kitty: That’s interesting. ___________ ____________ anything about people ?

Amy: Yes, there is. It says that we eat 27 000 kilos of food ___________ _________ _____________.That’s the ___________ of about six elephants.

Kitty: That’s __________________.

Amy: Do you know anything about a kangaroo?

Kitty: Yes. It has a long ____________. It cannot _________if its tail is off the ground. It needs its tail for _____________ ____________.

Amy: What about snakes?

Kitty: Snakes don’t have ____________. They “hear” with ____________ _____________.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/69104.html

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